Positivism and Encouragement for and about Michael Jackson

This is why the present period of quietness is a very positive thing...

After the fan-thrown birthday party of '03, and just before the November '03 press conference, there was a period of quietness. But, that period of quietness was the lull before the storm that we unfairly had to weather.

Immediately after the November '03 press conference, it started getting very noisey. From there, all the way up until the actual trial, during the trial, and for a period afterwards, it was still very loud and there was a feeling of deep anxiety in the air. There was a constant sound of roaring along with a constant sound of moaning.

Now, almost three years after his exoneration, there is another period of quietness.

The difference is, this period of quietness is the calm that comes after a storm has pass through. It's a quiet stillness.

This quiet stillness reminds me of how Michael himself can be at times. And I say this because of the very first time I had a chance to be alone with him.

He was sitting quietly and very still. He spoke very few words and barely moved. Yet, he still interacted with me through the quietness and stillness. And though his quietness and stillness made me instantly see him in a way that I wasn't expecting, what came later once his projects were underway brought great joy that spanned the globe and caused people to celebrate endlessly.

This quietness and stillness that we are feeling, is very much a part of how he is. And although many do not get to see this side of him, many do indeed feel it.

It is the quietness and stillness about him that draws us to him just as much as the excitement that he brings when he is on stage.

When he's quiet, it's the lull before a different type of storm. It doesn't bring grief and it doesn't cause damage. It's a storm that's well managed. It's a storm that's greatly welcomed.

As long as we know that he's okay, this type of quietness and stillness is okay. It's just a part of how he is. I found out in an unplanned way when he was 21 years old, but I'm very glad that I found out, and I'm glad he let me see it. He's still the same way.

When his music starts raining down, we will know the date of his storm, and it's going to be all good. It's good right now. :yes:

^ Just gorgeous, what a beautiful post.
Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it.” ~ T.S. Eliot
finally i see a thread with no tabloid horsesh*t in it :wild: meh i must be having delusions
No too long ago during the release of the "Thriller 25th Anniversary Album" On VH1 they played his songs from that album on a dance competition show! Though there was some laughing about it,when the songs played and the groups of dancers danced people seemed to come alive,they seemed excited as if the music was hitting everyone magically! Though the dancers danced great not any of them had that exact special way Michael does when he's done those moves! Watching how people though they laughed some seem to also love it shows to me WHEN Michael releases his new material it will be magical once again! Michael's life has been altered some due to what he endured through the trial and mostly becoming a father which is top priority now so new works coming out do take more time and patience to accomplish them! But I know when he states new surprises and music is coming he is indeed a man of his word!! Usually in life its when you least expect it miracles and surprises and gifts and magic take place! Music comes from God himself!! It took God 7 days to create the heavens and earth and life itself! Even God himself had to rest on the seventh day! Beautiful things like Music and Life cannot be rushed!! Like the Rainbow it takes the end of the storm and the beginning of the sun coming out of the clouds to create such beautiful colors!! So is it the same for creating things like music!! In order for it to be completed Patience and Faith always must take place!!
Love Michael and wish him the best in his musical career and most importantly his health in the New Year.
It is so nice to see him getting his life in order and working so hard for that. It's visible even now that he has done so much. It is wonderful to see how everything seems to be falling into place.
Hooray to postivity!!!!!!!!! We can all do whatever we put our minds to, we just need to think more positivly!!!!:)
Yeah, you can never get too much positivity!
Well, I want to write something in this thread, which I really like, because it encourage positivity.. very goooood..
Actually I believe Michael Jackson, when he said the best is yet to come, and you ain't seen nothing yet.. All his previous albums were brilliant.. but now he is older and more experienced, so I think that he can write music that is even more fantastic than before.. I think he has been inspired in the past 10 years, to do something greater than before.. and the world really needs it.. it needs him to come back..

With this new album, we will hear something absolutely amazing..

Heal the world.. :)
Thanks analogue.

I'll just say the following.

I'm still watching, waiting, and hoping. And I'm prepared to go right on doing so. No matter what.
Positivism - I feel with all I've read and the pictures I've seen (mostly from this forum) that this is the calm before the storm (the storm being a new album and tour).

I always see the glass as half full and have all my fingers crossed that this is the year!!

Michael Jackson will be releasing new material. We have a thread about new album quotes and collabos. Thas all the proof i need. Mj sed himself he is workin on new material Raymone has sed this numerous times. SOME fans r just impatient and since things arent happenin on their watch they complain,kick and scream like children and it pisses me off. Some of the things so called "Fans" say wud not be coming out of a fans mouth. People need 2 check themselves, cuz wen mj is ready thats when its gonna happen until then watch ur dvds, listen 2 ur cds,shut up and be happy.

but yea the album quote thread is how i kno
