Positivism and Encouragement for and about Michael Jackson

Oh lawd plz. If u wanna doubt, can u go to another thread and spread the joy? Thank u.

If u haven't noticed, he's delivered every time he said that so...I dunno why u keep bringing that up. We've been through this conversation before.

Back on it!

I think i said this before, but a lot of my friends added MJ as a facebook friend :lol: And they updated their status saying they got t25 when it first came out :lol: Gotta love it. At one point, never would have thought that would happen lol

BTW you guys...just random positivity and encouragement for MJ... I LOVE HIS HAIR! :lol: I'm glad MJ cut out some of the extreme volume that was going on for the past couple of years LOL He looks so rock star now with the Ebony hair cut. And I love his fashion sense as far as suit jackets, etc.there was word of some french designer making clothes for his comeback (in general) or his comeback tour (and I think thats definitely true since MJ did vogue for most of his clothes).....and based on some of his designs...that is gonna be WICKED!!!

MJ looks so...as one particular person would put it....mach-ooooooooooooooooooo lol
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j5master, it isn't the first time Mike has said " there's more to come from MJ". But positivity is a plus..

Not this thread, too....

I'm asking you nicely to leave this thread, at least...........Are you doing this on purpose, right?
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We should get the mods to delete that post from jaydom7; it's waaaay off topic. :lol:

Btw, MJ didn't just say there's more to come, he said there is much more to come from Michael Jackson. Yay!
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Oh no i got the quote wrong? :lol: I still say I did pretty good for not going an looking it up LOLOL! Its so sad that i can just pull out MJ quotes out of my head lol
It's true isn't it! Whever you play any MJ music, people love it, they sing, they tap their feet, they can't help it! It just washes everything over with happiness and joy.

My goodness gracious, this is why, what, and who Mr. Jackson is all about..!

You hit the nail right on the head~~~

Have A Beautiful Day
I think that MJ will not only release new music, but it will be a big deal. It defies logic for the plain sake of being negative to predict otherwise about an MJ release. There's nothing big going on in the mainstream music scene. The return of Michael Jackson will be huge.
loving this thread and it was well needed... since his appearance in Japan.. a new era began............and I am loving how he is conducting himself.. getting his ducks in a row.. and finding his way...

I am very proud of Michael.. I don't know where he gets his strength from.. but I just admire him for that strength...

loving his new look.... loving the T25 project and its success.. loving how Sony/Pepsi are working with him... loving it..........loving it!!

and looking forwarded .. and not taking anything for granted.
Right on target! I entirely agree.


If there's someone in who I believe in, it's in Michael, there's nothing that can keep him from going back in stage for too long, it's in his blood, it's who he is, he's said it himself.

Lately I am SO happy, the simple fact that I've seen MJ videos on TV every single day and even more than once a day it's proof that things are moving. :bounce:

It's only a matter of time.

lol thank u
I was thinking a couple of days ago about when this new album would be released and I realised that Thriller was released right at the end of 1982. Then I thought that maybe Michael likes to release albums at the end of the year, so I checked the release dates of his albums and here they are:

Off the Wall - August 10, 1979
Thriller - November 30, 1982
Bad - August 25, 1987
Dangerous - November 22, 1991
HIStory - June 20, 1995
Invincible - October 30, 2001

Don't know if this is just coincidence but Michael seems to be releasing albums at least in the second half of the year. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws here but the new album might be released in October or November of this year!
Right on target! I entirely agree.


If there's someone in who I believe in, it's in Michael, there's nothing that can keep him from going back in stage for too long, it's in his blood, it's who he is, he's said it himself.

Lately I am SO happy, the simple fact that I've seen MJ videos on TV every single day and even more than once a day it's proof that things are moving. :bounce:

It's only a matter of time.

I was thinking a couple of days ago about when this new album would be released and I realised that Thriller was released right at the end of 1982. Then I thought that maybe Michael likes to release albums at the end of the year, so I checked the release dates of his albums and here they are:

Off the Wall - August 10, 1979
Thriller - November 30, 1982
Bad - August 25, 1987
Dangerous - November 22, 1991
HIStory - June 20, 1995
Invincible - October 30, 2001

Don't know if this is just coincidence but Michael seems to be releasing albums at least in the second half of the year. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws here but the new album might be released in October or November of this year!

omg i thot that 2!! i just text my buddy that mike wud prob release it june-november
I was thinking a couple of days ago about when this new album would be released and I realised that Thriller was released right at the end of 1982. Then I thought that maybe Michael likes to release albums at the end of the year, so I checked the release dates of his albums and here they are:

Off the Wall - August 10, 1979
Thriller - November 30, 1982
Bad - August 25, 1987
Dangerous - November 22, 1991
HIStory - June 20, 1995
Invincible - October 30, 2001

Don't know if this is just coincidence but Michael seems to be releasing albums at least in the second half of the year. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws here but the new album might be released in October or November of this year!

This is a very good observation. I too was thinking that Michael will probably be releasing this new album in the second part of the year.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he were to released it in conjuction with his 50th birthday. Cause that is all the media is gonna be talking about anyone....MICHAEL JACKSON TURNS 50! I can see it now.
(not sure if I am sticking to topic but if it's positivism, I've got some)

I hadn't listened to MJ for about two years, and I am just now getting some of his music again, and some other CDs of other artists from my past. I was semi disappointed in listening to some of the other artists from the past, but when his music came on, I smiled. He does not disappoint. :)
I believe Michael is working on new material, because he hasn't been seen out in public for a while. Nobody knows what he's doing, which is a good thing because that's his style for working on a new project. He doesn't announce to the world what he's working on.

In addition, several collaborators have stated that they've worked with MJ recently, and I don't think they're lying about that. They have worked with Michael on a new project, I guarantee it. :)
basically. I havent heard anyone NOT a fan of his music unless they dislike the genre he's featured in (don't like R&B and Pop, or don't like guys who sing in falsetto :rolleyes:) LOL
Now this is the kind of thread I like to read and respond to. :)

Yes it can be hard to be a Michael Jackson fan sometimes. I have been a fan of his for 24 1/2 years and I know first hand how it is, but being positive it the number one thing in my list. Being positive is what makes it all worthwhile regarding whatever of Michael (weather he is doing nothing, or working on something). Being there and knowing of the greatest things that Michael has done and will do in the future is what has my encouragement and positiveness going.

We as fans need to remember why we are here in the beginning and that is because we love his music, his ability to show the world what a true entertanier is, his ability and be a humanitarian. There are many reasons as to why we love and adore this man so much. So being positive for the future is something that plays a big role if you want to continue to be an MJ fan.

The future is near and we will continue to hear more from him. I've been reading from several threads or whatever that some fans think he isn't making any music or working on an album. Well I have some news for you. If you read the news threads or some informative thread such as KOPV's thread you will be in the know that he is indeed doing something. He has been at it for at least 2 1/2 years. He is being quiet and reserved for the simple fact that he is focusing on his music. His heart and soul is on music and creating it for his fans and the world. Michael will come when he is ready and when that day comes he is going to shock the world. So let's stay focused on this and be excited for that day. He will thrill the world once again and I know he will come in a big way. :punk:

So future fans or fans who have been his fan for years let's remember that positiveness is the key to fandom. Let's remember to not be discouraged and to "keep the faith" for Michael Jackson. :)
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Positivity is a state of mind. It's an approach, so there's no reason you can't be like j5master too! :)

I like this thread - it's great to see positivity in a concentrated thread form since we so often see negative comments make their way into every single thread somehow. I especially don't understand the disbelief & negative commentary on the subject of MJ's proposed new album since there is definite proof that it's in the works.

That is so sweet that your son said that! Michael really does attracts a wide range of fans, young & old :D.

I feeling pretty optimistic about MJ's future too. I think he's been in the industry so long that that's all he knows & there's no way he'd just up & retire right now. He's said in the past that he feels guilty sitting around and doing nothing. And he's a visual artist who does more than lay down tracks. He likes to be involved in every aspect of what he's making. He likes being challenged. And he's a businessman to boot. So MJ's future looks busy, even if it isn't outwardly/publicly so. The industry is such that nowadays an entertainer must be involved in different fields in order to rake in an income and have some longevity. Even though Michael has already established this, he's clearly looking to do more and I for one am excited as to what that might entail :).

For now, I like getting wind of the quiet buzz that surrounds MJ & the new stuff while listening to the old stuff. I've been backtracking & listening to his albums over again. And I love hearing or seeing MJ-related things around everyday. The other day I was at a cafe and the cafe across the street was closing and the employees were blasting the entire "Off the Wall" album (it made me want to work there, lol :laugh: ). The other night when I was in a club/bar "Beat It" came on - MJ will always be a dancefloor staple. And I've had a number of these experiences since coming to Australia a few months ago. It's these little MJ-related encounters that brighten up my day when they happen and remind just how much love and/or appreciation there is for MJ's work. I only hope that when MJ officially "returns" to the scene (cuz like will.i.am. said, he never really left) with new material that it'll be as big & wonderful as it's being made to sound - which no doubt it will be given that our dear MJ is working so meticulously on it :D.

You have the same intuitions that I have. When something is so positive there's no way to feel otherwise about it. It's just so real and you just know it to be true.

For those you can't feel it, there's this disconnect and you can't feed it to them unless they want it bad enough.

All those little happenings of our hearing and seeing things about Michael are geniune proof that our belief can be visualized and materialized.

We're not dreaming!
I've been believing he'd release a new album since 2003. When I went to the Birthday Celebration in Las Angeles. He seemed so excited to give something back to us then. But then the trial came. I DO believe he will come back bigger then ever. We do have to be patient. Michael Jackson is a genius and he isn't going to be rushed. I believe we will be amazed. I believe he will be having back to back #1 hits. No matter how much hell he's been through, he's still talented and loved as a legend. I don't care what people say but Michael Jackson is coming back bigger then ever. I love it when he keeps secrets and I love the fact he's not giving the fans any hints on when it will come out. It only brings on the anticipation more and it will only add up to people's suspenses and thoughts. He will be a BAD AND DANGEROUS and a THRILLER once again. HE WON'T STOP TILL HE GETS ENOUGH. I can't wait for Michaelmania all over again.
Lol, y'all please. Everyone on earth is not an MJ fan, not by a long shot. That's ridiculous.

not really. it's safe to say that if you can feel the presence of an artist in the womb..and a kid can be mesmerised at three years old by the thriller video...anything is possible. like he said..if u got the kids..u got everybody..i don't care what people feign on the outside, out of envy or whatever....

it's hard to do without something that fulfilling.
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This is why the present period of quietness is a very positive thing...

After the fan-thrown birthday party of '03, and just before the November '03 press conference, there was a period of quietness. But, that period of quietness was the lull before the storm that we unfairly had to weather.

Immediately after the November '03 press conference, it started getting very noisey. From there, all the way up until the actual trial, during the trial, and for a period afterwards, it was still very loud and there was a feeling of deep anxiety in the air. There was a constant sound of roaring along with a constant sound of moaning.

Now, almost three years after his exoneration, there is another period of quietness.

The difference is, this period of quietness is the calm that comes after a storm has pass through. It's a quiet stillness.

This quiet stillness reminds me of how Michael himself can be at times. And I say this because of the very first time I had a chance to be alone with him.

He was sitting quietly and very still. He spoke very few words and barely moved. Yet, he still interacted with me through the quietness and stillness. And though his quietness and stillness made me instantly see him in a way that I wasn't expecting, what came later once his projects were underway brought great joy that spanned the globe and caused people to celebrate endlessly.

This quietness and stillness that we are feeling, is very much a part of how he is. And although many do not get to see this side of him, many do indeed feel it.

It is the quietness and stillness about him that draws us to him just as much as the excitement that he brings when he is on stage.

When he's quiet, it's the lull before a different type of storm. It doesn't bring grief and it doesn't cause damage. It's a storm that's well managed. It's a storm that's greatly welcomed.

As long as we know that he's okay, this type of quietness and stillness is okay. It's just a part of how he is. I found out in an unplanned way when he was 21 years old, but I'm very glad that I found out, and I'm glad he let me see it. He's still the same way.

When his music starts raining down, we will know the date of his storm, and it's going to be all good. It's good right now. :yes:
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This is why the present period of quietness is a very positive thing...

After the fan-thrown birthday party of '03, and just before the November '03 press conference, there was a period of quietness. But, that period of quietness was the lull before the storm that we unfairly had to weather.

Immediately after the November '03 press conference, it started getting very noisey. From there, all the way up until the actual trial, during the trial, and for a period afterwards, it was still very loud and there was a feeling of deep anxiety in the air. There was a constant sound of roaring along with a constant sound of moaning.

Now, almost three years after his exoneration, there is another period of quietness.

The difference is, this period of quietness is the calm that comes after a storm has pass through. It's a quiet stillness.

This quiet stillness reminds me of how Michael himself can be at times. And I say this because of the very first time I had a chance to be alone with him.

He was sitting quietly and very still. He spoke very few words and barely moved. Yet, he still interacted with me through the quietness and stillness. And though his quietness and stillness made me instantly see him in a way that I wasn't expecting, what came later once his projects were underway brought great joy that spanned the globe and caused people to celebrate endlessly.

This quietness and stillness that we are feeling, is very much a part of how he is. And although many do not get to see this side of him, many do indeed feel it.

It is the quietness and stillness about him that draws us to him just as much as the excitement that he brings when he is on stage.

When he's quiet, it's the lull before a different type of storm. It doesn't bring grief and it doesn't cause damage. It's a storm that's well managed. It's a storm that's greatly welcomed.

As long as we know that he's okay, this type of quietness and stillness is okay. It's just a part of how he is. I found out in an unplanned way when he was 21 years old, but I'm very glad that I found out, and I'm glad he let me see it. He's still the same way.

When his music starts raining down, we will know the date of his storm, and it's going to be all good. It's good right now. :yes:

Wow....great lol
Lol, y'all please. Everyone on earth is not an MJ fan, not by a long shot. That's ridiculous.

Every non mj fan has told me they love his music so i say there are alot of pple who like his music but are not fans...kinda like me im not a janet fan but i like some of her music. But i think there are many pple who enjoy mjs work and those who claim they dont like atleast 1 mj track is a da*n LIE
As positive omens go, I experienced one that was like Michael saying it to me, himself.

I tuned into the Music Choice digital cable station for R&B Classic after switching back and forth several times between all the R&B Music Choice stations, and just at that point Michael's song from The Anthology: The Best of Michael Jackson, "We're Almost There" was the next song to play.

Listening to that song it was almost saying just be patient because we're almost there and that in my mind was like an epiphany that we're almost there to have Michael's new music and have more of Michael to see.

That was the first time I'd heard that song on the channel. It sounded so good that I had to grab my Anthology CD just to make sure that it was really on there.:D It's been awhile since I listened to all the songs on that CD.