Positivism and Encouragement for and about Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was wondering how I could post a positive thread about Michael where we could encourage each other in our faith about the future of his career without any negative commentary seeping in, spoiling the fun for everyone. So this thread is for positive comments only. Post here anything that helps you keep your faith in Michael and the continuation of his career. Anything negative is completely off topic, and therefore is not allowed here.
There Is Still Much More To Come From Michael Jackson.
This quote gives me the most hope, because it came directly out of his mouth in that video clip at the NRJ music awards. There are many other things too, including information posted by other members here such as KOPV and damien shields.

What makes you continue to believe that Michael will be releasing new stuff? What are you looking forward to? Let's share encouraging stories, thoughts etc. :)

Today, I was driving in my car listening to MJ's music, feeling great, and enjoying the fact that it was finally warm here, so I could roll down the window, and blast MJ's music out into the world! :woohoo:

Show us how you believe in Michael! Keep the faith alive!
Michael Jackson will be releasing new material. We have a thread about new album quotes and collabos. Thas all the proof i need. Mj sed himself he is workin on new material Raymone has sed this numerous times. SOME fans r just impatient and since things arent happenin on their watch they complain,kick and scream like children and it pisses me off. Some of the things so called "Fans" say wud not be coming out of a fans mouth. People need 2 check themselves, cuz wen mj is ready thats when its gonna happen until then watch ur dvds, listen 2 ur cds,shut up and be happy.

but yea the album quote thread is how i kno
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i agree with you michaelsson.

I think MJ's own words did it for me. And the lots of quotes from other artists. And Akon saying "MJ is gonna take over 2008!!" so if he ISN'T going to do something this year, I kinda know that mJ is trying his best to do something ASAP
Kay, I've got one I'll never forget

About a month ago I went out to the field with my unit to do training for about a week. No beds, no running water for showers, nothin' just a tent per 10 or so people, and hard, half-way broken cots. Like a really low budget summer camp.lol But on the 3rd or 4th day, I come back from the chow tent to turn in for the night, and as soon as I walk into my own tent, my NCO plugs his ipod into his work computer and starts blasting "Billie Jean" and all the annoying things I had to deal with during the week just kind of flew out the window and I just had this big stupid grin on my face like Christmas had come early.:lol: And he downloaded his whole MJ playlist and had almost everybody in the tent singing and laughing at each other the rest of the night before we went to bed. And I'm telling you we all went to sleep cheerful and content for a change.

My point is, no matter what some people might say about MJ, he has the most positive influence on people I have EVER seen. Even the people who I know personally that don't like him for whatever reason, can't help but sing along with his music or smile when somebody else does it. And I think that is an awesome thought.:flowers:
i agree with you michaelsson.

I think MJ's own words did it for me. And the lots of quotes from other artists. And Akon saying "MJ is gonna take over 2008!!" so if he ISN'T going to do something this year, I kinda know that mJ is trying his best to do something ASAP

Kay, I've got one I'll never forget

About a month ago I went out to the field with my unit to do training for about a week. No beds, no running water for showers, nothin' just a tent per 10 or so people, and hard, half-way broken cots. Like a really low budget summer camp.lol But on the 3rd or 4th day, I come back from the chow tent to turn in for the night, and as soon as I walk into my own tent, my NCO plugs his ipod into his work computer and starts blasting "Billie Jean" and all the annoying things I had to deal with during the week just kind of flew out the window and I just had this big stupid grin on my face like Christmas had come early.:lol: And he downloaded his whole MJ playlist and had almost everybody in the tent singing and laughing at each other the rest of the night before we went to bed. And I'm telling you we all went to sleep cheerful and content for a change.

My point is, no matter what some people might say about MJ, he has the most positive influence on people I have EVER seen. Even the people who I know personally that don't like him for whatever reason, can't help but sing along with his music or smile when somebody else does it. And I think that is an awesome thought.:flowers:

Sweet!! such a great story!! So true MJ and his music makes people happy!
Michael's strength is what keeps me believing in him.

Like he said, "keep the faith". And that is exactly what I am going to do.
look at all the happy MJJC members :cry: brings a tear to my eye.

OK, back to my Boy Danny. Have you all heard about the NKOTB's reunion :party:
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Michael's strength is what keeps me believing in him.

Like he said, "keep the faith". And that is exactly what I am going to do.

Like there's another option?:lol: How can you not believe in the man when he has pretty much walked barefoot through Hell and still come out on top. And you have to admire the fact that he hasn't let all his horrible experinces jade his view on people. He still tells his fans that he loves us and he's still as gracious and kind and accomodating to us as he ever was.
^ yes its very true

Firstly, I like to keep in mind that MJ has told us plainly what he doesn't want too, and I hope we honor and respect that (which is, not to spend his life touring) and he seems to have a distinct desire to dedicate himself to working in film at some point, so with that in mind, whatever MJ gives us musically is a treasure and a gift already, what-so-ever it may be.

With that said, I am a firm believer that there is nobody on earth who's not an MJ fan. They may not be a self-declared "fan" per se, yet at the same time, they ALWAYS acknowledge that he is THA MAN (even Prince fans) no matter what they may speculate or not understand about him. They cannot watch anything he's done or hear any of his music without responding positively and that means to me that he has phenomenal mad respect where it counts, in his work.

I also want to remind us that ever since MJ said that he had some special surprises, he has kept his word. Since then we have seen him in some awesome and surprising photoshoots, we've heard some wonderful new sounds from T25 classics designed especially for the new music generation, we saw that hilariously entertaining advert for Life Water (which reminds us just how masterfully smart MJ is as a businessman as well as artist) we've heard some beautiful new material albeit remastered and newly released on T25 and all these are only the appetizer for MJ's re-emergence with the amazing new album and whatever he has planned to support that.

When it comes out, we will be very grateful and fully understand why he took all the time he needed to make it happen. I'm excited. No, I'm THRILLED!!!!! :wild: and am having a blast waiting with full anticipation for whatever and all MJ may do next :punk: and I feel so honored to be among his illustrious fans, the most amazing, priviledged bunch in the world, to stand at the threshhold of a new Michael Jackson era.
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I usually see signs of positivity and more than ever I seem to catch every little nuance of Michael's music on television.

Just earlier today I was changing the channel to ABC and I caught the very end of a commercial for "Desperate Housewives" (which I don't watch) and "WBSS" was playing over the commercial. I didn't hear enough of it know if it was the original or the 2008 version, but it perked my ears and I had to say...hmmm.:D

Another sweet sign was a few days ago, I was going over some videotape of my son when he was 2-years-old (he's very much older now) and I was about to give him a hair cut and to keep him sitting still in the chair I was looking for a videotape that he liked to watch and he said very cutely..."Micha Jacsson". I had let him watch the videotape before and he remembered to ask for it.:)

I had to laugh when I watched this again, because I didn't remember that he had said that on tape.:D Just the coincidence of me looking at that tape again and hearing his name from a baby's mouth only solidified my feelings that the movement that is Michael Jackson has always been huge and undeniable and still in effect today.

I have no doubt that his music has a beating heart and it's going to keep on pumping contagious joy to all of us.
Oh my word, his STRENGTH is like NO-One elses in his position, and I know it has given strength to me, to us, and to millions around the world. People forget how much crap they heap on him, and he still stands there with the same message of love, equality and helping those less fortunate, with a smile on his face, and his head held high.

His strength is one of the big reasons I love him so.
Kay, I've got one I'll never forget

About a month ago I went out to the field with my unit to do training for about a week. No beds, no running water for showers, nothin' just a tent per 10 or so people, and hard, half-way broken cots. Like a really low budget summer camp.lol But on the 3rd or 4th day, I come back from the chow tent to turn in for the night, and as soon as I walk into my own tent, my NCO plugs his ipod into his work computer and starts blasting "Billie Jean" and all the annoying things I had to deal with during the week just kind of flew out the window and I just had this big stupid grin on my face like Christmas had come early.:lol: And he downloaded his whole MJ playlist and had almost everybody in the tent singing and laughing at each other the rest of the night before we went to bed. And I'm telling you we all went to sleep cheerful and content for a change.

My point is, no matter what some people might say about MJ, he has the most positive influence on people I have EVER seen. Even the people who I know personally that don't like him for whatever reason, can't help but sing along with his music or smile when somebody else does it. And I think that is an awesome thought.:flowers:

that is awesome and true. this is an easy thread for me, and a preferable one.

my whole music listening list consists mainly of Michael. this one dimensional list keeps me multidimensionally happy in life.:punk:
Kay, I've got one I'll never forget

About a month ago I went out to the field with my unit to do training for about a week. No beds, no running water for showers, nothin' just a tent per 10 or so people, and hard, half-way broken cots. Like a really low budget summer camp.lol But on the 3rd or 4th day, I come back from the chow tent to turn in for the night, and as soon as I walk into my own tent, my NCO plugs his ipod into his work computer and starts blasting "Billie Jean" and all the annoying things I had to deal with during the week just kind of flew out the window and I just had this big stupid grin on my face like Christmas had come early.:lol: And he downloaded his whole MJ playlist and had almost everybody in the tent singing and laughing at each other the rest of the night before we went to bed. And I'm telling you we all went to sleep cheerful and content for a change.

My point is, no matter what some people might say about MJ, he has the most positive influence on people I have EVER seen. Even the people who I know personally that don't like him for whatever reason, can't help but sing along with his music or smile when somebody else does it. And I think that is an awesome thought.:flowers:

This is because everyone is a Michael Jackson fan!!!!!
I am a thousand percent Michael's future is going to be a blazingly bright one. And his album is going to be slightly or even a bit more than slightly different than anything he ever did. And probably the best too. A very positive prediction, I know, but it is actually more than only a reaction to the increasingly negative attitudes here or elsewhere in the Michael Jackson fandom, it is a conviction.

I'm holding a glass full or even brimful about this.
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Michael Jackson will be releasing new material. We have a thread about new album quotes and collabos. Thas all the proof i need. Mj sed himself he is workin on new material Raymone has sed this numerous times. SOME fans r just impatient and since things arent happenin on their watch they complain,kick and scream like children and it pisses me off. Some of the things so called "Fans" say wud not be coming out of a fans mouth. People need 2 check themselves, cuz wen mj is ready thats when its gonna happen until then watch ur dvds, listen 2 ur cds,shut up and be happy.

but yea the album quote thread is how i kno

Right on target! I entirely agree.


If there's someone in who I believe in, it's in Michael, there's nothing that can keep him from going back in stage for too long, it's in his blood, it's who he is, he's said it himself.

Lately I am SO happy, the simple fact that I've seen MJ videos on TV every single day and even more than once a day it's proof that things are moving. :bounce:

It's only a matter of time.
i know the MJ and Will combo is gonna be swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt. Thats for dang sure lol
Ya know, everywhere I go nowadays, somehow MJ is always around every corner in some way. Somebody, playing his music in a store or a car radio, people mentioning his name in random conversations, seeing his picture on tv or the internet. I'm starting to think that it might be a sign or something. Everybody seems to be getting restless and anxious and that's usually when MJ makes his move and knocks everybody off their feet, and nobody ever sees it coming.
You know...I had a dream last night...
In it I called a friend and told him how some people were gettin' all depressed and anxious because the new album hadn't been anounced. He called me back later, and as it turns out, his dad was involved in some sort of distribution for the album and he said it would drop in less than a month but it was all a secret cause Michael wanted to make a huge bang! I was so happy. :)

Ehem...obsessed much? I though it was cute :p
Michael has given me so much that I will be eternally entertained! I am also excited to see where he will go musically. He is an artist and I love his art.

I am currently working in Montserrat, a tiny island in the Caribbean and the radio deejays play Michael on a regular basis, describing him as "the one and only". One even declared "Here is Michael Jackson doing it the way only MJ can" and then he played WORKING DAY AND NIGHT. They even have CANT LET HER GET AWAY as part of one of their station's commercials!

I had posted in another thread that a colleague of mine introduced her two daughters (aged 11 and 13) to Michael via YouTube and now every day that is all they want to watch Michael Jackson videos.

There is just something magical and wonderful about Michael.

They are now playing LADY IN MY LIFE and the deejay called him the legendary Michael Jackson.
Who ever said every day there is proof that MJ's future is bright is NOT LYING.

Every time i turn on the TV i keep hearing Wanna Be Startin Somethin for either Desperate Housewives or Ugly Betty.

And in my dorm hall there's a radio in the bathroom and the door is always open so u can hear what songs are playing as u pass by. the station is always on a top 40/pop station and guess what I just heard on the radio? BILLIE JEAN! hahaha

MJ's mojo is workin! AND this is in the USA. It's like MJ's everywhere. And I love the fact that u keep hearing MJ everywhere but u don't SEE him...i think MJ's is one smart cookie for doing that.
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Good to stay positive j5master. I wish I could be positive like you
Good to stay positive j5master. I wish I could be positive like you

Positivity is a state of mind. It's an approach, so there's no reason you can't be like j5master too! :)

I like this thread - it's great to see positivity in a concentrated thread form since we so often see negative comments make their way into every single thread somehow. I especially don't understand the disbelief & negative commentary on the subject of MJ's proposed new album since there is definite proof that it's in the works.

I usually see signs of positivity and more than ever I seem to catch every little nuance of Michael's music on television.

Just earlier today I was changing the channel to ABC and I caught the very end of a commercial for "Desperate Housewives" (which I don't watch) and "WBSS" was playing over the commercial. I didn't hear enough of it know if it was the original or the 2008 version, but it perked my ears and I had to say...hmmm.:D

Another sweet sign was a few days ago, I was going over some videotape of my son when he was 2-years-old (he's very much older now) and I was about to give him a hair cut and to keep him sitting still in the chair I was looking for a videotape that he liked to watch and he said very cutely..."Micha Jacsson". I had let him watch the videotape before and he remembered to ask for it.:)

I had to laugh when I watched this again, because I didn't remember that he had said that on tape.:D Just the coincidence of me looking at that tape again and hearing his name from a baby's mouth only solidified my feelings that the movement that is Michael Jackson has always been huge and undeniable and still in effect today.

I have no doubt that his music has a beating heart and it's going to keep on pumping contagious joy to all of us.

That is so sweet that your son said that! Michael really does attracts a wide range of fans, young & old :D.

I feeling pretty optimistic about MJ's future too. I think he's been in the industry so long that that's all he knows & there's no way he'd just up & retire right now. He's said in the past that he feels guilty sitting around and doing nothing. And he's a visual artist who does more than lay down tracks. He likes to be involved in every aspect of what he's making. He likes being challenged. And he's a businessman to boot. So MJ's future looks busy, even if it isn't outwardly/publicly so. The industry is such that nowadays an entertainer must be involved in different fields in order to rake in an income and have some longevity. Even though Michael has already established this, he's clearly looking to do more and I for one am excited as to what that might entail :).

For now, I like getting wind of the quiet buzz that surrounds MJ & the new stuff while listening to the old stuff. I've been backtracking & listening to his albums over again. And I love hearing or seeing MJ-related things around everyday. The other day I was at a cafe and the cafe across the street was closing and the employees were blasting the entire "Off the Wall" album (it made me want to work there, lol :laugh: ). The other night when I was in a club/bar "Beat It" came on - MJ will always be a dancefloor staple. And I've had a number of these experiences since coming to Australia a few months ago. It's these little MJ-related encounters that brighten up my day when they happen and remind just how much love and/or appreciation there is for MJ's work. I only hope that when MJ officially "returns" to the scene (cuz like will.i.am. said, he never really left) with new material that it'll be as big & wonderful as it's being made to sound - which no doubt it will be given that our dear MJ is working so meticulously on it :D.
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Positivity is a state of mind. It's an approach, so there's no reason you can't be like j5master too! :smile:

I like this thread - it's great to see positivity in a concentrated thread form since we so often see negative comments make their way into every single thread somehow.
Bingo :yes:

I think the biggest tell-tell thing thus far about Mj's future is the NRJ awards. It's just the way he phrased it. I mean yeah, its great to get LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT awards and such but usually that indicates that that artist has done all there is to do and his/her jig is up, which is why we're giving u a 'lifetime' award lol There is a REASON WHY MJ made it oh-so-clear that 'look, I appreciate this award, but ya'll do realize that I'M NOT DONE YET, right?" LOL MJ would not have said that if he didn't have something up his sleeves for the future. If he didn't have anything planned he would've just said "thank you for the award. And btw, thriller 25 is out. Bye." LOL But nope he said, and I quote, "even though this award celebrates my lifetime achievements, there is still more to come from Michael Jackson." Bing. Bang. Boom. No questions asked. MJ is hinting at something and it's not t25.

I can't wait to see what is churning.
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j5master, it isn't the first time Mike has said " there's more to come from MJ". But positivity is a plus..