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Ode to a Moonwalker

September 14, 2012 by withachildsheart

You enter in the stillness between asleep and awake
My mind, still draped in the veil of sleep … not quite conscious … does not start at your appearance
For you are more familiar to me than my own heartbeat,
More necessary for my survival than the breath I breathe
Your voice has eased my disquiet for most of the years of my life
Your face has decorated the walls of my confinement without my even knowing
Your gentle hand has reached out to me
From your abandonment
And I, in turn, grasped it in eternal surrender

In my darkness, you are my light
In my despair, you offer only hope
In your faith in me I expand
You hold my peace safe within your graceful hands
By the Grace of God
And I know that you safeguard it as the most precious of gems, the rarest of golds,
The most beautiful of souls

Your silent footsteps echo only in my heart
There they shake the rafters of my greatest joys and deepest, most secret desires
Inspiring, encouraging me to imagine more
Dusting the cobwebs from my dreams, as they follow in your footsteps,
Becoming real
The rest of the world forever shielded from our tender tryst
Ever unbelieving of a union so deep that its roots lie buried in perfect bliss
In this lies my only truth, my religion, my allegiance
For in your love, I recognize redemption,
An ever-changing, dynamic salvation awakens within me
Its contours in perpetual flux, defying definition
As I move towards the me that you envision me to be
In your vision, I take flight
Led, always, by your guiding light

Within your eyes
Worlds of magic enchantment alight
Sparking memories of fairy tale nights lit by moons of shining splendor
Cloud-dappled days spent in mirthful, carefree play
In some distant paradise,
From this troubled, careworn world far away
They are darkly luminous, deep and languid
Like ocean-deep pools in crystal-lit caves
Their waves of love a never-ending current
Buoying me, lifting me as I bob joyfully in their gaze
Within them, I find reassurance
That no harm can come to me when nestled there
And an unspoken invitation to come nearer

<p><a href="http://withachildsheart.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/two-candles-one-flame.jpg"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-905" title="C" src="http://withachildsheart.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/two-candles-one-flame.jpg?w=500&h=473" alt="" width="500" height="473" /></a></p>

Your hand reaches out to me
As your gaze enraptures
Our hands join, fingers intertwine
In this gesture, I know our souls we bind
One in love, one in purpose
One in consciousness
Unashamed, unadorned
One in bliss
Two candles, lit by a sole flame
We stand
Separate and apart
But Together in our hearts
With your other hand
You guide mine to your chest
To the beat that hasn’t been silenced
Tho the world speaks only of death

Over my hand resting on your radiant, pale flesh
You touch your heart with two fingers
And raise them to your lips
As you so often did in life
Then, you point your index finger at me
Our eyes still locked in silent reverie
In this unspoken way, your meaning clear
Your body spoke so eloquently
Your love into our hearts
Above the screaming, beyond the fainting
The noise of the world is silenced
In this gesture, Beloved Moonwalker
You are forever immortal

That heartbeat that once ruled the world
Rules it still
It’s reign unchallenged and ne’er forgotten
It thrives
And continues to drive your resolve
Into our hearts and through our actions
We will keep your love alive, I vow,
My Dear One,
We will keep your love alive
For it is the vessel
That carries your soul
In it is the only truth told

Jan – September 6, 2012

Jan Carlson has also written two great books: 'Conversations' and 'Michael: A Short Story'. You can purchase them here:

Source for the poem:

A Piece of History: Michael Jackson Live at Wembley Stadium
By Joe Vogel

Twenty-five years ago in the late summer of 1987, Michael Jackson released his long-anticipated follow-up to Thriller, the Bad album. Bad went on to produce five No. 1 hits, several classic short films, and a record-setting world tour. To date, it has sold an estimated 30-45 million copies. To celebrate the milestone, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Epic/Legacy Recordings will release a three-CD package (Bad 25, out September 18), which includes the remastered original album, an album of bonus tracks, including demos and remixes, and a live album from his Bad World Tour.

Along with the new songs, the highlight of the Bad 25 box set is undoubtedly the "Live at Wembley" full concert DVD. This is a remarkable piece of history that might have been lost if not for a fortuitous discovery among Jackson's belongings. The Wembley shows are the equivalent of the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965. But make no mistake: Jackson's performance here eclipses even his most talented predecessors.

Unfortunately, in spite of an extensive search through the pop star's storage archives, Jackson's estate was unable to locate the original Umatic master tapes for the Wembley shows. Perhaps one of these days, they will show up somewhere. What they did find was a personal VHS copy of the concert from the singer's own video collection. "Even finding this VHS felt like a miracle to us," says estate co-executor John Branca.

A consummate perfectionist, Jackson often watched tapes like this of his shows to ascertain whether the "magic" was being captured and what could be improved not only in his own performance, but that of the rest of the crew. This was his viewing copy for the legendary July 16, 1988 performance, attended by 72,000 people, including Princess Diana and Prince Charles.


Picture Courtesy of © MJJ Productions

While the sourced footage remains "pre-HD, 1988 videotape quality," it has been restored by a team that has also treated recovered footage for NASA. The result isn't a perfect high definition picture, but for me, at least, took little away from the enjoyment of the experience. Watching the DVD is like being transported in time. It feels like the era it comes from. Generally, it seems the closer and mid-range shots are much sharper, while the distant shots can sometimes be a bit blurry. Fortunately, because the camera work is so good, we get many brilliant close-ups of Jackson that might almost be mistaken for high-definition. Add to that that the original audio was captured on multi-track and presented in 5.1 audio, and it is hard to complain about the results.

The Bad World Tour began in September 1987 in Japan and concluded nearly sixteen months later in January 1989 in Los Angeles. It became the highest-grossing and most attended concert series in history. Jackson played to an estimated 4.4 million fans in fifteen countries. It was also his first and last solo tour in North America.

The London shows came in the midst of the second leg of the tour. Michael-mania was sweeping through Europe. In Vienna, Austria, the Associated Press reported that over 130 people passed out during the concert. By the time he reached London excitement had reached a fever pitch. All seven concerts at Wembley Stadium sold out, shattering a record previously held by Madonna and Bruce Springsteen.


Picture Courtesy of © MJJ Productions

Watching the July 16 show on DVD 24 years later one can still feel that visceral energy and excitement in the stadium. When Jackson finally appears out of the smoke and starts into the opening number, "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin,'" the crowd erupts. This is Michael Jackson at the height of his performing powers.

Yet part of what makes the performance so enjoyable is how stripped down and spontaneous it is (by Jackson's standards), from the stage design, to the costumes, lighting and overall presentation. Music director Greg Phillinganes heads up a dynamic band, elevated just behind the stage, while Jackson is flanked, on many of the choreographed numbers, with a talented group of androgynous, Blade Runner-esque dancers (including Lavelle Smith).

The minimalist approach allows Jackson's talent -- as a dancer, singer and performer -- to shine through. He is loose and exuberant, like he's simply having a great time, and we're there to watch in. Jackson sings live throughout most of the show, and improvises to brilliant effect in certain parts. At the conclusion of "I'll Be There," for example, he begins ad libbing like a gospel preacher possessed by the spirit. He does call and response with his backup singers and with the audience. "Can you feel it!" he exclaims. Dripping with sweat, the music pulsing through him, he begins rhythmically tapping his foot, then scatting, before launching into the next number.

Other highlights abound. Jackson's locking, popping, miming rendition of "Human Nature" and its ethereal cries directed outward to the audience. The intro to "Smooth Criminal," in smoky silhouette, which gives way to the now-famous, but still captivating high-art choreography. The extended drum-solo postlude to "Billie Jean" that allows Jackson to improvise to the beat -- gyrating, kicking, tapping and gliding. Part of what makes Jackson so compelling as a performer is how his body is constantly in motion and completely in-sync with the music. For the entirety of the show, he becomes, as he often said, "the medium through which the music flows."

One of the most enjoyable moments actually comes at the end as Jackson playfully introduces his backup singers, guitarists and band. It gives a sense of his humor and joy in being a part of a creative collaboration. He also allows a group of children on stage, who earnestly try to imitate their idol's dance moves.

The show concludes with a breathtaking encore performance of "Man in the Mirror." As Spike Lee (who ended up using the performance to conclude his Bad25 documentary) says, "If you look at that performance, he's somewhere else. That's one of the great performances ever. You see the way Michael's singing that song -- he's not of this world. He's somewhere else."

Jackson played a total of seven shows in London to an estimated 500,000 people. Ticket demand was so strong it was estimated he could have done at least 10 more sold-out Wembley concerts if he had desired. Everyone wanted to witness the phenomenon that was Michael Jackson.

On September 18, after years of gathering dust in storage, the world will finally have the chance to experience the magic again.


Michael Jackson - The Unknown

Michael Jackson - The Unknown 2

Michael Jackson - The Unknown 3

"Driving with Michael Jackson." Michael Jackson's Driving Teacher Tells His

Maureen McCormick aka Marcia Brady and Michael





16 Magazine, 1973

If you’re the kind of girl who digs mystery and craves excitement, you’d beter hold on to your stack of Jackson 5 LPs – cos you’re about to get the low-down on that super talented J5er Michael Jackson and life he leads off stage and away from the TV cameras and recording studios! In other words, you’re about to get an inside look at the oh-so-hush-hush secret life of Michael Jackson!

Michael Meets The Bradys

You might say that Michael’s secret life began one day last summer, when Michael and his talented brothers – Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon – were at ABC-TVs Hollywood studios taping part of their Goin’ Back to Indiana special, which was aired last Setpember 19th. Those lovable kids – Maureen McCormick, Barry Williams, Chris Knight, Even Plumb, Susan Olsen and Mike Lookinland – who make up ABC-TV’s The Brady Brucnh, were also shooting that day. Well, maybe it was fate that the two groups met – being on the same lot on the very same day – for during the afternoon the Jackson 5 and The Brady Brunch came face-to-face and a happier bunch couldn’t find you in all of California.

Especially thrilled about the meeting was Michael Jackson, for the Brady Bunch is one of his favorite TV shows. In the short time they got to chat that day, Michael was immediately drawn to Chris Knight and Maurren McCormick. He really dug Eve, Susan, Mike and Barry too, but somehow Chris and Maureen seemed to be on the exact same wave length as Michael. Because of the heavy work scheduled that day for the J5 in connection with their TV special, the Bradys and the J5 didn’t get nearly enough time together – but in the short span they did spend talking, Michael managed to exchange phone numbers with Chris and Maureen!

Maybe because the Brady gang were so busy filming their TV series and doing personal appearances – and because the Jackson 5 are constantly on the go with recording dates and concert tours – months passed by without Michael calling or seeing Maureen or Chris. But a couple of weeks before Christmas, Michael was cleaning out one of his chest drawers at home and found the slip of paper on which he had written Maureen and Chris’ phone numbers. As you’ve probably guessed already, before you can say the name of the J5&#8242;s latest hit reocrd – Michael was dialing the phone and asking for Maureen!

When Maureen answered and heard Michael’s voice, she was very pleased, cos during the many months that had passed she had planned to call Michael and say hello – but things had come up which compelled her to put off her call.

That first time they talked, the telephone wires at the Jackson and McCormick homes were busy for at least two hours! There were just so many things to be said – experiences and incidents that had to be told, and just plain old gossip about what was happening! When Michael and Maureen finally realized they had been talking for two hours, they couldn’t understand where the time had gone!

One of the many things they shared was their mutual admiration for each other. Maureen, who has just embarked upon a singing career, was very interested in Michael’s views on singing – and Michael, who has always had a secret desire to act, found himself asking “Mo” (as Maureen is called by her friends) the many questions about acting that he had stored up – one of which was, “How o you cry when they want you to?” When Michael and Maureen said goodbye to each other that night, they promised each other to speak again soon – and Michael checked Crhis Knight’s home phone number with Maureen.

The phone calls between the McCormick, Knight and Jackson households continued for weeks. When the J5 left on a concert tour, the phone calls stopped for a week or so, but after Michael returned home to California – once again the friendly threesome picked up where they had left off and resumed their groovy phone conversations!

It was really great, for soon all three found themselves looking forward to calling each other every night! n fact, Michael, Maureen and Chris joked about putting in a private three way line – so that all three could talk and listen to one another at the same time! During many of their conversations they tried to make plans to get together, but one of them was always going someplace or hard to do something. Finally, there came a day when all three would be free – Sunday January 9th. So all three made plans to go ice skating at a nearby skating rink!

Since Chris and Maureen live pretty close to each other – and Michael’s home was nearby too – the rink was a perfect idea. Michael suggest inviting the other kids from The Brady Brunch to come along – and Maureen and Chris readily agreed. But after checking it out, Maureen learned that Barry Williams would be away and that Mike Lookinland wouldn’t be able to make it. Howeever Eve Plumb and Susan Olsen would be there, along with Maureen and Chris – or so they all thought at the time. But at the last minute Chris has to bow out because he came down with the flu! Michael was disappointed that all of the Bradys couldn’t make it, for he had hoped to get to know Michael Lookinland and Barry Williams a little better. And poor Chris – coming down with the flu! Well, Michael decided, he would just have to draw a personal “get well” card for Chris and send him a special note along with it!

Jermine Speaks

Hey, wait a minute, folks! This is that other Jackson 5-lover-boy-dude-namely me, Jermaine – and I’m cutting in on the line to say a few words with you! After all, “little brother” Michael can’t hog the phone all day, you know! But it looks like he’s done a pretty good job – huh?! In fact, he’s used up all our space this month! Never mind that, though, little soul sister – cos your main man ermaine will be right here in the June ish of sweet 16 – with goes on sale April 20 – not only to whisper sweet nothings in your shell like ear, but to also tip you off to the whole truth and nothing but ’bout that super-sexy skating party Michael had with his three “girlfriends,” Maureen, Susan and Eve!


Actress Maureen McCormick (52) is known to a large audience from the 70s tv sitcom “The Brady Bunch” as Marcia Brady (1969-1974 on US channel ABC). In her new memoir “Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice” she writes about dates she had with Michael Jackson back when he was still with The Jackson 5. She says the time with Michael Jackson was innocent: “Once we went ice-skating and he held my hand as we glided around the rink. I wondered if he might try to kiss me, but he didn’t. After another outing, he did give me a kiss goodbye. But it was only a gentle peck on the cheek.”

American Music Awards, November 21 1974

Donny and Michael found good company in each other and remained quite friendly. All day long they chatted about their respective recording studios (both the Osmonds and the Jacksons have built studios in their homes) and about— guess what?— girls! At the party they straightened each other’s ties, and did a little “hamming it up” for the camera!”

Maureen McCormick also showed up at the bash. She arrived with a girlfriend and managed to mingle with just about everyone there! It must’ve been an interesting situation for Mike—he’s had a crush on Maureen for ages!”

From the 1991 edition of Randy Taraborrelli book:

…when the boys were in Vegas in 1975, Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady on “The Brady Bunch”) was always back in his [Michael's] dressing room,” Susie Jackson remembered. (p. 391-2)

“Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice,” October 2008

Besides my parents the person who worried most about my driving was Katherine Jackson the strong-willed matriarch of the Jackson family. I met the Jackson 5 about a year and a half earlier when they visited us in the recording studio where we were doing the voices for the Brady kids animated series. Michael was a fan, and we became friends-as friendly as one could get with Michael.

But I think Michael really liked me. He called me and then I started driving over to his house, where we hung out and talked about TV and music. He let me watch him sing and dance in their studio, which was a thrill, as I had been a fan of the Jackson 5 for years.

Having performed onstage myself, I envied his talent. Once we went ice-skating and he held my hand as we glided around the rink. I wondered if he might try to kiss me but he didn’t. After another outing, he did give me a kiss good-bye. But it was only a gentle peck on the cheek. Michael’s parents made me nervous. I was a little afraid of his father, and his mother struck me as the strong, silent type.

I became even friendlier with Michael’s sister LaToya than I was with Michael. She was fun and had a good sense of humor. She used to confide in me about how strict her parents were.

Maureen McCormick, Billy Bush Radio, October 14th 2008

Billy Bush: Going back through the years you’ve dated some famous men. I want you to describe quickly in ten seconds describe quickly your dates with Michael Jackson.

Maureen: Very strange. Very strange. It was sweet and nice and all that but I feel like I never got to know the real Michael Jackson.

BB: No kissing?

MC: Yeah, we kissed but it was just on the cheeks. We held hands and we ice skated around an ice rink. I used to go to his house and hang out. I mainly hung out with LaToya and we’d take her shopping to the Topanga Plaza.

BB: But with Michael you never felt that hormonal rage that you-

MC: Oh, I did. He never acted upon it, but I did. I thought he was hot.

BB: You were ready for Michael? Did you make it clear to him that there could maybe be something there?

MC: (Laughs) No. No, I didn’t.

Maureen McCormick, 14th July 2009

Q: When you heard the news of Michael Jackson’s passing what was your reaction?

MM: Shock. Shock. I still am in shock, I still can’t believe that he’s gone. He was so amazing.

Q: What do you remember about him? You guys actually dated when you were young.

MM: We did date. We dated when I was 16. I had a chocolate brown Mercedes Diesel car.

Q: And you’d pick up Michael?

MM: I’d pick up Michael in my little Mercedez Diesel that I was so embarrassed to be in.

Q: How old was he at the time?

MM: If I were 16, he was 13/14

Q: Oh a younger man?

MM: Cougar, definitely.

I was just absolutely in love with Michael Jackson. I thought he was the greatest star ever. I couldn’t even believe that here I am little Maureen McCormick from the Valley driving up to the Jackson 5 house and going inside and hanging out!

Q: And Michael was like “Here comes Marcia Brady!”

MM: I wish, I wish! I mean, I don’t know!

Q: I’m sure he was!

MM: I definitely had a huge crush on him. And we kissed.

Q: On the lips?

MM: On the lips.

Q: A little peck action.

MM: A little peck action! It was close, but it was on the lips.

I thought he was the greatest thing in the world, I really did. I used to go hang out in their house, they had a family room. I remember being with his parents, they were always kind of there. I always felt I was being watched, like I wasn’t good enough or something to be hanging with Michael!

Q: The parents made you feel that way?

MM: I don’t know if it was them or my lack of self esteem or what? But I was just aware that this guy was a huge star.

Q: Could you tell they were as strict as everyone said they were?

MM: Yea, they ran a really tight ship. Michael talked about music all the time with me and his moves, he would dance for me. We once ice skating together at the Topanga Plaza, there used to be an ice skating rink there. I remember going around the rink and holding hands with him. It was really… I was in love. I thought I would maybe be Mrs Jackson.

Q: Aw.

MM: Yea, I definitely could’ve been. I would’ve loved it.

Q: So he seemed like a very normal kid to you?

MM: Um, yeah. He seemed, he always seemed younger than he really was. And I think I was younger than I really was and maybe that’s why we wer so connected. I think a lot of times child stars develop slower than normal people. But we related so well. He was like a little boy, very naive, so full of wonder, you know, everything.


Who Am I ?

"While in New York we had a very strange experience. I enjoyed playing practical jokes on Michael, just as he did on me. One evening I attended some function with Dick Gregory, and Michael stayed home to relax watching television. He became absorbed in a Twilight Zone episode about a man who loses his identity. Everyone he thinks he knows treats him like a total stranger, until he begins questioning whether he exists at all. For some reason this story made an impression on Michael, blessed with an active imagination. At the same moment I was inserting the key into the door of our apartment, he was sitting in front of the TV asking himself, Who am I? Am I really real?

Why I did this, I don’t know, but on the spur of the moment I pretended I didn’t recognize Michael, staring at him blank faced and asking, “Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?”

Michael jumped on the sofa, aghast. “What do you mean? I’m Mike!”

“But who are you?”

“I’m Mike!”

“But who are you?” I asked him over and over again.

“Don’t do this to me, LaToya!” he pleaded.

I burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding, you creep,” I said, wondering why he looked so agitated.

“No, you don’t understand.” He gulped for air. “I saw this Twilight Zone episode where a guy loses his identity. And I said to myself, ‘If LaToya comes in here and asks me who I am, I am going to die.’ You almost gave me a heart attack.”


LaToya Jackson’s autobiography/1990-filming the Wiz in NYC 1977


Why Dance ? 'Cause this is Thriller'

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance still lives -- at weddings, flash mobs or your living room. Approaching its 30th anniversary, it's still cool and everyone wants to learn it.

Vincent Price was right: "No mere mortal can resist the evil of the Thriller" -- even after the funk of almost 30 years.

Yes, 2013 will mark three decades since Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video stalked into the national psyche and, eventually, into the Library of Congress as "the most famous music video of all time."

The zombie song-and-lurch remains as popular as ever because of a growing interest in learning the dance steps to perform at wedding receptions, school programs, civic flash mobs -- even while killing time in prison, as a group of Filipino convicts did in 2007, in a video that's garnered more than 51 million views.

"I don't think 'Thriller' ever died, no pun intended," said Monica Mohn, a former ballroom dancing champion in Minneapolis who is teaching more than a dozen "Thriller" classes this month, mostly through community education. Some students grew up with the video, but others weren't even alive when it first aired on Dec. 2, 1983. The current zombie craze also is a factor.

But mostly, weirdly, credit the weddings.

Mohn recalled describing something in the video to one group, "and they looked at me and said, 'What video?' They only knew the dance from wedding receptions."

Last week, Mohn taught the dance to a group of teachers at Plymouth Creek Elementary School, who will perform it at the school's fall festival this month. The students spanned decades, from new to retired teachers. After 1 1/2 hours, they had the moves down, thanks to lots of repetition to create what Mohn called "muscle memory."

Marc Wegner, a third-grade teacher, sported a sheen of sweat at the break. "I'm not as rhythmically gifted as some," he said, laughing. "The steps go by really fast."

Breaking it down

The dance isn't a dead (sorry) ringer for Jackson's "Thriller" video. "It couldn't be," Mohn said. "That's a 14-minute story and is very complex." What she does, as dance instructors nationwide do, is piece together iconic parts of the video to make a sort of "homage to Michael Jackson." Stomps are expected. The twitches? Crucial. "And you need the claws," she said.

Mohn breaks down the dance into discrete portions, creating a story with cues to help students remember the order of the moves.

"If you can count to eight, you can do 'Thriller,'" she told the group, then moved them through the opening zombie steps (forward four, backward four, repeat). Her arms flailed menacingly as she stomped through the steps, hunched over and writhing, while the teachers looked as if they were shuffling through the school lunch line. But over the course of the class, their inner zombies began to emerge.

The signature "twitch" came next -- a sharp flinch of the shoulder on beats one, five and seven.

Mohn then led them through the "surfer dude" move, the "ripping open a bag of chips" move, then "dangling dinosaur" and "cheerleader" moves (inspired by bad movie matinees).

Next was the "exhausted drop," in which they were directed to bend from the waist and lunge to one side (two, three, four) then shift their weight to the other leg and, on two, suddenly snap their heads up "like you're selecting your next victim." (three, four).

As the "Thriller" refrain poured from the boombox, it was time for "the Michael," a move that started benignly ("Shift your weight to your right leg") before Mohn asked the teachers to fully commit themselves to the moment: "Squeeze your butt cheeks as hard as you can. That's going to make your hip pop right out."

On the eight count, that sounded like, "One, squeeze, three, squeeze, five, squeeze, drop and look."

At this point, everyone began to appreciate what an amazing performer Michael Jackson was.

After that, Mohn demonstrated "the claw" move, which segued into a stomp and a turn that left the zombies facing the left wall of the gym. They began the sequence of steps again, eventually turning to the back wall, then to the right wall and finally ending up facing front as Vincent Price's inimitable cackle reverberated off the gym mats.

The deader they got, the better they looked.

"There's usually a moment," Mohn said later, "when you can see that someone is fulfilling their dream of being the dancer they always wanted to be. And that's wonderful."

Why 'Thriller'?

Over the years, some cities began staging "Thriller" re-enactments for Halloween. In 2007, a dance event called Thrill the World began in Canada. More than 1,700 people in 17 countries participated, and the event has become an annual undertaking (sorry!), with the added motivation of breaking the world record for simultaneously dancing zombies.

"It strikes a chord with people," Mohn said of the continuing popularity. Some people want to learn it for a specific occasion, while others just have it on their bucket list. "The best ones are the intergenerational groups, where you have the grandfather who has no idea what this is, with the mom who grew up with the song, who brings in her kids, and they're all learning it together."

As the Plymouth Creek teachers wrapped up, they already were brainstorming how to perfect their zombie look. "Just get some old clothes you can shred," said Jane Panning-Miller, who teaches third grade and, it must be said, does a mean "Michael." "Like that gray sweater you have," she said, looking at Wegner, who immediately protested: "Hey, I still wear that!"

And though you fight to stay alive

Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist

The evil of the Thriller




Michael Jackson - Angel of Light

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9A3FLqSuCzQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A3FLqSuCzQ

It's hard to see angels, although I've stared at their pictures for hours. Some people can see them without pictures, and they tell interesting tales. Guardian angels are all female, for instance, which didn't surprise me once I found out. A birth angel, recruited from the younger ranks, attends every baby when it appears, while another angel, older but not grim, helps the dying to leave this world without grief or pain.
You can pray to the angels and they will listen, but the best way to call them, I am told, is to laugh. Angels respond to delight, because that is what they're made of. In fact, when peoples minds are clouded by anger or hatred, no angel can reach them.
Not all angels have wings — so the visionaries claim — but those who do can unfurl a span of golden feathers stretching over the entire world. If you had eyes that could look straight into the sun, you would see an overwhelming angel presiding there; a more serene one smiles out from the face of the moon.
Angels spend their entire lives, which are forever, spinning around the Creators throne, singing His praise. People with keen ears have listened in. The harmonies of the angelic choir are incredibly complex, they say, but the rhythm is simple. Its mostly march time, one eavesdropper affirmed. For some reason, that fact is almost the best I have learned so far.
After a while it got lonely hearing about angels you couldn't see for yourself. When an angel-watcher heard that, she was shocked. Not see? she said. But you have an angel in you. Everybody does. I can see it right now, and I thought you could, too. No, I said sadly, and I asked what it looked like. Did it look like me?
Well, yes and no, the angel-watcher mysterious answered. It all depends on what you think you are. Your angel is a speck of light perched at the very center of your heart. It is smaller than an atom, but just wait. Once you get close to it, your angel will expand. The closer you come, the more it will grow, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself.
So now I am looking for my angel all the time. I sit silently, turning my gaze inward. It wasnt long before I caught a glimpse of something. Is that you, Angel, holding a candle? One flicker and it was gone. Yet that was enough to set my heart wildly beating. Next time my angel will be waving a lamp, then holding a torch aloft, then lighting a bonfire.
That's what the angel-watcher promised, and now that I have caught sight of glory, I know enough to believe.

Written by Michael Jackson ( Dancing the Dream, 1992)
Michael Jackson's 1993 Deposition Videos Prove His Songwriting/MUsic IQ Were Off the Charts


The elements of songwriting are simple to some: compose a melody, get some words together and turn it all to form. For those who are songwriters in today&#8217;s mainstream music industry, assembly line pop music doesn&#8217;t necessarily count. A majority of songwriters today write songs just to get spins on the radio; which means basic song structure consisting of easily-caught melodies and words. But then there are some songwriters who are so gifted at their craft, it&#8217;s just mind-blowing on how they come up with their particular composition in terms of structure and rhythm. Michael Jackson, the late great king of pop, was, of course, a renowned entertainer whose talent was limitless in terms of the art. But it was his knowledge of musical song structure, which further pushes his claim into the songwriting Mount Rushmore.

It&#8217;s known that Jackson&#8217;s songwriting was a strong suit of his, but he never exactly went in depth into a step-by-step guide of how he takes the composition from step one to completion. At last, and ironically, amidst a deposition in Mexico which he was being questioned for a plagiarism suit, he explained in excellent detail how he composed the song &#8220;The Girl is Mine&#8221; that was featured on the Thriller album. To keep in mind, Michael Jackson didn&#8217;t physically write music, he recorded what was in his head into a tape recorder. But never mind why he was there and what exactly he composed his music on, it was his knowledge on song construction that, to me, impressed and made me cherish the gift that he had even more. He explained in the Deposition video he could compose the bass, percussion and drums all in his head. He structured the rhythm of the slow, catchy groove of The Girl is Mine; he explained how he composed the string lines of the song, he knew exactly when the bass section of the song would change into keyboard&#8217;s bass section, and he also explained that he used &#8220;musical counter lines that could go against the main part. It could be a keyboard, it could be a flute, and it could be a string part. It&#8217;s a tapestry of sound, which is what the law of music is.&#8221;

The point that he had no formal musical composition training: besides learning from his fellow Motown label mates as a member of the Jackson 5, makes his songwriting gifts a rarity. And it&#8217;s safe to assume he was only 23 at the time of the composition, which was a prelude to the strong body of work that would originate from years to come. From the self-composed numbers of &#8220;Billie Jean&#8221;, &#8220;The Way You Make Me Feel&#8221;, &#8220;Leave Me Alone&#8221;, &#8220;Heal the World&#8221;, &#8220;Stranger in Moscow&#8221;, and &#8220;Earth Song&#8221;, the musical composition talent Michael Jackson possessed is a constant reminder of the creativity that flowed through him.

While of course, no one is exactly taught to have sounds that would be in popular music, not everyone understands the magnitude and importance of each musical instrument, the melody, structure and arrangement of a song. It should make the musical mind wonder if there are any tapes of how he exactly composed his landmark songs such as &#8220;Billie Jean&#8221; and &#8220;Earth Song&#8221; and the others I named previously. Musical Geniuses may not be born, but some come with the pre-loaded craft to mold and build. Michael Jackson&#8217;s musical IQ was a rare but brilliant ability that some musicians and classically trained musicians/singers do not possess. I&#8217;ll end with a quote from Michael Jackson about letting a song create itself:

&#8220;Don&#8217;t write the song, don&#8217;t write anything. Let the song create itself. Let the strings tell you what to do and where it should come. Let the piano tell you what chords to hit. Let the bass tell you what it should be doing.&#8221;

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<iframe height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NEKOFF79Eo0?feature=player_embedded" frameBorder="0" width="640" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


Your Silent Voice

Your Silent Voice

Your silent voice strips me of all defenses
Beckons me in the stillness
Trembling in my nakedness
I find I am exalted
In surrender

Alone in the silence
Covered in darkness
The Light of Love
Weakens me
And Strengthens you

In submission to your entreaties
My soul discovers

In anticipation of your entrance
It rests
In the presence of NOW

No past to regret
No future to plan
For we are timeless

My heart sings your melody
In your silent voice

Jan @ 11/7/12

Michael visited the orphanage of St. Ecaterina within the program of visits during his Dangerous tour in 1992.

Recuerdos de la visita de Michael al orfanato de Sta. Ecaterina. Bucarest 1992

In a typical autumn day the wind makes the leaves fall on the courtyard of the Center for Children of Santa Ecaterina. Swings and slides remain abandoned under a thick oxide layer. Prince Castle has lost the battle against the dragon of time. Everything seems lifeless, devoid of history, only recently painted a poster reminds the past: Two hands holding a globe child: 'Heal the World'.

My eyes fill with tears and memories begin to invade my mind, sending me on a journey through time 19 years ago ...


Wednesday September 30, 1992. An autumn drizzle falling on Bucharest, a city asleep than awake slowly. Several thousands of people eager and excited immense gather under the Arc de Triomphe waiting for Michael Jackson.

Neither cold nor rain waiting to make them go man comes as blessed child of King. Around six thousand people fill the streets witnessed the procession of Michael Jackson Road Children's Center of Santa Ecaterina.

Romania reached for the concert in Bucharest as part of the Dangerous World Tour, Michael took the opportunity to launch one of his pet projects: Heal the World Foundation. The concert took place during the first part of the tour, in October 1992 at the National Stadium in Bucharest with the entire capacity of 70,000 sold. This is their only concert officially released on DVD and broadcast live on HBO, getting the biggest audience ever for HBO in history.

Half an hour before the arrival of Michael the Centre, the then president of Romania, Ion Iliescu, arrived accompanied by an official delegation. He himself personally requested to be present at the opening of the playground Michael had financed $ 10,000. At that time, Santa Ecaterina housed 500 orphans from one month to six years. The gift of Michael, the playground for children, was well received by the Centre and became for many years in the children's favorite playground.

Around 1pm Michael arrived with his entourage. The doors of the institution were opened for the King of Pop triumphantly entered like a head of state. Hundreds of representatives of the media, local celebrities, politicians and thousands of fans gathered outside to take a look at Michael.

Michael walked quickly out of his black Mercedes limousine-one-and came to the orphanage where he was expected to launch the Foundation "Heal the World" as its founding president.

He met all the personnel involved in performing the playground. He was invited to play with the children all wore shirts Foundation 'Heal the World' and sang and recited a poem. Alice, a girl of 5 years and daughter of an employee, taught Michael a nice drawing and a photo album created by the children, which was peering. He smiled with every picture and was impressed by the talent of the children: "It's very nice ... What did they do? ... Oh, boy ... I feel embarassed ! "


Michael spent a long time with the kids having fun with their innocence and candor. After visiting the maternity ward where they were newborns. Took some in arms and smiled and kissed her sweetly.

The day continued with a visit to the Princess Caradja in his room. Princess Catherine Olympia Caradja, 99, lived in the orphanage (died at age 100, the following year). He was descended from an aristocratic family who founded the Romanian orphanage in 1897. She lived in exile in America many decades back to Romania after the 1989 revolution.

As in a fairy tale, Princess of Orphans met the King of Pop like Michael, she had devoted her life to children. The two philanthropists connected by the same passion and love for the innocence of children.

About this meeting, the director of the orphanage, Gancev Sanda, recalls: "It was almost a century, but was very happy about the meeting he. There was a special chemistry when they were together. They say the old and children have much in common, as if it were the same age. As for his love of children were at the same level both. The Princess was invited to stay longer. "

After spending some time with her, Michael fell into the courtyard of Santa Ecaterina where, in the presence of the President of Romania, opened the playground donated by the Foundation 'Heal the World' a children's center.

Surrounded by dozens of children, Michael entered the magical kingdom of love offered to children. For half an hour played with them in the beautiful courtyard full of slides, towers, castles, all to the delight of the children who have never known the love of parents. Like a fairy tale prince, Michael left the children happy, he happy to have been able bring a touch of happiness.

The courtyard was manufactured by the British company Playdale and Romania was the first made for children in a specially designed material to ensure the safety of children.

But the magic of that day did not end. At noon, Michael came to the Theatre Constantin Tanase where in the presence of the Prime Minister and journalists Foundation officially launched the "Heal the World". Surrounded by children, (the same that went up with him on stage during a concert in Bucharest) Michael sang Heal the World with them and then gave an impassioned speech.

"I am very happy to be here in Romania for my live concert for HBO and help children.

Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Prime Minister:

These children are as dear to me as all the world's children. Today I had the opportunity to see the face of transformation and civilization. A moment like this means to heal the world. We must heal the world and ourselves. We must weave our life like a network that are part of that network. We have polluted our planet negligently and, therefore, we hurt ourselves. Our blood dance to the music of the times. The environment is an extension of our body and takes the pulse of love for the symphony orchestra of the Universe. That musical territory allows us to rediscover our souls. Today's enjoy together love, unity and reconciliation. Heal everyone and, in the same way, ourselves. Let's make a pact with life and celebrate with joy a new world. Thank you. I love you all ... thanks Sandy Gallin, Jim Morey ... Special thanks to all the world's children. Thank you very much. "

At the launch of the Foundation distributed a booklet containing an interview with Michael in which he described a "Heal the World" as "an international foundation that I created to formalize, focus and direct my activities and desire to help improve conditions of our world. To heal the world, we must first start by healing our children. "

While in Bucharest had time to visit the Snagov Monastery built by Vlad Tepes, Count Dracula. He spent six hours visiting privately inside the building and signing autographs for fans and journalists who gathered outside.

In 1996, Michael returned to visit the orphanage in St. Ecaterina a second time donating $ 10,000. He fund it until 1999.

Time has passed and the dust has covered patio wonderful Michael.
In 2005 the doors of Santa Ecaterina closed and laughter of children were replaced by a deathly silence. Nobody plays already there. Time has destroyed what was once the most beautiful playground of Bucharest, an oasis for children.

In 2010, a group of fans of Michael Jackson Bucharest city fared requested and approved by the City poster restoration "Heal the World" by the Center. They raised money and paid an artist to restore it. On behalf of Michael, a group of fans were able to return to life not only a nice poster with a logo but also one of the most beautiful stories of Michael.

Today, that sign reminds those magical moments that Michael Jackson spent with the children of St. Ecaterina. In Bucharest and throughout Romania, Michael remains one of the greatest philanthropists in modern history. The two visits to Romania are considered by the Romanian people as one of the most important events of modern history.

Michael was, is and always will be one of the most beautiful and beloved in the world. His love inspires us all.
Michael Jackson - Make that Change!

Direct link to watch on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OqMRzPesTw

Michael Jackson lived his life doing what he was meant to do: sing and dance and perform. That and much more, artistically speaking. He also did what he knew in his heart to be the right thing: spreading joy and happiness, sharing and giving away his riches to those less privileged. He wrote songs that dealt with the plight of the earth, of Mother Nature and its creatures, of Healing the world, looking at the man in the mirror and making that change! He sang about all that but he also put his money where his mouth was - he not only promised, he delivered! And then to top it all he was incredibly humble, shy, with a big loving, caring heart. And those who had the privilege of knowing him firsthand still miss his famous hugs, his sweet smell, his incredible laugh and his gentle demeanor. Most of all, his love touched all of our hearts, and changed us forever!

Now, don't get discouraged when you read all this and think that you cannot change the world. Our potential is so much greater than we can imagine. It starts by believing in yourself and taking that first step, like a baby, wobbly yet in complete faith. Other steps will follow naturally from that first step. You can do it! You are important, as important as anyone because you have all this love to give, to share from your soul. Love is the most precious gift of all!
Artisdirect.com this is a 13mins interview with 6 of michael band members who has been with Michael for 25yrs.

ARTISTdirect.com is pleased to premiere this exclusive, 12-minute, in-depth interview clip from the 25th anniversary edition of Michael Jackson's Bad.

The footage features the live musicians who performed and played instruments like guitar, drums and keyboards on the BAD tour, recalling and reflecting on life on the road.

Grab some popcorn, a 12 oz. Dr. Pepper and enjoy this clip, as the artists who experienced it give their perspective on one of the most memorable and important tours of the modern era. They were there; they lived it. So hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Watch the video here
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Not sure if this has been posted on here before, but for any Simpsons fans (golden era Simpsons, pre-season 9), here's a clip of Matt talking to Conan and he discusses Michael (and Liz Taylor) being guest stars.

That same channel's lost Oprah Simpsons special footage just went viral on Reddit too.
If You Are...

If you are the glove
and I'm the hand
I'm warmly wrapped in love
feeling totally grand

If you are the glittery socks
and I'm the shoes
your spinning brilliance rocks
we're cured from the blues

If you are the dance
and I'm the song
it only takes one glance
this can't go wrong!

If you are the sunflower
and I'm the rose
symbols of Love and Light
is what we chose

If you are the ocean
and I'm a drop
always in motion
moving forward nonstop

If you are Peter
and I'm Wendybird
Growing up we want neither
So to Neverland we transferred

If you are the Giving Tree
and I'm the ground
let your roots hold me tight
and feed you day and night

If you are Planet Earth
and I'm the Moon
the Sun witnessed your birth
let's dance to 'Clair de Lune'

If you are Speechless
and I'm making a bow
in awe of God's creation
Be God's Glow

If you are the Sun
and I'm the rain
together we make rainbows
a gift from God in this earthly plane

If you are the King of Pop
and I'm just a girl
you twist and twirl and and plop
Letting my love for you unfurl

If you are the poem
and I'm the pen
you poured out of me
I couldn't really say when

Elmira © 2013

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