Poor editing in This Is It DVD!


Proud Member
May 21, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Firstly, my apologies if this particular topic has been covered in other threads...

Ok, like so many of you, I too will admit to downloading the DVD Rip of This Is It. After watching it several times over the past couple of days, clearly a great deal of editing has been done and it's NOT for the better! :(

The day after I saw TII in the cinema, I also downloaded a half decent Cam version, which shows the movie as we all saw it when it was in the cinema. So I have had the chance to watch the movie literally hundreds of times lol! So I know it very well...

Now, on to the point of this thread, The DVD version has been edited very badly, songs have been slowed down, sound effects removed and what has happened to Threatened is a total calamity!

They Don't Care About Us has been slowed down dramatically and has had drums removed. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' has also been slowed dramatically as well with the trumpets at a much lower volume. Billie Jean has had new lyrics added too.

Michael's voice is now much deeper whilst he is speaking about his "inner ears..." after I Want You Back.

All in all, Michael's pitch has been lowered and most songs slowed down :(

Surely someone else must have noticed all this too!?
ur soooo wrong.. almost 100% of the cam vids posted shortly after TII premiered very obviously to me seemed to be sped up than what was shown in theaters (the actual movie).. i kno cuz i downloaded as many diff cam versions i could find and have seen the movie twice in theaters and have already seen the dvd rip online now (DONT WORRY! I ALREADY PREORDERED THE BLURAY!!) and besides the cam versions are about 7 mins SHORTER than the official film's length.....

so there ya go...

ur soooo wrong.. almost 100% of the cam vids posted shortly after TII premiered very obviously to me seemed to be sped up than what was shown in theaters (the actual movie).. i kno cuz i downloaded as many diff cam versions i could find and have seen the movie twice in theaters and have already seen the dvd rip online now (DONT WORRY! I ALREADY PREORDERED THE BLURAY!!) and besides the cam versions are about 7 mins SHORTER than the official film's length.....

so there ya go...


I'm referring to the MJPrism Cam version of This Is It. Which is by far the best Cam version. It came out about 7 - 10 days after TII premiered in theatres. It's very clear and quite good quality. I base my opinion on that.

It is blatantly obvious, my Girlfriend and Mother BOTH had to admit that it has been altered! lol...
I didn't notice any of this, it looked/sounded great to me and I didn't notice any differences from the film.

Perhaps you didn't get the DVD rip like you thought you did. In fact, this is the first I've heard of any editing inconsistencies.
I didn't notice any of this, it looked/sounded great to me and I didn't notice any differences from the film.

Perhaps you didn't get the DVD rip like you thought you did. In fact, this is the first I've heard of any editing inconsistencies.

The video and audio quality is great on the DVD Rip...Not a problem. But...I believe it does in fact differ from what was shown initially.
the sound from a cam isnt a fair reference in terms of the editing or sound considering its been recorded from the source on a camera, inside the theater, the dvd is the best representation, you will hear details in that that you wont in the cam, such as Threatened, the bass synthesizer is much louder because of many things, the camera in the theater didnt pick up every detail or wasnt positioned centred to capture every detail equally, theatres have 7.1 surround sound.

The only thing obvious to me now with the clearer audio is when they have dubbed the audio, and mixed it around to cover up any inconsistancies.
lol..a lot of trouble to download something before buying it, isn't it?

uh no.
20 seconds to search and download the torrent/NZB on your favourite search enginer and then about 10 - 15 minutes to download the film (longer if you have a slow connection, faster if you have a quicker connection).
NOT a lot of effort IMO.

As for discussing how the DVDRip compares to the theatrical release, I can't comment because I haven't seen the DVDRip, but I would be surprised if they did more than a few minor tweaks because re-editing it won't bring in any more money.

I have one question though, somebody said that the DVDRip doesn't have the subtitles when Mike's talking is diffcult to hear. Is this true?
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I'm downloading the dvd rip now... I'll watch it and let you know if i spot any differences...
uh no.
20 seconds to search and download the torrent/NZB on your favourite search enginer and then about 10 - 15 minutes to download the film (longer if you have a slow connection, faster if you have a quicker connection).
NOT a lot of effort IMO.
perhaps u understand all of what u just said, but, still, between all that, and the bad editing, when u could just wait to buy what u actually saw in the theater...i think i would choose the latter, and pay the estate, and that is IF i believe i want to see the movie.
when u could just wait to buy what u actually saw in the theater...

I'm downloading to watch it till i get my copy!! I don't care about the BEST quality cause when BLUERAY/DVD is available we'll have it like we saw it!! ;)
perhaps u understand all of what u just said, but, still, between all that, and the bad editing, when u could just wait to buy what u actually saw in the theater...i think i would choose the latter, and pay the estate, and that is IF i believe i want to see the movie.

In order to download the film you have to download a very small file first called a 'torrent' or 'NZB' (if you're using those methods). You then use that file in some software which downloads the film for you. the length of time it takes with a NZB is dependent on the speed of your connection because using NZB files gives you direct access to download from a high speed server and so always uses your maximum bandwidth (unless you throttle it yourself).
The length of time it takes with a torrent is dependent on how good the connections are with other people sharing the download (max speed is always limited by your own internet connection, but in reality is more likely to be capped by the connections with other users).

It is the DVDRip that has leaked and is certain to be the version that will be on sale (because this is not a 'workprint' we are talking about) and so the DVDRip you can download now will be whatever you will be able to buy in the shops in January/February depending where you live. If there are any differences between the DVDRip and the theatrical release they will be there when you buy it in the shop.

Again, I don't know if there are any differences because I haven't seen the DVDRip. I'm just explaining how it works.
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Rewatching the DVD Rip atm and you're right! They have slowed down they dont care about us to its normal cd speed [or like in the clip they released a few days after...] I Think its better like this :D
ughh....dont like what they've done to threatened and black or white :no:
eta. Billie Jean too nooooo!!!!! I liked it exactly how it was before.
Heal the world too :/ They made him sound really deep....it doesnt have that michael essence to it anymore.
all the cam clips i saw on youtube were sped up...ive seen the film about 11 times in the cinema and they are 100% sped up in cam
ughh....dont like what they've done to threatened and black or white :no:
eta. Billie Jean too nooooo!!!!! I liked it exactly how it was before.
Heal the world too :/ They made him sound really deep....it doesnt have that michael essence to it anymore.

Black or White is exactly the same as it was in the film... Heal The World is exactly the same way as well, it's just a stripped studio version with the pitch lowered. It was the same way during the film credits.
What cinemas do you have in your city?

I mean, I'm sorry, but that's the way it was supposed to be and that's the way I SAW in the big screen.
The cam versions, though, were waaaay fast-speed. He actually sounded annoying in Human Nature and destroyed the whole performance (I mean, the sped up version). No, wait, it actually destroyed a special moment to me.

So yeah, you are wrong.
PS.: Not trying to be rude, sorry if it sounded like that.
you cant say it was poor editing...its not like they were filming the rehearsals to make a movie...they put it together as best as they could
I only noticed the heal the world one.. His voice sounds too deep. Sounds a bit unatural..
I'm referring to the MJPrism Cam version of This Is It. Which is by far the best Cam version. It came out about 7 - 10 days after TII premiered in theatres. It's very clear and quite good quality. I base my opinion on that.

It is blatantly obvious, my Girlfriend and Mother BOTH had to admit that it has been altered! lol...
please handle me a link for that version of the film via a PM :) That would be so cool :)
Thanks :D
I'll repeat: there's nothing wrong with it. Heal the world was like that in theaters too. What about TWYMMF? Same thing: low pitch to "simulate Michael's older voice" or whatever. They did back in the MSG 2001 concert with Beat It and TWYMMF too. Michael himself chose to use playback that way (or else he wouldn't use it, right?), so I'll guess that HTW was the playback Michael would use in TII.

Two other points:
*Billie Jean had "new lyrics" in theaters too as they used the demo or something. You saw TII "literally hundreds of times" and couldn't notice it back then? No offense, but...

*There ARE cam versions in the right pitch. There's one with spanish subs or something wich is just like I saw in cinema and just like Michael did. The high pitched one is that with the east-europe (right?) subs. Forgot wich language. It was way sped up, Michael's voice even sounded annoying a few times "thanks" to the wrong speed.
You can compare here:

*WRONG pitch - sped up (the one you saw): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNzkqZsYhrM
*RIGHT pitch - Michael's lovely voice as it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yuOQrM7pQ4 (notice the "pitch fixed" in title)

PS.: MJPrism cam version isn't the best. Video quality is quite good, but since the audio is screwed... The one with spanish subs would take that title, but the sound cuts off a few times...
Its the conversion from NTSC to PAL, thats all results in a slight speed up
It's hilarious how the OP is complaining about 'Poor Editing"
by comparing 2 pirated versions of the movie!!
Awesome... :D
i downloaded a version of the DVD rip that doesnt have ANY subtitles at all.. even when u cant hear what people in the movie are saying, it doesnt have any subtitles to allow u to read what theyre saying.. anyone else have this problem? is it just the version i downloaded?
