Photos taken by you - the fans



I can't see them either, just so you know - bump :)
Can't wait for more...
Thanks - I definitely treasure it. I still remember that day so clearly...he came out smiling and joking with Joe. It's the day that his hair was blowing all over the place. He did a wave to us (at this point in the trial, there were the least fans out there - maybe only 10 of us). But he was in a happy mood that day and it was good to see.
Aww. Thats nice to hear, that he was in a happy mood and joking with Joe.

I also got a few photos at Neverland, but MJ's SUV seriously speed and beat us back so I only managed to snap the guard at the gate and some fans

This one is when I arrived at Neverland - MJ was already inside. Fans said he waved to them as he was going through the gates.


I thought Neverland was absolutely stunning.

Wow. Even this photo is special for me.. just to see this little bit of Neverland.
i took this in Budapest on 23rd July 1996 the very first time i saw him in flesh. After that i never took photo of him, i rather enjoyed the moment seeing him
but i am happy to have at least this photo taken of him


There he is in his bright red shirt and fedora :wub:
i cant believe some of you actually saw him!!
wat a dream...
Thanks - I definitely treasure it. I still remember that day so clearly...he came out smiling and joking with Joe. It's the day that his hair was blowing all over the place. He did a wave to us (at this point in the trial, there were the least fans out there - maybe only 10 of us). But he was in a happy mood that day and it was good to see.

I also got a few photos at Neverland, but MJ's SUV seriously speed and beat us back so I only managed to snap the guard at the gate and some fans.

This is of his SUV's leaving for Neverland.


This one is when I arrived at Neverland - MJ was already inside. Fans said he waved to them as he was going through the gates.


I thought Neverland was absolutely stunning.

wow! you are lucky!!!
Neverland sure is gorgeous from what ive seen in pictures. would have loved to have seen it first hand myself :(
again wow i cant believe how lucky you are..the last picture makes me looks so picturesque :)
Wow!! This thread is amazing!!! Thank you all!:heart: Keep posting!!
Great pictures! I would like to see more :)
I too would like to see some more photos of Michael taken by fans so I thought it would be good if I bring this thread back to life :)
Alright, I decided to upload some of mine. Gonna start with some concert pics and during the next days, hopefully I'll find the time to upload some more from other events like London 2001, 2002, Berlin 2002 and all that...
And I HOPE some more of you will join me in sharing your pics! :D

So here's the first heap. I know they're not perfect but well... they are memories for sure!

HIStory Tour Gelsenkirchen





HIStory Tour Berlin



HIStory Tour Leipzig







HIStory Tour Copenhagen (the B-day concert)



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thanks you pics are great.... this is the real Michael the way the fan see him.... ;)
OMG thanks so much for the Berlin HIStory pics, I was looking so BAD to find pictures from that concert because it was my first (and only :( ) MJ-concert. I also saw him in the Adlon-Hotel in Berlin in 2002, so if you got any pictures of that day or more from the concert in 1997, I'd be the happiest person on the planet if you could post them.
I have some from the Adlon, I'll see that I upload them in the coming days - check back! ;)
Unfortunately I don't think I have more from the concert because my camera was taken away after a few seconds. Dunno why they did that, they never cared on other concerts - it was only a pocketcamera anyway... I'll have a look if I have more but don't get your hopes up too high!