Photo Captions

Princesmharj ........ you rocks.

this is so funny......... as i say always do not stop "i want more".

ohh doggone it !! someone just farted !!! AGAIN !! whooo ..

Michael - *thinking to himself* ''I think i'll sit down and watch a bit of TV. What's this American Idol? You mean to tell me that this is one of the highest rated shows in America? What have you all done to the world? What have you all done?''

"Yep,they look at me again..." :)


"What?.....Yeah,I know I am cute!" :D

Michael and Katie are about to enter the Twilight Zone, where normal things don't happen very often
He's not that mean :p

Lol just itchin or whatevz... Michael has a tendancy to use his middle finger quite a bit lmao! Hehe
Dun get me wrong ... I mean to say like if youve seen the tour pictures he's usuly doin crazy actions with his middle finger....
Did that sound ok... :lol:
Hope u get what im tryin to say lol ;)
yeah i do hehe its just that i was right infront of him and something happened when he was on the bus that might of made him mad at me so i thought he was stickin his finger up at me there, but after what u have said yeah i think hes just itchin! haha

first day at school...and Britney in mothers role..they are entering the class and Michael is shy and all
Wow he looks almost perfect in that picture, awww :D hes all shy :rofl:


Michael: Oi Tom what do you call this? This does not match the rest of my outfit!

Tom: No time to worry about that bro, we gotta be in there in 5 mins



Michael: Stop! Yes i know im sexy you will just have to wait.....:agree:


Paula: Michael what r ya doin? get off there
Michael: aaah stop naggin me paula, im tryin to get this


Help! They have left me up here, im scared of heights :bugeyed i cant cling on to this bar for dear life!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii all ! britnety here..!! now you can say somethin michael..
michael:im yin tryin britney..its just dt girl i saw the other day..i cant stop tinkin in heart and tummy bout her..! oh maan..!! she was so cute to me...*bites lips and satrt to give his speech:hi all michael here hrmm!! oohh getting cracheled in my voice..!!whispers::eek:hh man..!! how can a bigolfool like me have a grand LADY as her..??
thenavoic out of pc says::hi michael anja..nice to meet you again!! hihi hmm yore lookin sleev as a goodiegoodei shalldo!!michael...: ?! what inthe! its you!ohh imsatrintooho!! hopzzzzz?! hihi i hope you like it!! anja..
Wow he looks almost perfect in that picture, awww :D hes all shy :rofl:hm man im so shy!


Michael: Oi Tom what do you call this? This does not match the rest of my outfit!

Tom: No time to worry about that bro, we gotta be in there in 5 mins

michael: im NOT wearing this PENGUIN costume tom..cant i hva on sometin
tom:NO! no you cannot..and beside were soon outta doom in 5mins michael!
michael:: h..okay then tom..but if im getting any troulbe now im gonito get me a nwe styilst!! grmfs!?


Michael: Stop! Yes i know im sexy you will just have to wait.....:agree:
michael:. hono..theyre comin to get me! HELP ME OUTTA HERE !! yeha yeah i know Im cute and swet and ..stuf..but i GOTTA GO!! aww man!

Paula: Michael what r ya doin? get off there
Michael: aaah stop naggin me paula, im tryin to get this
paaula cmon lets get this work done!! cmon!!
michael:. yeah yeah just don rush me will yah!? im soo gettin there ..oh man ..a supertsart works NEVER ends..hhhh..

Help! They have left me up here, im scared of heights :bugeyed i cant cling on to this bar for dear life!
HELP ME DOWN!!ohh go my hands is startngto doze of!! omg if im falling can i get someone to,land on down thee lord?? *then grip losenes ..and down he goes* AHH!!UMPF..! ohh im alive IM STILL ALIVE?! oh but what was it i landad on?
aprteyy faltsoundign voice: on ME you heay sackof potatose ..ohh his butt isrealy cut to look at this close thugh i got all marioflat..11 cold you please get off me michel??
michael:eek:h lor ..?! oh maaan..! not dat to?! if im gettin..oh itsa girl a cute yet bitof flat girl!!!
anjaME: yeha agirl wil you pick me up PLEAE?? ohh brother di he have to land straight on my upper halvehuh?+
michael oh yeha ! shure..oh shes soo cute!

anja ME: ohh thnx michael! yeah your sso cute too ..hihi out race me if you cabn!
ihope it sgood tasty enugh fo youal"" seeyou !! anja
hh.. i cant take theseones ..and im felling sorta straange now..but i can try here thugh..:pic line one:
oh man i H**intewievs!! can i have simething to wet my trought on miss??
nrtwo:eek:hh here it comes ..! a drink to me..mmmmmmm..clod and good!
nr three: aiiiiiiissjiai!! im getting a full hairsraighteinig iceblastpian!
nr four..well..chihcan we conhicinue now please im soon slepin hee..wht..i thught i aksed for some waaater only??
nr five:the interwiever asking and michael is trin to staywake..zhuo imhere ..stil zzim here im two scs from ghichoooing oouhicta her if im notraed ssonimgonzzzzzzzzzzzhu m awake AWAKE??
nr 6:michael the interwiwver asks are you alrigth ..have we give himsomethingw e couldent give him or?? michael?? are you geting..ohh god ho manthave you had?? ..MIchael:.zhuh me i just hda some whiaertadnnow me feelin soztangelfreof limits ..i just had ten glases..??
nr seven:eek:h michael( yeah its the interwiever) youre D*****!michael ME??næ im not d***im fine *leaves a few lage hicups so al in the roomleaps ten feets into air the says:: oh mad i needs to use thebahicoh man noo!*zom s outaroom
the end .I hpe its not too rughe for youall sorry if so.. frineds..hih lets be wefrined all!! your friend ..anja.. :D :D :D :D!

Michael: ok, now get lost!
michael: im so tierd of all this..cant we go out and play instead?? oprah please..!! im boring!!


Sneddon: C’mon Martin, sweetie, we don’t need him! Let’s go torture some other rich, black celebrity. You still wanna go on that date?
sneddon:: aw michael..! ill soon be ready i just have five qiestions lef!!
michael:.h..høh i guesi cant do ohter tha sithere until finished the..oh maan i wish i had a macick wand and juta ZAPand then ias fee..shighs..


Martin: Aww you know I do! *the two of them skip off into the sunshine*
miartin to sneddon:eek:hh cmon ..lets go out and leave dat michel alone.. HES just NOt in the mood..
michael:: you know i DO have ears I can hear you
the two others: ohhupsss he herade us ..RUN!!


Michael to Oprah: see Oprah, there’s nothin’ to it. If anyone bothers you, just turn them into animals. They’ll leave you alone.
michael ot oprah:. you know.. ive leanrd alot in my lieve..but if its ONE ting i reall dont get tolearn enough about ist animals..theyre so cute..and you knw? I can get peoples to quit naggin on me by smply do this!: *snaps his fingsr and turmns oprah and the others but hmsleve into animals!!
oprah:: oh no! icant go on dat prizeawards lookin lkie this ! oh michael turns us abck ..!!
michael:: oh ok!! *snaps the fingers again and turns em back again!! hihi youre getinafraid hhih!


Oprah: aww… you’re so cute
oprahtomichael: ho youre so swet and nice!! i can seehow peiolse are falin for you..
michael ot oprah:: ohh youre to kind..!! but i cant have the whole worlds fmalepopulation togirlseither..if ijust foud the one..iand i stil HVAET! oh man..shighs..


Michael: aww shucks!
michael:wa swetie you!! but wonedrs: huh?! shes juts being nice for theinterwiew..but it WAS NICE nayway.. *then hesmiles warmingly:thnx..! youer cut e to!!
oprah:: oh michel..* dunz !! shes dozenof ontothe flor*
the nd ..i hope you like them anja..
i posted this a long time ago, but it fits here too! :-D








I knew it! I always knew that Beyoncé had a thing for Michael! LOL just kidding!!! ;)

to you who made this:: im not wanting to make more funnycaptions anylonger caused of this one::michael and co++ is NOT firends whith at beyonsy ANYONE!! 8 atlesatDTA is what I woudld have done if I were them ..beyonsey talkin lkie dat to MY family ??)aand second im upset !! i love hm!! michael is MY amn aaand i dont wanna see him endingup in unluckEVER again!! soryy for this but i dont lie this one ohh but the ret ones RA GREAT ( wel in both +se and -se though) love your friend anja.. :8 :( :( ohh i ccould sue dat beyonsey myselve..aand how can I litle moi cop whit dta++ oh michel sy youlike ME in forntof DAT!! a.b.

Michael Jackson forced to wear ball and chain during International Dance Competition.
"Other competitors had no chance of winning otherwise" explained an official.