Perez Hilton claims assaulted him.

damn y u gotta put the us of a on blast? we didn't make this monster famous. we just like his news cuz it's basically a site run by a dude who allows famous friends to tattle on one another.

and its funny that he's whining when he put bret michaels on blast for whining about the tony's injury. pot calling the ket.......

we made him famous. we gotta admit that. we have an obsession with this kinda stuff and we all know it.

by the way...boom boom pow is number 1 for about four weeks. Hilton says money is more of an issue with him than getting punched in the face, if someone would wanna get back at him. well, every move made from this moment forward..lawsuit or otherwise gives the song more publicity. so, Perez could be making the Peas some money.
we made his SITE famous. he's famous for knowing all scoop cuz he found a few stars when they were drunk and told him everything. now they go back and forth screweing over their friends and telling him teh scoop
LOL! He needs to get a real life! How old is he??
5!? He looks so stupid.
Poor Perez, NOT! The dude got exactly what he deserved. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. I don't condone or encourage violence but people can only take so much abuse before they fire back. You reap what you sew, Perez.
Not a good week for Fatass. Someone posted about this on Eminem's forum and I found it profoundly epic, so I'm passing it along 'cause it's sure to liven some spirits here.

On Thursday, Perez posted a blog about a certain pop star being sent to the hospital under cardiac arrest. After said pop star passed away, he removed the blog and replaced it with a positive one. However, somebody reposted his original comments, and he got BLASTED for it by thousands of people:

Fag (and him being gay has nothing to do with my saying that).