Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off


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Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

Posted Oct 12th 2009 4:58PM by TMZ Staff
If you think Michael Jackson's "This Is It" sounds familiar, it's because the song is a rip-off that was released nearly two decades ago by another artist ... and the man making this claim is none other than music legend Paul Anka.

Anka tells TMZ in 1983, he wrote a song with Jackson called "I Never Heard" -- and the demo of the song was recorded in Anka's studio in Carmel, CA. Anka says he took the tape to a studio in Hollywood to put the finishing touches on it for Anka's duets album, "Walk a Fine Line." Anka claims Jackson -- who was just blowing up at the time with "Thriller" -- got a big head and "stole the tapes" from the studio.

Anka tells us he called the lawyers who repped both he and Jackson -- ironically one of them was John Branca -- and threatened them with a lawsuit if he didn't get the tapes back. Anka got them back but insists Jackson made a copy of the tapes and used the track with his voice from "I Never Heard" -- and simply retitled it, "This is It."

Anka gave "I Never Heard" to another artist -- Safire -- who recorded it in 1990.

We called Sony Music who released "This Is It" ... no comment so far.

Anka tells us he's talking with his lawyers about his legal options.

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Anka on Jackson -- They See it My Way

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:18PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka
tells TMZ the people handling Michael Jackson's estate are falling over each other .... apologizing for "ripping-off my song" and offering "anything you want" to make the mess go away.

And, John Branca just told TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, Anka claims the new Jackson song, "This is It" is the Michael Jackson track Anka co-wrote with Jackson in 1983, which Jackson originally recorded under the title, "I Never Heard."

Anka tells TMZ he just got off the phone with John McClain, the co-Special Administrator for Jackson's estate. Anka says McClain apologized profusely, saying he knew "Michael couldn't have written this song alone. It's not his style."

Anka says McClain now acknowledges that "This is It" is really Paul's song, and said, "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it take's we'll do the right thing."

Anka says he's not trying to hold the estate up but he wants them to be fair.

And how's this .... Anka says McClain asked him to do promotion for the song.

It's Hollywood, folks.
Filed under: Celebrity Justice
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ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MJ Camp -- It Ain't Just Michael's Song

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:25PM by TMZ Staff
John Branca, the special administrator for Michael Jackson's estate tells TMZ Paul Anka is right -- "This Is It" was not written by MJ alone, it was co-written with Paul Anka.

Branca and his people are negotiating a settlement with Paul Anka's lawyer.

Branca tells TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, the other special administrator, John McClain, told Anka "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes we'll do the right thing.

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UPDATE Number #######:

MJ Camp -- It Ain't Just Michael's Song

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:25PM by TMZ Staff
John Branca, the special administrator for Michael Jackson's estate tells TMZ Paul Anka is right -- "This Is It" was not written by MJ alone, it was co-written with Paul Anka.


Branca and his people are negotiating a settlement with Paul Anka's lawyer.

Branca tells TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, the other special administrator, John McClain, told Anka "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes we'll do the right thing."


Paul Anka -- 'Honest Mistake'

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:10PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka says he's all square with Michael Jackson's estate over the release of "This Is It" -- a song Paul helped write -- saying the special administrators realized "there was a wrong here" and they immediately "made it right..." as in 50% of publishing rights. Can you say BONANZA.

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Paul Anka -- I Get Half

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It."

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

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Anka tells us he's talking with his lawyers about his legal options.

here we go... this is what I was afraid of...

So if MJ co-wrote it...why would Anka be the only one allowed a copy? Don't get that really. Isn't it as much MJ's song as it is Anka's song if they wrote it together? :rolleyes:
You've got to be kidding me. How do you steal a song you co-wrote? :smilerolleyes: As MacEnroe would say: you can't be serious. I can only think Anka wants money. Thanks $ony.
So if MJ co-wrote it...why would Anka be the only one allowed a copy? Don't get that really. Isn't it as much MJ's song as it is Anka's song if they wrote it together? :rolleyes:

Just because you co-write a song doesn't mean you own it. It looks as if Anka owns the rights and publishing to the song. If that is indeed the case, then he can sue the estate for copyright infringement, etc.
Perfect!! This is free promotion. Everyone is now talking about the song!!!
So if Mj co-wrote it...why woudl Anka be the only one allowed a copy? Don't get that really.

To me it sounds like Michael TOOK the tapes, leaving Anka without any tape/copy at all.

This is just another "SHM @ Sony" moment, because it sounds to me like Sony didn't clear with Anka before putting out this "MJ song", which really is just a reworked demo. Great way to uphold Michael's "legacy" to put out a demo as a "single".
OMG! We do not need this kind of publicity...2 weeks before the movie opens.

Sony should do their homework to avoid this kind of drama. And how can a co-writer steal his own song?

Paul Anka is looking for money...with the "steal" claim. If the song was written by both, they are both owners of the song.
LOL you guys must be deluded if you think that Paul Anka isn't entitled to money for a song he co-wrote.
I know I'd be pissed if I co-wrote a song with someone, they release it and I don't get no money for it.

It's like saying "Why should Quincy Jones and Bruce Swedien get any money for Thriller".
There is no doubt that MJ & Paul Anka co-wrote the song. It's listed under MJ & Paul Anka's songwriting list in BMI.

What Anka is pissed about is something that Sony LOVES to do, which is release material without asking permission from the writer/publisher FIRST - before releasing the song.

Now, what Anka is mad about is that he never got to release it on his album, so Anka said he gave it to Safire.

Safire recorded it & released it on her album.

But what Anka is claiming is that MJ & John Branca (who was also Anka's lawyer), demanded that Anka not release the song.

Then, the demo version with MJ's voice was made from the copy recorded at Anka's studio.

What Sony needed to do (because they are sooo big, they get very sloppy) is to do what's called a "request for a mechanical license" to Paul Anka. I'm sure the estate gave theirs already.

No one is "stealing" anything from Paul Anka, since his portion of the song remains as his own, just like MJ has his portion.

\laims that the master recording of "I Never heard"

So if MJ co-wrote it...why would Anka be the only one allowed a copy? Don't get that really. Isn't it as much MJ's song as it is Anka's song if they wrote it together? :rolleyes:
Just because you co-write a song doesn't mean you own it. It looks as if Anka owns the rights and publishing to the song. If that is indeed the case, then he can sue the estate for copyright infringement, etc.

Oh man...

To me it sounds like Michael TOOK the tapes, leaving Anka without any tape/copy at all.

This is just another "SHM @ Sony" moment, because it sounds to me like Sony didn't clear with Anka before putting out this "MJ song", which really is just a reworked demo. Great way to uphold Michael's "legacy" to put out a demo as a "single".

In the NY Times article, the chairman of the Columbia/Epic group basically said we just found it. He said we just found it and started listening to it. You could be right...
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Just because you co-write a song doesn't mean you own it. It looks as if Anka owns the rights and publishing to the song. If that is indeed the case, then he can sue the estate for copyright infringement, etc.

Not according to BMI, MJ & Paul Anka both share equal portions.
You've got to be kidding me. How do you steal a song you co-wrote? :smilerolleyes: As MacEnroe would say: you can't be serious. I can only think Anka wants money. Thanks $ony.

exactly. that's rediculous, Anka. you are HALF of the writing team. Michael is the other. Michael has the right. you released YOUR version without Michael. now Mike releases HIS version without YOU. when Anka released his, MJ didn't sue him, so what gives with Anka?

what's there to figure out? except that MJ's version is better and Anka is envious. his fear of knowing that MJ is where the magic is, and nowhere else. and that's certainly not grounds for a lawsuit.
Paul Anka is looking for money...with the "steal" claim. If the song was written by both, they are both owners of the song.

Paul Anka is a multi-millionaire - he wrote Frank Sinatra's My Way & a ton of great songs.

So no, Paul Anka is mad that MJ refused to put the song out on his "Duets" album.

Yet MJ gave permission for Safire's version.
There is no doubt that MJ & Paul Anka co-wrote the song. It's listed under MJ & Paul Anka's songwriting list in BMI.

What Anka is pissed about is something that Sony LOVES to do, which is release material without asking permission from the writer/publisher FIRST - before releasing the song.

Now, what Anka is mad about is that he never got to release it on his album, so Anka said he gave it to Safire.

Safire recorded it & released it on her album.

But what Anka is claiming is that MJ & John Branca (who was also Anka's lawyer), demanded that Anka not release the song.

Then, the demo version with MJ's voice was made from the copy recorded at Anka's studio.

What Sony needed to do (because they are sooo big, they get very sloppy) is to do what's called a "request for a mechanical license" to Paul Anka. I'm sure the estate gave theirs already.

No one is "stealing" anything from Paul Anka, since his portion of the song remains as his own, just like MJ has his portion.

\laims that the master recording of "I Never heard"

yes, and this may be the express reason why MJ withheld it and did not put it on any albums. whether or not he "stole" it (I don't think he did... for chrissakes, how do you steal your own song?), he chose not to release it because of all the hoopla he knew he'd have to go through with Anka.

now, Sony goes and fucks up. ROYALLY.

way to go guys. nice going. I can already see the writing on the wall. :rolleyes:
Paul Anka is a multi-millionaire - he wrote Frank Sinatra's My Way & a ton of great songs.

So no, Paul Anka is mad that MJ refused to put the song out on his "Duets" album.

Yet MJ gave permission for Safire's version.

we've seen plenty of proof that being a millionaire doesn't stop people from wanting to sue for millions.
If the song was written by both, they are both owners of the song.
That doesn't mean anything. Just because somebody writes a song doesn't mean they own it. Like if someone is a songwriter for hire (ie. Goffin/King or Holland/Dozier/Holland), that means the record company owns the song. Or the songwriters could have a ripoff record contract and lose their songs like The Beatles.
Paul Anka is a multi-millionaire - he wrote Frank Sinatra's My Way & a ton of great songs.

So no, Paul Anka is mad that MJ refused to put the song out on his "Duets" album.

Yet MJ gave permission for Safire's version.

Paul Anka is huge, guys. when I was growing up in India, nobody cared about Elvis and the likes of him. but Neil Diamond and Paul Anka were BIG.

don't underestimate him, either. Sony needs to treat him right and with kid gloves. they need to give him justice. if they start this on the wrong foot (like they're well on their way to do, it seems), this has all the signs of being a hot mess.
we've seen plenty of proof that being a millionaire doesn't stop people from wanting to sue for millions.

Of course, Paul has the right to sue if his intellectual property is rightfully being stolen.

And if Sony did not ask Paul Anka for a mechanical license, then they rightfully could be sued for copyright infringement.

The MJ estate cannot be held liable for this BY LAW.
The MJ estate cannot be held liable for this BY LAW.
then lets hope sony get taken to the cleaners then lol

and the beatles sold their songs to get out of paying tax
Anka wanting money from this is OK with me, since they wrote it together he should get his royalties from it. But he should refrain from calling Michael a song thief! They wrote it together, Michael didn't steal it, he just wanted to have his copy of the song. Probably he never even planned to release this.

If Anka is angry he should be angry with Sony and stop calling Michael a thief and say the song is a rip-off! Since Michael co-wrote it, it cannot be a rip-off.
Of course, Paul has the right to sue if his intellectual property is rightfully being stolen.

And if Sony did not ask Paul Anka for a mechanical license, then they rightfully could be sued for copyright infringement.

The MJ estate cannot be held liable for this BY LAW.

well, the important thing is your last sentence. sometimes media likes to accuse Michael of stealing when he didn't. at first glance, you'd get the impression that Anka is accusing Michael of stealing his own co creation. and that is what is rediculous. the only way Anka has a case is if Sony isn't paying Anka his half of the money for this release. Michael's hands are clean, and his estate should not get touched, in this case, indeed, and MJ's half goes to MJ.
Paul Anka is a has been he wants another 15 minutes of fame.

Wait and see he will make a big TV-Show-Tour. I bet in a few days he will be on Larry King Live telling only the

So in the end all is good. Paul Anka will get another 15 minutes of fame and the Song free promotion. So only winners.Yeahh Babbyyy
I'm just going to say it.... Michael would have NEVER, EVER released an unfinished song. Michael was a perfectionist to a flaw - that is why he didn't release too many albums because of the sheer time it took to record them. Michael recorded and recorded until he got it right. He used the BEST sound engineers and the BEST recording equipment. He believed in putting his best foot forward and would have never sanctioned this release. I'm sure of it. The song is unfinished and not even recorded in a STUDIO - Michael's vocals aren't even tracked. Michael would have never wanted this.

With that said, I hope it gets sorted for Michael's children sake. Sony has thousands of unreleased music from Michael. All Sony needed to do was contact the estate and get permission. Whateva...