Paranormal Events Involving Jackson Are Being Reported Around the World.

oh god don't make him elvis. if he's out there healing and watching over people, then he's not at rest. i ebelive he's watching over his kids and his mother. that's it. not in bathrooms or at gas stations. that's elvis' job
If watching over people means not at rest, I'm curious about what "at rest" means... that we die and then go into sleep mode or stare at angels playing harps on clouds for eternity? I'm not trying to be a pain, really. It just seems silly to me to think that we don't do anything important after death or suddenly don't give a poop about the people we left behind (assuming there is life after death and all we 'experiencer' people aren't all just the same kind of crazy).

People who have Near Death Experiences paint a picture of a very active world over there. Another example is the books by Dr Michael Newton (Journey of Souls & Destiny of Souls). He's a counselor who allowed regressed people to talk about 'past lives' (although he didn't believe in that) just because he found it helped. One day he decided to see if they would supposedly remember anything after that past life, before this one. Turns out that hundreds of patients tell the same kind of stories about what it's supposedly like in between lives. And again... they're busy after that bit of rest and recuperation. They're learning, they work with folks here (in bodies), they go to other worlds, etc and they're always connected with loved ones via consciousness. Not saying that's a 100% proof, of course, but it's got to make one wonder. That's why I never use "RIP" (well, besides that I think it's cliche and Halloween tombstoney). I don't buy into the idea that we just "rest" after we die.

Now Elvis, yeah. We all know Elvis isn't over there. He's flippin' burgers in Oklahoma last I heard...
Awww. Maybe you HAVE had "something," and aren't listening/looking in the right places? I know that in this science-oriented modern culture, we are no longer conditioned to look for/believe such experiences, i.e. we tend to think the unexplainable is random? People in every era in the past, before modernity, have believed in the miraculous and the magical. We, in modern times, are UNUSUAL in human history. . .

Meditation is a good thing to do, if only to clear your mind of surface clutter? It does no harm. Sit in a darkened room, maybe with a lit candle for something to focus on. Try to think of. . .NOTHING. Each time the cares of the day intrude, return to thinking of NOTHING. In that sense, make yourself receptive to whatever comes? Consciously relax, beginning at your feet on up toward your head. Relax each muscle-group. Then notice your breathing. Try to breath deeply, and focus just on that. Feel yourself gradually relaxing.

Then, think about L.O.V.E., and what that feels like, how warm and wonderful it is. . to love. . . . . Let those feelings of love IN. If you can do all that, then pay attention to your next thoughts or impressions. When your meditation is finished, pay careful attention to your surroundings.

Last week I was sitting in my kitchen at my computer. I was thinking, "Michael? I miss you SO much." Suddenly there was a BIRD in my kitchen! I am totally serious. It came in through a tiny hole in my screen door. It flew around, then circled my head. It flew all around my kitchen and didn't seem afraid. It was a small, pearly-gray bird. I don't know what type it was, but it was beautiful. I went to the screen door, opened it wide, and the bird flew out again. One can believe this was completely random, but it helps to believe that it was. . . . something????

I am educated as a researcher. You know how it goes? Hypothesis, development of argument from data, and then conclusions? This is a lot to overcome if you are dealing with the unexplainable. But yet. . .it helps to believe.

Keep trying?

I think this is a GREAT post. Meditation really does make one more in tune with things like this. You don't have to be all intense about it. Just 15 minutes a day (even less) changes brainwave patterns. Oh, and can lower stress levels, heart risk and all sorts of good physical stuff as well :)
I think this is a GREAT post. Meditation really does make one more in tune with things like this. You don't have to be all intense about it. Just 15 minutes a day (even less) changes brainwave patterns. Oh, and can lower stress levels, heart risk and all sorts of good physical stuff as well :)

Yes, that's true. It also can put one in connection with the "unexplainable." Win-win, all around?
oh god don't make him elvis. if he's out there healing and watching over people, then he's not at rest. i ebelive he's watching over his kids and his mother. that's it. not in bathrooms or at gas stations. that's elvis' job

So is that who keeps stealing my gas cap???
If watching over people means not at rest, I'm curious about what "at rest" means... that we die and then go into sleep mode or stare at angels playing harps on clouds for eternity? I'm not trying to be a pain, really. It just seems silly to me to think that we don't do anything important after death or suddenly don't give a poop about the people we left behind
I agree with your whole post...but I had to just quote this little part. Because I also think it's silly for anyone to think that people, especially Michael would only visit their family after if they were the only people Michael cared about. Sure, his children and his Mother may have been his top priority...but his only? No. Michael loved and cherished his fans on a very real and deep level throughout his life...he wasn't like any other ole famous person. Like Elvis, it would be weird to think that he would go around visiting all of his fans...because he wasn't invested in them like Michael was. Michael was all about his fans...he loved and cared for every one of us. Truly. And just because he dies that doesn't change things. You don't lose yourself on the other are still you.
Last week I was sitting in my kitchen at my computer. I was thinking, "Michael? I miss you SO much." Suddenly there was a BIRD in my kitchen! I am totally serious. It came in through a tiny hole in my screen door. It flew around, then circled my head. It flew all around my kitchen and didn't seem afraid. It was a small, pearly-gray bird. I don't know what type it was, but it was beautiful. I went to the screen door, opened it wide, and the bird flew out again. One can believe this was completely random, but it helps to believe that it was. . . . something????


funny u mention birds.
i had a strange dream tonight and when i woke up, the first thing i did was looking out of the window and i saw two bird flocks(?dont know the word lol). i had to think about MJs poem where he describes that he felt abandoned once.. well u know :)
it was a good feeling watching the birds then..
I participated in the "prayer for Michael" event, yesterday at five p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I lit my candle a little after five. The candle was still lit and I was still sending positive energy when THIS happened! Earthquakes are extremely rare in Virginia. This is from my region. Do with this what you will. . . . EEEEEK!

Earthquake hits Central Virginia


WSLS News Staff //= 0; i=i-1){ if (l.substring(0, 1) == ' ') output += "&#"+unescape(l.substring(1))+";"; else output += unescape(l); } document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_GlcRq3eD25').innerHTML = output; //]]>
Published: November 25, 2009
7:29 p.m.

The USGS has changed the earthquake’s epicenter to about 7 miles north of Appomattox. The earthquake hit at 5:27 p.m.

Click here for an updated map.

The USGS still estimates that the earthquake was a 2.7 magnitude quake.
I participated in the "prayer for Michael" event, yesterday at five p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I lit my candle a little after five. The candle was still lit and I was still sending positive energy when THIS happened! Earthquakes are extremely rare in Virginia. This is from my region. Do with this what you will. . . . EEEEEK!

Earthquake hits Central Virginia

Wow, what did you do, girl? :bugeyed

LOLOL, just kidding. Are those quake waves in that graphic, or waves of love? Funny coincidence ;) I was in a spiritual group a few years ago back on the west coast and it happened at least twice that during one of our events there was an earthquake. Just small ones, but we were always like... whoa, lol.
Wow, what did you do, girl? :bugeyed

LOLOL, just kidding. Are those quake waves in that graphic, or waves of love? Funny coincidence ;) I was in a spiritual group a few years ago back on the west coast and it happened at least twice that during one of our events there was an earthquake. Just small ones, but we were always like... whoa, lol.

Uhm, my "energy" tends to be pretty strong! I use it sometimes for healings and other positive things. Seriously. I've been doing this for many, many years. Not usually with "earth-shaking" results though. YIKES!!!!

I didn't feel the quake at the time, and blew out my candle about three minutes after. The quake happened at 5:27 in the afternoon. I blew out the candle at five-thirty. I figured thirty minutes of positive energy would just about do it? It was later that I saw on the news that there'd been a simultaneous earthquake. Earthquakes can happen anywhere, but are extremely rare in Virginia (no major fault lines like California, or Memphis.)

Don't know if those are quake-waves or waves of love. Nobody got hurt with this one, though. Dishes flew off shelves and windows rattled. Uhm, Michael says, "hellooooooo!" :wild:

Surely this was just random. (WAS it?)

Yes, let's plan for this on December 25. (Maybe I should be outside for that, and away from any structures, or trees, or power-lines? EEEEK!)
In one of his last interviews, I think it was in 2007 Ebony, MJ said that if he could hug every single fan in he has in the world who loves him, he would.

And HOW many reporting have there been of MJ dreams with hugging involved. Tons!

The same dream repeated over & over by hundreds of fans already. I know I had one - and many others did too - and it's the SAME DREAM.

In my dream, Michael appeared with a big smile, dressed impeccably & looking beautiful & peaceful. I was in shock but smiled back, he comes up to me and gives me the warmest, tender-est hug ever. He was taller than me (and I'm 5'7") and was skinny, but a strong muscled lanky type skinny.

I cried & he said, "aw, don't cry, I love you" I told him "I love you too" and then we stopped hugging & he walked away and vanished.

IS it coincidence that 100s of people have the same experience?

I have had at least 3 dreams involving MJ hugging me, me hugging MJ. Look, of course there are going to be people who make things up - saying they see ghosts etc...However, I have had way too many personal experiences since MJ has passed that confirm that MJ is still around us all. None of us know EXACTLY how it all works after people pass away, obviously because we are all still alive, however, who is to say that loved ones can't visit whoever they want whenever they want. It has nothing to do with "being bound to earth." People in heaven I'm sure can visit.

I know a lot of people don't want to let MJ go, and we are all desperately looking for ways to cope with the loss, and so to me, it makes sense that MJ would try to comfort those who are hurting.

I have no idea if the link posted in this thread - if these stories are true, but I know MANY people have reported experiences, and they can't all be lies. I believe in the spiritual realm, so anyone who wants to just deny that anything paranormal is impossible is just ignorance.

So in comment to YOUR post, I don't believe in coincidence, I think everything happens for a reason, so yes, I think MJ has reached out to his fans, and I'm sure family and friends as well :). I read somewhere that spirits communicate in dreams because it is easier for them, because our consciousness is closer to their realm when we are sleeping, than when we are awake.
i believe MJ's spirit or energy or however you call it visits his fans.

when it comes to paranormal stuff i believe only in things that i have experienced myself (that's why i don't believe in any sort of God nor heaven, angels, karma etc.). i was also quite skeptic when it comes to an idea of afterlife until recently. now, i haven't seen nor heard Michael but i feel his presence around me strong enough that i just can't deny what's happening lol.

about the power of mind - i'm pretty rational type of person with quite a lot of self-distance and what happened to me is not any kind of a dream nor my imagination, i'm not the kind of a crazy fan desperately looking for contact with MJ. anything like that just didn't happen to me before and i can't explain it other way, i'm actually still totally amazed that it really happens!

i'm not gonna try to convince anyone that he still exists and is around, i understand that someone who didn't experience anything has no reason to believe in this stuff, i know i wouldn't myself.
i just want to say always keep an open mind :)
Wow - thank you for sharing this!!! See???

I can't explain nor understand WHY there are so many "hugging" dreams being reported.

It can't be some "psychological subconscious mourning defensive mechanism" theory. Whoo, I made myself dizzy typing that out!

Hundreds of people reporting the SAME dream - it has to be real!

I have had at least 3 dreams involving MJ hugging me, me hugging MJ. Look, of course there are going to be people who make things up - saying they see ghosts etc...However, I have had way too many personal experiences since MJ has passed that confirm that MJ is still around us all. None of us know EXACTLY how it all works after people pass away, obviously because we are all still alive, however, who is to say that loved ones can't visit whoever they want whenever they want. It has nothing to do with "being bound to earth." People in heaven I'm sure can visit.

I know a lot of people don't want to let MJ go, and we are all desperately looking for ways to cope with the loss, and so to me, it makes sense that MJ would try to comfort those who are hurting.

I have no idea if the link posted in this thread - if these stories are true, but I know MANY people have reported experiences, and they can't all be lies. I believe in the spiritual realm, so anyone who wants to just deny that anything paranormal is impossible is just ignorance.

So in comment to YOUR post, I don't believe in coincidence, I think everything happens for a reason, so yes, I think MJ has reached out to his fans, and I'm sure family and friends as well :). I read somewhere that spirits communicate in dreams because it is easier for them, because our consciousness is closer to their realm when we are sleeping, than when we are awake.
I think it's all rubbish..........sorry
Well, you know, that's how it goes. None of truly know one way or the other, at least not in any way we could prove it's all true or prove it's all nonsense. Not yet anyway. If you haven't had a way-beyond-normal convincing experience, then it's easy not to believe. If you have had one, it's easy to believe. But one thing we're all guaranteed of is that in the end, we'll all find out. (That is, unless dying is 'lights out' -- then there won't be anything left of us to ponder it.)