Paranormal Events Involving Jackson Are Being Reported Around the World.

I wouldn't think God would let Michael's ghost roaming the Earth.

I would think that God would want him in heaven ASAP! :p
I don't really believe this has anything to do with ghosts. Aren't ghosts thought to be souls who wouldn't or couldn't leave this plane and thus stay around, trying to work through some issues? I don't feel that's what's going on with Michael whatsoever. Those that have gone on to the Light/Heaven can come back for visits (I speak from personal experience and from the countless stories of others). Plus, I think that we, using human brains, tend to think far too 'physically' at times, like that "MJ" is roaming around the world on foot or something (ok, maybe floating, lol), going to one person at a time. We're talking about pure consciousness here... energy, spirit. The same limitations shouldn't apply. I guess this is where quantum physics come into play, with the possibility of being in many places at once, outside of time and space. Or maybe not having to GO anywhere at all. We may simply 'connect' via energy with those on the other side and experience this connection through our 5 senses while they stay "there". Yeah, anyway, I think MJ is over there where he should be :)

P.S. I've also heard things like "He doesn't even know you/fans! Why would he go visit them instead of his children/family/friends?" Well, who said he isn't visiting his kids and family and friends? I think that love is a very powerful thing and connects us in energy with whomever else is ok with that connection. Distance and dimension mean nothing. Think how heartbroken we have been. I could totally believe that MJ would "stop by"/connect with us from time to time to say, "I'm alright. Thank you. I love you more ;)" At least, it all makes perfect sense to me. There's no law that says "Only family and very close friends may visit from beyond the grave." If you desperately wanted to speak with, I don't know, anyone... you probably could, as long as they're cool with it too.
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^^Aww yes I believe this.

He is beyond the flesh. He is spirit/ :)

And some people feel him and even see him, he is everywhere!
Oh... this is a very sensitive subject matter.

Personally, though I have had strange activities occur (non MJ related) in my life, even recently, they usually happen when I think about something a lot. Then the lamp would move. Or something would hit the grown on que to whatever it is I'm thinking about.

I think Souldreamer said there's a lot we do not understand of this planet, let alone the universe. And I agree with that.

There are things however, that I came to realize, I was making things happen after years of experimenting with my mind.

See... about 4 years ago, I fell in love with a girl. And I mean pure love. Nothing nasty or dirty. After going out for some time, thinking things were great, she decided to leave her own way without any real reason. She seemed nervous and sad. I never got a reason. She just said that she had to leave.

Man... it took me a very difficult 1 year to get over it. I didn't know whether she was dying or something. Not once did I think she went off with another guy or anything. And within that 1 year, her absence had haunted me to the point where i had NUMEROUS occasions when I thought I saw her. Whether in my house, outside of work and even in my sleep. I could not trace her and I sort of became obsessed with the idea that she probably passed away because the last i spoke to her, she said she became very ill. I treated her with so much love and respect. We never fought or anything.

....about 1 year later, her best friend told me that she has since had a boyfriend and thats why she left me and to not go look for her because she didnt want to see me ever again.

Hehehe. Talk about "Ouch".

No reason. Non whatsoever. She found someone better and didn't know how to tell me so she simply erased me from existence. I think just made myself sad.
Eh...hehe, it's alright. :) This was quite a few years ago.

Anyways, my point is, yes... the mind is a very powerful thing. Lets be careful and keep at least one strong grip on the ground and let the other explore the stars above.

All that time, I thought her spirit was floating around me as i missed her so damned much.
But she was with another guy in reality. lol.
All that time i swore she was appearing to me.
But in reality, she really wasn't. She was somewhere else with another guy. :tease:

Well in fairness, I want you to all know that, this was just my experience. In no way am I trying to counter the reports above. They may be true.. who knows???? ..... who knows..
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I believe if people want to see him so bad and want him back that much then it can all happen in the mind. I truly dont know what genuine about paranormal activity. How can you when you have idiots like Derek Acorah scamming people that are genuinely hurt from a loss of a person.
But I think its a mentality thing.
Plus every paranormal thing that has happened after the 25th June has to be to do with Michael?
I dont intend on being the "Buzz Killington" of this thread. lol Just sayin how I feel.

I understand what you're saying about - why only after June 25th...
but sometimes it's the ones thats Not talking that are really experience 'energy' As far as the 'fake' ppl on tv and papers. Now the Fans is a completely different story.
just some insight..
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Whoa, Nar, interesting experience. So it's like driving yourself crazy with longing. I had something similar (although never thought I saw or heard or felt a spirit) years ago. I was in love with a guy for years and, I won't go into it all, but at one point he said "I'll call you on Saturday and we'll go see a movie." And then he never called. And we were close friends, so it's not like he just met me and was dumping me, lol. Days turned into weeks. I thought he'd died! He'd just come back into town and he didn't have a phone number yet, so I couldn't call him. His family was thousands of miles away. I searched, couldn't find him, tried to contact him repeatedly with my mind. Nothing. One night I cried myself to sleep, just wanting to know what the hell was going on, and woke up in the morning with a photo album (that was crammed into the bottom shelf of my bookcase -- very hard to get out) lying OPEN on the floor beside my bed. And not just open, but open to photos OF HIM. This further convinced me that he must be dead and this was his message to me from beyond. (Although again, I will stress that I never saw, heard or felt anything that would lead me to believe this. Just the photo album incident.) Well, he wasn't dead. The dork just hadn't freakin' called me back. For like two months. Long story.

BUT... I still don't discount that the photo album thing couldn't have been paranormal. I'm not known to sleepwalk, how would I have known while asleep which of 3 identical photo albums on that shelf had the pics of him (I never was able to remember which was which) and how would have known on which exact four pages? Could have been by freaky one-off chance, I have to say, but I think it's also possible that he (out of body while sleeping?) or a guide may have done this to tell me me my "please, please, call me!!!!!!" message was received ;) Who knows. So many weird things we don't understand yet. YET.
wow yeah that's an interesting story too Mjbunny.
Can you imagine if you actually somehow telepathically moved that album in your sleep without even knowing?

heh...the possibilties.
Recent emails (paraphrased) we have received on Michael Jackson ghost sightings include this one from a Deniz Ipekci, 23, from Istanbul in Turkey:

‘I was right at the bank of the Bosporus River in Istanbul near the old cemetery; I had been going through difficult times both financially and in terms of my romantic affairs. I was watching the water when I noticed a face in the river. My heart started beating quickly and I realised it was the face of Michael Jackson I was seeing. He then said to me 'One day we will be together'. I knew he was saying things will be alright and they have improved since then. The experience was very moving.’

Completely unrelated to the topic, but Bosphorus is not a freaking river! It's a sea! It's huge sea which connects the two main parts of the Istanbul. I can't believe a local made such an unbelieavable mistake!!!!!

Calming down and returning to subject:

I am very interested in paranormal and spritual world but I am also very very sceptic. I have seen strange things occur, but still can not call myself a total believer. I also have had an experience related to Michael and it really shook me, but as Nar so very well put, I also believe that mind is a very powerful thing and it can make you feel/see/hear things that really are not there. Sometimes you are so desperate for some kind of connection with a person or you long for some people so much, you might start to think you keep getting signs from them. I am speaking from experience.

I am not saying all paranormal experiences are invalid, don't get me wrong. I believe there are things out there we don't fully understand. And it's good if these experiences provide relief to people who had them. I am just saying that I am extra careful when it comes to dealing with stories like these.
i felt michael with me when he was alive and i needed him desperatly and so do i now.
if its really him or just my mind playing around, who cares?!
as long as it helps, everythings fine i guess..
I don't really believe this has anything to do with ghosts. Aren't ghosts thought to be souls who wouldn't or couldn't leave this plane and thus stay around, trying to work through some issues? I don't feel that's what's going on with Michael whatsoever. Those that have gone on to the Light/Heaven can come back for visits (I speak from personal experience and from the countless stories of others). Plus, I think that we, using human brains, tend to think far too 'physically' at times, like that "MJ" is roaming around the world on foot or something (ok, maybe floating, lol), going to one person at a time. We're talking about pure consciousness here... energy, spirit. The same limitations shouldn't apply. I guess this is where quantum physics come into play, with the possibility of being in many places at once, outside of time and space. Or maybe not having to GO anywhere at all. We may simply 'connect' via energy with those on the other side and experience this connection through our 5 senses while they stay "there". Yeah, anyway, I think MJ is over there where he should be :)

P.S. I've also heard things like "He doesn't even know you/fans! Why would he go visit them instead of his children/family/friends?" Well, who said he isn't visiting his kids and family and friends? I think that love is a very powerful thing and connects us in energy with whomever else is ok with that connection. Distance and dimension mean nothing. Think how heartbroken we have been. I could totally believe that MJ would "stop by"/connect with us from time to time to say, "I'm alright. Thank you. I love you more ;)" At least, it all makes perfect sense to me. There's no law that says "Only family and very close friends may visit from beyond the grave." If you desperately wanted to speak with, I don't know, anyone... you probably could, as long as they're cool with it too.
This is true. He was not just loved by his family. I believe MJ is a spirt and that allows him to see more from heaven. I do not know if this story is true or not but I am finding with myself that when I get real upset and start fussing about why MJ did you die or whatever, something about him comes up whether if it is a song, a comment, or whatever. It sometimes amazes me. I was due to met him face to face finally at one of the shows because I had been in contact for some long and he died before it could happen. I wonder if God is telling him, "this chick really loved you. Go confront her".:D I believe this.
^^Aww yes I believe this.

He is beyond the flesh. He is spirit/ :)

And some people feel him and even see him, he is everywhere!

I'm a highly educated, rational person, and I also totally believe this. . that he is spirit/energy/love. He was very special in life, and remains special now that he has "passed."

I'll relate three experiences. As real as reading a newspaper in the morning. . . .

The first is once when I was driving. This was just a few days after he had "passed" and the grief was still raw. I was alone (?) in the car and began to cry. Almost instantly I felt a presence with me. It would be like if you were sitting on a couch with another person, and closed your eyes. . you'd know the person was there, regardless. So I felt this presence, and then a whisper in my ear. . almost audible. It said, "You don't need to be so sad. I'm right HERE." I stopped crying immediately. This has happened several times, especially in the first few days. It brought me a measure of peace.

The second event was even more strange and unexplainable in "normal" terms. I had lit some candles at night, but blew them out when I went to bed. I have cats, and cats and candles don't mix well! I'm VERY careful and I'm certain I blew them all out. The next day, in the late afternoon, I sat down for just a sec and saw a brightness out of the corner of my eye. A candle on my table was lit and burning brightly. I blew it out, but noticed that it was not burned down, at ALL. In other words, if it had been lit all night and all day, it would be burned to nothing. But it wasn't. . . .

The third thing (and this is by no means all. . .) was something that happened to my daughter. (She's away at college.) A friend of hers had made a "Michael-display" (I hesitate to use the word. . ."shrine?") on his mantle. My daughter and her friend were sitting quietly looking at the display. A framed photo of Michael LEAPED off the mantle and hit the carpet. Nobody had touched it.

There is more, of course. How this works, I cannot say, except that the body is like a "container" for the soul/spirit. Now, Michael's spirit is "untethered." I choose to believe that he fully knows about the love of his fans, maybe now more than ever . . . . . He was the very essence of love, so why shouldn't he be everywhere? If it helps you to choose to believe you feel his presence, then BELIEVE it. It's all about L.O.V.E.

This is the 25th. Don't forget to light a candle, send the positive energy of love, and/or pray. Send out a major love!
In one of his last interviews, I think it was in 2007 Ebony, MJ said that if he could hug every single fan in he has in the world who loves him, he would.

And HOW many reporting have there been of MJ dreams with hugging involved. Tons!

The same dream repeated over & over by hundreds of fans already. I know I had one - and many others did too - and it's the SAME DREAM.

In my dream, Michael appeared with a big smile, dressed impeccably & looking beautiful & peaceful. I was in shock but smiled back, he comes up to me and gives me the warmest, tender-est hug ever. He was taller than me (and I'm 5'7") and was skinny, but a strong muscled lanky type skinny.

I cried & he said, "aw, don't cry, I love you" I told him "I love you too" and then we stopped hugging & he walked away and vanished.

IS it coincidence that 100s of people have the same experience?
I'm a highly educated, rational person, and I also totally believe this. . that he is spirit/energy/love. He was very special in life, and remains special now that he has "passed."

I'll relate three experiences. As real as reading a newspaper in the morning. . . .

The first is once when I was driving. This was just a few days after he had "passed" and the grief was still raw. I was alone (?) in the car and began to cry. Almost instantly I felt a presence with me. It would be like if you were sitting on a couch with another person, and closed your eyes. . you'd know the person was there, regardless. So I felt this presence, and then a whisper in my ear. . almost audible. It said, "You don't need to be so sad. I'm right HERE." I stopped crying immediately. This has happened several times, especially in the first few days. It brought me a measure of peace.

The second event was even more strange and unexplainable in "normal" terms. I had lit some candles at night, but blew them out when I went to bed. I have cats, and cats and candles don't mix well! I'm VERY careful and I'm certain I blew them all out. The next day, in the late afternoon, I sat down for just a sec and saw a brightness out of the corner of my eye. A candle on my table was lit and burning brightly. I blew it out, but noticed that it was not burned down, at ALL. In other words, if it had been lit all night and all day, it would be burned to nothing. But it wasn't. . . .

The third thing (and this is by no means all. . .) was something that happened to my daughter. (She's away at college.) A friend of hers had made a "Michael-display" (I hesitate to use the word. . ."shrine?") on his mantle. My daughter and her friend were sitting quietly looking at the display. A framed photo of Michael LEAPED off the mantle and hit the carpet. Nobody had touched it.

There is more, of course. How this works, I cannot say, except that the body is like a "container" for the soul/spirit. Now, Michael's spirit is "untethered." I choose to believe that he fully knows about the love of his fans, maybe now more than ever . . . . . He was the very essence of love, so why shouldn't he be everywhere? If it helps you to choose to believe you feel his presence, then BELIEVE it. It's all about L.O.V.E.

This is the 25th. Don't forget to light a candle, send the positive energy of love, and/or pray. Send out a major love!
Wow, amazing experiences...thanks so much for sharing! You should join in on the Psychic thread that's over in the main Michael Jackson Discussion. Would love to hear more from you!

Sirena said:
I cried & he said, "aw, don't cry, I love you" I told him "I love you too" and then we stopped hugging & he walked away and vanished.

IS it coincidence that 100s of people have the same experience?
I so love hearing about these dreams...they are just beautiful and comforting :wub: ...and there's definitely too many of the same exact kind of dreams going around for anyone to think it was just "coincidence". I wish I could say I've had some of these wonderful dreams. :cry: Maybe I have though and just don't remember. Either way, I am grateful and comforted by the few spiritual experiences I've had with Michael since he passed.

I believe MJ has visited some fans. We'd have too much of similar experiences, sometimes at the same time.
ive dreamnt of mj alot since june but imo its not gonna be surprising when hes all i think of and when i spend a huge amount of times on here.dreams are pretty much based off things u have done in the days b4. subconscious type things.if it makes ppl feel better than i guess its a good thing
Victoria, I love reading about your experiences! I've had so many similar. Thanks for sharing! Wow, you should join us over in the "Psychics Channel Michael" thread (it's not all about channeling -- mostly just us sharing experiences like this :)) I'm really amazed by all these things, you guys. I know MJ was 'just a human', but there are sooooooo many people in every country of the entire world who loved this man. I don't think anyone else in the history of the world has been loved by that many people at the moment they crossed over. That's a lot of energy. How does that affect him? How does that affect us? Oh, the questions I'd love answered.
Victoria, I love reading about your experiences! I've had so many similar. Thanks for sharing! Wow, you should join us over in the "Psychics Channel Michael" thread (it's not all about channeling -- mostly just us sharing experiences like this :)) I'm really amazed by all these things, you guys. I know MJ was 'just a human', but there are sooooooo many people in every country of the entire world who loved this man. I don't think anyone else in the history of the world has been loved by that many people at the moment they crossed over. That's a lot of energy. How does that affect him? How does that affect us? Oh, the questions I'd love answered.

I completely get what you're saying mjbunny. energy has to be powerful force.
I know MJ was 'just a human', but there are sooooooo many people in every country of the entire world who loved this man. I don't think anyone else in the history of the world has been loved by that many people at the moment they crossed over. That's a lot of energy. How does that affect him? How does that affect us? Oh, the questions I'd love answered.

A lot of energy, a lot of positive thoughts, a lot of L.O.V.E......

p.s. I like what you wrote :)
I truly believe that Michael visits us regularly :yes: The dreams I've had have been so comforting and full of love... And I'm so amazed because of them, I never believed I get to experience something like that. And it's even more amazing to know I'm not the only one, as I've been reading about the experiences people in this forum have had during past few months.
:( I have had nothing.:(


It's the little your heart, your eyes, your mind and you will see. :)
He's there.
i know hes there its just i dont see or feel anything. the paranormal is something i do enjoy but i only get my grand mothers no Michael.
:( I have had nothing.:(


Awww. Maybe you HAVE had "something," and aren't listening/looking in the right places? I know that in this science-oriented modern culture, we are no longer conditioned to look for/believe such experiences, i.e. we tend to think the unexplainable is random? People in every era in the past, before modernity, have believed in the miraculous and the magical. We, in modern times, are UNUSUAL in human history. . .

Meditation is a good thing to do, if only to clear your mind of surface clutter? It does no harm. Sit in a darkened room, maybe with a lit candle for something to focus on. Try to think of. . .NOTHING. Each time the cares of the day intrude, return to thinking of NOTHING. In that sense, make yourself receptive to whatever comes? Consciously relax, beginning at your feet on up toward your head. Relax each muscle-group. Then notice your breathing. Try to breath deeply, and focus just on that. Feel yourself gradually relaxing.

Then, think about L.O.V.E., and what that feels like, how warm and wonderful it is. . to love. . . . . Let those feelings of love IN. If you can do all that, then pay attention to your next thoughts or impressions. When your meditation is finished, pay careful attention to your surroundings.

Last week I was sitting in my kitchen at my computer. I was thinking, "Michael? I miss you SO much." Suddenly there was a BIRD in my kitchen! I am totally serious. It came in through a tiny hole in my screen door. It flew around, then circled my head. It flew all around my kitchen and didn't seem afraid. It was a small, pearly-gray bird. I don't know what type it was, but it was beautiful. I went to the screen door, opened it wide, and the bird flew out again. One can believe this was completely random, but it helps to believe that it was. . . . something????

I am educated as a researcher. You know how it goes? Hypothesis, development of argument from data, and then conclusions? This is a lot to overcome if you are dealing with the unexplainable. But yet. . .it helps to believe.

Keep trying?

I believe in the paranormal but at the moment I dont believe in anything. I dont even believe in having faith. I may be morbid and depressed but nothing comforts me. I have too little answers and thus far Ive never gotten any paranormal signs from Michael, I cant feel his presence.
As I walked out of the flat this eavning I noticed some bright stars on the skyline, but I kept walking until I realised that those are no stars, but 2, one of which was bigger objects that are slowly moving east. I am not saying that it has to do something with Michael, but it might. Any suggestions what this fenomen was? UFO or something. Personally I have seen many unexplainable things in the sky. AND I don't bellieve this rumors, I think nothink will ever bring Michael back, but he will forever live in our hearts.
:( I have had nothing.:(


Yea........not fair!!!!!!'s not like we were any less of a MJ fan then the next man/woman. have to remember that we live in a world where people would say/do anything for money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god don't make him elvis. if he's out there healing and watching over people, then he's not at rest. i ebelive he's watching over his kids and his mother. that's it. not in bathrooms or at gas stations. that's elvis' job
Although I am quite emotional by nature, I am very rational at the same time. Usually I am questioning everything before I am willing to believe something. But I have to admit that I experienced some things (not MJ related) during different stages of life that are hard to believe to be just coincidences.

Well, during the past months I noticed something I am still musing about. There are moments when I am talking to Michael in my mind. One time I asked: "Michael, are you there?" At that moment I felt a very soft wind around me, only for two or three seconds, but I felt it. Inside a room where I was alone. The movie Ghosts that I love so much immediately came to my mind. :unsure: And this happened not only once but for a few times when I was thinking of MJ intensively. I'm not kidding or telling tales. I am still wondering what that really was. I think there is more between heaven and earth than we all know or see ... :ph34r: