Paranormal Events Involving Jackson Are Being Reported Around the World.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
25 November 2009
Michael Jackson Ghost Stories Keep Rolling In

Kerry Deville

It's almost half a year since the passing of Michael Jackson and the world's obsession with the singer has not waned and is not expected to any time soon. Many people felt a personal connection to the Superstar and paranormal events involving Jackson are being reported around the world. A good chunk of these events involve sightings of Jackson's ghost and this publication gets a fair few of these reports a month.

Recent emails (paraphrased) we have received on Michael Jackson ghost sightings include this one from a Deniz Ipekci, 23, from Istanbul in Turkey:

‘I was right at the bank of the Bosporus River in Istanbul near the old cemetery; I had been going through difficult times both financially and in terms of my romantic affairs. I was watching the water when I noticed a face in the river. My heart started beating quickly and I realised it was the face of Michael Jackson I was seeing. He then said to me 'One day we will be together'. I knew he was saying things will be alright and they have improved since then. The experience was very moving.’

And this account from Therese Guy, 29, of Nancy in France:

‘I was in the city square and turned a corner looking for a cafe with a restroom as I was feeling a little ill as I was having some stress at work. As I turned a corner I noticed a person who was definitely Michael Jackson in a quite spot under a small tree. He looked peaceful and perfect. The figure 'floated' towards me and touched my stomach and my pain vanished. The next day the person giving me trouble at work resigned’

Michael Jackson clearly had a profound effect on so many fans and his spirit allegedly still interacts with them. We can expect these won't be the last such accounts we receive.
wow. i dont really know what to make of those unless there is hardcore proof. i would just take these so called reports with a grain of salt.
I do think these type of things do happen. Maybe not in a literal sense but in peoples minds and hearts, it's amazing what the human mind can do.
I believe in the Soul & Spirit. There's alot to this universe that we do not know about...
Well, I'm not so sure All News Web is up there on the credible sources list, but... hey, 'weird' things do happen in this world. If they are real stories, then okidoki, I don't see why not. A lot of people have experiences with those who've passed (myself included). If the stories are not true, then shame on them for sad tabloid writing.

But in the end...

"Some things are true whether you believe in them or not."

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I've seen Michael in my dreams a few times that were so real. I've posted them in the psychics merged thread. Michael was always asking me if I was OK in those dreams... strange that ppl are having similar experiences.. all over the world...:angel: I'm just sayin'... he's looking out for all of us.
I've seen Michael in my dreams a few times that were so real. I've posted them in the psychics merged thread. Michael was always asking me if I was OK in those dreams... strange that ppl are having similar experiences.. all over the world...:angel: I'm just sayin'... he's looking out for all of us.
The dreams and psychics threads here just rule. I love that people aren't afraid to share their experiences :)
The dreams and psychics threads here just rule. I love that people aren't afraid to share their experiences

Aww yea thanks!:) I am glad you feel the same as I! It's interesting and comforting at the same time.
well..when people say they feel better due to the experience, i'm not about trying to deny that.
I like reading these stories - if Michael's giving comfort to people when they're hurting, even after he's gone, then that's great :)

Personally I believe it! When my grandmother died a few years ago, I cried myself to sleep for weeks. One day I was in bed reading in my uni halls of residence, and I heard her voice clearly say 'OK, time to sleep now darling' and my duvet felt tighter around me. I seriously believe she was there keeping an eye. I know it's just personal belief, but it's comforting to believe that through good and bad times we all have our guardian angels x
I believe in this.
I've felt Michael's energy around me a few times. I absolutely believe that Michael is visiting all of those who care for him and all of those that he cares for.

I believe in the Soul & Spirit. There's alot to this universe that we do not know about...

i do know the little paranormal activities that have been happening to me since he died are real and they are him ,also in my dreams. and i dont care if know one else believes, i do. and i wasnt a madcap fan of his. but i did love him all these years. and i believe he knew that.
i do know the little paranormal activities that have been happening to me since he died are real and they are him ,also in my dreams. and i dont care if know one else believes, i do. and i wasnt a madcap fan of his. but i did love him all these years. and i believe he knew that.
I agree with you. :yes:
Michael went out of his way to heal peoples pain and sorrow in life so why not after life??? I believe this and i hope one day i will experience something like this! I dont think its denial i think it is giving hope and inspiration to people all over the world! I have had many dreams that i know are just dreams but one day i hope to feel his presence around me!
I've seen Michael in my dreams a few times that were so real. I've posted them in the psychics merged thread. Michael was always asking me if I was OK in those dreams... strange that ppl are having similar experiences.. all over the world...:angel: I'm just sayin'... he's looking out for all of us.

I had a dream about Michael last night myself, so I'm not gonna laugh and call these people crazy or whatever. Maybe they feel that he is here in spirit. You never know. As i've said on here before the weekend Michael died, I felt his presence very strongly. I know that might sound crazy to some especially if you are a cynical person, but i'm telling you the feeling was so strong that it scared me and I was hardly able to sleep for days. I didn't see anything, but I really felt like his spirit was near me. Well i'm someone who believes in these things anyway so maybe that's why I felt it.

But I'm telling you, spirits and the mind in general are powerful things.
I believe if people want to see him so bad and want him back that much then it can all happen in the mind. I truly dont know what genuine about paranormal activity. How can you when you have idiots like Derek Acorah scamming people that are genuinely hurt from a loss of a person.
But I think its a mentality thing.
Plus every paranormal thing that has happened after the 25th June has to be to do with Michael?
I dont intend on being the "Buzz Killington" of this thread. lol Just sayin how I feel.
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The paranormal is indeed a real thing, I've had too many experiences throughout my life to believe otherwise. I believe this, and last night I had my first dream about Michael, it was kind of comforting for me. :)
I believe in it. I've had enough experiences of my own, that I can't help but believe in it. And I think it would be just like Michael to want to visit his fans if he wants. Of course there are always going to be the fakers out there creating stories for money.
Michael will never truely leave this world.
I want to believe these things happen. I've never had a paranormal experience (well, one strange happening when I was around 12). But I try to keep an open mind about it. If it brings someone comfort to believe then it's ok, nothing wrong with that.

I went to a Montel Williams show taping once (it's a daytime talk show that is no longer on the air) when the psychic Sylvia Brown was on as a guest (she would come on weekly) and I was chosen from the audience to ask her a question that was aired on TV. I asked her something about if my grandmother is around me and she said she was standing right behind me. Chills. Of course, anybody could say that to me. I should have outsmarted her and asked her what my grandmother's name was So who knows? There's only one way to know for sure...
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I wouldn't think God would let Michael's ghost roaming the Earth.

I would think that God would want him in heaven ASAP! :p