Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen *Update on #84 (was asked about MJ in french tv appearence)

Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I agree; however I was not going to get into this but I find it funny that some of the same people defending Pam are some of the same people who degrade other artists such as Madonna, Justin Timberlake, etc. Sorry but society does judge people like Pam. WE ALL JUDGE. Most of us judge people like Nancy Grace, Diane Diamond, Tom Sneddon, etc for what they do as well. Are we wrong in doing that as well (we do not know them other than the fact they went after Michael)? Are we wrong in doing that? Regardless if she is MJ's type or not, Pam is still viewed as an not so good woman who was passed around (and yes, LMP is viewed in the same manner outside of some fans who liked her). I believe Pam that nothing is between her and Michael but it is funny to watch fans fuss over this.

Good points, Terrell. BTW, DisGrace, Demon and Sneddon deserve harsh judgement because of what they did and said about Mike.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Good points, Terrell. BTW, DisGrace, Demon and Sneddon deserve harsh judgement because of what they did and said about Mike.

what happenend to those bitches anyways? oh well.... :timer:

Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Good question, Marie. LOL.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Good points, Terrell. BTW, DisGrace, Demon and Sneddon deserve harsh judgement because of what they did and said about Mike.
Exactly. And I guess some people see people in the same matter, They judge her in the way she jump from pillar to post. It all has the same concept.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Exactly. And I guess some people see people in the same matter, They judge her in the way she jump from pillar to post. It all has the same concept.
I agree with you. Pamala Anderson has got a not very good reputation here in Britain. She is treaqted as a joke, second only to MJ in th media.
It was FUN for the media to throw their names together. They were laughing AT MJ's EXPENCE,.. It was like they were saying that that woman was the only woman MJ deserves.
I never believed that MJ met that woman, and I still do not believe there is any video.
I think Pamala enjoyed the attention she got and was probably flattered by the assumption. She neither confirmed nor denied any meeting.:baby:
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Michael if you want a blonde girl,you can always have me!
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I don't think she's joking, I think they might have talked about a video together. I think they actually do hang out together.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Datsymay, she never confirmed or denied any romance but she did confirm vbmenu_register("postmenu_1617582", true); a meeting when she said "He just wants me in a video". Obviously they have been meeting up but she didn't sound convincing here, like she used that phrase to cover the fact they've been seeing eachother? Or to hide any romance.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Well I would think the two of them would have something to talk about. I don't understand this assumption or this assertion that Pamela Anderson is stupid or a bimbo. She's not. You can see she's not clearly when you listen to her in interviews.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

hey what happened to nancy grace and all of them...anyone know?
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Looks like she's trying to avoid it......Mike prolly told her not to spill the beans......LMAO. Cute vid.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

hey what happened to nancy grace and all of them...anyone know?

She and Diane Dimbitch ate eachother in a mad fury over a pair of underwear which may or may not have been Michael's at some point 30 years ago.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Even though i'm not an actual fan of Pam's, i've always liked her. She's always seemed like such a nice person. I think it's cool how she didn't go the obvious route and act embarrassed when MJ was brought up to her. Of course, I know she could change up about him once she gets asked about him by the haters, but for now, she has my respect.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I hope michaels isn't dating that dirty slapper, she is funny but if i was a man i wouldn't go near her if i got paid to

God knows what you would catch, she already has heptitus C
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I hope michaels isn't dating that dirty slapper, she is funny but if i was a man i wouldn't go near her if i got paid to

God knows what you would catch, she already has heptitus C

i agree. ..........
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I guess you lot are the kind that won't go near anyone with Aids either. God you lot are real ugly.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I guess you lot are the kind that won't go near anyone with Aids either. God you lot are real ugly.

:clapping: Regardless of how you feel about her moral standards and overall persona, to talk that way about her medical condition is not rude but down right ugly.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Yeah I guess having STD's/aids, or anything of this nature is disgusting, and wrong, and the person who catches it are horrible people with no morals. You people make me sick!!!!!! You claim you don't judge, and that Michael has helped you to not judge others, or think badly of them, but you are so hypocritical, that you make fun of people who's medical condition is very emotional,painful, and stressful. Many people with these diseases commit suicide because of the stigma the diseases have. they feel they can never be loved, or be in a relationship again. So I guess instead of trying to change the view of stds/aids, you follow the "medias" portrayal of the disease.

So I guess you're better than Pamela, because you didn't catch a sexually transmitted disease correct?
well if thats the case then i feel sorry for you.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I'm not buying that they aren't seeing each other. See how she smiled when Ellen said "I hear rumours that you're dating someone" and then how she blushed and couldn't even say his name during the Celebrity Heads thing. I call that infatuation.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Yeah I guess having STD's/aids, or anything of this nature is disgusting, and wrong, and the person who catches it are horrible people with no morals. You people make me sick!!!!!! You claim you don't judge, and that Michael has helped you to not judge others, or think badly of them, but you are so hypocritical, that you make fun of people who's medical condition is very emotional,painful, and stressful. Many people with these diseases commit suicide because of the stigma the diseases have. they feel they can never be loved, or be in a relationship again. So I guess instead of trying to change the view of stds/aids, you follow the "medias" portrayal of the disease.

So I guess you're better than Pamela, because you didn't catch a sexually transmitted disease correct?
well if thats the case then i feel sorry for you.
YES YES YES!!! Exactly my thoughts. Some people are so fukn hypocrytical with the whole "MJ don't judge etcc" it's disgusting! :doh:

I reckon they have been meeting up- not sure what the reason is, but I hope they're having fun! :D
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Got this from a french website. I don't know what this is, but whoever can translate it please do so.

Pamela Anderson serait dans le prochain clip de Michael Jackson

Après une rencontre à Malibu, la star aurait proposé à Pamela de jouer dans son prochain clip.

Alors qu’il fêtait ses 50 ans il y a peu, Michael Jackson rencontrait Pamela Anderson dans un hôtel de Malibu, proche de la plage où elle courrait en maillot rouge au coté de David Hasselhoff. Depuis les rumeurs n’ont cessé d’enfler sur une liaison entre les 2 stars. Avec son mariage avorté il y a peu, la bimbo aurait certes besoin de trouver du réconfort, mais ce ne serait probablement pas auprès d’un chanteur sur le déclin et criblé de dettes.

Elle a d’ailleurs démenti cette rumeur dans l’émission d’Ellen DeGeneres hier, mais en a lancé une autre. Michael Jackson lui aurait proposé de tourner dans son prochain clip. Une rumeur qui annonce non seulement la présence de l’actrice dans un clip, mais vient aussi officialiser le grand retour du roi de la Pop ! Pour avoir un aperçu de ce que pourrait donner cet album, voici un potentiel extrait de cet opus qui devrait vraisemblablement se nommer 7even.

Also she came on a french tv show and also ask her about her and Michael and she obvisouly doesn't answer the question based on her body language: I can't post the video but here is the website:

Pamela Anderson : un passage remarqué chez Denisot ! (vidéo)

Le passage de Pamela Anderson a été très remarqué hier soir, bien que son apparition fut bien trop courte pour les téléspectateurs.

La bimbo a fait son show hier chez Michel Denisot. Invitée du Grand Journal, Pamela Anderson a fait son entrée sous les ovations d’un public. Apparemment fan d’Alerte à Malibu, ou des grosses poitrines, les applaudissements du public ont duré pendant de longues minutes. Ce qui n’a pas empêché Michel Denisot de commencer une interview, forte en révélation choc.

Au final on apprendra que la belle passe l’aspirateur chez elle, et qu’elle se trouve très belle. On espère que la téléréalité censée tout révéler sur Pamela sera nettement plus intéressante. Surtout qu’après a peine 10 minutes d’interview, la star est parti du plateau de l’émission. Il faut dire qu’elle avait un planning chargé, en à peine une journée, elle a multiplié les enregistrements d’émissions.

Celle qui jouera dans le clip de Michael Jackson sera aussi chez Sébastien Cauet en tant qu’invité d’honneur. Évidemment comme d’habitude lorsque Cauet reçoit une personnalité ayant posé nu, le présentateur a tout essayé pour se faire embrasser. Et il semblerait qu’il y soit arrivé en affirmant que c’était son anniversaire (ce qui est bien évidemment faux).
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I tried to translate it. What i got from this is that Pam went on the Ellen show and talked about her appearing in MJs video. And that she went on someother show too, Michel Denisot talk show....idk..but thats what I got when i went to a translater site.

Hopefully someonelse can translate it and put it up..
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I'll try to make a short summary of it but I only learned french in school and I never really use french but I can kinda understand it:)
Pamela Anderson will feature in the next clip of Michael Jackson

After a meeting in Malibu, the star would have offered Pam to feature in his clip.

Michael met Pamela Anderson in an hotel in Malibu, close to the beacj where she ran in a red bathingsuite next to David Hasselhoff. Since then the rumours about a relationship between the two didn't stop. After her marriage that didn't work out, Pamela Anderson needed ' a shoulder to lean on' but it isn't thhe shoulderof a ?deteriorating? singer with a lot of debts.:smilerolleyes:

Please correct me if I made huge mistakes:). It is cool to see that the people are all moving along on Hold my hand when they play it :yes:.

She denied these rumoures in a show of Ellen DeGeneres yesterday but she started another rumour. Michael JAckson offered her to be in his next clip. A rumour that doesn't only announce the presenceof the actrice in a clip, but the big come-back of the king of Pop! So that you can have an impression of what the album may bring, here's a possible numer of the ablum that will probably be called 7even (and on the site you can play let me let go of Jason Malachi:hysterical:)
There's nothing really in the next bit... they just say 'the one who will be in Michael jackson's next videoclip' in stead of 'Pamela Anderson', I think:).
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I love Ellen, she could of made fun of MJ EASY here but she didn't.
She's a huge fan :) She's always dancing to MJ's music on her show and she knows all of his lyrics by heart. Top choice if Michael would ever want to do a talk show interview, she'd make it fun and interesting.