Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen *Update on #84 (was asked about MJ in french tv appearence)

Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

:( i hope they wouldn't be together....i have such mixed feelings about pam...she seems like such a fun person and she can be so cute...but she has NO MORALS what-so-ever....and i have no respect for people like that...and honestly..if michael would ever end up with someone like her...i might just accidentally lose some respect for him too lol...he deserves someone modest and more ... good. lol.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I reckon from her reaction in the ex game they are getting it on! Good luck to them! I really like Pam.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

:lol: Thanks for posting that! I like the way she said "It happens!!" when Ellen said she was seen with Mike. LMAO! Yeah, cos that just happens!! :lol: xxx
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

oh ok State of Shock lol. I was confused a bit lol. sorry
:giggle: eh no probs

I reckon from her reaction in the ex game they are getting it on! Good luck to them! I really like Pam.


I'd say the same but nah it was too "obvious" - she seemed to be "feigning" an overeaction for some unknown reason, sarcasm makes the only sense atm imho

Her reaction when asked about the Shiek was more interesting than her reaction about MJ imho. That looked more like a true cover-up. The body language of waving her hands (a bit prematurely in terms of timing) so as to suggest dismissing it, at the same time saying the age-old line people use to cover up personal business, something about knowing "lots of interesting people"

:lol: Thanks for posting that! I like the way she said "It happens!!" when Ellen said she was seen with Mike. LMAO! Yeah, cos that just happens!! :lol: xxx


When she said "it happens" - indeed it can and it does - she can be seen with some of anyone in show business at any given time
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Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

A little reminder to some:
  • Please do not speculate about Michael's private life. That's a violation to MJJC rules.
  • Please keep it respectful and do not talk about Pamela's health issues.
On a personal note, none of us know Pamela in person, and we don't know what kind of woman she is in real life. Yes, she's not exactly the image of purity, but she also seems to have great qualities such as being a wonderful mother and animal rights activist, so, don't disrespect her just cuz she's been nude on magazines and stuff like that.
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Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I'm sure you all have seen that video by now

I have never seen the video and I am proud to say that.

I also want to comment on something: no one is saying that they know what type of woman MJ likes or is into. People are just saying how they feel and what they think his type of woman is. That doesn't mean that they are jealous or whatever. It is just an opinion. BTW, no one is disrespecting Pam about her lifestyle. She is grown and can live her life whatever and however she wants to. However, if people, like me, disagree with her lifestyle, we can say that. I really do not like it when people feel the need to be a "protector" of certain people because the certain person lives their lives in a way that a lot of people probably do not agree to. I know for one that I will never doubt that she is a bad mother or a crazy person because of her lifestyle. I think she is a good mother and really loves and protects animals. Good for her. I think that people got to let people say what they want and let it be. You can disagree, but do not go on and go after people simply because they feel that they can't see MJ with Pam. The rumors aren't true and I am happy to say that they are not true. I am not ashame to say that. I hope they are friends and that is it. I doubt that anything else is going on.

You guys can carry on and believe what you want to believe.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

LOL @ her.. when she gasped. :lol: Being all confused AHAHAHA.
Pam: "...Does it start with an M??"
Ellen: "Yea!"
Pam: *puts card quickly down*

Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Bee, you have the right to believe and say whatever you want, everyone in here has that same right.
However, if you honestly belive that comments about her having no morals, passing on a venerial disease to Michael and such are not disrespectful to a woman, any woman, then that's your thing.
I don't feel the need to protect Pamela, I couldn't care less about her, but I do care about a conversation staying respectful given that this is pure speculation.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

" no one is saying that they know what type of woman MJ likes or is into. People are just saying how they feel and what they think his type of woman is."

People are putting MJ on a pedestal because of who he is, and who they think he is. And because of this they are degrading, and putting down a woman's lifestyle choice. It's the same thing they did with that MJ impersonator with that woman. People were calling her a whore, and a slut because of the way she looked, and dressed.
We don't know what MJ's tastes in women are so why even try to think about what the right women is for him? Only he knows, and only for him to think about.

yes there are some that want to help MJ, find a woman etc, but we can do it without judging, or making fun of another lifestyle choice.

"BTW, no one is disrespecting Pam about her lifestyle."

"ewwwwwwwww! I hope they aren't dating. I don't think she's good for him at all. He might catch some kind of antibiotic-resistant venerial disease. She's been everywhere!"

"but she has NO MORALS what-so-ever....and i have no respect for people like that...and honestly..if michael would ever end up with someone like her...i might just accidentally lose some respect for him too lol...he deserves someone modest and more ... good. lol."

These are not remarks of someone disrespecting someone over their choices as a lifestyle? I believe they are.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Some of you people talking smack about Pam Anderson is really absurd. She's probably ten times smarter then anyone saying her lifestyle is no good. And says who, exactly? Society? Oh yeah, society's really done a bang up job of setting great, moral standards... not. Please. If you would lose respect for Michael for dating a woman like Pam Anderson, then you too must have lost respect for him dating and marrying someone like Lisa Marie, who supposedly has been known to sleep around quite a bit herself.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Giss.. you have a good point though. We don't even know what type of women MJ goes for. IMO each lady linked to MJ, like LMP, Diana, Brooke ,etc...... I think they all are different is their own ways. So I am just saying we don't know what type MJ likes. Thats all i have to say....

And thats just my opinion..since we all on here are entitled to our own opinions. Everyone is free to say their opinions.:yes:
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Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Giss.. you have a good point though. We don't even know what type of women MJ goes for. IMO each lady linked to MJ, like LMP, Diana, Brooke.. they all are different is their own ways. So I am just saying we don't know what type MJ likes. Thats all i have to say....

You are very right, everyone of these women that we know, or have been rumored to being with MJ, or MJ having feelings for are all very different. They all have different personalities, and look very different from one another. Their beliefs are very different as well.
so to even try to say the type of woman for MJ is completely absurd.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Actually I don't care anymore what they are doing. Only thing I care is seeing Pamela in Michael's short film.


Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

LOL...Ummm, you're welcome?
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Guys.... ITS NOT carefully when she's holding Kid Rock's Picture she says..."It's not true"
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I agree with whoever said that when she whispered, 'its not true' that may have been the only 'true' thing she said about MJ, because of the time and place in the interview in which she said it.

Everything else was just for laughs.

yes...could have been the only thing!!!never know...
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Pamela Anderson has no class at all. MJ's videos have been about class and style and unfortunately Pam does not have any of that. I can't even imagine Pam in one of the videos. I have heard many fans feel the same way. That is like "The Beatles" having "Paris Hilton" in one of their videos. It does NOT match.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

I'm looking forward to seeing what the concept of his video is. He might want to say something about people prying into his stash of mags.

Pamela was in Playboy several times. Know what I'm sayin'? Maybe he'll have her step out of a mag and come to life while he's in his office at Neverland.
:lol: :yes:

Since Sneddon and 'em opened that door, Mike might as well walk through it and bring Pamela with him. If some can't wrap their minds around him doing this just remember, Mike ain't O-5, he's 5-O.

Plus, he's carried himself with class and STILL had his mags. Sneddon and 'em kept prying and prying and prying until they inadvertantly proved he's straight! That's JUST what they deserved. They all slammed themselves while trying to slam him.

Waiting to see what Pamela the former Playboy model will be doing. Don't worry, Mike knows how to work her into a video without causing people to need oxygen and CPR LOL.
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Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

^^ hahaha, nice post:laugh:
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Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

haha if thats the case of the video... :) :lol:
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Bee, you have the right to believe and say whatever you want, everyone in here has that same right.
However, if you honestly belive that comments about her having no morals, passing on a venerial disease to Michael and such are not disrespectful to a woman, any woman, then that's your thing.
I don't feel the need to protect Pamela, I couldn't care less about her, but I do care about a conversation staying respectful given that this is pure speculation.

Fine. I never said that people couldn't say what they wanted to say. I stick by what I feel about Pam. I have always felt that about her and I am not going to change that.

People are putting MJ on a pedestal because of who he is, and who they think he is. And because of this they are degrading, and putting down a woman's lifestyle choice. It's the same thing they did with that MJ impersonator with that woman. People were calling her a whore, and a slut because of the way she looked, and dressed.
We don't know what MJ's tastes in women are so why even try to think about what the right women is for him? Only he knows, and only for him to think about.

yes there are some that want to help MJ, find a woman etc, but we can do it without judging, or making fun of another lifestyle choice.

Well, I never judged the woman. I already had an opinion on Pam based on what she said and what she did. So, I said what I said about her. I also do not think, noticed I said "think", that Pam is MJ's type of woman. That is my opinion, not a fact.

Plus, he's carried himself with class and STILL had his mags

Right on. Now, THAT is class.

As for Pam not having class - very well said. :)
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Has it occured to you that when some of us pointed out that a few comments were disrespectful we weren't talking about YOU making them?
You felt the need to reply saying people weren't being disrespectful, well, some were.
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Has it occured to you that when some of us pointed out that a few comments were disrespectful we weren't talking about YOU making them?
You felt the need to reply saying people weren't being disrespectful, well, some were.

If you are talking to me about this, then I will say this - you stated my name and what you had to say and I responded. That is all I did. I did not felt the need to reply to anything, I replied back because I believed that some of the comments were aimed at me. I mentioned something about MJ's type and my opinion regarding that. I responded to that. That is all I responded to. I didn't talk about her health issues or what have you. I just focused on the part about MJ's type and my view on that. However, I am not gonna comment anymore about this rumor. I think someone summed it up best on here:

I agree with whoever said that when she whispered, 'its not true' that may have been the only 'true' thing she said about MJ, because of the time and place in the interview in which she said it.

Everything else was just for laughs.

Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Lord, you are all too funny. LOL!

Those who go out of their way to convince themselves Michael has nothing to do with her. It wouldn't matter what woman it was.

Those who think they are perfect. ?? Live and let live. I don't think Michael is a judgemental person like his fans are. That's life.

I think Pam was avoiding talking about Michael because she knows she has to keep quiet. LOL!

Regardless I don't care if he is working with her or even dating her for that matter. That is his business.

Go Mikey, whatever you are up to. LOL!
Re: Pam A. Full Interview on Ellen (there's more)

Fine. I never said that people couldn't say what they wanted to say. I stick by what I feel about Pam. I have always felt that about her and I am not going to change that.

Well, I never judged the woman. I already had an opinion on Pam based on what she said and what she did. So, I said what I said about her. I also do not think, noticed I said "think", that Pam is MJ's type of woman. That is my opinion, not a fact.

Right on. Now, THAT is class.

As for Pam not having class - very well said. :)
I agree; however I was not going to get into this but I find it funny that some of the same people defending Pam are some of the same people who degrade other artists such as Madonna, Justin Timberlake, etc. Sorry but society does judge people like Pam. WE ALL JUDGE. Most of us judge people like Nancy Grace, Diane Diamond, Tom Sneddon, etc for what they do as well. Are we wrong in doing that as well (we do not know them other than the fact they went after Michael)? Are we wrong in doing that? Regardless if she is MJ's type or not, Pam is still viewed as an not so good woman who was passed around (and yes, LMP is viewed in the same manner outside of some fans who liked her). I believe Pam that nothing is between her and Michael but it is funny to watch fans fuss over this.