Origins of the Moonwalk

Don't listen to him, he's got rose colored glasses on with Chris Brown super-imposed on one lens and MC Hammer on the other!
well going back on topic now, I could see some MJ kind of stuff going on in that vid lol, theres no magic with bill baileys moonwalk though
Oh, trying to back out now!? Haha, naw, just kidding. About the moonwalk, or the backslide since all those b-boys and poppers and lockers get so mad when you call it the moonwalk (like they invented it, lol) it's been around since the 30s, as far as I know. I've heard that dancers used to use it to get off of the floor when a new partner came in. Its cool. Michael smoothed it out so much that it looks like he's floating back or being pulled back. It's different from how other people do it.

lol, for real.
yeah, what a fluke that was? Michael couldn't perform it properly and somehow it ended up looking better
lol, you're crazy. See, even when Michae's messing up it ends up better then the other guy. That's how good he is, haha.
I'm sure he's just rolling his eyes and cursing himself for thinking he could make a thread and have us two come in to have an actual serious discussion, lol.
You biatches forgot Ne-yo and Usher -_-

Michael Jackson ain't nuffin without themm, NOTHINNNNN!!!!!!!11111



Will y'all calm the f**k down!?! :lol:

This was about how far the "backslide" went, not Chris Brown v. Michael Jackson, that's another discussion for another time! :lol:
well going back on topic now, I could see some MJ kind of stuff going on in that vid lol, theres no magic with bill baileys moonwalk though

How dare you insinuate that Bill Bailey's moonwalk was in the slightest bit boring -_-

Anyway, it's all Usher, the true inventor of the moonwalk :wub:
Anyway we can't even have a history lesson thread without folks trying to hijack threads. Now I understand why this board gives people infractions. :doh:

Showed me right! :lol: :devil2:

All y'all get the :smack:
For me l saw many many dancers the best is Fred astaire ,james brown John travolta and the one and only Michael Jackson and this topics musn't be here in great MJ forum like that because if no fans see this what will they say?
l ve had enough with no fans ,Michael is not just a dancers is also a singer compused music.
For me l saw many many dancers the best is Fred astaire ,james brown John travolta and the one and only Michael Jackson and this topics musn't be here in great MJ forum like that because if no fans see this what will they say?
l ve had enough with no fans ,Michael is not just a dancers is also a singer compused music.

Well we've all been talking about his dancing. No one's saying who's better either. We're just saying how Michael got the influence. That video should clearly state it.
Since I like to stay on topic, for those of you who don't know, Michael learnt to Moonwalk from Jeffrey Daniels, who kind of brought it a bit more mainstream in the 80's before Michael done it. He was part of the group Shalamar. He was in both Bad and Smooth Criminal and taught Michael a lot of crap he knows now as well as the EBs (Electric Boogaloos) who be hatin, lol. Guarantee he does do some things better.

Feel free to discuss.
The Electric Boogaloos were obviously PISSED with MJ, lol... but I loved Jeffrey Daniels' discussion of Michael. But I saw that a few months ago. I'm like "NUCCA, U MAD!?!" :lol:

Though I do agree, neither of them were "kids" when they did it, they were practically Michael's age! :rollin:

Thanks for that though, Jabz.

As for Jeff, he's a genius training another genius. It's all good. ^_^

Obviously when you compare the mimes, the old-school hoofers of times gone by and the break-dancers, it makes sense why Michael turned out the way he did.
Several different people claim to have taught Michael the moonwalk. It's not really known who did and frankly it gets boring hearing about it because like I said in my first post, it's just ONE step and not even close to being Michael's most interesting. I don't think it was Jeff though. The EB are dick heads, lol. They're all just mad cause they know Michael could wipe the floor with em anyhow. Why do you think they always get relegated to the popping section of the video? lol. Bottom line is, you can't teach someone how to dance. You can teach them steps, but you can't ever teach someone to move with the fluidity, grace, speed and accuracy that Michael does. Those are natural elements you must be born with.