Origins of the Moonwalk


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In my own universe
Now y'all, don't go into any "oh but Michael's better" excuses, just be amazed at the inspired dancing that led to what the media called "the moonwalk" when MJ did it in '83:

I am now even more fully CONVINCED that Michael got it from watching old films and not "some kids in the street" as he claimed, who basically emulated the dancers from the older time periods.

Nicole, don't fret, your boy Fred Astaire is in there. :p
lol, chaos.

Yeah, yeah. But lets talk about some of Michael's OTHER moves. The moonwalk is his most boring and easy step, lol.
Michael has no other move, the Moonwalk is EVERYTHING
well personally, from the deep reading and research I know that if you are a good dancer then you need to have to know good steps, Michael only knows how to Moonwalk and I've seen Chris Brown do different kinds of stuff so therefore based on my deep underdstanding of dance Chris brown is actually better then Michael
I reckon people give Michael too much credit as a dancer for just beeing able to walk backwards

don't you agree with me wannabe? its also the reason why Michael was too scared to face MC Hammer in a dance off
If I could reach through the computer screen and wring your neck... I would.

LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ur just a jealous MJ fan :p
Chris Brown and MC Hammer are what you would get if you put Michael Jackson on acid and then fed him some unheard of mushroom mixture and told him to dance.
Michael Jackson is what you get if you attempt to Clone Chris Brown and end up with something thats nowhere near as talented because at the end of the day wannabe, its not just about the steps (which chris brown has an advantage over michael) but its also about grace, speed and precision Michael doesnt even have the clean lines that Chris has and on top of that Chris' form is soooo much better, he can flow from one step to the other effortlessly where as Michael looks like he might trip over himself, the comparison is abit of a joke really I think if you are going to compare chris brown to ANYONE then it should be to the likes of the legends such as Fred astaire, MC hammer...
:rofl: You WRETCH!

The power of Christ compells you! The power of Christ compells you! I order the Devil from out your soul!
well if you're going to get all personal about it, we can take this to Pm

this is just typical behaviour from MJ fans though

Chaos.. is that you?

Michael Jackson is what you get if you attempt to Clone Chris Brown and end up with something thats nowhere near as talented because at the end of the day wannabe, its not just about the steps (which chris brown has an advantage over michael) but its also about grace, speed and precision Michael doesnt even have the clean lines that Chris has and on top of that Chris' form is soooo much better, he can flow from one step to the other effortlessly where as Michael looks like he might trip over himself, the comparison is abit of a joke really I think if you are going to compare chris brown to ANYONE then it should be to the likes of the legends such as Fred astaire, MC hammer...

brilliant post! chris brown is even better than justin let alone michael pfff

michael who?

this might look easy, but u dont think that until you try doing it and end up with ur face bashing down on the ground
LOL. You and Roxanne have been possesed by the DEVIL!

That's ain't how it went down. It went down like

MC: Michael, I'm callin you out! Let's have a dance off right here, right NOW!

MJ: Looks at him sideways, then starts to laugh.

MC: Uh... well... what I meant was... uh, damn... walks aways while trying to hide his face from the embarrassement.

See that, Michael didn't even have to move a muscle to embarrass MC.
LOL. You and Roxanne have been possesed by the DEVIL!

That's ain't how it went down. It went down like

MC: Michael, I'm callin you out! Let's have a dance off right here, right NOW!

MJ: Looks at him sideways, then starts to laugh.

MC: Uh... well... what I meant was... uh, damn... walks aways while trying to hide his face from the embarrassement.

See that, Michael didn't even have to move a muscle to embarrass MC.
now your just making stuff up... to be fair though, Michael could of had won because those dance offs are based on how many steps you can do and know.

Because if it was based on how clean you execute those steps and how much control you have and how you make the transition from one pose to the other with smoothness and grace then Michaels in trouble
now your just making stuff up... to be fair though, Michael could of had won because those dance offs are based on how many steps you can do and know.

Because if it was based on how clean you execute those steps and how much control you have and how you make the transition from one pose to the other with smoothness and grace then Michaels in trouble



