One Word Names for Michael's Next Album

:cheeky::cheeky:I'd call it "Show Me Da Money"...heh heh heh...


Wicked name for a new album, especially one which has been as long awaited as Michael's :yes:.
Well if this is possibly going to be his last album i still think 'Legacy' is the best title. Otherwise 'Michael'.
In the old Michael Jackson Forum there was once a topic with the same subject, how would you name Mj's new album. My post was immediately deleted and some very harsh comments followed. Later I got a message by forum moderator or something warning me to never say something like “that” again. Then I replied to him/her explaining the reason why I chose the name I chose. The moderator then asked me to repost my album title suggestion with the explanation that I had just give him. But I didn't!

For me Michael Jackson is a being beyond his time, he has opened up so many doors for me, I see a much bigger world because of Michael's craziness...or should I say normalness....He's the normal one! Society's "normal" people are the crazy one because they live someone else's life, not their own. It’s funny to see that MJ doesn’t have this effect on other fans or at least most of them. I don’t know any fan that sees him the way I do. Not saying that it is the right way to look at him but it’s my view point and it’s what a I gather from my 18 year study of him.

People are constantly trying to fit in and be like “normal people” so that they don't feel scared or alone. I love the way Michael pushes people's buttons. I love looking back at 1991 when he was already white and he came up with Black or White, as if he was mocking the fact that he was morphing. Instead of running away from it he was teasing people about it. BONKERS!!!! (By the way, I’m a fan or crazy, weird and all that jazz!) To me, that took a lot of balls and like I said before, he's a victim of his time. He's a visionary in everyway. Not just artistically but as a person, as a being. He imitates no life known to mankind.

I notice that most MJ fans are R&B, Soul, Funk, Pop fans rather than Music fans. I myself am a music fan. There is no bad music, only bad musicians. Most fans seem to like the same kind of music that Mike does. Right next to Michael my idols are David Bowie, Ute Lemper, Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, Kurt Weill, Friedrich Hollaender, Mischa Spoliansky, Jacques Brel, Diamanda Galas, Iggy Pop, Pam Hogg, Pet Shop Boys, Siouxsie Sioux, to name a few. And they all created this magic eerie world! They all live in their own reality and are constantly questioning society and rules. They honour the human heart and condition. Most importantly, they raise questions....

My favourite MJ period is from Dangerous onwards. I love the weird, spooky sounds that he and the producers that he worked with created. I love his conceptual lyrics. The hidden messages of some of his not commercial songs. I'm constantly overwhelmed by Michael. By the freaky Michael! I do video installations for not only nightclubs and galleries and I often portray on my videos the Michael Jackson that I see, the Michael Jackson that people don’t know. Have used, for instance, a lot of times the footage of the baby dangling moment. I JUST LOVE THAT! What a picture! What a person! When I explain to people why do I use those images they obviously ask me about the trial and the dialogue is always the same. I ask “did you follow it?” they reply “no”, they ask “what did you think of it?” I reply “Take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy, oh man, I wonder if they’ll ever know, he’s in the best selling show….”.

GIVE ME A FREAK ANY DAY OF THE WEEK! And Michael is undoubtedly the freak of the century.

Given all this that I just said....I would name the album....GUILTY!

":angel:With no disrespect intended, Mr.Jackson "does not" like to be referred to in "any" sense of the word (s), meaning (s) as "Freak" or "Wack0 or Jack0" ...that is "NOT" classy, and is " VERY" disrespectful to him, his family, friends, and to many of his fans & admirers..!"

We Thank You in advance for co-operation and understanding.

Knowledge is Growth...Education is the Key~~~
After reviewing many great suggestions on this thread...

I still like...

Album: "Angel"
Up Close & Personal

If there a Tour how about: "Celestial Frequency"
Why "Seven"? How does that relate to anything?

The only thing I can think of for "Seven" is that this would be his seventh album since "Off the Wall"--his first solo album as an adult.

I like the idea of a self-titled album, or simply using his first name.
I don't care about the name really.

I only want a new album to come with a name!
The only thing I can think of for "Seven" is that this would be his seventh album since "Off the Wall"--his first solo album as an adult.

I like the idea of a self-titled album, or simply using his first name.

Or 11 since GTBT...

He should call it "Seven-Eleven" :D
I don't care about the name really.

I only want a new album to come with a name!


I would settle for a new album without a name even. How about " ".

If it had a name how about Mega? Then it would be a Mega Tour and Mega Hits from Mega Star, Mega Michael. Anyone suggest that yet?
Passion - that would draw some attention :D it sounds a bit random but it's the way he feels about life and music and everything in general I think it describes him because he puts his heart into everything he does
no more Invincible or Bad or Mad :smilerolleyes: he doesn't need to prove anything to anyone anymore
I think its going tthe title is going to be determined by one of the songs from the album, but this is some ideas anyways.



I've got it! the name of his new album should be...


as in Finally, this albums is finished!!!:tease:
I don't like any of those. The title of the album should just be a symbol like Prince.:D


"soon" or "the best is yet to come"