Official: The Jackson UNITY TOUR

Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

^ Exactly. They never talk about ''Michael's fans'', it's always ''our fans''. And that's simply not true.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

^ Exactly. They never talk about ''Michael's fans'', it's always ''our fans''. And that's simply not true.

But wouldn't the promoters try to sell tickets in one venue in a city first to gauge interest before adding all the other dates in the same city? That would be more logical than to schedule ahead all these different dates in the same place. Remember Cirque first had 1 or 2 dates at the O2 & then they added after the demand was very high. Now if they can test the waters for a Michael influenced event, why didn't the promoters for the J4 do the same for a has been group?
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

^^^^It could be that some concert hall owners contacted on promoters and showed interested of having The Jackson's in their halls or place, as they thought The Jackson's would fill the place. They must have seen the impact MJ's passing had on all over the world, but failed to see that Jackson without MJ has no impact for ticket buyers.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Jackson's were supposed to do concert in Finland (Helsinki) but that too is cancelled due the lack of sold tickets.
Does anyone know if other Scandinavian concerts are going ahead?
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

^^Oh I am beginning to feel sorry for them. I hope they can still make a profit and remain financially independent. It does not look good when there are many cancellations.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

The Jackson4 have never been financially independent. They all lived off and on with "Mommy" over the years and I think Katherine wanted and liked that. MJ was the financial backbone of that family since the age of about 11 or so, and I don't feel sorry for them a bit. Katherine is lucky that MJ chose to take care of her financially. It was never enough though and she asked for more and more money and distributed it to the other Jacksons (Randy, Jermaine, etc.) I remember back when Joe sold his portion of Havenhurst to MJ and MJ took the house and renovated it and loved it for a long time. Now, MJs children are living, along with Katherine, in the rented Calabassas house which is beautiful and hopefully now have some peace. It seems as though TJ and Trent are doing a good job. Now, Katherine mainly collects the money, lives in the house with P,P&B but comes and goes as she pleases while Trent and TJ oversee P,P&B. When the kidnapping of Katherine event took place, I was and am proud of Prince for saying what he did (he tweeted it)--this is not a quote but---My Father warned me about certain people. If you keep telling lies, I will keep telling the truth. Prince has some backbone and I'm glad. I often wonder though how Blanket is dealing with things. I hope, OK. I loved it when he signed the tweet--
Michael Jackson Jr
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It would probably sell better if the price of the tickets was reasonable.
It´s not cancelled in Sweden.Yet.
Interview with Jermaine:

b]The Jacksons onTour!
The Comeback of Pop-legends[/b]

Sie sind zurück: Die Jackson-Brüder sind erstmals seit 1984 wieder auf Tournee! In Deutschland gastieren sie am 5. März in München. Statt The Jackson Five nennen sich Jackie, Tito, Marlon und Jermaine jetzt The Jacksons. Doch mit Hits wie „ABC“ wollen sie nicht zuletzt ihrem verstorbenen Bruder Michael huldigen. Wie sehr er fehlt? Die MOPO hat mit Jermaine Jackson (58) gesprochen.

MOPO: Die Konzerte stehen unter dem Motto „The Unity Tour“, aber es lässt sich nicht übersehen, dass einer fehlt.
Jermaine Jackson: Das macht die Sache so emotional für uns. Ich meine, wir wissen genau, wo Michael bei jedem Song stehen müsste, weil wir sie so oft mit ihm performt haben. Michaels Platz war auf der Bühne immer genau neben mir. Und manchmal ist es für mich so, als wäre er immer noch da.

Ende der 60er haben die Jackson Five Hysterie ausgelöst. Sie waren die ersten schwarzen Teenie-Idole, die auch von Weißen angehimmelt wurden.
Ach, es ist doch heute noch genauso aufregend! Wir zappeln immer noch wie verrückt über die Bühne und bringen das Publikum mehrerer Generationen zum Kreischen.

Ist das Tanzen nicht mittlerweile ganz schön anstrengend?
Nein, wir haben sehr hart dafür trainiert. Das wirklich Erschöpfende daran ist, immer die großen Taschen mit den vielen Klamotten zu packen und von Ort zu Ort zu reisen.

Wie werden Sie Michael bei den Konzerten repräsentieren?
Nun, die Show ist ein Tribut an ihn – da sind Bilder von ihm und auch einige seiner Solo-Hits, die wir performen. Wir trauern immer noch. Aber es hat auch etwas Heilendes, mit diesen Liedern auf die Bühne zu gehen.

Haben Sie mal überlegt, Michael als 3D-Hologramm in die Show zu integrieren?
Nein, das braucht es nicht. Michaels Spirit ist mächtiger als jedes Hologramm.

Hat es bei Ihnen eigentlich nie so was wie Eifersucht gegeben, als Michael zum King Of Pop wurde?
Was there never something like jealousy, when Michael became the King of Pop ?

Nein, nie. Denn Michaels Karriere war nur deshalb so groß, weil er vorher bei den Jackson Five war. Wir waren alle Teil davon. Und was wir mit dieser Tour tun, ist exakt das, was er sich gewünscht hatte: Das musikalische Erbe der Jacksons weiterleben zu lassen.
No, never. Because Michael's career was just so great because he was previously with the Jackson Five. We were all part of it. And what we do with this tour is exactly what he wanted: he wanted to live on in the musical legacy of The Jacksons

Einige halten die Jackson-Brüder für habgierig.
Some consider the Jackson brothers to be greedy.

Meiner Meinung nach sind die habgierigen Menschen die Nachlassverwalter von Michaels Vermögen! Die haben viel Mist über mich in Umlauf gebracht. Die Familie von Michael billigt nichts von alledem. Sachen wie die „Cirque du Soleil“-Show liegen nicht in unseren Händen.
In my opinion, the greedy people are the executors of Michael's fortune! They brought a lot of crap in circulation. The family of Michael endorses nothing of this. Things like the "Cirque du Soleil" show are not in our hands

Aber in der Presse ist oft zu lesen, dass sich die Jackson-Familie in zwei Lager gespalten habe. Sogar von einer Entführung Ihrer Mutter war die Rede.
But in the press is often to read that the Jackson family had split into two camps. Even a kidnapping of your mother was mentioned.

Quatsch, das war doch nur wieder so eine aufgeblasene Mediengeschichte. Alles ist gut. Wir versuchen, als Familie gemeinsam nach vorne zu schauen. Aber wir sind sicherlich auch misstrauischer geworden, was Menschen von außen betrifft. Denn wir haben bei Michael gesehen, wie er den falschen Leuten vertraut hat.
Nonsense, that was just another blown media history. All is well. We try to look forward together as a family. But we're certainly become even more suspicious when it comes to people from outside. We have seen this with Michael, as he trusted the wrong people.

Sein Arzt Dr. Conrad Murray wurde zu vier Jahren Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Können Sie ihm vergeben?
Er wusste genau, was er tat. In diesem Fall kann ich da nichts vergeben.

Was haben Sie in den vergangenen Jahren über das Leben gelernt?
Niemals etwas zu ernst zu nehmen und jeden Tag so zu leben, als wär’s der letzte.

Das Interview führte Katja Schwemmers…8,21622540.html
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Jermaine Jackson is an egomaniac. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Another classic interview there from jermaine - that summer of madness was just a figment of our imagination apparently. Was he calling immortal, the no 4 tour in the world, 'crap'?

Was there never something like jealousy, when Michael became the King of Pop ?

No, never. Because Michael's career was just so great because he was previously with the Jackson Five. We were all part of it. And what we do with this tour is exactly what he wanted: he wanted to live on in the musical legacy of The Jacksons.

I thought maybe this might be a poor translation, but tbh this is exactly what jermaine thinks. Scary.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

delusional as always.. *yawn*
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Why do you only translate half of the interview??

Another classic interview there from jermaine - that summer of madness was just a figment of our imagination apparently. Was he calling immortal, the no 4 tour in the world, 'crap'?

No, he did not. He said: They brought a lot of crap about me in circulation.

And on wether he can forgive Murray he said: He knew exactly what he did. In this case there is nothing I can forgive.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Somebody please get it into jermaines head that they were not all part of it. They were part only of the jackson 5. That is it, that is all of it.

Would he say kelly and michelle are part of beyonces current success? the supremes for diana ross' solo stuff? N-sync are all in on justin timberlakes current career???

seriously jermaine.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Somebody please get it into jermaines head that they were not all part of it. They were part only of the jackson 5. That is it, that is all of it.

seriously jermaine.

People have tried to tell him & the family & they cannot get it. We have lost that battle. Again he talks about how the estate has brought a lot of crap in circulation, like the Cirque. Can you imagine this guy, talking about cirque which grossed in the millions & helps take care of Jermaine's mom, brothers, and pay for his child support. I guess the failed Vienna & Wales tributes are not crap. Every time a member of the granny snatchers talk you see how much they envy those guys in control of an estate that does not belong to them.

Here he is pretending that there was nothing serious about the granny napping incident, which we expect him to do. My favorite is when he states that the family is now suspicious of outsiders, so how come they still work with crooks like Mann, Weisner, ect.

Again the usual idea that Michael was a part of us, Michael = us, what we do = what Michael wants us to do. They really believe that their tour is carrying on the legacy of Michael. If Michael legacy had to rely on a bunch of men who are still taken care of by their ma ma, then his legacy would be in serious trouble.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Again he talks about how the estate has brought a lot of crap in circulation, like the Cirque.

You should read every post. That was a wrong translation. What he actually said was: They brought a lot of crap about me in circulation.
He wasn't talking about Cirque. He said that they talked bad about him.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

You should read every post. That was a wrong translation. What he actually said was: They brought a lot of crap about me in circulation.
He wasn't talking about Cirque. He said that they talked bad about him.

Maybe just that translation is wrong but this one isn't.. (The family of Michael endorses nothing of this. Things like the "Cirque du Soleil" show are not in our hands). And he's said the same thing before.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

If cirque was in their hands, there wouldn't be MJ-Immortal, it would be Jacksons-Immortals:D
and if it was, then you really can say crap.
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Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Maybe just that translation is wrong but this one isn't.. (The family of Michael endorses nothing of this. Things like the "Cirque du Soleil" show are not in our hands). And he's said the same thing before.

Yes. And that's the truth, isn't it? Also it's only a way to make money (for the estate) and has little to do with Michael. I also don't "endorse" cirque and see little value in it.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

Yes. And that's the truth, isn't it? Also it's only a way to make money (for the estate) and has little to do with Michael. I also don't "endorse" cirque and see little value in it.

I respectfully disagree with the last part. Surely Cirque is actually helping Michael's legacy in positive ways not to mention the revenue it is bringing, not just to the estate but to the very people Michael cared about in his will?
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

If cirque was in their hands, there wouldn't be MJ-Immortal, it would be Jacksons-Imortals:D
and if it was, then you really can say crap.

See and that's the thing that gets me when Jermaine, Joe, and/or Randy make statements like that.

I mean, IF they had anything going for themselves. Anything going for themselves, independent of Michael, for the last 20+ years, although I wouldn't necessarily agree, I could see where they were coming from.

But the truth is, they have NOTHING to show with respect to having a Business Sense. Nothing at all. They can go around, and around in circles about what they should be in-charge of or what they are not involved with, but history has shown that the Jackson have NO business sense, never did, and probably never will.

No business sense, and bad with money. Very bad combination, in my opinion. It is what it is Mr. Jacksun.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

^^^ Yes, I would understand if they have some sort of track record to show that they are right people to take care of Michael's legacy, but as it is now, they cannot even sort out their own legacy. They have done nothing but riding on Michael's coattails all of their careers, and with minimal input to any of Jackson 5/Jackson's success, Mr Jacksun cannot claim that family should be in charge of Michael's estate.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

I am 23 so I didnt live it...but jermaine had his chance. He left the group and was solo at motown, he had the position to have a crack at being a superstar solo but it didnt happen...he wasn't all that. Does he not realise this...he never was and he never will be.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

@Prometheus77 - thanks for the clarification. Not sure who jermaine thought was spreading 'crap' about him - it was more likely the advisors around mrs j than the executors.
Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

I mean, IF they had anything going for themselves. Anything going for themselves, independent of Michael, for the last 20+ years, although I wouldn't necessarily agree, I could see where they were coming from.

I agree. If Janet can make her own career without having to depend on Michael, then the rest of them had no excuse for trying to drag Michael into everything they wanted to do, in my opinion. Yes, Michael was the superstar during the Jackson 5 days. But the Jacksons from that group that sat back and let Michael take care of them all his life had good enough voices to where they could have gotten their own individual recording contracts and done their own albums and tours. The song "2300 Jackson Street" proved that, even though they managed to get Michael involved. But still, they could have done well by themselves if they wanted. And they should have respected Michael's decisions about whether or not he wanted to do projects with them, without hassling him about it.
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Re: Official: The Jackson Start Their UNITY TOUR in July

You should read every post. That was a wrong translation. What he actually said was: They brought a lot of crap about me in circulation.
He wasn't talking about Cirque. He said that they talked bad about him.

You again with that special tone. I do read all the posts actually. I also will start a thread from page 1 even if I discovered it when it reached page 80. As someone pointed out to you, the part about Cirque is in one of the translations I saw & I am going by what I read because I am not translating the original.

Big Apple I agree with your posts. The main thing is that Michael's siblings have no say in Michael's will, are not heirs, and are not owners of Michael's legacy or talents. Therefore, all the whining about estate matters & plans are senseless.

Anyone who does not understand how the Cirque show benefits Michael's estate, legacy, & heirs should find good company with some of Michael's siblings.
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Liebe MJ-Fan-Gemeinde,

anbei ein Pdf, das für all diejenigen von Interesse sein dürfte, denen das Konzert von Michaels Brüdern zu teuer gewesen ist, aber trotzdem Interesse hätten, diesem beizuwohnen.
Global Konzerts bietet ein Kontingent an ermäßigten Karten der Kategorie 6 für € 19,90 statt € 61,50 an, solange der Vorrat reicht.

attached a pdf which should be interesting for those who like to be on the concert of Michael's brothers but thought it was to expensive and still are interested to attend it.
Global concert provides a contingent of discounted tickets to the Category 6 for € 19.90 instead of € 61.50, while supplies last.

Telkefon: 089 / 49 00 04 49

Herzliche Grüsse
MJ-Dancing Munich
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