Official Michael Memory Thread

Re: Your First Memory Of Michael

OIY !! 5 or 6 when you saw thriller ... 3 when you saw moonwalker ...

man i am an old fart :lol:
Re: Your First Memory Of Michael

I was like 7 when I saw moonwalker....I thought it was very entertaining :) I couldn't remember it when i became a fan though at 10 years old....I keep thinking "WHAT was that movie i saw where he turned into a big azz robot???" LOL
It's really weird how you can go for ages without anything happening and then all of a sudden out of the blue, without even expecting it something AMAZING happens!!! Ahhhhhh.....

U're forgetting Neverland as well!!! And when I nearly knocked over a vase in Michaels front room! :lol:
you were in michaels front room? wow
I had 2 dreams when I was younger 1). was to meet Michael 2). was to go to Neverland both happened in the summer of 2003. Growing up I never thought those 2 things would happen to me. I always read about Neverland in the various books and seen it on TV but in real life it was such a dream for me to be there. I kept thinking to myself is this real? Am I really in Neverland? I couldnt take pics to I tried my best to keep everything in my memory and anytime I am upset or nervous about something I think of that day.
aggghhhhh so many dont know what to write!! ok got an idea, pick a year and I'll share a memory


Being inside the theatre (Marry Poppins) when Michael arrieved and walked past us.

Hiding in the bathrooms in the theatre (Marry Poppins) after 15 min - moonstreet comes in, telling us that it is not over, only the 1 half :lol::lol::lol:

LOL! Mary Poppins was AMAZING, I was in there too! :wub: Humm, that's so weird. I don't remember Moonstreet being in there :lol: *confused* :huh: *thinks real hard* :mello: I actually can't remember :unsure::lol:

Anywhoo...that's so funny you hid in the toilets, I remember that during the second part there were these schoolkids behind us and we -the Michael fans- were actually telling the schoolkids to shut up because they wouldn't stop saying "oh my god...Michael Jackson is here" ...."oh my god, he's here! " and we were like : That's OUR job!!! :lol::lol:
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dutchie, I had tickets for the nosebleed seats but me and friend decided to explore the theatre!! We made it to the 2nd floor bar, the one with the balcony at the front of the theatre. We got a drink and stayed as long as possible but were eventually thrown out!!

ooh you picked a good one!!

Santa Maria friday april 1
this was my last chance to get into the court, as I knew alot of fans were arriving that day and on monday there would be alot of fans all trying to get lucky and be one of the 45 people whose ticket was called. I got there early, about 5.45 am and by 6.15 the crowd was growing. I took the ticket and waited for the draw. The crowd was a mix of fans, curious people from California and media who hadnt been able to get a media pass. As each number was called I wished soo hard for mine to be called but it wasnt. Eventually we were down to the last 10 numbers when a fan who I had just met a few days before heard her number being called. Before I knew what was happening she handed me her winning number and pushed me though the crowd. I was in, thank you so much G!

Being inside the court all sorts of emotions ran though me. At first going though all the official stuff it didnt seem I was actully there. But once we headed towards the actual court room, and I was actaully walking though the same metal dector that I had seen Michael going though soo many times, it hit me, this WAS real.

I was like a sponge, watching and absorbing everything. I had a pen and paper with me and tried to write down as much as possible. Seeing Michael walking into that courtroom is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen.

That day I was given an opptunity to be part of something I never ever dreamed would hppen. It was both fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time. It was soo hard to be in that courtroom but at the same time I soo glad I had the chance. I tried hard to detach myself from what was happening but every so often I would look over at Michael and it was hard not to get emotional.

this was the first time I had been part of Michaelmania. I went to Munich for the MJ and friends concert with a fan from Ireland and as we had no idea what we were doing we went with MJNI as they had organised a fan pakage of flight hotel and concert ticket. The first time you experience michaelmania you cant believe its real. The day before the concert the major european fanclubs at that time had organised a welcome party for Michael. About 4, 000 people were outside the hotel that day waiting for Michael to arrive. The atmosphere was amazing, Pete the clown getting the chanting started, a stage in front of the hotel for perfomers, it was something I had grown up watching on tv but never thought Id ever get a chance to experience.

November Berlin
Michael was in Berlin to recieve a Bambi award. All the fans were at the front of the hotel chanting and calling up to Michael. Suddenly a car pulls up beside us and OMGGGGG its Michael. Everyone surrounded the car trying to see him but I stayed back. I saw that there was only one way the car could go up the street so I walked up to the traffic lights. I dont know what was going though my mind but something made me stay in my spot. Eventually after about 10 minutes the car managed to start moving up the street. When it got to me I ran and ran as fast as I could to stay with it for as long as possible. Eventually I just couldnt keep up and my legs gave out. I was just about to return to the hotel when I heard someone banging on a window. I looked up and saw a taxi with some fans I had been talking to earlier that day. There was room in the taxi for me so I jumped in and had the wildest taxi ride ever. We managed, thanks to our brillant driver to keep up with Michael all the way around Berlin , to a music shop. At the misic shop we managed to be amoung the few fans security allowed to be in the shop with Michael and it was magical

November Berlin
Michael was in Berlin to recieve a Bambi award. All the fans were at the front of the hotel chanting and calling up to Michael. Suddenly a car pulls up beside us and OMGGGGG its Michael. Everyone surrounded the car trying to see him but I stayed back. I saw that there was only one way the car could go up the street so I walked up to the traffic lights. I dont know what was going though my mind but something made me stay in my spot. Eventually after about 10 minutes the car managed to start moving up the street. When it got to me I ran and ran as fast as I could to stay with it for as long as possible. Eventually I just couldnt keep up and my legs gave out. I was just about to return to the hotel when I heard someone banging on a window. I looked up and saw a taxi with some fans I had been talking to earlier that day. There was room in the taxi for me so I jumped in and had the wildest taxi ride ever. We managed, thanks to our brillant driver to keep up with Michael all the way around Berlin , to a music shop. At the misic shop we managed to be amoung the few fans security allowed to be in the shop with Michael and it was magical

nice, story, it was crazy what was going on in Beriln, real Michaelmania :D
on youtube there is a video of this shopping trip in the CD shop:

Moonstreet: did you also go to that party that was held the day before the Bambi awards, and was called "Michael rocks Berlin party"? I went there with some friends after we were told at the hotel that Grace has been telling fans that Michael will be there....the party was nice, we could warm up after spending hours in front of Michaels hotel in the freezing cold. I remember they kept announcing there that Michael is coming, Michael is on his way, he is arriving soon...everyone was standing in front of a stage and waiting for MIchael. And suddenly they announced: Michael is not coming..he went to the charity night and to the James Bond premier. The room emptied in few seconds, everyone was jumping into the taxies outside (the funny thing was that the taxi drivers were so well informed, that you do not even had to tell them where you want to go, they knew you are fan and what is the next "destination" coz in the radio stations they were all the time announcing Michaels current program :lol: ) and heading to the place where the charity was held (near Sony center i guess) or back to the hotel. OMG it was crazy, but fun. :D
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I've just watched his Dangerous performance at AMA 93 (for n times LOL), and gosh, words cant describe enough. Anyone here has memories from AMA 93? I really want to know what's the reaction to that performance, fans and the public. I remember reading comments on Youtube that his performance was all everyone talked about the next day.
Oh gosh, how I wish I were born in the 80s :(
dutchie, I had tickets for the nosebleed seats but me and friend decided to explore the theatre!! We made it to the 2nd floor bar, the one with the balcony at the front of the theatre. We got a drink and stayed as long as possible but were eventually thrown out!!

LOL what's a nosebleed seat? :lol:
And oh nooo....instead of going UP to the bar you shoulda come down, as I (and other fans) was sitting just to the right of where Michael was sitting!!! :eek:
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oooh someone found and bumped our old thread... sigh... memories...
hi Moonstreet, it was me that found this thread. It was lovely to read everyone's memories of meeting MJ. I dreamt I would one day and am so sad I never did. Thanks for sharing your times with us.