Official Michael Memory Thread


I wasn't event AT that I am pretty sure NO SOUNDS coming from me can be heard :lol:

*prays Michael never gets to see the video* :doh:

*whistles* If I were you I wouldn't say I wasn't there.. coz someone can actually prove you were there!
You want me to post the pic? :lol:

And btw if you weren't there, then you have nothing to worry about Michael seeing any vids, right? ;) :lol:
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*whistles* If I were you I wouldn't say I wasn't there.. coz someone can actually prove you were there!
You want me to post the pic? :lol:

And btw if you weren't there, then you have nothing to worry about, right? ;) :lol:


Oh.....ISH. :ph34r:
^And here's the proof! ;)


Gee, we were so loud :p :lol:
omg!!!!! oh well we just added to the atmosphere, at least now all the fans who have never been around michaelmania had a bit of what to expect if Michael actually does these supposed shows at the O2!!!
Okies, loads of people might have read this before but this is defo one of the most memorable moment for me I've made the going inside Neverland bit in black text just incase you wanna skip the rest lol

It won’t it in one message so I have to do them in a few at a time! Soz…


Santa Maria Court Trip
31st March 2005 ---- 7th April 2005

31st March 2005
We woke up at 6am, after only 4 hours sleep and finally it was time to get ready to go to Santa Maria to see Michael. We left the flat by 7:30am, got the train and tube to Heathrow airport and we were all checked in on time. We left London Heathrow at 12pm.

The flight itself was boring as hell. I watched a few films; “Bruce Almighty”, “Closer” etc… Slept and watched the little flight information for hours on end.

8 hours to go. 6 hours to go. 5. 4. 3. 2…. *yawn* Ate loads of food though. *yum* and we met 3 other fans on the same flight as us. One fan said that she was doing a documentary with the BBC and the other 2 fans travelled on the same Shuttle as us to Santa Maria as well as being on the same flight as us.

We didn’t wait long for our Shuttle anyway. Probably 15 minutes at the most. It was pretty hot when we arrived too. Great! It took about 4 hours to get to the Best Value Inn (our hotel) from the airport. We didn’t even leave the airport properly until 4pm. It felt like ages travelling to the hotel but we got there in the end. We arrived to see 2 Michael fans being pushed in the hotel pool! The hotel was very basic but the people were very friendly. They had made spaghetti for all the Michael fans who were staying there so we had some of that. They also had a note book there that all the fans were signing. Fans from France, Spain, Brazil, England etc have signed in it so far and they are trying to get Michael to sign it. Michael passes their hotel every morning, winds down his window and his security record them with his video camera!

1st April 2005Our wake up call was at 4am this morning. We were ready by 5am to walk to court with some fans; Moon, Jane and I apoligise for not knowing the other Irish girls name! Eeek! We arrived at court at about 5:30am – It was about a 10 minute walk from our hotel. It was absolutely freezing!

At 6:00am one of the security guys walks up to us and asks us if we want to go inside the court. (Well, duh!) He said he would tell us more in a bit.

At 6:30am the security guys came back over and told us to line up behind each other so they could hand us each a raffle ticket. I remember taking mine off some blonde guy. I liked to think of him as my lucky charm! lol He stood out from all the rest. lol Anyhoo, there were 45 people who were allowed in court. I was so nervous! I had a feeling that knowing my luck I just wouldn’t get in so I didn’t build up my hopes.

Then though, they called out the first number; 778 – Oh….my…..God! IT WAS ME!!! It was MY number. It was MY raffle ticket. It was ME who was going inside the court house with Michael! I couldn’t believe it! I was going in! They moved me inside these 2 gates while they called the other 44 people. Moon and Jane and the other Irish girl got in too! I kept waiting for Sam’s number to be called…. But it wasn’t. I didn’t know what to do and I felt awful! We got told to follow the security guard into the court where we showed our photo I.D and were given a ticket. I was number 16. They then told us to come back at 7:30am. I went back and waited with Moonstreet from Ireland who had also got in. We then went through security and I still just couldn’t believe it! I was walking into the actual court room! It was pretty big in there actually. There was about 11-12 rows of seats for the fans and the press. Katherine and Joe were sat in the second row behind Michael. Katherine was wearing bright Green (or yellow???) and Joe? He was just being Joe! lol The Jury were on the left of me. I was third row from the back, but I didn’t really care if I was put right at the back. I WAS THERE! They frisked us and we were all seated by 7:45am. The time went so slow waiting for Michael to arrive. It was horrible. I was so nervous for him as well, and nervous as to what I was going to witness. We heard fans screaming and I thought it was Michael, but a few minutes later T-Mez arrived. Woohoo! Go Mez! It was so weird seeing him in the flesh. He walked in with huge boxes, went out again and came back in with more!

Then mad Dog Sneddon walked in! *puke* He was soooo ugly! I just stared at him. He was looking all smiley…then he saw us, wiped the smile off his face, looked away and then walked to his seat, carrying no boxes. Oh yes, lots of evidence Snot head! *rolls eyes*

But anyhoo, we heard screaming again! This time it was definitely Michael. I could get a perfect view of where everyone had to be frisked and saw loads of camera flashes going off! (Oh, my God!) Then I saw Katherine and Joe. Bless them. Especially Katherine. I just want to hug that woman….

My heart just stopped. There he was. It was Michael. This was the first time I had seen him since I was last in L.A in August 2003. So long ago! He was wearing tight trousers which I think were black, but I’m not sure. I haven’t seen many photos from that day yet. He also had his jacket on as usual, his hair straight and covering most of his face. *sigh* Those tight trousers made his figure look sooooo good! *faints* He didn’t really look up at many people. I think it’s because he knows a lot of his fans are in there and he can’t do much about it. You are not allowed to talk to him or wave to him (unless he waves to you first) although apparently B.J got thrown out for replying to Michael and saying; “I love you more”. It was very strict. I think he waved briefly to one fan but that was about it. He went to the front of the court and sat down. This must have been about 8:25am. I nearly cried when he first walked in but I thought they would throw me out so I tried to hold back the tears.

Court started at 9:00am I think it was. I can’t really remember who the first guy on the stand was but the next one who I remember was Jack Green. He is the guy who put all Michael’s phones in his Neverland Ranch. There was a list of phone numbers and names they had – One being Michaels. *wants that number* That all dragged a little though and it was a relief for the break to finally arrive. The first break I walked to the toilets and saw Michael, Joe and Katherine in the lift! So adorable! The rest of the breaks they had, (I think there were about 4-5 for about 10 minutes each) I watched and waited for him to walk out of the court door and then followed him, about a metre behind. It was so amazing but so weird at the same time. It was like walking around in a normal environment (if you can call being in a court for something you didn’t do, normal!) with him. I managed to stay so calm. It just felt so “right” being around him like that. I felt like I was doing my part in supporting him. I just wish we could have “accidentally” bumped into each other or something. T-Mez was looking and half smiling at me while I was waiting in the corridor during the break. I half smiled back. I didn’t want to draw too much attention in case I got thrown out. You get thrown out and you are never allowed back in. T-Mez was having a drink of water when we had eye contact. I think it was during this break that Jane and a few others got thrown out. Trying to communicate with Michael, Katherine and Joe. I thought it was stupid. They knew the rules and they have just gone and spoilt any more chances of getting in there for themselves. Mind you, the majority of the fans were great. No mobbing, shouting or breaking rules. It just goes to show that fans are capable of being calm when he is around. Why they can’t do this in normal fan situations I don’t know. It pisses me off seeing Michael being mobbed and scared of his own fans.

Anyhoo, after one of the breaks, I was sat forward in my chair… We were waiting for the court to start and Michael just turned around and I can’t be 100% sure but it looked as though he was looking my way. He had his hand covering his nose and mouth and I was just looking for about a minute or so. I really think he was looking over at me. I remember watching him wiping his nose at one point too and slowly rocking in his chair with a cushion behind his back. (It must still be bad!) And occasionally whispering to T-Mez. During another break I saw him talking to that other woman who is working on his side. (Can’t remember her name!) But he looked so adorable and very strong!

Larry Feldman was on the stand today. I swear he was being such a prick. The whole time he just kept making jokes. He didn’t appear to give a **** about being there at all. He kept looking at me and all I wanted to do was slap him! R-Mel didn’t agree with some things Sneddon was saying and I don’t think R-Mel liked the way Sneddon looked at him as he said; “Don’t look at me like that” – I just laughed. It was so amusing to see that. In my opinion Sneddon got a lot of what he was saying muddled. Everything mentioned today didn’t even seem relevant to the case. This whole thing is a big joke!

When it got to about 2:15pm they decided to finish. This is when I thought I would leg it round the front so I could see him leave in his car. We waited….and waited…..he finally walked out to his car with Katherine and Joe, then he drove out of the court. One of his security guys was recording us as they were leaving. Apparently it is all for a documentary or something he is doing and going to release after all this rubbish is over. I think Michael has been talking on camera for it too. It will be cool to see that! As Michael was leaving in his car, I saw his hand! lol Cute. Big. Strong hands. *swoon*

When Michael left, so did everyone else to Neverland. There was me and Moonstreet from Ireland left there. Alone. No car. No-one to take us to Neverland. I couldn’t even find Sam. He had vanished. I assumed he had found a ride to Neverland so went there! It was totally dead outside the courts after that. I didn’t really know what to do. Moonstreet had travelled by herself and we had both come out of the court together so we decided to go to the “mall” across the road to get something to eat. Pizza and cookies! *yum* We went to eat it outside the court house. I thought maybe Sam might go back there…. He didn’t… We went to the library to see if we were in any photos with Michael…. We weren’t. To be honest there didn’t seem to be many photos from today at all. People on some of the boards were saying he didn’t look so great but I thought he looked amazing! I guess he does look better in person than in photos though.

When we left the library we checked back at the court house to see if Sam had arrived back there! He still hadn’t so we walked to my hotel. I almost got lost, and if it wasn’t for Moonstreet I think I would have been on the other side of Santa Maria – Which by the way isn’t as small as it is made out to be! - We got back to the hotel and as I was walking up to my room I saw Sam come out of the room. It was then I saw 3 camera guys. Sam had been taken to Neverland while I was in court with them and had been recorded for Sky TV. While he was there he saw Michael arrive back at Neverland. Michael was in his car with Katherine, Joe and Randy and his girlfriend were in the car behind them. Sam managed to hold Michael’s hand and talk to him before he went inside. Michael replied back which was sooo great! Sam told me all this on camera so it might be aired on TV! (How embarrassing!?) They went soon after that and Moonstreet went back to her hotel. We just chilled out at the hotel for a while.

B.J and another Michael fan called Angel knocked on our door later and asked if we wanted to go to a “Drive In” to watch a movie. I was so tired from waking up at 4am but we went anyway. We went to see “Pacifier” and “Miss Congeniality 2” although I fell asleep so saw neither! lol Allan was there too. (One of the camera guys who was filming us earlier) We stayed there for a while anyway. Ate American hotdogs with cheese on them (Eww!) and popcorn which was also “Eww!” It was still a great experience anyway. Something you think will only ever be seen while watching “Grease”. lol

After this we went back to our hotel room and didn’t do much at all. Jillie called my hotel room as she had just arrived and wanted to come and say hello and see our 15 foot banner that we got made and some fans contributed towards. It says: “STAY STRONG MJ – REMEMBER THE TRUTH RUNS MARATHONS” - Jillie knocked on our door with “Roll With It” (Seany) and “MJ Fantastic” (Ronan) or something like that from MJNI (I will find out your proper MJNI name when you get back – lol) Anyway, we spoke with them for a bit. Showed them the banner and everything. That was pretty much it for the day.

2nd April 2005Today we woke up pretty later as there was no court and not a lot to do. There was supposed to be a fan gathering at the Raddisson to make banners and everything for the Rally at 1pm but the hotel wouldn’t allow it so they told us to meet in this park instead. We met Moonstreet outside our hotel while we were walking to buy some breakfast. We headed off to find this park and we were walking for about 1 and a half hours. We didn’t see any fans or any park at all. We decided to head back to the hotel. Me and Sam hung around the hotel for a while and then decided to have a walk to Dennys (An American restaurant) for something to eat. After that we just went back to the hotel to see if Seany and Ronan were about but everyone had gone to Neverland for a Candle Light Vigil. We couldn’t go because there was no-one to drive us up there. We weren’t able to rent a car because we can’t drive! Sucks! We ended up just watching TV and falling asleep.

3rd April 2005I woke up pretty early today. Probably about 9am or just before. I called my mum and sister and got dressed. We went to knock on Seany and Ronans door to see if they wanted to come with us. (Not really sure where we were going, but anyway!) When we were ready Angel turned up in her car and we all went with her to get something to eat. We went to a place called “Hometown Buffet”. All you can eat place and I swear I have never seen so much food. It was so great in there. For dessert there was brownies, cookies, cakes – EVERYTHING!

After that we went to “Toys R Us” and we bought a huge pink pony for Paris’ Birthday. We got a card and we all signed it and drove up to Neverland. There was hardly anyone there at all. Just a few cars. We asked security if they could take the pony and give it to MJ for Paris. They weren’t going to at first but eventually they gave in, so fingers crossed she will get it. Some fans took balloons and stuff but our pony was better! lol We left Neverland about 5pm to go to the party which in the end I actually didn’t go too….But on the way back we stopped at one of the “MJ Ranch” road signs! J

4th April 2005
I woke up about 4:30am again today and I was at the court for 6:15am, ready for the 6:30am lottery draw. Unfortunately, neither me or Sam got in today. Seany and Jillie got in! It was so busy outside the courts today. There was a lot of media there it was unreal! Photographers, TV’s, magazines, papers. We took the 15 foot banner to the court and it has been shown on TV and is on the internet/message boards etc… Sam was interviewed a lot and I think Ronan was too. I was even in some photos I found on the net. Go me! Some weird guy arrived at the court house in some strange “Innocent Mobile”. I was really convinced he was on Michael’s side. He seemed a bit of a loon. When Michael arrived the banner was up against the fence, so I think Michael will have seen it. I saw him arriving, although wasn’t in the best spot but I saw more than enough! J He looked so good! Couldn’t say exactly what he was wearing….All I know it was dark and he had a red band around his arm. He gave some waves and walked slowly into court. There was so much screaming! This day there was definitely a lot more fans than usual.

When Michael had gone into the court and things had settled down, a lot of fans had wandered off for a while. I wandered around too; back to the hotel, the library, shopping centre, went for ice cream, drinks etc…

We met a fan called Jenna who was originally from Las Vegas but had moved to Santa Maria for the trial who said she would take us up to Neverland. Karen Faye was going to be there to give Michael roses that a lot of fans had contributed towards (myself included) and everyone wanted to be there. Jenna, Jane, Moonstreet, Sam and I all drove up at 2pm and arrived about half an hour later. There were already soooo many fans there. I couldn’t believe it. We walked upto the gates where everyone was standing and Karen Faye and co were putting baskets of roses; red, white and some other colour outside the Neverland gates, along with a white teddy bear. There were a few fans who were helping who later got to meet Michael.

We were all told to stand in a long line down Michael’s drive way so we would be out of the way when Michael arrived. Of course Michael fans are so crap at staying put and staying calm. That line would not stay there for long. We must have waited about 40 minutes for Michael to arrive, but oh my God when he did….. Everyone went nuts! I ran next to the car door and saw Michael and Joe. I don’t think I saw Katherine…. As Michael went inside the gates, they closed and all the fans crammed up against them. I was behind one girl and a guy so my view was pretty good. Michael got out of his van and walked into his security hut. Not sure how long he was in there for but a few fans went inside the hut who had helped organise the rose thing. I didn’t get to see the meeting but one of the fans was a girl who pushed and hit me at the Killer Thriller party a while back. I can’t stand her! She is such a cow…But anyhoo…. Those fans then came out and so did Michael while holding a huge bouquet of roses! He looked so beautiful. His face. His hair. His smile. He was just sooooo sexy! He came and stood inside the main gate of Neverland so we could see him. He must have stood there for a good few minutes. My view was pretty good apart from a few arms in my way. Moonstreet was stood right behind me and because my camera had broken a few days before I took hers and tried to get what I could. I think I took about 3-4 of him holding the roses and then about 1-2 of him in the car. I have no idea how they have turned out but she said I could have copies when she gets them developed! Yay! I can’t wait!

After this, Michael walked back to his car and got in. You could see him through the back of the car which I think was open. This was when I tried to take some more photos. I saw Joe there too. They got back in the car and drove up to Neverland.

Everyone started crying when Michael left… Well,… not everyone but quite a few people did. I couldn’t believe what I had just experienced. First I was able to go inside the courts and now I was watching Michael at his Neverland gates collecting roses from all the fans.

The Neverland gates opened again once Michael had gone inside and one of his security guys just stood at the gate. We all just stood there staring at him. lol It was so funny. Then he said: “I don’t have anything to say yet. I’m waiting for confirmation”. I wondered what confirmation he was waiting for. The only thing I could think of was that Michael was going to let us inside. I thought being let inside for a second time was a bit too good to be true so to be honest I wasn’t expecting much at all…. But then, just moments later (I don’t remember the exact words) but moments later everyone crowded around the gates again as the security guy announced something: WE WERE GOING INSIDE NEVERLAND!!! Everyone just started screaming and jumping up and down. Everyone started crying! Moonstreet turned around and we just hugged each other. Then I turned to look at Sam, screamed, jumped around and hugged him. I honestly could not believe it! I know people had not been inside Neverland for months. The last time I remember was actually when we were last there in August 2003. It was such a shock! We were asked if we had all drove up here in a car/van as you have to drive up to the actual Neverland gate/car park. I ran straight to the car and I was ready to go in. Sam had gone in Allans van with the other camera guys. It kind of made me wonder if he would actually get in because there was no way they would let camera crew inside. I didn’t worry too much for now as we started to drive through the gates of Neverland. (My second time but still as happy and amazed as the first time!) *sigh* We drove up to the car park anyway…. Seeing the huge Neverland sign was amazing – Thousand times better than what you see on the Martin Bashir documentary!

We had to line up, sign the agreement that we wouldn’t sell any stories to TV or papers. (I’m not mentioning every little detail in this report before anyone asks.) We also got given a yellow wrist band, which I still haven’t taken off, and won’t be until I really have too! lol They had to check us with the wands as well, just like they did when I went into court on Friday! When the guy got to me (I was right at the back) he said to me: “How did someone like you get all the way back here?” … I just laughed… Then thought I should have flirted with him. Then I could marry him and then I would be able to come to Neverland every day! lol Oh, and Sam showed up with Allan in the end, but the other camera guys weren’t allowed in, so Sam and Allan had to be escorted up to the next gates. It was so lucky that they actually got in. While we were queuing we saw a guy who most people were very sure was an MJ Hater. He was with those other losers earlier that day who were holding up signs with things like “Neverland is a sex trap” and “God bless Sneddon” written on them. Sam told one of the security guys and they were taken aside and questioned. Eventually, they were escorted out!

We were hanging around in the line for quite a while. We saw Grace drive into Neverland while we were waiting. We then were eventually lead by Karen Faye up to the actual Neverland gate, through the gate and to Michael’s actual house. I couldn’t believe how close we were to Michael’s house. I wasn’t this close last time I was in here. Last time I just went to the Amusement park and the cinema. I really thought we would just be walking past it and onto the Amusement park or something….but all of a sudden, Michael’s front door opened and who was standing there? MICHAEL JACKSON!!! He was standing there, wearing his black outfit with a red armband. He had Prince, Paris and Blanket by his side….I really couldn’t believe it. Everyone rushed to his front door which I assume we were allowed to do as no-one was stopping anyone. I dodged quite a few people while trying not to fall and trample on everything. When we got to the door Michael moved just inside the front door. We all walked in one by one. I was standing right behind Ronan at this time and as we walked in Michael was stood on our left. There was security there for Michael but Ronan managed to shake hands with Michael and say to him: “Scotland loves you Michael” and Michael replied by saying: “Ohhh, I love Scotland!” – So cute! Security was telling everyone to keep walking but I wasn’t going anywhere until I had held Michael’s hand, so I reached my arm out to him. Not sure if I called his name or not. I was a little dazed, but as I reached out to him, he looked at me and went to firmly grab my hand. He shook my hand very tightly. I thought he was going to break my hand or something! lol I feel really stupid when I look back though as I didn’t really say anything to him. I guess I was just a little gob smacked that I was standing inside Michael’s actual house, right in front of him. We had to quickly move on anyway so it wasn’t all that awkward. I walked around the house and I swear I nearly knocked something over. (****!) I saw the area that was shown on the Martin Bashir documentary anyway – Where Michael and Gavin were recorded! - Grrr!! Hate that **** head!

I wandered around a little more and bumped into Moonstreet. She was in total shock and I just muttered out: “I just shook Michael’s hand!” and I burst out crying! She just hugged me which was when my sunglasses decided to get caught in her hair! So there we were inside Michael’s house trying to untangle my sunglasses from her hair! What a moment! lol We walked around some more after that and I think Michael was around but walked off somewhere around the other side of the house to get out of the way a little! We then saw Katherine where everyone was just hugging her. I just kept thinking how loved she must be feeling right now. Sam just said to her: “Will you be my mum?” and she was like: “Awww” and hugged him. She then hugged someone one else while I was standing there thinking of what I could say to her. Unfortunately my mind was just as blank for Katherine as it was for Michael so we just hugged and she said to me: “Thank you for your support!” Phew! At least someone said something! lol I walked around the house until I got to some steps. I was at the bottom of them and Michael at the top of them. (there was only about 3) I just stood there and all of a sudden our eyes just met and it seemed as though they locked. We must have been all of two metres away from each other but unfortunately because of security and Karen Faye I couldn’t do anything or go anywhere. Michael just stood there and he was just staring into my eyes while I stared into his. I just melted. We must have been staring at each other for a good few minutes. At least it felt that way! *sigh* I think he fancied me! lol Karen started to ask fans if they could go outside. I was stood behind her so I had to think quickly. Michael had stopped looking at me at this point but I thought if I could get his attention again I could sort of ask by pointing etc if I could go up to him and see him. (It usually works!) Unfortunately he then went out of my view so it was too late. Karen then asked me if I could go outside, so I started to walk out of the door. I saw Joe on the way out so got to shake his hand. Again, still totally gob smacked. I left the house but hung around outside to see if I could get another glimpse. I did! *sigh* He was looking so beautiful! Everyone was looking through one of his windows but we were being told not too so I walked the opposite way towards everyone else. Everything was so amazing! J The views… Everything! Fountains, pools, mountains…trees…

We were then taken to the arcades. We had to line up as only a certain amount of people could go in at a time. I went in, and oh my God there was so much stuff. Every kind of arcade game you can think of was probably in there. I didn’t really play on anything – I just wandered around, nabbed a drink from the fridge and ate an M&M, which was peanut! Yuck! I needed the toilet so I went in there next – Can I say that Michael uses Scott toilet paper and Pine-Sol toilet cleaner! lol (Yeah I know it is a pretty sad thing to remember and make note of!) I took a little hand tissue from the toilets too keep! (I know, I’m sorry. I really am sad!)

While I was using the toilets and discovering what toilet cleaner Michael uses, everyone was back, standing outside Michael’s house again. Unfortunately for me, I missed Michael coming ouside with Prince, Paris and Blanket. *gutted*

After this we were lead round the front of the house again. On the way Joe was standing there, holding a lot of boxsets (the white version) and handing them out to all the fans. As Sam took his he said something to Joe about the family being very generous and kind. Joe said “Try telling that to Sneddon”. He then got to me and gave me a boxset. I just said: “Thank you so much!” and smiled at him. (At least I got SOME words out!) Someone who was walking behind us then just started crying, which then set everyone else off. Everyone was just so happy and greatful. Michael is going through the worst thing he ever could but he still manages to think of us. He’s just so amazing!

We got around to the front of the hours again and I was just trying to see through his windows from a distance. I saw Katherine as she was wearing that bright green outfit. At least I think it was green. Sam said it was yellow? lol All of a sudden I saw someone run past one of the windows. I think it was Michael as I saw a red armband. Then, a few moments later we saw Michael, Prince, Paris and Blanket upstairs in the window – They were all just waving like mad at us, and us at them! It was sooooo amazing to see them in their natural, home environment! The children looked so grown up and Michael was looking damn fine! We must have been watching and waving to them for a good 10 minutes. Michael kept disappearing and appearing again. I’m sure he was playing with us. I was just smiling the whole time. I just couldn’t believe what Michael was doing for us under the circumstances. Jane from Brazil even got a hug from Prince. Michael was letting us soooo close to him an his family. No masks to hide ANYONES faces. It was all just so personal.

Michael walked away from the window after this and we all had to line up again and be counted to check that we were all there and no one had run away to hide in the Neverland bushes! lol We walked back to the main gate and I was just walking through Neverland in awe. It was all just so amazing! I’ll never forget it.

When we got back to the gate, Lee (Michaels cousin) wanted some footage of us all in a group screaming and chanting. (He’s been recording footage of the fans at the courts and everything for Michael.) Me and Sam were waving our British flag!

We had to leave after this. I hugged and thanked Karen Faye, Lee and a few others who had helped make going inside Neverland possible and headed back to the car. We hung there for about 10 minutes and then drove to the gate near the security hut to leave. As I left the gate I saw Jillie. I just wanted to hug her as she didn’t get in. We stopped the car and I went to give her a huge hug and I gave her one of our Promotional copies of the box set. (Remember, promotional copy Jillie!) I felt so awful and heart broken for her. It’s happened to me before so I know exactly how it feels. (The time will come though – hold on!) J

But anyway, moving on – we collected the banner which had been attached to the Neverland bush and we headed off for something to eat. We went to some Mexican place with Jenna, Jane, Moonstreet, Lee, Ronan and some other people. I have no idea who they were. After a lot of: “I can’t believe it……. I can’t believe it” we ate and headed back to the hotel. We went straight to Seanys room to see if he knew what had happened. He had been in court all day (like Jillie) and didn’t make it in Neverland either. We knocked on the door to see him with Angel and Majestic. Majestic was actually very polite. He asked if we had been inside Neverland today and looked at me and just said: “Oh yeah I remember seeing you there”. We stayed in their room for quite a while anyway, just talking to Majestic about Michael and watching “CourtTV”. Majestic was talking about a fan who Michael apparently really liked. (I can’t say too much about her) but Majestic was like: “She looked a lot like you” and I was like: “Woohoo I must be Michael’s type! I’m in!” lol We are going to get married and live happily ever after!! *chuffed*

But hey, later Majestic left. We stayed for a short while longer and then we went back to our room for a bit. I was exhausted. (again!) I think Sam later went out with Angel, Ronan and Seany to play pool but to be honest I don’t really remember! And I don’t really care – WE WERE AT NEVERLAND!!! Woohoo!!!

5th April 2005After a pretty good rest we got up at 4:30am and again were at the court by 6:30am. We were all given a ticket for the lottery but unfortunately didn’t get in. Everyone disappeared after that and there was only me, Sam and some other woman who were there who didn’t get in court. Everyone else who got in was there with us. We waited for a while and security came back out and said someone wasn’t allowed in as they didn’t have I.D. So, originally they were going to do something with our tickets, but then they said to us: “Pick a number between 1-50”. I picked 7. Sam picked 27 and the other woman picked 37. The security guard looked at the other woman and just said: “You’re going in!” and I thought: “How the hell do they work that one out?” They said the number they picked was 45 and she was the nearest to it but how the hell do we really know that? I think that because they knew she wasn’t a fan they let her in. Those guys were serious bum holes! Sam was like: “I’ll give you $200 for that place” and he just goes: “Don’t insult me” in such a ****** way. Later, on the same day me and Angel were standing around the back of court to see Seany and Ronan on the court break as they both got in today and while we were waiting we asked to use the toilets. The guy said that it was fine and we were just joking about hiding in there and then he gets really ****** with us again saying “Your friends have tried that one before. None of you will get away with it”. He was being such a *****!! Grrr!!!

We didn’t see Seany and Ronan at break in the ended. We needed to see if they were coming out of court a little early so we could get to Neverland before Michael. We saw him in the morning when he arrived but obviously seeing him there will never beat how we saw him inside Neverland. I think he saw the banner again though and I know it’s been seen on TV – not sure about newspapers though! I hope the effect was good! Anyway, we didn’t do much. There’s never much to do when Michael is in court. Go eat, shop, sleep – if media are there then see them do their reports – I saw Diane Dimond and I just stared her out, the *****!!

It was 2pm and we actually agreed to go to Neverland at this time but Ronan and Seany weren’t out of court yet. We decided to wait a while before going without them. As it got to 2:15pm, I was starting to panic and I was like: “Go without them!” (Sorry guys! lol) But we waited 5 more minutes as I got more stressed that we wouldn’t get to Neverland in tume. This was my last day in Santa Maria so I just wanted to see his face one more time. My friend had also spoken to Michael on the phone the night before and he said if court went well and he was feeling okay he might let fans in again and although it may sound greedy, if people are going inside Neverland I did not want to miss it! I hate missing anything!

Senay finally came out of court anyway and Ronan was in Navi’s car so there was Angel, Sam, BJ and me in the car. We set off about 10 minutes before Michael left court so we could welcome Michael back to Neverland. We mad it! I was feeling pretty low to be honest because after today I wouldn’t be going back to the court house. I wouldn’t be coming back to Neverland. At least not until I got some more money together. I just sat on the wall, looking around the gorgeous views of Michael’s home. I’m not sure how long it was until Michael arrived but when he did he wound down his car window and waved to everyone! He drove straight inside and later some woman gave us a message from Michael. Apparently his back has been very bad and he’s not feeling too well so he won’t be letting anyone inside Neverland. Of course any caring person would understand this and be more worried for Michael than anything else but naturally there is always one who keeps asking about being let in. She was being so insensitive! Damn her!

We stayed around for about 10-15 minutes and then decided to go back to our hotel and didn’t do much after that. I’ve just been so tired, what with getting up at 4:30am every morning. Sam went to play Monopoly with Navi, Lindsay, Jillie etc. I went to watch for a while but I was so tired I just went back to my room to bed.

6th April 2005
Today sucks! We had to go home. We went for breakfast and then went to look for Navi as he offered to drive us to the airport. He wasn’t quite ready so we watched CourtTV in Jillies room for a while. We left for Santa Maria airport with Navi, Jillie and Lindsay at 1:45pm. Our shuttle was due to leave at 2:30pm to take us to LAX airport. How depressing? We said goodbye, leaving the banner with Navi, Jillie and Lindsay – We were on our way to the airport. Our flight left at 8:50pm.

7th April 2005
Crap! We are back in England. Back to making more money to go back to Santa Maria next month – Hopefully for longer! But hey overall it was a good trip. Obviously there were some ups and downs but to be there to support Michael was absolutely fantastic!
Aaw, that was so nice! Thanks for sharing the memories you got there, Broken Barbie :)
omg barbie, reading this brings back soo many emotions and memories. Going to Santa Marie I expected nothing but got sooo much. Out of the darkness a rainbow of love shown down on us that day and helped esae the pain and heartache we were all going though., For a few precious hours it we escaped the reality of why we were there. Thats the magic of Neverland, once you go though those gates, your cares and worries just seem to disapear and your dreams become reality
omg barbie, reading this brings back soo many emotions and memories. Going to Santa Marie I expected nothing but got sooo much. Out of the darkness a rainbow of love shown down on us that day and helped esae the pain and heartache we were all going though., For a few precious hours it we escaped the reality of why we were there. Thats the magic of Neverland, once you go though those gates, your cares and worries just seem to disapear and your dreams become reality

Ahhh yes... it was like just us and Michael :wub: No-one and nothing else :wub: It was like nothing else mattered and there were no problems in the world :wub:

But like.. I still laugh how I got my sunglasses caught in your hair and nearly knocked over that vase! :lol:
Thanks for sharing that story, Broken Barbie!!! That was amazing!!! I really wish I could have come to Santa Maria to support Michael. :( 2003-2005 just were not that good years for me....(dad died, etc.).

Majestic was talking about a fan who Michael apparently really liked. (I can’t say too much about her) but Majestic was like: “She looked a lot like you” and I was like: “Woohoo I must be Michael’s type! I’m in!” lol We are going to get married and live happily ever after!! *chuffed*

:lol: Can I be your bride's maid? :toofunny: And I think it isn't too difficult to guess which fan he meant. :toofunny: J...T? :toofunny:
Oh I just remembered one thing! Me and my mom went to visit my grandma and they were also about to show Finland's 1st concert on TV at the same time when we were there. So I sat on a floor in front of the tv, watching the concert and granma actually asked "Does that girl breath at all?" and mom answered: "Only on commercial breaks" :lol:
Oh I just remembered one thing! Me and my mom went to visit my grandma and they were also about to show Finland's 1st concert on TV at the same time when we were there. So I sat on a floor in front of the tv, watching the concert and granma actually asked "Does that girl breath at all?" and mom answered: "Only on commercial breaks" :lol:

:toofunny: :toofunny: That was funny!! :toofunny: It is so funny how some family members react to the whole fan thing. I will never forget the look on my mom's face when she thought I was on stage with Michael at the MJ&Friends concert, when Karen Faye walked on stage...:toofunny: :toofunny: "Yeah, sure mom...that's me doing MJ's hair and make up...yeah...of course! That makes sense..." :wacko: :toofunny: She made me rewind that footage over and over again and she was convinced that was me! She was like "Don't you think I don't recognize my own DAUGHTER when I see her!! That is SO you right there!!!" :toofunny: Yeah..I WISH!! :toofunny: So funny!! :toofunny:
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2 BrOkEn BaRbiE: Great story, that part with the toilet paper and cleaning products made me laugh :D:D

I dont have much MJ memories, but my favorite ones are:

Touching Michaels hand, after the WMA 06, when he came up to us in front of his hotel.

Being in the firs row on the WMA 06.

Being inside the theatre (Marry Poppins) when Michael arrieved and walked past us.

Hiding in the bathrooms in the theatre (Marry Poppins) after 15 min - moonstreet comes in, telling us that it is not over, only the 1 half :lol::lol::lol:

Well, she's pretty though, come on.

Check your PM! :toofunny:
Oh yeh! :lol: Sorry I was havinga blonde moment :lol:

Oh I just remembered one thing! Me and my mom went to visit my grandma and they were also about to show Finland's 1st concert on TV at the same time when we were there. So I sat on a floor in front of the tv, watching the concert and granma actually asked "Does that girl breath at all?" and mom answered: "Only on commercial breaks" :lol:

2 BrOkEn BaRbiE: Great story, that part with the toilet paper and cleaning products made me laugh :D:D

I dont have much MJ memories, but my favorite ones are:

Touching Michaels hand, after the WMA 06, when he came up to us in front of his hotel.

Being in the firs row on the WMA 06.

Being inside the theatre (Marry Poppins) when Michael arrieved and walked past us.

Hiding in the bathrooms in the theatre (Marry Poppins) after 15 min - moonstreet comes in, telling us that it is not over, only the 1 half :lol::lol::lol:
Ohh yes you were standing just behind me in the que for WMAs! When we eventually got in where abouts were you standing? I was on the left of the stage! :wub:

I can't belieeeeeve you were inside Mary Poppins!! Soooooo freakin lucky!!!! :woohoo: Ahhhhhhhhhh *excited* :lol:
i was on the right side - so the little stage was just behind us :mad:
Ohhh total other side to me :lol: OMG it was MAD when we were let in - it's like everyone just legged it and ran for the stage, not listening to the security people when they were trying to slow us down :lol: ahhhhhhhhhhhh mwa ha ha ha ha... was insane! :lol: :punk:
I love all my Michael memories...

- 1995 Wetten, dass (Unfortunately I wasn't inside the hall, but only say him on the huge screen outside) but the next day I was in Phantasialand (magic moment seeing him that close for the first time ever).
- 1996 Phanatasialand

HIStory Tour:
- 1996 Prague
- 1997 Gelsenkirchen, Luxembourg, Munich, Berlin, Leipzig, Hockenheim, Copenhagen

1999: Michael Jackson&friends Munich

2001: 30th anniversary shows in NY (awesome seeing him with his brothers!)

My dearest memory is finally getting his autograph in Berlin 2002 at the art gallery (unfortunately that damn limousine drove over my foot as well that day...but hey, the autograph was SO worth it ;))
And meeting him in the underground carpark in Berlin and saying "Germany loves you" and him replying "Oh, I love Germany"

I also saw him several times in London and once in Monte Carlo in between, but dont remember the exact years.

All I know is that I miss him like crazy!! :(
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Nice stories, I would read them all, but it would take me hours to read them all. :lol:
Your First Memory Of Michael

Tried to find a thread on this topic, but couldn't. Mods, feel free to move this.

Here's my first memory of Michael.

I was a little kid, not sure how old; less than ten years I guess. The radio was on in my room, and the Jackson 5 came on, singing ABC. That was the first song I ever heard with Michael singing. The song would have already been out for quite a while. Loved the song then, and I still love it now. The song is just so much fun. Michael's vocals just reach out and grab you. I remember thinking, why aren't there more tunes like this? I wanted the song to come back on the radio again, lol!

What is you first Michael memory? :)
Re: Your First Memory Of Michael

I had to be like 5 or 6 when i first saw Thriller and I was so scared, I started crying and running out the room. My parents laughed at me :lol:
Re: Your First Memory Of Michael

Aw, that was kinda mean!

I was scared too, the first time I saw Thriller. And I was much older than you when I first saw it, lol!
Re: Your First Memory Of Michael

When I was 3 my parents were watching Moonwalker and it was at the part when the SYBDTTD Montage. I liked the song so much that I wanted to rewind the tape. Unfortunately, I pressed record!!!! And it taped over the DSTYGE Montage. Now I always watch that tape (Yes I Still Have It!!!) and it brings back memories!