Official Michael Memory Thread

BrOkEn BaRbiE

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok, so me and some others were talking about some of our Michael memories in the Pic thread which went a tad off topic so I thought I would make a whole new thread for it! :wub: Just so we can look back on our wonderful memories.. Maybe we've seen him in concert. At his hotel. Met him. *sigh* Whatever it is.. discuss your memories here! :p
Okay then...

Bad Live 1988
Dangerous Live 1993
Catching a glimpse of MJ outside the VMAs in New York
HIStory live x 2 1995

Also distinct memories of buying Bad, Dangerous & HIStory on first day of release.
Seeing Thriller video premiere.
Seeing Black Or White and all Dangerous premieres.

Where to start! LOL.
my favorite memory of Michael Jackson would have to be when i spoke to him on the phone, here's how it happened:
A charity promised a dream for me to meet him. they sent MJ all the letters that I had written to him, and promised it was going to happen 2 years ago, but it hasn't happened, YET. so I went up to London in May of last year, and caught sight of MJ's bodyguard. I asked him could he see if MJ had got my letters, and he came back down and told me that he had. I asked if I could meet him but they said no, not this time, but instead I got a phone call from him and he sent a signed a picture and gave me some CD's, which Basheer gave me. We spoke for about ten minutes and in that conversation he said that next time he is in London we can meet up. :) :) :) :) If you want to know more about it just P.M me.
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my fave memory...hmm...well one in particular is when i saw the motown 25 performance live! my bro and i were dancing in front of the tv trying to imitate mj, so when he did the moonwalk, we were both speechless! never saw anything like was the coolest thing about the 80s...
Okay then...

Bad Live 1988
Dangerous Live 1993
Catching a glimpse of MJ outside the VMAs in New York
HIStory live x 2 1995

Also distinct memories of buying Bad, Dangerous & HIStory on first day of release.
Seeing Thriller video premiere.
Seeing Black Or White and all Dangerous premieres.

OMG you are soooooo lucky to have been on the Bad and Dangerous tours!!! I'd KILL to see them!!! :wub: Wow!! You were at the VMAs too! Do you mean in 2001? I was there too! :wub: Although I missed seeing him! :lol: Doh!

Where to start! LOL.
my favorite memory of Michael Jackson would have to be when i spoke to him on the phone, here's how it happened:
A charity promised a dream for me to meet him. they sent MJ all the letters that I had written to him, and promised it was going to happen 2 years ago, but it hasn't happened, YET. so I went up to London in May of last year, and caught sight of MJ's bodyguard. I asked him could he see if MJ had got my letters, and he came back down and told me that he had. I asked if I could meet him but they said no, not this time, but instead I got a phone call from him and he sent a signed a picture and gave me some CD's, which Basheer gave me. We spoke for about ten minutes and in that conversation he said that next time he is in London we can meet up. :) :) :) :) If you want to know more about it just P.M me.
WOW!!! You have no idea how lucky you are!! :eek: What did you say to Michael when he was on the phone to you?? :)

my fave memory...hmm...well one in particular is when i saw the motown 25 performance live! my bro and i were dancing in front of the tv trying to imitate mj, so when he did the moonwalk, we were both speechless! never saw anything like was the coolest thing about the 80s...
Ahhhh so lucky!!! ^_^ I can only imagine what it must have been like to see him do the Moonwalk for the first time!!! :wub:
OMG you are soooooo lucky to have been on the Bad and Dangerous tours!!! I'd KILL to see them!!! :wub: Wow!! You were at the VMAs too! Do you mean in 2001? I was there too! :wub: Although I missed seeing him! :lol: Doh!

No, it was in '95 before the big 15 minute performance. I saw him outside the theatre (I was travelling the US at the time) then ran back to my hotel to see the show.
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^^^ OMG WOW!!! *is jealous* ....I LOVE that performance... I think it's gotta be my fav performance by him .. like.. EVER!! :wub:
My unforgettable memories: Seeing Michael twice on HIStory Tour, his b'day party in Helsinki, one particular fan get-together in Helsinki and seeing Michael in London, which also was my first time I travelled by plane, so yes it's very unforgettable memory! :)
oh yeah, seeing the moonwalk for the first time was spectacular!! :wub: another fave memory i have of him is when he performed the superbowl halftime show in 1993...i still have that on tape :wub:
My unforgettable memories: Seeing Michael twice on HIStory Tour, his b'day party in Helsinki, one particular fan get-together in Helsinki and seeing Michael in London, which also was my first time I travelled by plane, so yes it's very unforgettable memory! [/quote
Wow that was the first time you have ever been to London then? :)

oh yeah, seeing the moonwalk for the first time was spectacular!! another fave memory i have of him is when he performed the superbowl halftime show in 1993...i still have that on tape

OMG I love that - He looks sooooo amazing :wub:
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Wow that was the first time you have ever been to London then? :)

:yes: March was my first time (and then again in august). Actually it was my first time ever in abroads. I've been to Sweden, but because it's so close and you can go by boat, I don't count that the same as being in abroads :lol:

Oh and I forgot to mention: Being one of the lucky ones to see Finland's premiere of Ghosts in a cinema :)
:yes: March was my first time (and then again in august). Actually it was my first time ever in abroads. I've been to Sweden, but because it's so close and you can go by boat, I don't count that the same as being in abroads :lol:

Oh and I forgot to mention: Being one of the lucky ones to see Finland's premiere of Ghosts in a cinema :)

Wow that's amazing - I bet you had some experience in March! :lol: God it was NUTS!! :lol: Did you meet friends over here?

And omg @ seeing the premiere of Ghosts. I remember when that came out but I had to wait til Xmas day to watch it :lol: I eventually sat and watched it 11 times in one day :lol:
My faveourite Michael memory is when he was cleared of all Charges in 2005 :smile:
My faveourite Michael memory is when he was cleared of all Charges in 2005 :smile:

Yeah. I'll second that.

But my second best memory must be to see him on his birthday during the HIStory tour in copenhagen. 29th August 1997 !
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My faveourite Michael memory is when he was cleared of all Charges in 2005 :smile:

Yeah. I'll second that.

But my second best memory must be to see him on his birthday during the HIStory tour in copenhagen. 29th August 1997 !
^^^ OMG that is soooooooooo cool :D I have laods of footage of that but to be there must have been amazing!

Thriller_MJ that's ONE of mine as well :) The others are when I went inside Neverland. Once in August 2003 and another time in April 2005 I think it was :lol: :wub: :wub:
omg barbie.... where do I start????? sooo many Michael memories

meeting real fans for the first time in the queue for History concert

actaully breathing the same air as Michael (and 40,000 others) at the History concert

seeing Michael up close for the first time outside the hotel in Munich

looking into his eyes for the first time

all the crazy adventures with mj fans

finally going to Neverland
If MJ's bodyguards would walk up to me and go "Michael wants to meet you", I'd probably stare at them and think I didn't hear right and then shove the fan next to me in front of me and go "You mean, her?!" because I woudl probably not be able to believe that they'd mean ME...or that they'd actually be TALKING to ME....since so far pretty much all of MJ's bodyguards that I have met (excluding Wayne...he was a sweetheart!! I WANNA HAVE WAYNE BACK!!! ) have been pretty mean to me. And no, MJ wasn't even around when the bodyguards were around and the bodyguards came outside to pick presents etc. But for some reason they don't seem to like me very much. Either they yell at me and are really rude...or they just completely ignore me. Maybe I am just too calm? I mean, all I said to Attila in Munich in 1999 was "Excuse me Sir"....because I wanted to get his attention because I had a present for Michael....and he started nearly yelling at me and was really rude. And I almost started crying because it was so unexpected and I didn't understand why he was like that when I had been nothing but polite and he wasn't yelling at the fans who were tearing his arm and going mental. I just couldn't understand it...but it did make me feel bad and I almost didn't give my present to Michael. He did eventually take it since he was collecting all these gifts and letters from other fans too, so I guess Michael got it. But I'll never forget how miserable I felt at that moment. And in London 2002, two of MJ's bodyguards came out (Mike...and that guy with gray hair), and again, I just wanted to ask them if they could give the presents for Michael. So I walked up to them (which is a huge step for me because I am incrediably shy...) and again, I was like "Excuse me Sir....EXCUSE me, Sir...SIR....EXCUSE ME....!!" but they just completely ignored me. They didn't even look at me. So I just left. :( Maybe I should have started screaming and crying....maybe that would have worked. :huh: And so far the closest I have gotten to getting to meet Michael was having the girl standing next to me get to go up to MJ's suite and meet Michael. I was like Gosh, that is JUST MY LUCK....the girl NEXT to me is picked to go see MJ!" So since I seem to be pretty "invisible" to Michael and his bodyguards, it would probably take me a few minutes to believe they are serious, if they'd walk up to me and tell me MJ wants to meet me. Hamid is the only person from MJ's staff (and that I have met) who was really nice to me. He was SOOOO patient with me and my friend and really really nice. I HATE being filmed but my friend and I figured that probably the surest way to get a message to Michael is to leave him a video message. So my friend asked Hamid, if we could do that and he was like "Were you at the demo?" and we said yes and he was like "Then it's no problem!" (because he was only filming messages from fans who were at the demo on that least that's what he told us). But then I sort of "paniced" because, like I said, I hate to be filmed, and I was like "What do I have to do???!!"...And Hamid was reeeeallly patient and explained to me everything. I thought that was so nice. So he told us where to stand, and then he put the camera on his shoulders and was getting ready....and then my friend goes "Oh..I don't want to say anything but SHE does!". And I was like "HEY!!! That's not true!!!!". And we kind of started "discussing" with my friend who was supposed to say something and who was just there for "moral support". (Because I was reeeeally reluctant at first, and then I thought that okay...if my friend says something on behalf of both of us, and does the talking...I'll stand there with her. So that had been our "plan". And then she's like "'s the one who'll talk, film her!!". So we were trying to sort it our and Hamid was like "First they want to leave a message and then they won't say anything..." and I realized we were wasting his time, so I thought "OKAY...I'll say something then!!"....And then Hamid got ready again and so I babbled something and it was really short and I guess he didn't expect my message to be so short so he kept filming and I kept staring at him like "I'M DONE!! Stop filming! Please!! I'm done!! Hellooooo!!!" and I didn't know what to do and I was looking at the sound guy like "Help me!!! I don't know what to do??!! I'm done already!!! Please tell him to stop filming!!" :lol: So then I was like "Thank you!". And I guess that was the magic word, because Hamid then put the camera down and was like "That was very nice". And then my friend decided to say something after all, so Hamid had to hurry and lift the camera again to film my friend. Anyways, the point is...Hamid could have just started filming us without talking to me first and calming me down and explaining the process to me and he could have just been like "When you finally have decided who says what and wanna say something...come back. I don't have time for this." But instead, he was reeeally patient with us and let us take our time. I thought that was really sweet of him. Oh and another thing....some other fans butted in at some point and were telling Hamid they wanna leave a message too...and they were so "dominant" in their presence (I can't explain know, they were standing all around Hamid and talking really loud and all that...). So since I am more of the quiet type and I don't really ever try to fight for attention...(and since the bodyguards had ignored me anyways), I was convinced that Hamid will start filing those fans and won't even remember my friend and I are standing there and supposed to leave OUR messages. But...I was completely wrong, because Hamid was like "Well, it is these fans turn now and when we are finished...I'll be happy to film you. But you have to wait until these fans are finished." I swear my jaw dropped because I thought that was incrediably sweet and considerate of him. So...thanks to Hamid and his patience... my friend and I were able to leave a video message for Michael.

Oh and that lady threatening the Carlton Tower security....Wow!! :lol: It's amazing what types of people you meet at MJ's hotel. :lol: I was talking to one of the security guards outside the hotel at about 3 a.m. on the night before the demo in London. And no, I had NOT planned to spend the night at MJ's hotel...I was supposed to stay at my friend's friend's place. But then my friend couldn't get a hold of her friend...and so we had no place to stay...and not enough money for a hotel we stayed at MJ's hotel all night. And then this one security guard came out and we chatted with him for over an HOUR! He was pretty nice and we had a nice conversation. We hardly even talked about Michael! He was in his 40's...had a daughter....And he said he was more into opera than pop music...and that he loved to ride his motorcycle on his free time. And I told him I was working in neurosurgery as an intern (I was a nursing student at that time and was working as an intern....), so I saw brain surgeries every day and my friend told him about her studies and work, etc. It was so funny to be chatting about life and hobbiest and future plans and all that on a London street at THREE IN THE MORNING! :lol: That security guard told us that Michael was sleeping and I had some presents for Michael so I asked him if he could take them and give them to MJ's bodyguards so that they'll give them to Michael, and he said he can't take them now, but told me to give them to the hotel security the next day. He said that Michael should get them that way because they had gotten orders to forward all fan gifts and letters to Michael. I thought that was really sweet. He asked me what I have for Michael, and I told him, and he said that it shouldn't be a problem. And then he told us that some female fan had tried to give Michael a DVD with footage of herself doing REALLY nasty stuff....with herself. :eek: He said that luckily the security had checked the DVD before it got to Michael, and so they destroyed it and it never was given to Michael. He said that MJ's security checks all the gifts before they are given to Michael, and if there is any "nasty" material...they'll take it out and throw it away. I was a bit shocked that someone would try to send nude pics and nude footage of themselves to Michael....but I guess there are enough crazy fans who'd do such a thing. :eek:

Thought I'd reply to this in here lol... Think we took over the pic thread :lol:

I've never really had much to do with Michaels security until Basheer.. then me and my friend spoke to him alot in the Carlton Towers... I think he was weary of me at first but after March and seeing me in May he knows I'm not a psycho fan who hurts or mobs Michael so he was always cool with me... tbh I don't know why Michael sacked him as I think he was one of the best security Michael had... him along with Henry.. he was cool B) ... The only other person I have ever given my gifts too is Uri Geller... I remember passing a pic of me as a small child through the limo window in Exeter and asking Uri to give it to Michael - so he took it and gave it to him :) He also took things into the Renaissance for me as well... I think all the other times I've tried to give them to him myself.... I'm really weird like that - I like to give him things myself so he knows it was ME who gave him it and I am 100% sure that he got it!

Security can be nasty at times but they are only doing it to be careful for Michael I suppose.... not many are very fan friendly!! They should get a fan to do the job lol... Although saying that, the job might go to their head :lol:

omg barbie.... where do I start????? sooo many Michael memories

meeting real fans for the first time in the queue for History concert

actaully breathing the same air as Michael (and 40,000 others) at the History concert

seeing Michael up close for the first time outside the hotel in Munich

looking into his eyes for the first time

all the crazy adventures with mj fans

finally going to Neverland
Duuuuuuuude what about Virgin Signing? OMG! I can't believe that isn't one of your most memorable! :lol: I'd have KILLED to have been there :lol: I'm still not quite over it! Damnit! ....
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the acual signing itself was a memorable time, but the next day which very few know about was far more magical...............

I was doing it in order in case you hadnt noticed:lol:

berlin for the bambi awards............. sooooooooooo cold but soo much fun

outside the lanesborgh hotel, found some photos of you with your autograph when I was home at christmas

wma's and all the crazyness of getting tickets and then finally getting to the front at the awards
the acual signing itself was a memorable time, but the next day which very few know about was far more magical...............

I was doing it in order in case you hadnt noticed:lol:

berlin for the bambi awards............. sooooooooooo cold but soo much fun

outside the lanesborgh hotel, found some photos of you with your autograph when I was home at christmas

wma's and all the crazyness of getting tickets and then finally getting to the front at the awards

OMG yes I forgot about the day after!! aaahhh *jealous* :lol: I can't believe I missed the Bambi Awards as well! I had just moved to Plymouth and had no freakin money!! GRRR :mad: lol ......

OMG I want to see those photos outside the Lanesborough! :lol: Ahh the blithering mess I was in after that incident :lol: Do you remember? :lol: Crying and shaking like a mad woman!! :lol: Ahhhh God for him to pay that much attention to me again I would simply DIE!! *faints thinking about it* I can't wait til the next event - it's soooo much fun being wiv you and baby Bubbles!! Yay!!!
aww thanks, I have sooo much fun with you.

yes the day after the signing is a really special memory, we didnt even know for sure he was there until we spotted someone who was with him at the signing, we had been there about 6 hours at that stage!!
aww thanks, I have sooo much fun with you.

yes the day after the signing is a really special memory, we didnt even know for sure he was there until we spotted someone who was with him at the signing, we had been there about 6 hours at that stage!!

It's really weird how you can go for ages without anything happening and then all of a sudden out of the blue, without even expecting it something AMAZING happens!!! Ahhhhhh.....

U're forgetting Neverland as well!!! And when I nearly knocked over a vase in Michaels front room! :lol:
Where to start! LOL.
my favorite memory of Michael Jackson would have to be when i spoke to him on the phone, here's how it happened:
A charity promised a dream for me to meet him. they sent MJ all the letters that I had written to him, and promised it was going to happen 2 years ago, but it hasn't happened, YET. so I went up to London in May of last year, and caught sight of MJ's bodyguard. I asked him could he see if MJ had got my letters, and he came back down and told me that he had. I asked if I could meet him but they said no, not this time, but instead I got a phone call from him and he sent a signed a picture and gave me some CD's, which Basheer gave me. We spoke for about ten minutes and in that conversation he said that next time he is in London we can meet up. If you want to know more about it just P.M me.

That is sooooo awesome!!! Wow, to actually get to talk to Michael on the phone...that must be an awesome feeling!!! I really hope he'll come to London soon and you'll get to meet him!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Sam!

my fave memory...hmm...well one in particular is when i saw the motown 25 performance live! my bro and i were dancing in front of the tv trying to imitate mj, so when he did the moonwalk, we were both speechless! never saw anything like was the coolest thing about the 80s...

Oh my gosh, you saw it LIVE???!!! WOW!!! That's like one of the most, if not THE most LEGENDARY performances ever.....And you saw it LIVE!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! You must have been SOOOO excited!!! That is AWESOME!!!

March was my first time (and then again in august). Actually it was my first time ever in abroads. I've been to Sweden, but because it's so close and you can go by boat, I don't count that the same as being in abroads

Oh and I forgot to mention: Being one of the lucky ones to see Finland's premiere of Ghosts in a cinema

You saw Ghosts at teh movies? Aah that must have been sooo great!!! I wish I could have been there too!!!!

My faveourite Michael memory is when he was cleared of all Charges in 2005

I'm SO HAPPY the trial is over, but I just don't even wanna think about the trial time. I just want to forget it. It just makes me sad when ever someone even mentions it. It was really painful to see MJ have to go through all that...And not only that. My dad died of cancer in late 2003, so 2003-2005 were not good years for me. It's painful for me to think of that time period, so I just rather forget it all.

^^^ OMG that is soooooooooo cool I have laods of footage of that but to be there must have been amazing!

Thriller_MJ that's ONE of mine as well The others are when I went inside Neverland. Once in August 2003 and another time in April 2005 I think it was

You went to NEVERLAND!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That must have been AMAZING!!! WOW!!! Tell us MORE!!! What was it like? Did you go on the rides? How did you get inside? Did you see Michael there? Aaaah, that's so AWESOME!!!

Thought I'd reply to this in here lol... Think we took over the pic thread

I've never really had much to do with Michaels security until Basheer.. then me and my friend spoke to him alot in the Carlton Towers... I think he was weary of me at first but after March and seeing me in May he knows I'm not a psycho fan who hurts or mobs Michael so he was always cool with me... tbh I don't know why Michael sacked him as I think he was one of the best security Michael had... him along with Henry.. he was cool ... The only other person I have ever given my gifts too is Uri Geller... I remember passing a pic of me as a small child through the limo window in Exeter and asking Uri to give it to Michael - so he took it and gave it to him He also took things into the Renaissance for me as well... I think all the other times I've tried to give them to him myself.... I'm really weird like that - I like to give him things myself so he knows it was ME who gave him it and I am 100% sure that he got it!

Security can be nasty at times but they are only doing it to be careful for Michael I suppose.... not many are very fan friendly!! They should get a fan to do the job lol... Although saying that, the job might go to their head

Duuuuuuuude what about Virgin Signing? OMG! I can't believe that isn't one of your most memorable! I'd have KILLED to have been there I'm still not quite over it! Damnit! ....

Yeah, I think we got kind of off topic at the pic thread! :lol: Thanks for making this thread! :) What comes to the bodyguards...I do understand they need to protect Michael and if they would have been yelling at me when MJ was around and I was being hysterical or pushing, etc., I would have somehow understood it maybe...But when they come down to get ´presents from fans...and they talk to other fans and take their gifts etc. and they smile and talk to fans who are all in their face and pulling them and all that...but are rude to me and yell at me or just IGNORE ME when I try to be polite...THAT'S what I don't understand. Ya know? It's like..."Okay, I'll just go away....I'll just leave". You know, it makes you feel like such an "outsider" and like you're not wanted around and like you would have done something horribly wrong, but you just can't figure out what that might be because all you did was wave your banner and wave and smile to Michael without going mental when he was at the window and all you said to the bodyguard was "Excuse me Sir"....I have never tried to get inside the hotel, I have never tried to grab Michael....So you know, I just can't figure out why they are rude to ME, when I behave and try to be polite...But are nice to fans who push other fans and scream and try to grab Michael and who bang on his car windows etc....But ya know...Whatever. Like I said, I liked Wayne. He was nice. He was a great bodyguard, but also treated fans well. And I will never forget him reaching his hand out of the car window extra for me to get my present for Michael when MJ was leaving his hotel in Budapest and his vans drove past me! That was SO NICE of him! He could have just ignored me, but he didn't and made an effort to get the present. The car window was open, so I yelled "WAYNE!!!" and he looked at me, and I reached my hand out with the present, and he reached his hand out immediately and I reached as far as I could and he leaned out more quick and grabbed the present tightly so that it won't fall down and pulled it inside!! I was SO HAPPY! And I am forever grateful for him for doing that. Like I said, he could have just ignored me...but he didn't. And I think that was just incrediably nice of him. So I am pretty sure MJ got the present! :D Yay!

Anyways....there are SO MANY favorite MJ memories...I don't even know where to begin and all are such looooong stories really! :lol:

One of the most amazing and one of the "funniest" memories has got to be MJ's performance at "Wetten, dass...?" in 1995 and seeing it live and staying at the same hotel as Michael as Sony's guests and going to the afterparty after the performance. And then going to the amusement park the next day with MJ and the other fans. It was all just so unbelievable really. :lol: I won VIP tickets to the show from Sony, so Sony paid the flights and hotel and everything. I was allowed to take one friend with me, and then off to Cologne we went! We travelled with the Sony people and then we had two black Mercedeses with tinted windows waiting for us at the airport with drivers. My friend and I were just giggling because it was so funny to us to have a driver pick us up from the airport with a limousine. :lol: So we arrived to MJ's hotel...and since the cars were the same cars that drove MJ's people around...Fans ran to the cars and started taking photos when we got out. And my friend and I had to laugh even more because to us it was just funny. Then this guy walked to the car and took my suitcase (this was my first time staying at a 5 star was a bit naive and I didn't know the "procedure" really...:lol:) and I was just pointing at the guy and going "My suitcase!! My suitcase!! That guy took my suitcase!!" and the Sony people were like "He's just taking it inside..." and I was like "Ooooh....right." *embarrassed* Because I thought the dude was stealing my suitcase!!! :doh: :lol: So we got inside and this guy from the hotel walks up to me and says something in German and I'm like "What does he want from me?" and they are like....He wants to know what your room number is so that he can bring your suitcases to your room. And I was panicking because I didn't know my room number yet...Ah...I am telling you..."Summer and her friend experiencing a five star hotel for the first time" would have made a great comedy!! LOL!

Anyways, so then there was gonna be the performance. They told us that there was a place reserved for fans, and since we got VIP tickets...we'd be at the front. So we get to the place...and see all these fans sitting in front of the stage. And they tell us all seats are full. So the Sony people go "But these guys have VIP tickets...they are entitled to seats at the front row..." but the person from the show goes "Those are all reserved for fans, and all seats are full...I'm sorry but you have to find other some other seats. There are seats free at the back still." My heart just sunk....I was like "JUST MY LUCK once again...Just when I think I'll be able to see MJ close up...This happens." So my friend and I started wandering around the place and tried to look for seats and people were like "No, these are can't sit there..." It was really frustrating. Finally we saw some fans up at the back, so we went there and were able to get seats among them. And then the show started and then later on MJ came on stage...And the performance was AMAZING!!! I was just jumping up and down and going "WHOOOHOOOOO!!!" at the end because I was so excited and I thought MJ had done such a great job!! (And that was the premiere of my "King Of Music" banner too! LOL! You can see it at the end of Dangerous...That's me right there! :) )

So when the show was over, the Sony bus took us back to the hotel, and the Sony people said that the aftershow party will start soon, so they told us to meet them at the lobby in about a half an hour. So we met them, and they took us to where the party was. There was a security guard standing at the door and my friend and I didn't have any passes or anything, but the Sony people said we're cool, so the guy let us in. And there was loads of food to eat, there were MJ posters and stuff hanging on the walls, and ALL of MJ's people was there. Karen Faye, Michael Bush, all his dancers, etc. etc. But I am really I didn't go talk to anyone. My friend and I just stayed to ourselves and I was so nervous I held my arms crossed in front of me and kept squeezing my elbow so hard I had a bruise on it the next day! LOL! The Sony people came over to us at some point an dtold us to go get something to eat, so we did, but I was just TOO excited and too nervous to really eat anything, so I just took some salad. Then this one reporter from some magazine came to talk to us and asked who we were and my friend totally got into it all and I was not a happy camper about it. I kept elbowing her and going "DON'T talk so much!!"...and at one point I saw her write our names down on a paper for that guy and I was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!! I don't wanna be in any magazine!! Why did you give the guy our names??!!! Why didn't you ASK me first?!" And then the reporter wanted to take pictures of us and since I HATE to be filmed or photographed, I refused. I was like "No...I don't want to". And they kept inisiting and i kept telling them no, and my friend grabbed my arm and they dragged me in front of this MJ poster while I kept telling them I REALLY don't wanna be in any photos. I was really pissed off and not smiling at all when the reporter was going to take our picture, but then I thought "Okay...what if they really use the photos somewhere and I am not smiling..they'll probably twist it so that it makes MJ look bad. Damn!", so I faked a smile and the guy took a picture and my face was back to "pissed off" mode, and I was about to walk away and he was like "NO, one more, one more" and I was like "Okay, that's ENOUGH! Sheesh!" and just walked away. LOL! I was SO PISSED OFF...I tell ya. :mad: (He did use one picture where you could see us, but thank God our names weren't mentioned.) Anyways, so then we'd stand alone and chat again and one of MJ's people who was standing next to us started talking to me. He looked familiar and I think it was the guy who had been the tour producer or coordinator or something like that. I had seen him on some of the Dangerous Tour footage. You know that big black guy with the reeeeally deep voice. I think it was him. So he's like "What did you think about the show? It was really cool, huh?" and I was like "Yeah....Michael was really great." And he asked a couple of other questions, and then they started showing MJ's performance on thsi huge screen and that guy was like "Come on...go closer, where you can see better! Go ahead, it's alright!". I guess he realized I'm really shy and nervous, so I thought that was nice of him. It was SO EXCITING to see MJ on a HUGE screen...And they played it over and OVER again!! And it was fun to see the dancers react to the performance. They were all sitting on these couches in front of the screen and they kept doing the Dangerous choreography as they were watching it and laughing at each other and all that. Later on these two black guys came to stand at our table (they only had these high tables you can put your plate and drinks tables were you actually sit down), and one of them was like "Yeah...I've been with Mike since 1979....", so apparently it was someone who had worked for Michael for a long time. I just caught that, but then I was chattinig with my friend so I didn't really listen to what they were talking about and I didn't talk to them and ask the guy about it. And then there was MJ's photographer...Who was one persistant little nuisance! LOL! He was taking pictures of all the people who were there, and again...when I see a camera...I hide. So when ever I noticed I might be in the picture..I kind of tried to turn my back or pretend I was "just gonna look away anyways"...while I was talking to my friend. LOL! But, apparently he was determined to get my picture because he came to stand right in front of my friend and I a couple of times, and I again turned away. So at one point I was talking to my friend and like out of no where, I have his camera at my face. So, I turned my head away quick, and kept looking away and waited and waited until I thought "Okay...he must be gone by now..". So I turned back and at that very moment..*CLICK*. He had been standing there, holding his camera the whole time...just waiting for me to turn my head back to get my picture. LOL! I was just like "Gee...he doesn't give up, does he?!". the next day....We were supposed to leave that day, but we had until late afternoon...So my friend and I went outside where the fans were and then the fans told us, MJ is going to go to an amusement park and fans can go too. But the amusement park was quite a drive away, and we didn't have a car, so we were can we go? Besides, we didn't know if we will have enough time. Then the reporter who had been at the party the night before walks up to us and asks if we are going and we said no because 1. We don't know how and 2. we're not sure we have enough time. So he told us he is going an dhe can take us with him if we want. I first was thinking "I'm not sure it's a good idea..." but then we decided to go with him after all. And the whole way to the amusement park I kept argueing with him about why the press is so mean to MJ and I kept telling him to write about the good things and not bash MJ all the time and I kept defending MJ and I was just probably a real pain in the a** ! LOL! So we got to the amusement park, and MJ wasn't there yet, and the reporter goes "Well, us reporters can't get in because Michael only wants fans in there...So what we gonna do is...I'll give you guys my camera, and you can take pictures of him for me". And I was thinking "IN YOUR DREAMS, dude!" but I just smiled at him and was like "Sure!!! Fine!!" while knowing the whole time there is NO F**KING WAY I'd ever take some pics of Michael for some reporter! My plan was to just take the camera, and take tons of pics of my feet and the ground and just random things were you can't see anything, just in case he checks the picture counter (this was before digital cameras were everywhere...LOL!). We also told him we HAVE to be back at the hotel by a certain time or we will miss our flight, so he agreed to meet us at the car, Then MJ came and it was chaos, so luckily I didn't even see the reporter guy anymore and was able to get in without needing to take his stupid camera. And it was just an AMAZING feeling to be in an amusement park that was CLOSED for public...and to know MJ is there and just about 150 of his fans. MJ went on the rides first with some kids, and then when he was done, it was our turn. We rode the carousel, we went on a roller coaster ride...And then there was this AWESOME thing called Galaxy that was almost like Star Tours at Disneyland. When we get into that one, we were told that Michael was hiding somewhere where he can see us and will be watching us. I have NO IDEA where he could have been! LOL! Oh and at one point all fans gathered in front of Michael and we all sang "You Are Not Alone" to him! :) It was just an amazing day! was getting late, and even though MJ was still in the park, my friend and I had to leave. So we ran to the parking lot and sure enough, the reporter was waiting for us. So at least he kept his end of the deal and took us back to the hotel even though MJ hadn't left the park yet.

It was just SUCH an unbelievable experience and my friend and I kept laughing at it all because we were like "NO ONE is ever going to believe us!!"LOL! We wrote some postcards for friends and we almost died laughing when we wrote "HI...Greetings from Germany! We are staying at the same hotel with Michael Jackson...saw him perform live...went to a party with all his people...and then today we went to the amusement park with Michael and fans.We're having a great time!" It sounded so unbelievable we just had to laugh at it! We then met the Sony people and told them all about the amusement park and then one of them asked us if we liked the stay and if we had a good time and if we got enough to eat and how room service was and all that and we were like "Oh....we didn't order anything...We ate a couple of the gummy bears in the room, but we didn't order anything". And they were like "YOU DIDN'T??!!! But it was all on Sony!! You could have ordered anything you want!" And my friend and I were like " weren't really hungry anyways..." LOL! It was just a funny and completely memorable trip! LOL!

And I think I have written a novel about it! LOL! I have loads of stories I could share, but they need to wait until another day when I have more time to write. LOL! In the mean time, I hope everyone will share their stories! And tell us details!! I love to hear how it was seeing MJ, what you did, how you felt, what funny things happened to you...:)
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Wow that's amazing - I bet you had some experience in March! :lol: God it was NUTS!! :lol: Did you meet friends over here?

And omg @ seeing the premiere of Ghosts. I remember when that came out but I had to wait til Xmas day to watch it :lol: I eventually sat and watched it 11 times in one day :lol:

Yeah I met some friends or should I say people I've seen posting on boards. It was fun.. "oh, it's you!" :D Though I think "meeting" Dutchie, which actually never happened in march is the most hilarious memory. We kept saying we'll meet there, but everytime when I was at Michael's hotel she wasn't and when we both finally were there at the same time it was a very hectic moment and I heard people saying "Reeta, Reeta someone is calling for you" and I saw it was Dutchie, but because of the moment I couldn't go to talk with her and later she wasn't there anymore :lol:

They showed Ghosts in a cinema the day before the first concert. So we went to see it first and then headed to the stadium. And I think they showed the movie only once, so yeah I think I was pretty lucky.

You saw Ghosts at teh movies? Aah that must have been sooo great!!! I wish I could have been there too!!!!

Yeah it was awesome. Way different experience than what it is to watch at home. You know all those sound systems being around you, so for example when Michael stamped his foot it felt deep in your stomach. And his voice sounded so real like he was in a same room with you. Not to mention when he sang and danced.

Oh and that lady threatening the Carlton Tower security....Wow!!

Don't get me wrong, it was not threatening in the literal sense of the word. It was a hilarious moment and she just nicely wanted to let this man know that don't you dare to mess with the fans :lol: Especially in a middle of night when everyone was already so tired and freezing.

And OMG @ your stories, you've been so lucky to experience Michael magic so many times, just like Darina (moonstreet). You girls are so lucky! :) I really want to meet you someday! :yes:
being born during the bad concert and michael holding me up in the air like simba as the crowd roared and bowed down to me

i kid i kid
my favourite memory is seeing him at the wma's... michael has been my number 1 since birth, never did i imagine i would see him for real, it never occured to me that i would, so seeing him was like a dream come true, a dream beyond a dream if you will... it was surreal. hopefully i will see him in concert or something again.

how come you were in neverland
were you at the trail?
my memory of him was seeing earth song short firm for the first time. and saw him live in both the royal brunei concert and history concert in Brunei.
:( miss it.
First memory of him...

Not really sure, but the most impressionable is probably watching Ghost with my dad. That's like the coolest film I saw at that time! Having people walking on the ceilings? I was blown away!
Summer I can't believe ure AMAZING stories - you really are soooooo lucky!!!!! I'm gonna post one of my reports for the second time I went into Neverland but it's at home on my hard drive so I'll have to do it tonight or tomorrow when I get back. :)

Reeta I can't believe you missed seeing friends - its SO typical! It's happened to me loads as well - it's just when sooo much is going on and u're trying to do so many things at once when Michael is around! :lol: Maybe next time :lol: There's still people I haven't had chance to talk to properly at Michael events and I've been going to them for years :lol:
Reeta I can't believe you missed seeing friends - its SO typical! It's happened to me loads as well - it's just when sooo much is going on and u're trying to do so many things at once when Michael is around! :lol: Maybe next time :lol: There's still people I haven't had chance to talk to properly at Michael events and I've been going to them for years :lol:

Well I met Dutchie, at finally, in august when they had KOP's lauch party in London :)

And about the party.. Ladies (and Greg), Briggsy told me you can hear our chanting and other noises :)rolleyes: :tongue:) in that video they filmed there :lol:
Well I met Dutchie, at finally, in august when they had KOP's lauch party in London :)

And about the party.. Ladies (and Greg), Briggsy told me you can hear our chanting and other noises :)rolleyes: :tongue:) in that video they filmed there :lol:


I wasn't event AT that I am pretty sure NO SOUNDS coming from me can be heard :lol:

*prays Michael never gets to see the video* :doh: