'Official Michael Jackson Opus' (All Threads Merged)

Ticketmaster Richy - have you called the guy at Opus yet? His name is Hari. Oh just saw your earlier post - they were very good at calling me.

WooHoo! Our first ticketmaster delivery? :D So happy for you! They haven't rang yet and it's nearly been an hour..!
ATTENTION EVERYONE IN EUROPE WITH TRACKING INFO: Check your FedEx tracking codes now! Mine has finally moved from 'initiated' to 'picked up'. Estimated delivery date now is 29 December. They're on their way! :)
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My OPUS just arrived :D

Ordered through the TIMES

The box is HUGE! i cant look at it til xmas day but im just sooo glad it came in time :)

The guy had about 60 OPUS' in his van so get ready people they are coming! :)
ATTENTION EVERYONE IN EUROPE WITH TRACKING INFO: Check your FedEx tracking codes now! Mine has finally moved from 'initiated' to 'picked up'. Estimated delivery date now is 29 December. They're on their way! :)

Mine still says "initiated" and estimated delivery Dec 22nd... :(
I'm out the house now but Mum & Dad are home for most of the day and I'm hope tomorrow morning...no-one home tomorrow afternoon! Knowing
my luck..any idea when you think it'll turn up? ;)

Does anyone know I'd they would leave it with a neighbour if I left a note on
the door? :)
this book is intimidating me lol i tried to look through it but only skimmed a couple of pages before i had to put it back in its box.

LOL!!!! :D Now that's good!!! Once we finally GET the book, we feel scared of it and don't read it!!! LOL!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Delivery guy just arrived with mine......... :woohoo:

Im not even allowed to look at it! :censored: My family have confiscated the box til Christmas Day!!!! They locked me in the bloody dining room and have hidden it .... it weighs a ton!!!! :bugeyed:

Confiscated!!!!! hahahahahahaa!!!

Oh dear... now this threath is really an adventure, congratulations!!!!
Please enjoy your book!!

(and be a good little kid and DON'T try to find the gift! ;))
ATTENTION EVERYONE IN EUROPE WITH TRACKING INFO: Check your FedEx tracking codes now! Mine has finally moved from 'initiated' to 'picked up'. Estimated delivery date now is 29 December. They're on their way! :)

Where in Europe do you live? :)
For me nothing has happened yet it still says Dec 22, 2009 by 6:00 PM and it’s still in UK. I called them yesterday but they never called me back maybe I gave them wrong nr =) you said 29 December It sounds like before Christmas but not before this Christmas its before Christmas of 2010. :hysterical: I think I have to call them again. :doh: :D
So UK are getting theirs then. Has anyone in the UK got the Opus and ordered via Ticketmaster, and not received the FedEx tracking code?

C'mon Ireland....
Times Books UPDATE (sparklesdirect) just contacted me via email to confirm they were sent yesterday. They did not have a tracking number for me as they sent so many but I need to contact Parcelforce direct with my name and postcode and they would tell me where it is....

well I contacted them and they do have it however there was 'a problem' with their sorting hub (in Coventry) last night so it wont be out for me today? it will be tomorrow! Will this ever get to me?

If I log in online on the Parcelforce website this is what I see :
Date Time Location Tracking Event
22-12-2009 11:31 National Hub Sorted in hub 21-12-2009 19:50 Plymouth Depot On route to hub
Times Books paid for a 24hr services so this is pretty shoddy!

Just to let you guys know in case you ordered from Times Books and it don't arrive today - it should be with you tomorrow!!
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i have nothing. no reply to emails, no tracking code, no opus. and i ordered in august :( ticketmaster took payment then too.
Ugh...still nothing here. I daren't leave the house! :lol: Man, I have to go out soon as well. This is why we could do with a tracking number lol.
Woot! My money has been taken out today so I know it's now left and on it's way. :)
omg! omg! My OPUSSSSSSSS!!!!!
Its here in my lap its hugeeeeeeeeee but so amazing love the pictures not read it all yet tho!!!

Timesonline order

parcel force delivered them, the guys van was full of just opus's so if you live near me (guildford/Surrey) and and ordered one he has most likely got it and doing his rounds as we speak!!
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Just phoned home, my Opus hasn't arrived yet :no: I've not recieved a tracking number or anything, but i don't think that really matters does it?? I think most people are just getting theirs out of the blue :doh:
My Opus from the Times arrived just now! I know people were saying that it was huge but...it really is HUGE
omg! omg! My OPUSSSSSSSS!!!!!
Its here in my lap its hugeeeeeeeeee but so amazing love the pictures not read it all yet tho!!!

Timesonline order

parcel force delivered them, the guys van was full of just opus's so if you live near me (guildford/Surrey) and and ordered one he has most likely got it and doing his rounds as we speak!!

I wonder if we got the same guy!! I'm in surrey too.
My Opus from the Times arrived just now! I know people were saying that it was huge but...it really is HUGE

omg! omg! My OPUSSSSSSSS!!!!!
Its here in my lap its hugeeeeeeeeee but so amazing love the pictures not read it all yet tho!!!!!

Congratulations!!! I hope you have a great time enjoying the book. Take care of it!

Estimated delivery day for my Opus has changed and it's now dec 30th, so no Opus for me for Christmas. FedEx tracking site says my book is in Stansted at the moment.
ATTENTION EVERYONE IN EUROPE WITH TRACKING INFO: Check your FedEx tracking codes now! Mine has finally moved from 'initiated' to 'picked up'. Estimated delivery date now is 29 December. They're on their way! :)

My status of delivery is "in transit" from Stansted..... and the estimated delivery is 05 gen 2010.. before it was 23 dic... :O(
I'm happy to read so many have got their Opuses already! The tracking info on the FedEx page has indeed made some moves! So there's leaps of progress since this morning. The item is now in transit, it's either at the Standsted airport or perhaps in the air already! Anyway, the delivery date has moved to Dec 30th, so it's probably not airborne yet. Though my likelihood of getting the opus in time for Christmas (this would entail its arrival tomorrow) is nonexistent, I'm really pleased to finally see some progress!
It'f funny, the book was MUCH bigger than I expected...I knew it was gonna be huge, but I mean, it's MASSIVE!
Did anybody, who already received their Opus, notice any progress on the FedEx tracking page?

No progress on my FedEx tracking page...it still says

Anticipated ship date: 17. Dec.
Estimated delivery: 22. Dec.

But the Progress is still "Initiated"
No "picked up" or "in transit"


I don´t think we get it today....:no:
This is ridiculous!!!!!!.....I ordered mine in august when the book was announced and people who brought afterwards are getting it before me!!!!!!!!