People are eager to blame Sony, why should Sony even 'save' an album that's been sabotaged from the start by various people with conflicting interests, why should they 'save' an album that was wholly leaked at least a week to it's release.?
People have done a darn good job in making sure this album does not succeed, from the day it was announced. For the sake of my own nerves, I will not state the names of those people. Of course Sony sucked at the promotions, but it wasn't just the promotion but all the contributing factors, the media again did a darn good job in creating doubts in people's minds. Some don't even believe a line was sung by Jackson. Quiet frankly, I have my doubts, I have my concerns, but I sure know that Jackson did not deserve this kind of unfairly perception by the general public.
He didn't deserve to chart at #3 and then fall to be forgotten. Had this album sounded differently had it been put out by Jackson himself? Certainly! It would have sounded completely different, with different songs. But we have to be satisfied with what we get, we do not run his empire, we do not choose. With Jackson himself being no more, it's our duty to protect his legacy and support official releases. We as fans have to ensure this bit, Jackson lost his life in the process of making US happy, we could at least support official releases. I know that many of you went out there and bought the album, some probably even multiple times, including myself, but I also know that there are people among this very fan community who did not go out and buy, people who preferred to download the album and continue to rant about fake tracks, cast doubts in other ppl's minds.
I for one have made a vow to support each and every official release, regardless of what certain people have to say or rant about. I owe at least this much to Jackson.