:no: you didn't I was just saying that we didn't want to be having a convo in that thread while GHz was trying to sort everything out, :yes: I know its been awhile since I've posted on here, I haven't really had too much time to muck around on here so I haven't been on. Hopefully after I get back from Sydney things will settle down and I'll be able to come on here a little more.
I'm sure Gaz will have anything sorted soon, I'm just thankful that that forum is back up and running again so for now that's all that's important for now the rest can wait, though I should get my legacy member badge soon seen as its now been 2 years since I become a member.
I have already booked my tickets for Breaking Dawn, Breannan and I will be going to the Midnight session like planned and then I'll be doing the 10am session to but with Bryneeka so I'll be seeing it twice in the same day so I'm extremely excited about that. She's all better now, it was just one of the flus that was going around because of Winter, but she went and saw the doctor and got antibiotics and now she's back to her normal bossy self so everything is back to normal now