Official announcement to be made 9/10 for Captain EO

^^I hope they add new effects and stuff that would be awesome!
They are probably just going to convert it from the blue/red 3d to the new way with the normal looking glasses. I doubt they were change the effects, those in the master prints of the film. It's not coming back forever. Just a year or a little less so I don't think they would give it a total revamp.
Iger isn't going to announce it for a little more. The Disney team is working on fixing it all up and getting it ready to present again. Iger is worried about bad publicity due to the molestation charges however the rest of the Disney company wants it back. They are trying to tie it into a community service thing they are doing next year. That's all I know right now.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if children started writing to Disney asking for Captain Eo? I've written them telling them that I'd bring my children there to see it, if I had children. LOL!

I think they also want to see what the reception is to the movie.
They are probably just going to convert it from the blue/red 3d to the new way with the normal looking glasses. I doubt they were change the effects, those in the master prints of the film. It's not coming back forever. Just a year or a little less so I don't think they would give it a total revamp.

Uhh.. It's been the polarized method since it has opened