October 6, 2008 {Read News Thread Rules on post # 60}

Re: October 6, 2008

Here's a little mentioning: :)
Inside Club Envy, in the main room, DJ Tagg had the run of the sound system. He bobbed behind a table crowded with LPs, turntables and laptops, his head cocked sideways to brace a set of headphones. The shuffling bass line of "Billie Jean" shook the room.

"One of the reasons these parties are desegregated is because they mix up the music," shouted Cameron Beasley, 23, who was collecting the cover charge. "I mean, who doesn't like 'Billie Jean'?"
Re: October 6, 2008

Thanks Shannon.

including a new book detailing his precise involvement in the careers of Michael Jackson,
The Jackson 5, and James Brown "The Godfather of Soul," to the marketplace under the
direction of the newly formed Supergold International. Ben Brown is known worldwide for
discovering Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, and engineering the now famous James Brown comeback.
This name is only vaguely familar. :huh: But..a...what?
Re: October 6, 2008

Ben Brown recorded the Jackson five before Motown. Remember that Big Boy CD that came out a years ago? He put it out
Re: October 6, 2008

Yeah I do.
OK, I see. Thanks. I knew the name was familiar.
Seems there were a few hands responsible for their discovery.
Re: October 6, 2008

Thanks for posting the news Shannon.

The Black Eyed Peas man went on to say that: "So Michael Jackson is gonna release his record when he releases his record."

More like he is gonna release the CD sometime next year. However, we knew this. He confirm, once again, that MJ is working on a new CD. I also think that Will said this comment because he knows that the media asks him about the MJ project and MJ told him not to tell the media anything. Will was probably finding ways to say things without giving the media ideas, which is very smart.

As far as Randy telling an MJ website (MJinsider.com) about Janet's health issues - no offense to the website or the owner of the website, she means well, but Randy is the last person to know anything about Janet's health. Her publicist said what she had to say and that is the official word. So, for this brother to go there and say that and make Janet fans really worried about Janet is not cool. I think it is best that Randy find some kind of hobby to do and stop talking about his sister's health issues publically. Janet didn't say nothing when Randy had his suppose heart attack.
Re: October 6, 2008

More like he is gonna release the CD sometime next year. However, we knew this. He confirm, once again, that MJ is working on a new CD. I also think that Will said this comment because he knows that the media asks him about the MJ project and MJ told him not to tell the media anything. Will was probably finding ways to say things without giving the media ideas, which is very smart.

It's funny, because Akon, Ne-Yo and Will.I.Am are continually asked about MJ and thus far have basically given the same answer over and over AND OVER again.

I guess Will.I.Am is become a little bit more "creative" in his response, since his response is basically the same as his last response. LOL!

He either knows nothing or was told not to say anything. Any way you look at it, in my opinion, Will.I.Am ain't saying nothing new.
Re: October 6, 2008

tells jackson fans not to hold their breaths is so blatantly a juxatoposition of what will.i.am actually did say. I think william is merely saying that he cannot say exatcly when the album will be released and michael will work at his own comfortable pace....all the rest are just insinuations.
Re: October 6, 2008

it's not like anyone is holding their breath for a new album soon anyway lol
Re: October 6, 2008

well forget about the comment from mj at the jacksons party then, because mike said that he will be back sooner than they think. Which in mj terms means about ten years later
Re: October 6, 2008

I have no problem with Michael focusing all of his time on his kids. I focus all of my energy on my kids too. I just don't want to see fans wait for something that's not coming.

I'll tell you what. Why don't you just worry about raising your children and we'll cover the forum.

No problems!:D
Re: October 6, 2008

I am not sure how long some folks around here have been fans of Michael's but for us oldies who have been around for about 15-30 years as a fan we can tell you that the wait is a long wait from 4-5 years as an estimate. Some of you forget that he is a perfectionist and if something doesn't sound right or whatever he will perfect it until it appeals to him to his liking. Michael is not one to have something out every 6 months. Don't forget his music is here to stay not to just have it played for a few weeks or months but he makes music that still can be remembered for years. Take the music he has made back in the 70's and 80's all that music he has made is timeless, a masterpiece. His music will never be forgotten like some musicians today. His music will last a lifetime and beyond. I call Mr. Jackson the last of the greatest musicians alive. He knows how to capture an audience not only by his presence, but his music and movement. He is a living ledgend and we need to remember that and STOP critizing the man ever 2 minutes. He is doing what he knows best and that is making his music. Sometimes his fans are his worst enemies and that is sad. We should uphold his talent, singing, and music and realize what a wonderful performer he truley is. Sorry for the rant . Gotta go to work. Just think about what I said and patience is a virtue and keep the faith in his music. He is always writing music so therefore; we shall hear his music soon.
Re: October 6, 2008

I am not sure how long some folks around here have been fans of Michael's but for us oldies who have been around for about 15-30 years as a fan we can tell you that the wait is a long wait from 4-5 years as an estimate. Some of you forget that he is a perfectionist and if something doesn't sound right or whatever he will perfect it until it appeals to him to his liking. Michael is not one to have something out every 6 months. Don't forget his music is here to stay not to just have it played for a few weeks or months but he makes music that still can be remembered for years. Take the music he has made back in the 70's and 80's all that music he has made is timeless, a masterpiece. His music will never be forgotten like some musicians today. His music will last a lifetime and beyond. I call Mr. Jackson the last of the greatest musicians alive. He knows how to capture an audience not only by his presence, but his music and movement. He is a living ledgend and we need to remember that and STOP critizing the man ever 2 minutes. He is doing what he knows best and that is making his music. Sometimes his fans are his worst enemies and that is sad. We should uphold his talent, singing, and music and realize what a wonderful performer he truley is. Sorry for the rant . Gotta go to work. Just think about what I said and patience is a virtue and keep the faith in his music. He is always writing music so therefore; we shall hear his music soon.

Amen to that :clapping:
Re: October 6, 2008

Ok, couple of lil updates here...

Today in Entertainment History October 6th
In 1991, Elizabeth Taylor married construction worker Larry Fortensky at Michael Jackson's ranch in California. They have since separated.

Associated Press

Listeners want to hear gospel hits on CBC too
Published on: 10/6/08.

ONE OF THE STATIONS at the Caribbean Broadcast Corporation, 94.7 FM spent the month of September playing the hits of the 1980s.

While I enjoyed listening to hits that I grew up on, I find that some other hits were missing. I want CBC to be reminded that there are listeners who also listen to gospel hits and while I know that the station is not a gospel station, I do not believed that the only hits of the 80s were those of Motown, Michael Jackson, Billy Preston and other pop artistes.
We also grew up on gospel hits of the 70s, 80s and 90s from Andrae Crouch, Shirley Caesar, Edwin Hawkins and many others that are sitting in the library of CBC that they DO NOT PLAY.
I know that the management of radio CBC, if we ask them to give the listeners a month of gospel of the '80s, would say NO.
So you know what I am now going to ask: that CBC 94.7FM make Sunday "Gospel Sunday", from morning until they close.
Doing that does not make your station a gospel station, but you must bear in mind that in Barbados you have religious people in businesses who may also want to do more advertising if you only do that.
Christian businesses are listeners as well and maybe this month CBC could find some gospel music from the '90s to play in every shift during the day. I hate to believe that you do not have any in the library to play.
Last edited:
Re: October 6, 2008

I am not sure how long some folks around here have been fans of Michael's but for us oldies who have been around for about 15-30 years as a fan we can tell you that the wait is a long wait from 4-5 years as an estimate. Some of you forget that he is a perfectionist and if something doesn't sound right or whatever he will perfect it until it appeals to him to his liking. Michael is not one to have something out every 6 months. Don't forget his music is here to stay not to just have it played for a few weeks or months but he makes music that still can be remembered for years. Take the music he has made back in the 70's and 80's all that music he has made is timeless, a masterpiece. His music will never be forgotten like some musicians today. His music will last a lifetime and beyond. I call Mr. Jackson the last of the greatest musicians alive. He knows how to capture an audience not only by his presence, but his music and movement. He is a living ledgend and we need to remember that and STOP critizing the man ever 2 minutes. He is doing what he knows best and that is making his music. Sometimes his fans are his worst enemies and that is sad. We should uphold his talent, singing, and music and realize what a wonderful performer he truley is. Sorry for the rant . Gotta go to work. Just think about what I said and patience is a virtue and keep the faith in his music. He is always writing music so therefore; we shall hear his music soon.

Here, here. I bow down to your post! :agree::agree::agree:
Re: October 6, 2008

as a fan we can tell you that the wait is a long wait from 4-5 years as an estimate
What you say is true Dorothy.

I'm a loooooong time fan and that's what I'm used to.....4-5 years.
Seven to 8 years is a long time between records. 'Specially if you're trying to stay relevent and
current in fans minds. I understand all the "he's a perfectionist" talk and the "when he's ready" talk.
It's all good. But I cant help but be somewhat anxious. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
So dont yall go jumping all over me cuz I'm basically saying the same thing as you.
But I aint about to pretend that waiting 8 years for an album is a piece of cake.
Re: October 6, 2008

What you say is true Dorothy.

I'm a loooooong time fan and that's what I'm used to.....4-5 years.
Seven to 8 years is a long time between records. 'Specially if you're trying to stay relevent and
current in fans minds. I understand all the "he's a perfectionist" talk and the "when he's ready" talk.
It's all good. But I cant help but be somewhat anxious. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
So dont yall go jumping all over me cuz I'm basically saying the same thing as you.
But I aint about to pretend that waiting 8 years for an album is a piece of cake.

Well, I think you have to remove 2003 - 2007 due to the trial and all of the lawsuits involving various aspects of his finances and business.

People don't realize how much this affects his ability to record and release music and I think that it's not over either.
Re: October 6, 2008

No, you're right. And I do realize it.
I'm talking about the average release time.
I havent forgotten the trial. How can I.
Re: October 6, 2008

People don't realize how much this affects his ability to record and release music and I think that it's not over either.

And for me, the fact that he STILL wants to make music after all of what he has been through, earns him MORE time, in my book. LOL!

Cause after all of that, I personally don't know if I would even want to be bothered, when I knew that I could just go off and live the GOOD LIFE without singing another note.
Re: October 6, 2008

I am not sure how long some folks around here have been fans of Michael's but for us oldies who have been around for about 15-30 years as a fan we can tell you that the wait is a long wait from 4-5 years as an estimate. Some of you forget that he is a perfectionist and if something doesn't sound right or whatever he will perfect it until it appeals to him to his liking. Michael is not one to have something out every 6 months. Don't forget his music is here to stay not to just have it played for a few weeks or months but he makes music that still can be remembered for years. Take the music he has made back in the 70's and 80's all that music he has made is timeless, a masterpiece. His music will never be forgotten like some musicians today. His music will last a lifetime and beyond. I call Mr. Jackson the last of the greatest musicians alive. He knows how to capture an audience not only by his presence, but his music and movement. He is a living ledgend and we need to remember that and STOP critizing the man ever 2 minutes. He is doing what he knows best and that is making his music. Sometimes his fans are his worst enemies and that is sad. We should uphold his talent, singing, and music and realize what a wonderful performer he truley is. Sorry for the rant . Gotta go to work. Just think about what I said and patience is a virtue and keep the faith in his music. He is always writing music so therefore; we shall hear his music soon.

I've been a fan since the late 80's when I was 5 & 6, so I'm used to it as well! and you are totally right about everything you said :D
Re: October 6, 2008

Well, I think you have to remove 2003 - 2007 due to the trial and all of the lawsuits involving various aspects of his finances and business.

People don't realize how much this affects his ability to record and release music and I think that it's not over either.

I've always believed that. This is why I don't get why when people hear what MJ says they always misinterpret it. Michael may have just started work on his album for all we know. We know he writes music all the time but no one ever knew for sure if it was for an album or what. All these plans that were being put in MJ's face and he probably refused to participate because he's still trying to get his footing back into loving music again. And we know the music industry is in a dire stage as it is.

Michael had to deal with so many lawsuits, so many court obligations, so many b.s. issues that if you've mentioned "album" to Michael's face, he'll probably change the subject in a private setting. And now I think him working on the album as slowly as he is doesn't mean taking it to the haters but trying to prove that he can come up with an album that would be as good as his last albums were. He's got a lot of things stacked against him: his reputation tattered by allegations and b.s., he's a father of three and is now literally half a century old now, and he was practically semi-retired in 2003. So he is in the crossroads of his career and he's trying to get around it and really it has nothing to do with the wannabes, nothing to do with his sister, nothing to do with critics and nothing to do with beating "Thriller" (I think HE knows it's impossible), it has to be proving himself again.

The fan in me wants MJ to "stick it to the haters", but the realist in me says Michael is in a battle with himself also trying to find common ground again after nearly losing it all. The man may have won against criminal charges, but he was a beaten man and he had to recover, that's why he left America for the Middle East and Europe because he was trying to reclaim Michael Jackson again.

That can ONLY explain why Michael is taking his time recording ANYTHING right now or releasing ANYTHING because technically...HE ISN'T READY YET. When he's ready, HE'LL tell us, not Ne-Yo, not John Legend, not Akon and not Will. Not even John Landis or Quincy Jones.

None of them. Only Michael Jackson will tell us FOR SURE when it's coming. "Sooner than you think" could mean five years in his mind and we'll still be waiting but anyway, that's what I believe. The man has to get his foot back on the ground and I believe he's trying for real. What he went through in his adulthood was much more damaging than what happened in his childhood, that's for sure.
Re: October 6, 2008

Oh and remember when everybody was busy talking about his charity singles and some new songs he was working on? Maybe those plans shelved because Michael was in a bind to put anything out. It may just be because he don't know how we'll respond to his new music. And by that I don't mean "Hold My Hand".
Re: October 6, 2008

so MJ is enjoy his life so we should join MJ with him in his life as he joy it we should honor him as he enjoy his life :giggle: peace MJ life is all about peace and loving and helping and boogie down to your music right everybody :giggle:
Re: October 6, 2008

My God what did this thread turn into? Look people I am going to clean this thread and I guess write my own rules about this going back and forth when it has nothing to do with the news. You can do that in the Fan Board forum. :doh:

Closed due to cleaning.
Re: October 6, 2008

Ok folks,you as a member of MJJC and those who were with MJJF should know by now the rules of this board and about the rules of the news threads. I am going to have to rewrite these rules just to refresh your memory.

Rules for the News Thread:

1. There will be no mentioning or posting of RF's ish here or in any part of the forum.
2. There will be no tabloid ish posted here in the news thread whatsoever (ie. News of the World, The Sun, Enquire, Daily Mail. New York Daily Post, Etc. )
3. There will be no bashing of Michael or his family. There will be no talk of his health.Invasive talk about his children or personal life.
4. Only reliable news will be posted here in this forum (i.e. Rueters, AP, ABC,NBC,CBS, New York Times, etc.)
5. There will be only conversation of the news that is posted in this thread ONLY!
6. There will be no off topic or personal conversations.
7. There will be no personal attacks on any members or staff.

Please read these rules and abid by them and you will be just dandy.

Thread now opended and let's carry on. ...