October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 80

Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

This story appears on X Factor website today, so cool LOL:


Dinner with Michael Jackson? Better Eat It!

As you read this, eleven acts are holed up in North London, feverishly preparing to perform on tomorrow's Michael Jackson-themed show.

Each finalist has a different ***** song to perfect, so it looks like the King of Pop's amazing back catalogue has been brushed down and polished up - we're in for a treat!

One performer, however, has perhaps seen more of Michael's moon-walking antics than most - and up close!

In fact, Layla Manoochehri from Girlband has seen MJ at very close quarters. She told us, "I once had dinner with Michael Jackson. It's my claim to fame!"

Layla explained, "It was crazy - I never knew it was going to happen".

"I went to Bahrain to with some friends to watch the motor racing Grand Prix.

"Some of my mates got chatting to a guy who was friends with the Bahrain Royal family.

"So we had dinner at the house of one of the Princes, and Michael Jackson was staying with him. We all sat down for dinner together."

Of course, it's not the easiest thing to take in your stride!

Layla laughed, "I was so shocked I could hardly speak. Now I ask myself, 'Did that really happen'"?

"But I have pictures to prove it - cos I was the loon who went up and said 'Can I have my photo taken with you'"?

We're all jealous, and lot surprisingly lovely bandmate Tita can't believe Layla's luck either!

She wibbled, "I am the biggest Michael Jackson fan ever, and when she tells the story all I can think is, 'It's not fair, why couldn't I be there'"?

Thank you Litia _ thats very cool :)
and more positive publicity for MJ
from X_Factor
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings

I joined the board and posted a response. i obviously hit a raw nerve, they came out like flies to respond to me.

I read your post on that board, and I must say that while your passion in defending Michael is commendable, your post could be read as an attack on a board that was NOT an MJ board, and toward people who are not fans. That kind of response, that you gave, could have a negative effect and inflame a situation. IMHO. The poster who saw Michael and children in the store was NOT rude to him, and the post was not rude. She/he said they said "hello" and let him go about his business. That is a good thing, so I guess I don't understand why you would react so extremely? I agree that there were other posts that were "off" by people on the board. How about saying something like, "You do not know him, so before jumping to conclusions please take the time to learn?" Something like that would be more positive and more likely to change people's opinions? If that is what you really want?

I don't want to discuss this further on this board, though. Just an observation, that if a fan wants to defend Michael he/she should do it with respect. Depends on what was desired? To start an argument on a news board, or to defend Michael with dignity and reflect well on him? Instead of "hitting a raw nerve?"

Just a helpful hint to anyone who encounters negativity on another board.

Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Wow Datsymay, you certainly hit a raw nerve but your posts where good and to the point. I still, after all these years, find it hard to understand peoples ignorance, not just over MJ but how people still believe what they read in the paper or see on the TV. Only last week I had a conversation with someone who just mentioned Michael bleaching his skin.....I couldn't believe they actually still thought he had done that.....I soon put them right. But as you said in your posts, before accusing someone of something they should research the matter before they spread the accusation and destroy someones life, these people are sheep. If your posts just make one person question their ignorance and prejudice then you have done a good job. xx
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings

I read your post on that board, and I must say that while your passion in defending Michael is commendable, your post could be read as an attack on a board that was NOT an MJ board, and toward people who are not fans. That kind of response, that you gave, could have a negative effect and inflame a situation. IMHO. The poster who saw Michael and children in the store was NOT rude to him, and the post was not rude. She/he said they said "hello" and let him go about his business. That is a good thing, so I guess I don't understand why you would react so extremely? I agree that there were other posts that were "off" by people on the board. How about saying something like, "You do not know him, so before jumping to conclusions please take the time to learn?" Something like that would be more positive and more likely to change people's opinions? If that is what you really want?

I don't want to discuss this further on this board, though. Just an observation, that if a fan wants to defend Michael he/she should do it with respect. Depends on what was desired? To start an argument on a news board, or to defend Michael with dignity and reflect well on him? Instead of "hitting a raw nerve?"

I do not agree with you at all. My post wqas in reference to the negative posters on the board, not to the original posters. if you noticed he was joining in with me, and offered to celebrate with me. he took no offence. I was not offencive to anyone there, i simply told them some home truths. i am proud of myself, even if I did go overboard a little.
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Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Wow Datsymay, you certainly hit a raw nerve but your posts where good and to the point. I still, after all these years, find it hard to understand peoples ignorance, not just over MJ but how people still believe what they read in the paper or see on the TV. Only last week I had a conversation with someone who just mentioned Michael bleaching his skin.....I couldn't believe they actually still thought he had done that.....I soon put them right. But as you said in your posts, before accusing someone of something they should research the matter before they spread the accusation and destroy someones life, these people are sheep. If your posts just make one person question their ignorance and prejudice then you have done a good job. xx
Thank you very much Janey. I do think that many of these forums say whatever about Mj and they go unchallenged and therfore believe that nobody cares about Mj anymore. This way they need to see that if they will say anything they have to be prepared to be challenged on it. Let them defend themselves or shut up. I love youtube cause haters have to deal with Mj fans there. good.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings

I do not agree with you at all. My post wqas in reference to the negative posters on the board, not to the original posters. if you noticed he was joining in with me, and offered to celebrate with me. he took no offence. I was not offencive to anyone there, i simply told them some home truths. i am proud of myself, even if I did go overboard a little.
Just a helpful hint to anyone who encounters negativity on another board.

I understand. I also feel that language is important, and that it reflects well on Michael to take the high-road. That is my opinion on encountering haters, to be, well, better than they are in our responses? Obviously your voice is your own, and my opinions are mine. Personally, though, I would have responded in a more "instructional" way? Depends, as I said, on what you want? For people to change their opinions of Michael? If so, then that is a commendable goal.


Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

sometimes folks just speak their mind cause they feel compelled to and with no other agenda?
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings

I understand. I also feel that language is important, and that it reflects well on Michael to take the high-road. That is my opinion on encountering haters, to be, well, better than they are in our responses? Obviously your voice is your own, and my opinions are mine. Personally, though, I would have responded in a more "instructional" way? Depends, as I said, on what you want? For people to change their opinions of Michael? If so, then that is a commendable goal.


Well, maybe you can play the good cop and let me play the bad one. i am always playing it soft, but even MJ has lost his cool sometimes and flipped a few birdies. Sometimes rough justice is required.
Actually, I never represent MJ in anything I do. I represent myself. All i care about is justice. it is unjust to slander an innocent man on the web just because one can. i am responding to that.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

:waving: good morroning too all ppls :sun:

i found some news is there alright news on there i'm sorry that you can take it off o.k :yes:

here is website:http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_Rock_Witchu_Back_On_Track_26848.html

Rock Witchu – Back On Track

Janet Jackson – born Janet Damita Jo Jackson in 1966 – is the youngest member of the Jackson family. Her singing career commenced in the “Jackson Five” group, which consisted of all the Jackson children, extremely talented in regards to music.

Although clearly overshadowed by the innate talent and incommensurable charm of her big brother, pop icon Michael Jackson, Janet managed to make a name for herself while also living up to her name. Because, let’s face it, if your last name is Jackson, people expect you to bewilder them. Janet was able to rise and differentiate herself from the rest of the Jackson Five, and she is known for being Janet Jackson, not “Michael’s younger sister”. Her confidence in herself and her name are so strong, that the two siblings made a music video together.

Recently, Janet was traveling the United States and Canada on her new tour, Rock Witchu, when she had to cancel a few of her concerts at the last minute. She was even rushed to the hospital minutes after postponing her Montreal concert. She was, however, released only hours after her admission. Her representatives said that Janet was experiencing throbbing headaches, identified as vertigo-induced migraines.

Fortunately for her – and for her fans, Janet has made a complete recovery and announced that she will reschedule all her cancelled and postponed concerts. During her last performance after her recovery, in Washington D.C., she made a reference to her recent ailment by dropping to the floor and grabbing her head. It seems that a good sense of humor can get you through anything. We wish the singer a successful tour without any other health problems

i found this video of janet jackson is back to tour i just through i be nices and share this with you :)
Re: MJ's fan said:"I saw MJ and his kids on Fry's Electronics today!"

How awesome! Hope he had a good night. :)
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Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

This story appears on X Factor website today, so cool LOL:


Dinner with Michael Jackson? Better Eat It!

As you read this, eleven acts are holed up in North London, feverishly preparing to perform on tomorrow's Michael Jackson-themed show.

Each finalist has a different ***** song to perfect, so it looks like the King of Pop's amazing back catalogue has been brushed down and polished up - we're in for a treat!

One performer, however, has perhaps seen more of Michael's moon-walking antics than most - and up close!

In fact, Layla Manoochehri from Girlband has seen MJ at very close quarters. She told us, "I once had dinner with Michael Jackson. It's my claim to fame!"

Layla explained, "It was crazy - I never knew it was going to happen".

"I went to Bahrain to with some friends to watch the motor racing Grand Prix.

"Some of my mates got chatting to a guy who was friends with the Bahrain Royal family.

"So we had dinner at the house of one of the Princes, and Michael Jackson was staying with him. We all sat down for dinner together."

Of course, it's not the easiest thing to take in your stride!

Layla laughed, "I was so shocked I could hardly speak. Now I ask myself, 'Did that really happen'"?

"But I have pictures to prove it - cos I was the loon who went up and said 'Can I have my photo taken with you'"?

We're all jealous, and lot surprisingly lovely bandmate Tita can't believe Layla's luck either!

She wibbled, "I am the biggest Michael Jackson fan ever, and when she tells the story all I can think is, 'It's not fair, why couldn't I be there'"?
OMG. :woohoo: Lucky her! :clapping:
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

the public doesn't HAVE to get it. it's not a fan board so why invade another board just to defend mj? would u like it if neyo fans came here to dfend him? that's just mind boggling that you would go and do that.....

verbally 'winning' the war ON THE INTERNET ON A MESSAGE BOARD means exactly what? ooooohhhhh u came up w/ more oneliners than them.

must we constantly remind others that the majority of the public got their news from the media that lied ? so is it their fault they believe what they believe OR should we encourage them to investigate fully someone they prolly don't even like (musically) in the first place....

im gobsmacked
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Michael Jackson Fan Thugs is what I should call some of you. :lol:

Invading other boards just to defend MJ, that sh*t's not cool. :lol:

It makes people think we're all wacky, lol.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

the public doesn't HAVE to get it. it's not a fan board so why invade another board just to defend mj? would u like it if neyo fans came here to dfend him? that's just mind boggling that you would go and do that.....

verbally 'winning' the war ON THE INTERNET ON A MESSAGE BOARD means exactly what? ooooohhhhh u came up w/ more oneliners than them.

must we constantly remind others that the majority of the public got their news from the media that lied ? so is it their fault they believe what they believe OR should we encourage them to investigate fully someone they prolly don't even like (musically) in the first place....

im gobsmacked
Nobody needs to dictate to others whether they can join a discussion board or not. I didn't go looking for this board. it was posted on THIS site. I went to have a look and found some nasty and innacurate comments. I join at my own free will and I made my comments. as far as I see there are more people on this board making a fuss over it than there are on that board.
if the people on that board don't like what I said then they can deal with it.
I don't understand why anyone would want to tell me off for DEFENDING Michael on any board. but then, not everyone are really Mj fans are they.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

I long for the day we get some real album news for MJ.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Alright! Enough! And Timmy, take that picture out of your posts or I will do it for you.

What is wrong with you guys?

Get back on topic please.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

hmm.... :read:

Anyway, nice story about the fan who met MJ in Bahrain. The person who posted about the sighting seemed very respectful. Can't find fault with that.

Thanks to all for the news updates. :flowers:
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

good even everybody :waving:

i found some of the X Factor storys is it o.k i post here :) :wink:

here is website:http://www.metro.co.uk/fame/article...n_article_id=362117&in_page_id=7&in_a_source=

Girlband kicked off X Factor

Girlband have become the second contestants to be voted off The X Factor.

The Michael Jackson-themed show saw Spanish-born Ruth Lorenzo go head-to-head with Girlband after both acts picked up the fewest votes with the public. It was Girlband's second consecutive week in the bottom two after facing a sing-off in last week's show with fellow group Bad Lashes.

Earlier in the night both acts received poor reviews from the judges and Ruth fluffed the lyrics in her version of I Just Can't Stop Loving You.

Girlband's rendition of Heal The World was branded over-the-top by stern critic Simon Cowell who said he had half expected polar bears to make an appearance at one stage.

The two acts were given a second chance to perform a new song and told to sing for their place in the competition. Ruth sang the Prince hit Purple Rain and Girlband performed rock ballad Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith.

However, the judges still failed to reach a majority verdict on who to kick out and Simon Cowell took the vote to deadlock for a second consecutive week.

Referring the decision to the public vote it was Girlband who secured the least support and had to say goodbye, leaving mentor Louis Walsh with only JLS in the competition.

here is website:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbi...irlband-sent-home-Louis-loses-acts-weeks.html

X Factor's Girlband sent home as Louis loses two acts in two weeks

It may only be the second week of X Factor but Louis Walsh is already down to his final act after Girlband were sent home.
After saying goodbye to Bad Lashes last Saturday Louis saw another of his acts in the bottom two after the public vote pitted them against singer Ruth Lorenzo.
'They're distraught it's very unfair on them,' he said.

Fighting to stay on the show Ruth gave a breath-taking performance of Purple Rain by Prince. Girlband followed her with their version of an Aerosmith hit.

here is website:http://www.whatsontv.co.uk/reality/the-x-factor/news/the-x-factor-live-shows-continue/4216

The X Factor: Live shows continue!
The eleven remaining finalists in The X Factor have each performed a Michael Jackson song in a bid to stay in the competition.

First to perform this week was Alexandra - who took to the stage despite still suffering with a throat infection, to perform Jackson's I'll Be There.

Dannii described her performance as "faultless", and Simon said she was "fantastic" but nonetheless exercised a note of caution.

"At the moment it's all a little bit copycat, a bit predictable," he warned her. "What you've got to work out next week is that you've got make you original."

Next it was the turn of Scott Bruton, who performed She's Out Of My Life - and won raves from the panel. Louis said he was "absolutely brilliant", while Dannii described the song as a "winning performance".

Ruth Lorenzo followed with her rendition of I Just Can't Stop Loving You. "It was like a tiger unleashed," said an enthusiastic Louis Walsh, but Simon wasn't so sure.

"You sang the last part of that song very well - but you have this Latin thing going on, why strip that away from you?" he said. "It's almost like taking away all the things we liked about you."

Girlband performed next, although the judges weren't too sure about their version of Heal The World. "You came out and gave it your all," Cheryl told them encouragingly, but it was left to Simon to deliver the ultimate verdict.

"It was better than last week but so gimmicky," Simon said. "I wouldn't have been surprised if you had had polar bears come out!"

There was better news for Laura White, who sang You Are Not Alone. "You absolutely delivered, it was a very powerful performance," Louis said. "The fact that you managed to make that song good is a miracle," Simon added.

Meanwhile, Austin received mixed reviews for his acoustic, rocky rendition of Billie Jean. "That was another fantastic performance," Dannii told him. "Your performance was outstanding," Cheryl said, "but I hated the arrangement of the song."

And they weren't too sure about Daniel Evans' performance of One Day In Your Life. "You are totally out of your comfort zone," Louis said, while Simon said he was likely only to appeal to "anyone over the age of 60. My mum likes it," he muttered as Dannii heaped praise upon her act."

But it was better news for JLS and their rendition of The Way You Make Me Feel. "You had fun with it, you gave it personality," Simon said. And he was equally keen on Diana Vickers' rendition of Man In The Mirror. "I think you may be the one to beat," he told her.

The penultimate act of the evening was Rachel, who chose to sing the Jackson track Dirty Diana and did so surrounded by motorbikes. It was a performance which divided the panel.

"It was a very brave song," Louis said. Simon, on the other hand, was not impressed. "You are getting it wrong," he said. "It was ghastly."

Finally, Eoghan performed the ballad Ben, and was praised by Dannii for his "amazing performance," while Louis cited his "Irish charm".

"It's only the second week," he said, "but I think you're going to be in the final.
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Maureen had appeared on 'showbiz tonight' yesterday and here's the transcript from where she got asked about MJ.
HAMMER: You talk about some of the other people you were involved with when you were very young. That I found a little surprising, having never heard this before. Steve Martin is someone you had dated at one point?

MCCORMICK: I dated once, yes.

HAMMER: Michael Jackson, while he was in the Jackson Five?

MCCORMICK: Yes, when he was like 14 years old.

HAMMER: Do you have a specific recollection of what that was like? Dating Michael Jackson?

MCCORMICK: Oh, my gosh, are you kidding me? Because he was a superstar to me.


MCCORMICK: I was like, you know - I mean, Jackson Five was my favorite group. So to be able to be at the Jackson house, and to hang out with Michael Jackson, and go ice skating with him was, you know, wow. Just an unbelievable thing. It didn`t seem real.

HAMMER: Yes. It`s like a kid`s fantasy.

MCCORMICK: It was surreal, too. That was surreal, too.

Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Expect it in December on Thriller's 27th anniversary.

More like 100th anniversary!
Re: October 17-19 News and Mentionings - Update post 24

Sunday October 19 Mentionings

Rhythm, blues and style

The look was once clean-cut with help from Sam Cooke, Ray Charles and the Temptations. Then it went funky with James Brown and Prince. Now it's polished again, thanks to such stars as Ne-Yo and John Legend.

Sharp-dressed men

Sam Cooke, Fats Domino and Ray Charles helped pave the way for modern rhythm and blues in the 1950s and always dressed the part of the gentleman. Dark suits and tuxedos were de rigueur for performers -- teamed with starched white shirts, pocket squares and skinny ties. With rock 'n' roll on the horizon, the button-down look wouldn't last long.

Polyester and flash

In the early '60s, Motown groups such as the Temptations and the Miracles kept their images squeaky-clean in matching suits and shiny lace-ups. But by the mid-'60s, James Brown burst onto the scene in flashy metallic suits with wide lapels, polyester jumpsuits and tighter-than-tight trousers. His Medusa-like coif (did he set it with pink foam rollers?), "Shaft" ankle boots and permanent state of sweatiness rendered the Godfather of Soul one of the most recognizable figures in music history.

Sweaters to sweat shirts

Marvin Gaye evolved from a clean-cut, cardigan-wearing crooner in the '50s and '60s to a bearded, war-protesting soul singer in the early 1970s. Tall, lean and handsome, he was made to wear clothes and looked as dashing in a sweat shirt and striped, Afro-inspired knit cap as he did in a suit (or that iconic trench coat). That same decade, cross-dressing disco singer Sylvester pushed the genre's style -- and gender politics -- into new, eye-shadowed realms.

Purple reign vs. King of Pop

Prince took cross-dressing into the mainstream in the 1980s, with his long, curly locks, stiletto boots and ruffle-bibbed shirts (yet he was big on body and facial hair), and made purple the hue of the decade. Meanwhile, Michael Jackson took style back to the '50s in penny loafers, "Grease" biker jackets and high-water pants. And don't forget that lone glittery glove -- co-opted by every tween in the free world.

Bad and baggy

As gangster rap took over the charts in the 1990s, R&B guys toughened up their image with Timberland boots, baggy jeans and diamond-encrusted gold chains. When bad-boy balladeer R. Kelly wasn't strutting around shirtless, he was clad in a skullcap, white tank top and jeans slung low (to flash his boxers). New Edition spinoff Bell Biv DeVoe kept it lighter, mixing gangster-style threads with fedoras, top hats and other quirky accessories.

Smooth operators

The new look of R&B is polished and elegant, and never overtly bling-y (think Patek Philippe watches, not gangster nugget rings). Like Ne-Yo, R&B singer John Legend also boasts a GQ-worthy look, based on classic pieces such as trench coats, collared, button-front shirts, cashmere sweaters and tailored sports jackets. Welcome back, kind gents.


Two SUNY Fredonia alumni recognized for outstanding achievement

SUNY Freia awarded two of its alumni with the 2008 Outstanding Achievement Award. The recipients, Michael Petsky, '85, and John Poppo, '84, were honored at separate events on Saturday.

Poppo, a Sound Recording Technology major, is founder of Pop Productions, Inc., and a 25-year veteran of the music business, received his award from President Dennis L. Hefner during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the SUNY Fredonia Sound Recording Technology program.

Poppo is a producer, engineer, mixer, arranger and musician who has worked in the fields of pop, R&B, hip-hop, dance, rock and classical music. He is also a published songwriter, signed to BMG/Universal Music Publishing, and holds the copyrights to numerous major label releases throughout the world. His credits are found among recordings of Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, NSync, Seal and Madonna, to name a few. He's also worked with famed rock producer legends like Jack Douglas (who worked with the likes of John Lennon and Aerosmith), as well as artists such as Daryl Hall (of Hall & Oates), Luther Vandross and Al Green.

More http://www.observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/512105.html

SOMETHING ELSE Robin Thicke (Star Trak/Interscope)

Robin Thicke has only a couple of albums under his belt, including the mega-selling "The Evolution of Robin Thicke" from 2006, but already he's looking in the musical rear-view mirror.

His latest disc is a homage to the soul and pop of the '70s, and in particular such artists as Michael Jackson, though the ghosts of others can also be discerned. The songs may be new originals, and the sound has been updated for the modern listener, but the vibe is old school all the way.

Over 12 tracks, Thicke creates a disc that rides on funky and R&B beats that's filled with melodies that linger and is suffused with a soulful mood. Yet he does so without being overly reverential - or referential.

More http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081019/ART10/810180321

Today in
Michael Jackson History
1974 - Michael Jackson appeared on "Soul Train."

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from lesliemj.hu

2008. október 18.

Helen-Harris Scott's Case Closed Down

According to the official court papers, Helen-Harris Scott's case has been closed down last week.

No more information is available at the moment.

Bejegyezte: LeslieMJHu dátum: 11:50
i wanna see... hopefully someone will post it up to youtube