Obama has spoken


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
"I still have all his music on my Ipod. I grew up with his music. Michael will go down in history as one of the greatest entertainers of our time." According to AP.
Who cares what he thinks of Michael? we really don't need him. He didn't invite Mj to his Precious party.

I’m sick of those celebrates coming out and supporting Michael now. Where were they, when Michael needed them. To hell with them all.

michael you are the only man I have ever loved. May Allah have mercy on you...

Sorry my English is not perfect
naaaah, finally!
But still he should say much more about him. How good he was. But Obama probably doesn't even know it...
that's something, but still not a proper acknowledgment. He doesnt' talk about the state of shock and mourning the nation has been for a week, the people that have committed suicide or those who contemplate doing so, those shaken or even depressed, the universal grief in this country and the world that he owes to express as the president. all he talked about was his i-pod. As if I was wondering what he music he listens to..

Still, and besides all that, it's better than nothing..
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not a proper acknowledgement...
It doesn't really have to say anything, so that was fair enough.
That's all he had to say!? Nowhere near good enough in my book.
:bugeyedIs that it???When these people will realize that whatever they are today its cuz of the struggle Michael did back in the 80's.But anyway he is damn politician what good could you expect from him:doh:
:bugeyedIs that it?When will these people realize whatever they are today it's cuz of Michael.It was his struggle that realy changed so many things back in 80's and it was the time when things really started to change.But anyway he is a god damn politician what good you can expect from him??
he can go to hell. I'm sorry, but I'm not a mindless "disciple" of this false prophet. He and Bush are one and the same.

Typical politician responding the typical politician way after he has seen the world mourning Michael.

He is a chump and a bas*ard.

Burn in hell.
In my opinion, Barack Obama has not been respectful of the passing of Michael Jackson. He said nothing on the date of his death on June 25, 2009. Jesse Jackson, Jr. led the House in a moment of silence before Obama had his press secretary release a statement. Leaders from around the world expressed their sadness and condolences for the family on video! Where was Barack? Then he finally says he's going to send a letter to the family. What an arrogant...! Sorry, Barack Obama if coverage of Michael's death preempted your speeches. But Michael was a wonderful, kind and loving human being who was beloved by billions from EVERY country around the world. He was more than just a musical icon. We thought of Michael as our brother, our son, our friend, our guardian angel, our hope. His body is gone, but that beautiful spirit still remains. I wish that our American president would have recognized that a little sooner. I think it's sad that as the American president and the first African-American president he didn't recognize the importance of this event much sooner. Even Michael's friend former President Bill Clinton contacted the family by phone. Michael will be missed. God rest his soul.
i cant see the video.. can some pleeeease upload at youtube?
In my opinion, Barack Obama has not been respectful of the passing of Michael Jackson. He said nothing on the date of his death on June 25, 2009. Jesse Jackson, Jr. led the House in a moment of silence before Obama had his press secretary release a statement. Leaders from around the world expressed their sadness and condolences for the family on video! Where was Barack? Then he finally says he's going to send a letter to the family. What an arrogant...! Sorry, Barack Obama if coverage of Michael's death preempted your speeches. But Michael was a wonderful, kind and loving human being who was beloved by billions from EVERY country around the world. He was more than just a musical icon. We thought of Michael as our brother, our son, our friend, our guardian angel, our hope. His body is gone, but that beautiful spirit still remains. I wish that our American president would have recognized that a little sooner. I think it's sad that as the American president and the first African-American president he didn't recognize the importance of this event much sooner. Even Michael's friend former President Bill Clinton contacted the family by phone. Michael will be missed. God rest his soul.

AMEN to that!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama only knows how to read a teleprompter and do what others tell him to do. He probably had to check with other politicians to see what he should or should not say. He's a yes man to politics.....sad to say but he probably thinks he's a bigger celebrity than MJ was.
Obama only knows how to read a teleprompter and do what others tell him to do. He probably had to check with other politicians to see what he should or should not say. He's a yes man to politics.....sad to say but he probably thinks he's a bigger celebrity than MJ was.

Well said
Are you guys serious? I mean, yeah, the passing of MJ was important and should be noticed, but the guy's trying to run the country for goodness sakes! Cut him some slack. Would you care if he hadn't said anything if Madonna died? Probably not...Who really cares if the president decides to say something or not? It's not going to bring Michael back. If he had said something that you had liked, you that make you like him? If you say yes, then that's a shame...
that's BS, sorry.. He doesn't have to leave the governance of the country to make a proper statement.. Instead of that, he appears a week later, to say what..?

“his brilliance as a performer also was paired with tragic and in many ways sad personal life..”

This guy is a fake, period. That's not the way to pay tribute to the man that changed culture home and abroad..
''alot of folks in the black community''

excuse me miss reporter, but fans of america who voted for obama wanted our president to say it.
god, learn to be colorless lady. after all these years. geez.

on obama responding, i think he should be respectful. michael wasn't only a singer, but a humanitarian, he helped people and he is a huge part of american culture as well as the world, fan or not.
I can't believe you guys are complaining about this.

Who cares what he thinks of Michael? we really don't need him. He didn't invite Mj to his Precious party.

I’m sick of those celebrates coming out and supporting Michael now. Where were they, when Michael needed them. To hell with them all.

michael you are the only man I have ever loved. May Allah have mercy on you...

Sorry my English is not perfect

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Are you guys serious? I mean, yeah, the passing of MJ was important and should be noticed, but the guy's trying to run the country for goodness sakes! Cut him some slack. Would you care if he hadn't said anything if Madonna died? Probably not...Who really cares if the president decides to say something or not? It's not going to bring Michael back. If he had said something that you had liked, you that make you like him? If you say yes, then that's a shame...

yeah, that's true
I appreciate what President Obama has done in office so far, but I'm disapointed in how he's handled his comments regarding Michael.

Not to jump off topic, but have the Clinton's made any statements? I know they were really big supporters of Michael's, and I haven't heard anything from them yet