November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCartney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP

Paul said in an interview that I read that Michael was a great entertainer but was not a musician cuz he dont know play instruments.

*Now we know that MJ has learned to play some instruments.

See, that's just BS. Anyone who can write music on their own, especially music as good as Michael's, is a musician. His voice alone is an instrument.
:fortuneteller: Ya know I take everything the media says with a grain of salt. Who REALLY knows what one feels about someone, unless they can see through a persons heart.

The media skew things all the time. Who knows how many celebrities work the media just for a headline??
I agree, I like Paul McCartney and I've never read or heard him say anything negative about Michael as a personality or talent, ok he's done that stupid high pitched parody of Michael when telling how Michael said to him "I wanna buy your songs", which McCartney thought was just a joke, but that as negative as he's got about Michael. He's just shown that he felt betrayed that Michael went and bought ATV which owns most of The Beatles songs. Paul McCartney has never made nasty comments about Michael's looks etc they way Elton John has.

I don't know what to make of Paul McCartney's comment that Michael is awfully good and should release a new album. I'd like to think it's a positive comment, but I'd have to hear his voice say it as printed words can be misleading on such a short comment.

Paul actually has said some nasty things about Michael. He made a comment on Michael's supposed "bad" parenting skills once and he routinely misrepresents the entire situation with Michael buying the ATV catalog, making it out as though he were outbid or letting the media continue to perpotrate that lie. He makes out like he was the victim of Michael's huge foutune when Paul was much richer then Michael at that time and could have outbid him if he really wanted. With that said, Paul is talented and I think his and Michael's voices always wokred beautifully together.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

WOW. did HE say thatt?? still...i understand Paul is pushing for another deal with Apple..but MJ doesn't have to make another cd.'s nice to hear Paul say that anyway. still..we all hope MJ does make another one..and from what we hear..he is.

I thought that MJ was on paul's %&*$ list. Good for him!!
It's good if they've made up.

They could propably make a nice duet again - though I doubt very much that will ever happen :lol: !!
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

WOW. did HE say thatt?? still...i understand Paul is pushing for another deal with Apple..but MJ doesn't have to make another cd.'s nice to hear Paul say that anyway. still..we all hope MJ does make another one..and from what we hear..he is.

I thought that MJ was on paul's %&*$ list. Good for him!!
There are so many things why PMC just can't go against Michael and why should he.. He admires Michael as a musician very very much. Everyone who has worked with Michael does the same thing.

Name me one person who has co-worked with Michael and said something negative about him...
Paul actually has said some nasty things about Michael. He made a comment on Michael's supposed "bad" parenting skills once and he routinely misrepresents the entire situation with Michael buying the ATV catalog, making it out as though he were outbid or letting the media continue to perpotrate that lie. He makes out like he was the victim of Michael's huge foutune when Paul was much richer then Michael at that time and could have outbid him if he really wanted. With that said, Paul is talented and I think his and Michael's voices always wokred beautifully together.
Yeah but Paul later said that Michael got it fair and square. TO me, that was an admission that Paul missed out by being too cheap. I think now the media is the one who tries to blow it up. SOrry but that is how the business is run when people want to buy your music. Paul own alot of artist music as well. I remembe Bo Dibly saying he wanted his music from Paul. Did Paul give it to Bo? No. The Jacksons wanted thier name from Motown and their music. Did Barry Gordy sell it to them even though they looked at him as a father figure? NO. This just means if your stuff comes up for sale, you better get it and dont look for others (friends or no friends) to not try to get it for themselves. Musiz biz is VERY competitive.
Ir could be so awesome if they work together again but I doubt it :(. It's also nice to know that Pul misses Michael as an Artist :happy:


Thanks for the news mariemarie 'n Dri :flowers:
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Yeah but Paul later said that Michael got it fair and square

Really? Well, I didn't know that. That is interesting. Thanks for sharing that.

Animal rights activists are begging MICHAEL JACKSON to rescue the giraffes that used to roam on his Neverland Ranch from a hellish new home in Arizona.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) bosses claim four giraffes, which once belonged to *****, have been confined in cramped pens at an unlicensed facility in Arizona for over a year - and they're hoping a plea to the pop superstar will prompt him to take action.
The PETA powers have written to the King of Pop and asked him to intervene on the animals' behalf.
A spokesman tells WENN, "When Jackson faced recent financial troubles, the giraffes were sold to a couple in Page, Arizona, who were reportedly planning to set up a zoo.
"More than a year later, the giraffes are still confined to pens that allegedly each measure approximately 15 feet by 15 feet, and the animals reportedly have not been receiving adequate veterinary or husbandry care.
"If Michael could see the giraffes' plight for himself, I'm sure he'd agree that it's bad - really, really bad. The giraffes may be out of Michael's life, but he has a responsibility to see that they don't suffer."
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Following court case...

by Jason Gregory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Michael Jackson
Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.:huh:

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

As previously reported on Gigwise, Jackson had been due to give evidence in London yesterday (November 24th) to try and counter allegations that he breached a recording contract with Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.

But his trip was abandoned late on Sunday evening after both parties concluded a principle settlement out of court.
In a statement, their legal teams said the dispute was "amicably settled".


That makes 2 of us Sir Paul........:yes:
I feel bad for the giraffes, if reports are true, but here's the deal. Once Michael tunrs over ownership of his animals, he is no longer responsible for them. While under his care, all of his animals recieved the best and most adaquit care and it's up to this couple to take care of them now. If PETA is so concerned, then they need to try and intervine themselves. Instead of always critisizing Michael, they should have applauded him for being an amimal rights activist.
I agree, I like Paul McCartney and I've never read or heard him say anything negative about Michael as a personality or talent, ok he's done that stupid high pitched parody of Michael when telling how Michael said to him "I wanna buy your songs", which McCartney thought was just a joke, but that as negative as he's got about Michael. He's just shown that he felt betrayed that Michael went and bought ATV which owns most of The Beatles songs. Paul McCartney has never made nasty comments about Michael's looks etc they way Elton John has.

I don't know what to make of Paul McCartney's comment that Michael is awfully good and should release a new album. I'd like to think it's a positive comment, but I'd have to hear his voice say it as printed words can be misleading on such a short comment.


Elton John has something to say about everyone! He never keeps his mouth shut, probably bacause noone listens to him anymore.

For Macca to say MJ should do an other album can just be positive, also if he used a sarcastic tone, it is always nice to hear a music legend to say that.

So Mike, go to work!
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Following court case...

by Jason Gregory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Michael Jackson
Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.:huh:

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

As previously reported on Gigwise, Jackson had been due to give evidence in London yesterday (November 24th) to try and counter allegations that he breached a recording contract with Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.

But his trip was abandoned late on Sunday evening after both parties concluded a principle settlement out of court.
In a statement, their legal teams said the dispute was "amicably settled".


I totally agree:punk:
Elton John slags of everyone he even dissed posh spice who is supposed to be his friend. You take him with a pinch of salt, he's a drama queen

i never really liked him...dunno why,but there is just something repellent about him...
I feel bad for the giraffes, if reports are true, but here's the deal. Once Michael tunrs over ownership of his animals, he is no longer responsible for them. While under his care, all of his animals recieved the best and most adaquit care and it's up to this couple to take care of them now. If PETA is so concerned, then they need to try and intervine themselves. Instead of always critisizing Michael, they should have applauded him for being an amimal rights activist.

I agree. PETA needs to go and handle this by themselves if these things are true. What responsibility does Michael have to the giraffes since he doesn't own them anymore? It's in PETA's hands now if the owners of the place these animals are at aren't treating them right. No other former animal owners get called on to deal with stuff like this that I know of. Why should Michael be any different?
I certainly agree that Michael has no responsibility towards the giraffes and their care. But, simply because I have a huge heart for all animals, and think perhaps Michael does as well, it doesn't seem totally out of the question to make him informed of the current situation. Unfortunately it's PETA in this case doing the informing.

Tough issue since it really is no longer Michael's "problem", yet hopefully someone will step forward and intervene on the animals' behalf. And of course this is one more nasty "blurb" for the media to run with, nasty SOB's.
*yawn* attention seaking peta are at it again.and heres me thinking that they are the actual animal charity and not how about they go and do something. oh sorry it wouldnt get in the news then would it. like they give a flying feck about those animals if they did they would actually be doing something other then releasing attention seaking press releases..
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanks marie. :)

Dangerous - one of the best CDs ever made. A complete masterpiece.

Months after she gave birth to Prince, Debbie just could not keep her mouth shut. LOL. Lawd... the beginning of a complete nightmare.
wow...honestly? and wasn't mike right next to her ass w/ the baby on the grass? or were those just cardboard cutouts...?

let's not make this a baby mama drama thread....

and not shocking from paul...he appreciates mj's talents...he just doesn't like the man! lol
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It's always intersting to see how quickly people here are prepared to jump on anyone just because the media says something.

I don't think McCartney has ever shown disrespect to MJ as an artist and he had nice things to say about him personally for many years.

Him being bitter about the ATV catalogue ... now that's something different. I guess he was just frustrated he missed out and blamed it on MJ. Not fine, I agree, but he has never "bashed" MJ in the media or made fun of him. ATV is a sensitive subject, of course, because MJ made a smart business decision, something Macca wouldn't have thought possible at that time.

But I think he has moved on by now.