November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCartney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP

Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Hi everyone! Im new and shy and thought this would be a good place for my first post.

Just wanted to say thank you for the news.

It seems like the staff here works very hard at bringing all of us Michael Jackson Fans the most accurate news of the day.

I for one appreciate this and hope to get less shy and more comfortable as I browse around.

Well welcome to MJJC handy and just settle in and get cozy with us!

Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I don't think so its a phrase people say from time to time.

Yeah I don't think Paul was sarcastic either!

I think maybe even Paul is curious to see if MJ can still deliver!
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCarthney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP

Well i hope paul mccartney was being sincere when he said, and im amazed he didnt say anything bout the beatles catalog!. I think hes over whinging bout it and knows no one really cares bout it.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCarthney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP

“awfully good” is just another way to say "very good".
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCarthney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP

yeh it is.
Why would Paul be sarcastic when he said "awfully good", I always took that as a compliment, that's another way of saying "real good", lol.
curious if this is accurate coming from gigwise.
Do you think he might say something like that because of the mess with Apple/Sony/Itunes ? Not sure if Michael has any part of the Itunes/Apple deal.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanx for the news mariemarie and Dri. I wanna believe Paul McCartney meant it in a good way. It's a very tiring job to keep moaning and whining, so I guess that's one way he controls himself. After all, I don't think he can deny MJ is awfully good.
Hi everyone! Im new and shy and thought this would be a good place for my first post.

Just wanted to say thank you for the news.

It seems like the staff here works very hard at bringing all of us Michael Jackson Fans the most accurate news of the day.

I for one appreciate this and hope to get less shy and more comfortable as I browse around.
Welcome!:) You'll love it here.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanx for the news mariemarie and Dri. I wanna believe Paul McCartney meant it in a good way. It's a very tiring job to keep moaning and whining, so I guess that's one way he controls himself. After all, I don't think he can deny MJ is awfully good.

Welcome!:) You'll love it here.

You're welcome,Helena!!:flowers:

Welcome,handymansdream!!:D :flowers:
I think Paul hopes like all of us that Michael releases another album,Maybe he knows something.
It was nice to hear those words from Macca.And I'm glad that they are alittle friendly.They have to do business with one another but if they are on a common ground they will hopefuly do another song together someday.
Thanks for the news
Welcome Handymansdream.....ENjoy yourself here. Everyone who loves michael is welcomed here.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Well well...A McCartney comment that didn't include any crying about the ATV catalog?? Methinks a pig somewhere just got a set a wings. lol It's been a while since he's said anything useful or positive about MJ (at least as far as I've seen. If I'm wrong..kisses for old Pauly). If not, I guess the stars must be aligned or something. Seems a peaceful tide is turning for the better lately. *knocks on wood that this continues* :fear:

Totally agree with you. Well said.

This is a scouse way of saying , really good . It shows he considers him as a true legend in song making, considering this is coming from a Legend himself, sorry buit this guy founded along with John Lennon the most famous band in THE ENTIRE WORLD, then you have to take this as a compliment, and it could also be of a way of saying he would like to work with him on a collab again.


Yeah, Im gonna look on this in a positive way and think that Paul meant this as a compliment. It makes a nice change that he has stopped his whinging, it was getting tiresome.
Welcome to the board Handy :D
I dont believe Paul has ever attacked Michaels talents
or abilities as an artist _ so I dont know why this is so hard
to believe _ He has always respected MJ as an artist regardless
of their differences _ He has never been vindictive toward MJ
even his whines were done with humor
Paul said in an interview that I read that Michael was a great entertainer but was not a musician cuz he dont know play instruments.

*Now we know that MJ has learned to play some instruments.
HAHA, a Dutch channel published the weirdest article about Michael.
The article said that Michael was on a diet of painkillers, cookies and meat jus, because of his financial problems. -.-;

This chanel is obviously michael addicted, since they post about every little michael news flash on their show, its the only chanel overhere which tells every little rumour about michael.
I dont believe Paul has ever attacked Michaels talents
or abilities as an artist _ so I dont know why this is so hard
to believe _ He has always respected MJ as an artist regardless
of their differences _ He has never been vindictive toward MJ
even his whines were done with humor

I agree, I like Paul McCartney and I've never read or heard him say anything negative about Michael as a personality or talent, ok he's done that stupid high pitched parody of Michael when telling how Michael said to him "I wanna buy your songs", which McCartney thought was just a joke, but that as negative as he's got about Michael. He's just shown that he felt betrayed that Michael went and bought ATV which owns most of The Beatles songs. Paul McCartney has never made nasty comments about Michael's looks etc they way Elton John has.

I don't know what to make of Paul McCartney's comment that Michael is awfully good and should release a new album. I'd like to think it's a positive comment, but I'd have to hear his voice say it as printed words can be misleading on such a short comment.
Paul McCartney has never made nasty comments about Michael's looks etc they way Elton John has.------ Elton John? Elton always be defencive when they talk about MIchael to him. Elton say Michael is one of the nicest people he ever met.
EJ has said alot of nasty things about mj. hes as twofaced as they come. but everyone knows what a drama queen he is anyway
The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

Hmmmm....... I doubt that Paul sounds bitter but I think he has realized that MJ will never get rid of the catalouge. He must have accepted that fact and decided to just be nice. :)

Thanks again to the people posting the news.

Paul said in an interview that I read that Michael was a great entertainer but was not a musician cuz he dont know play instruments.

Errrr...... Mike does play instruments. I do not know which ones. So, Paul is wrong there. And Elton John did bash Michael before but what do you expect from a drama king/queen?
I'm personally not bothered to much about Sir Paul (the person) but theres no doubt he is highly talented and as created some of the greatest music ever, whether it being whilst he was in The Beatles or solo. I believe Paul is always going to be a miffed about the whole catalogue thing but Paul knows as much as anyone high in the music profession that it is just business at the end of the day. I think Paul admires Michael for what he achieved as an entertainer etc and hopefully he wishes Michael all the best in the future.
I don't think Paul was being sarcastic, he does think MJ is amazing, regardless of MJ haveing the catalogue.

They used to be good friends MJ stayed alot with him and Linda in scotland, this was just business but i don't think there is any malice there.

Its good to hear him say something nice about him
Superlee i agree with everything you say, i'm not fussed on his solo stuff but love the beatles
Elton John slags of everyone he even dissed posh spice who is supposed to be his friend. You take him with a pinch of salt, he's a drama queen