November 25 News and Mentionings Paul McCartney Sez MJ Should Do A New LP


Batman vs. Batman

The small-town mayor of Batman, Turkey, is threatening to sue filmmaker Warner Bros. for using his locale's name without permission.

Batman, Turkey - The comic-book superhero Batman may have finally found his match – and he happens to be a plain-spoken mayor from southeast Turkey.
The caped crusader's latest nemesis is Huseyin Kalkan, the two-term leader of a city called, appropriately enough, Batman (pronounced Baht-mahn). The politician recently raised eyebrows around the globe when he announced plans to sue Warner Bros., makers of the successful Batman films.

Although Mr. Haco is the only headliner to actually have attended the festival, the mayor has created buzz by inviting Michael Jackson, Fidel Castro, and Nelson Mandela to subsequent festivals.
"It's very expensive to bring Michael Jackson, so we dropped that," the mustachioed mayor said. "But we did get letters of thanks from Fidel and Mandela."

Kalkan's next stunt is trying to bring President-elect Barack Obama to his town for an official visit.

Full article

Today in
Michael Jackson History
1991 - Michael Jackson's album "Dangerous hit #1 in the U.K.

1997 - Debbie Rowe Jackson gave an interview at Neverland Ranch.

2003 - Lawyers for Michael Jackson filed a lawsuit against XtraJet allegin an invasion of privacy, public disclosure of private facts, recording confidential information, misappropriation of name and likeness, use of name and likeness and unfair business practices. The lawsuit came when XtraJet attempted to sell an unauthorized and illegally obtained video of Michael Jackson on his way to Santa Barbara to be arrested on child molestation charges.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Batman vs. Batman

The small-town mayor of Batman, Turkey, is threatening to sue filmmaker Warner Bros. for using his locale's name without permission.

Batman, Turkey - The comic-book superhero Batman may have finally found his match – and he happens to be a plain-spoken mayor from southeast Turkey.
The caped crusader's latest nemesis is Huseyin Kalkan, the two-term leader of a city called, appropriately enough, Batman (pronounced Baht-mahn). The politician recently raised eyebrows around the globe when he announced plans to sue Warner Bros., makers of the successful Batman films.

Although Mr. Haco is the only headliner to actually have attended the festival, the mayor has created buzz by inviting Michael Jackson, Fidel Castro, and Nelson Mandela to subsequent festivals.
"It's very expensive to bring Michael Jackson, so we dropped that," the mustachioed mayor said. "But we did get letters of thanks from Fidel and Mandela."

Kalkan's next stunt is trying to bring President-elect Barack Obama to his town for an official visit.

Full article

I just can't believe the trouble people go to just to get Michaels name mentioned in order to give them extra publicity, even though he knew he had a hope in hell's chance of Michael coming the mayor just couldn't help himself.
The article made me laugh though, when he said Michael was too expensive and then finishing off with a Barack Obama mention,:doh: :cheeky:

Thanks for the news and mentionings marie
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanks marie. :)

Dangerous - one of the best CDs ever made. A complete masterpiece.

1997 - Debbie Rowe Jackson gave an interview at Neverland Ranch.

Months after she gave birth to Prince, Debbie just could not keep her mouth shut. LOL. Lawd... the beginning of a complete nightmare.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Well at least the nightmares gone, anyway... "there was something different about this guurl..."

[size=-2]1000, yay[/size]
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Months after she gave birth to Prince, Debbie just could not keep her mouth shut. LOL. Lawd... the beginning of a complete nightmare.
well considering mj was there and prob arranged it i doubt it was something bad.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I stand by my comment.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I reported this last night in yesterday's thread but no one really responded to it since iMichael wasn't mentioned well it looks if the deal goes through Michael will be getting some money coming from this deal. The bolded part talks about Michael.

Report: Beatles, iTunes talks on but bumpy

Negotiations have bogged down between Apple Inc. and The Beatles, according to reports Tuesday.
The BBC said Paul McCartney is still pushing for the band's music to be available through Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ: AAPL) service.
EMI, the band's former record label, would have to agree to a deal along with Apple Corps, which was set up by The Beatles to manage their body of work.
In March British media reports said McCartney agreed to make the group's catalog of songs available on iTunes for about $400 million.
The deal would include payment of royalties to McCartney, Ringo Starr and the families of John Lennon and George Harrison, the newspaper reported.
Some payments might also go to Michael Jackson and to EMI and Sony Corp. because of various ownership agreements linked to some of the songs.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Batman vs. Batman

The small-town mayor of Batman, Turkey, is threatening to sue filmmaker Warner Bros. for using his locale's name without permission.

woooooo weeeeeee...people reeeeeeeallly need money these days don't they? sue happy. that's right..wait till it's really successful than sue it. seems to be a running pattern, huh? such a STUPID lawsuit, as usual.
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Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Following court case...

by Jason Gregory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Michael Jackson
Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.:huh:

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

As previously reported on Gigwise, Jackson had been due to give evidence in London yesterday (November 24th) to try and counter allegations that he breached a recording contract with Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.

But his trip was abandoned late on Sunday evening after both parties concluded a principle settlement out of court.
In a statement, their legal teams said the dispute was "amicably settled".

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Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanks marie. :)

Months after she gave birth to Prince, Debbie just could not keep her mouth shut. LOL. Lawd... the beginning of a complete nightmare.

Sorry, but what could she not keep her mouth shut about?? I'm confused.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Following court case...

by Jason Gregory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Michael Jackson
Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

As previously reported on Gigwise, Jackson had been due to give evidence in London yesterday (November 24th) to try and counter allegations that he breached a recording contract with Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.

But his trip was abandoned late on Sunday evening after both parties concluded a principle settlement out of court.
In a statement, their legal teams said the dispute was "amicably settled".:huh:


Well well...A McCartney comment that didn't include any crying about the ATV catalog?? Methinks a pig somewhere just got a set a wings. lol It's been a while since he's said anything useful or positive about MJ (at least as far as I've seen. If I'm wrong..kisses for old Pauly). If not, I guess the stars must be aligned or something. Seems a peaceful tide is turning for the better lately. *knocks on wood that this continues* :fear:

Thanks for posting.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Well well...A McCartney comment that didn't include any crying about the ATV catalog?? Methinks a pig somewhere just got a set a wings. lol It's been a while since he's said anything useful or positive about MJ (at least as far as I've seen)

Yeah me too!!

*knocks on wood that this continues* :fear:

lol I always thought that is an Iranian expression!!:D
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Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Sorry, but what could she not keep her mouth shut about?? I'm confused.
ilogical hatred i guess.

talk about pigs flying with PM. he must have ment it sarcasticly

we say touch wood aswell
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Following court case...

by Jason Gregory
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Michael Jackson
Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.:huh:

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.”

As previously reported on Gigwise, Jackson had been due to give evidence in London yesterday (November 24th) to try and counter allegations that he breached a recording contract with Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa.

But his trip was abandoned late on Sunday evening after both parties concluded a principle settlement out of court.
In a statement, their legal teams said the dispute was "amicably settled".


WOW. did HE say thatt?? still...i understand Paul is pushing for another deal with Apple..but MJ doesn't have to make another cd.'s nice to hear Paul say that anyway. still..we all hope MJ does make another one..and from what we hear..he is.
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Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Hi everyone! Im new and shy and thought this would be a good place for my first post.

Just wanted to say thank you for the news.

It seems like the staff here works very hard at bringing all of us Michael Jackson Fans the most accurate news of the day.

I for one appreciate this and hope to get less shy and more comfortable as I browse around.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Hi everyone! Im new and shy and thought this would be a good place for my first post.

Just wanted to say thank you for the news.

It seems like the staff here works very hard at bringing all of us Michael Jackson Fans the most accurate news of the day.

I for one appreciate this and hope to get less shy and more comfortable as I browse around.

:) Hi and welcome to the MJJCForum
This in my opinion in the coolest place for MJ fans at the many sweet nice fans are here and they realy care:)
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

:) Hi and welcome to the MJJCForum
This in my opinion in the coolest place for MJ fans at the many sweet nice fans are here and they realy care:)

Thank you Michaelisinnocent! Your comment means alot. Thanks for reaching out.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Hi everyone! Im new and shy and thought this would be a good place for my first post.

Just wanted to say thank you for the news.

It seems like the staff here works very hard at bringing all of us Michael Jackson Fans the most accurate news of the day.

I for one appreciate this and hope to get less shy and more comfortable as I browse around.

hey there..jump in with both feet! lol:D
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Thanks for posting. I'm suprised Paul said what he did. Usually if he mentions Michael nowadays his comments would be relating to Michael "betraying" him because he bought the Beatles catologue :lol: It's a nice change to hear some positive things come out of his mouth about Michael.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I'm surprised to hear that from Paul. I hope he meant what he said and is not just being snide.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I can't believe Paul actually said something nice about Michael. That's shocking, lol. Well, I'll give him credit for that one. Good job Paul.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

Yeah, in the words of Grace, I'm flabbergasted at Paul's comments. But you gotta know that the media keeps on reporting on anything he says about that darn catalogue as if he says nothing else about Michael. If he does say anything else about him, we don't read about it. It's sort of like always asking Michael about his dad beating them as if Joe still has the belt in hand! If you don't let an issue rest, it keeps on living.
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.

I think this has double meaning to me...Sorry if I'm wrong,Paul!:huh:
Re: November 25 News and Mentionings

I think Paul was being sarcastic there.