New Prince album "20Ten", full tracklist inside.

I love 20TEN, gonna have this on in my car for the next month. Such a funky album, nobody makes music quite like Prince, it's got that certain something that you just don't hear on the charts anymore.

My favourite track by far is Act Of God, I'm a sucker for that dirty funk beat. It's like the modern day Controversy. If this song don't make you wanna dance I swear there's summat wrong with ya! ;-)
My other favourites are Future Soul Song, Walk In The Sand and Sticky Like Glue. When I first listened to Everybody Loves Me I didn't like it but it's really growing on me now.

You gotta love Prince!!!
The album is not bad. I loved "Endlessly Beginning" and "Future Soul Song". I thought "Everybody Loves Me" is funny. But the album is not great.

I would never buy a tabloid only to get that CD.

Nothing special.
@MattyJam, you really think ''Planet Earth'' was better than 3121? *cues ''Satisfied'', then the title track, goes on to ''The Dance'', then ''Get on the Boat*

I much prefer Planet Earth to 3121.

The One U Wanna C is his catchiest pop/rock number since Raspberry Beret, I love the anthemic feel of the title track, Guitar is fun as well.... All The Midnights In The World has a gorgeous melody and Resolution makes me want to be a hippy! ;)

3121 is probably my least listened to Prince album and it's the only one which isn't on my iPod. I really loathe it, apart from a small handful of tracks (the title track is cool, Te Amo Corazon and The Word are good... that's about it).
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Tabloid junkie

It's funny that people here are talking about not buying a tabloid, but yet post or read tabloid stories here about Mike. Probably 90% of the "news" here about Mike and the Jackson family comes from TMZ. Which is why I never go into most of the topics in those sections. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't spend money on an actual paper, when they still read it online, lol.
I missed out on this yesterday, will they still have it?
I much prefer Planet Earth to 3121.

The One U Wanna C is his catchiest pop/rock number since Raspberry Beret, I love the anthemic feel of the title track, Guitar is fun as well.... All The Midnights In The World has a gorgeous melody and Resolution makes me want to be a hippy! ;)

3121 is probably my least listened to Prince album and it's the only one which isn't on my iPod. I really loathe it, apart from a small handful of tracks (the title track is cool, Te Amo Corazon and The Word are good... that's about it).

Dude how can you not like ''Satisfied'' and ''The Dance''? Lol just kidding, I respect your opinion. I only liked ''Chelsea Roger'' and ''Future Baby mama'' from Planet Earth.
Re: Tabloid junkie

It's funny that people here are talking about not buying a tabloid, but yet post or read tabloid stories here about Mike. Probably 90% of the "news" here about Mike and the Jackson family comes from TMZ. Which is why I never go into most of the topics in those sections. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't spend money on an actual paper, when they still read it online, lol.
Alot of us are talking about actually giving money and supporting tabloids. If you read it online it's different as they don't get any of your money. If people didn't pay for tabloids there wouldn't be any, it's that simple.
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Re: Tabloid junkie

Alot of us are talking about actually giving money and supporting tabloids. If you read it online it's different as they don't get any of your money. If people didn't pay for tabloids there wouldn't be any, it's that simple.
Whenever someone clicks on their site, they get money from advertisers, so technically, you're still buying the tabloid. You're giving their website hits. Whether you pay for it or read it free, you're supporting them. When someone copies their stuff and posts it here, they're supporting them by giving them free publicity.
Really liking "Lavaux", "Act of God" and (rap aside) "Sticky Like Glue". My favourtie track by faaaaaar is "Compassion" which is soooo fresh, fun and re-listenable :)

"Everybody Loves Me" is just cringeworthy, tho, not only in sentiment, but the horrendous effects used on his vocals :-s
Re: Tabloid junkie

Whenever someone clicks on their site, they get money from advertisers, so technically, you're still buying the tabloid. You're giving their website hits. Whether you pay for it or read it free, you're supporting them. When someone copies their stuff and posts it here, they're supporting them by giving them free publicity.

How can you be buying a tabloid when like you said the advertisments pay for it??? I don't go on those kinds of sites anyway.
Re: Tabloid junkie

How can you be buying a tabloid when like you said the advertisments pay for it??? I don't go on those kinds of sites anyway.
Because if no one went to those sites, they wouldn't get paid. It's the same as if your friend buys it for you. You could say that since you didn't buy it with your money, you're not supporting them. You would be supporting them indirectly through the advertiser. Even if you just stand in the store and read the paper but not buy it or read it on this site, you're still giving it attention. Why read it at all?
Re: Tabloid junkie

Because if no one went to those sites, they wouldn't get paid. It's the same as if your friend buys it for you. You could say that since you didn't buy it with your money, you're not supporting them. You would be supporting them indirectly through the advertiser. Even if you just stand in the store and read the paper but not buy it or read it on this site, you're still giving it attention. Why read it at all?

But the thing is I don't go onto the sites if I can help it. The person who got me it always gets the daily mirror so it doesn't make much difference if the CD was in there or not, therefore I managed to get round it, that all I'm saying.
LOL. They're probably my two least favourites from PE.

We must have opposite taste in Prince!!

Lol yep. I like him more funky and soulful and you like the rocky Prince. @Duran, I get what you're saying. Its the hypocrisy of MJJC. We hate tabloids but we love them. Present company excluded.
Sticky Like Glue has really grown on me a lot. Probably one of my favourites from the album now.

I enjoy most of the album although the sequence of Walk In Sand - Sea of Everything - Everybody Loves Me drags the album down a bit.
I prefer 20Ten and 3121 to Planet Earth. I think 20Ten is a pretty good album. It does have more of an eighties & funky vibe than Planet Earth which I appreciated straight away.
Re: Tabloid junkie

Whenever someone clicks on their site, they get money from advertisers, so technically, you're still buying the tabloid. You're giving their website hits. Whether you pay for it or read it free, you're supporting them. When someone copies their stuff and posts it here, they're supporting them by giving them free publicity.

one person goes on tmz copies and pastes on here. then 10 k people read it on this site. a difference than 10 k ppl going to tmz or buying a tabloid in a shop.its not perfect but it the best way of not buying papers direct or giving them as few hits as possible

anyway re prince. how does he make money off this. by doing a deal with the papers? cause i cant see it being much of a money maker. is he that adament about not working with labels
Re: Tabloid junkie

one person goes on tmz copies and pastes on here. then 10 k people read it on this site. a difference than 10 k ppl going to tmz or buying a tabloid in a shop.its not perfect but it the best way of not buying papers direct or giving them as few hits as possible

anyway re prince. how does he make money off this. by doing a deal with the papers? cause i cant see it being much of a money maker. is he that adament about not working with labels

It's easier. No labels, deals, contracts etc. Just a payment from the Mirror group and as many people hear it as possible. The money isn't in sales much anymore anyhow so he won't be losing much if anything.
Re: Tabloid junkie

It's easier. No labels, deals, contracts etc. Just a payment from the Mirror group and as many people hear it as possible. The money isn't in sales much anymore anyhow so he won't be losing much if anything.

been any reports as to the sort of money hes getting from the papers for it? i guess its the way to go if you dont want to deal with lables and if u didnt make huge money when you were with them. but i guess im old fashioned in the sense of promotion and releases and big sales. it doesnt do much for you career but i guess prince isnt bothered about that as his issue is with the labels and whats gone on the past.
Re: Tabloid junkie

been any reports as to the sort of money hes getting from the papers for it? i guess its the way to go if you dont want to deal with lables and if u didnt make huge money when you were with them. but i guess im old fashioned in the sense of promotion and releases and big sales. it doesnt do much for you career but i guess prince isnt bothered about that as his issue is with the labels and whats gone on the past.
Record sales doesn't guarantee an act will make money. Look at En Vogue, TLC, Run DMC, the acts on Motown, Sugarhill, Brunswick, Sun, etc. Even back when The Beatles were together, they didn't make much. Other acts like Jimi Hendrix & Bob Marley didn't sell much while they were alive. They became big after death. They made the record labels rich, but most recording acts wound up being broke. Very few made any money. The Beatles only got really rich long after they broke up. Record contracts are designed to keep the acts in debt to the label. Also many labels will undercount sales so they won't have to pay the acts. Today, since most people just download stuff for free and not buy a product, it's way harder for performers to get out of the hole with the labels.
yeah im just talking in general though.we all know the games lables play.going the paper route isnt gonna make u big bucks like if you were with a label and getting a decent royalty rate and selling alot.i guess thats the way he feels casue of the issues with warner in the past.
^^But it is unlikely a 52 year old man will get any radio airplay, which is geared towards the youth market, so Prince most likely wouldn't sell much with a major anyway. Some of his last few albums starting with Musicology have been distributed by majors, but it didn't make much of a difference in how much they sold. Also Prince never spends a lot of time promoting his releases. He just puts it out and goes on to the next thing, lol.
yeah he seems more intrested in just creating and putting it out there then moving on to the next thing.its a shame though cause alot of potential buyers/listeners are missing out. friends of mine who dont really follow him or the industry just think hes basically retired and doesnt do hardly anything anymore which is a shame
Or he could release albums of ancient folk tunes or orchestral arrangements of Police songs like Sting or release an album every ten years like Sade, Basia, & Stevie Wonder. :D I guess a lot of the older acts figure they're not going to hit the Billboard charts no matter what they release, so why pander to it.
I guess a lot of the older acts figure they're not going to hit the Billboard charts no matter what they release, so why pander to it.
very true.
very true.
For the most part, the Top 40 has always been a youth market. There's been exceptions of course, but in general teens and people in their early 20s are not as likely to buy someone their parents age. Carlos Santana had to get young popular singers on Supernatural to sell. Before that, he his albums hadn't done anything since the 1970s. Also there were all of those duets albums that people like Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Herbie Hancock, B.B. King, & Tony Bennett released where they performed with young acts. Old R&B/funk singers had to do gimmicks or have rappers on their songs like the Isley Brothers' "Mr. Biggs". Then there's labels releasing remixes of old songs like A Little Less Conversation by Elvis Presley that became popular. The record companies should promote older performers without having to have make them sound like a teenybopper act or everyone else that's popular. A lot of the veteran acts didn't become popular because they sounded like everyone else, but because they had their own sound. But the industry today is just run by college graduates and not music fans like in the old days. They're just selling a product to meet a quota to make enough for the stockholders, no different than a Tickle Me Elmo, lol.
Re: Tabloid junkie

been any reports as to the sort of money hes getting from the papers for it? i guess its the way to go if you dont want to deal with lables and if u didnt make huge money when you were with them. but i guess im old fashioned in the sense of promotion and releases and big sales. it doesnt do much for you career but i guess prince isnt bothered about that as his issue is with the labels and whats gone on the past.

When Prince gave away Planet Earth to the Mail On Sunday he got £250,000. Don't forget, that's just the UK.

With this new album he has struck similar magazine distribution deals throughout Europe, giving the album away with Rolling Stone in Germany, some other paper in Belgium and France etc.

He must be making a fairly healthy profit.
do you guys thinks artist should market their albums like prince is doings to avoid downloading for free or just the older acts who don't chat well on billboard with the material, prince is trying to get his albums into many homes as he can with this strategy