New Prince album "20Ten", full tracklist inside.

Prince has always used numbers instead of letters in song and album titles. He spoke about this several years ago, saying he hates wasting letters (his exact words).

Songs that come to my mind, include "7", "1999", and "I Would Die 4 U"
Just realised that "Hot Summer" is NOT on the "20Ten" tracklist - what was the purpose behind giving that track airplay (in the US at least) if it wasn't in promotion of the upcoming album??
The Beatles never released songs from their albums as singles. Their singles were separate (except on the Capitol USA albums, which were chopped up from the British albums).
Can't wait for the album, i doubt its be gonna be better than lotusflower/mplsound which was a classic in my opinion his best album since Musicology.
/\ /\ As far as I am aware, he ONLY postponed the July 8th release in France, because of an exclusive deal in other European territories which would be compromised if the album was already in the public domain 48 hours early. Don't quote me on this, but I'm sure we're safe for July 10th (UK release).

IF it has been cancelled... oh dear, how TERRIBLE would that look?? :-s
here's a recent prince interview talking about his new alnum

In a recent interview with The Mirror, Prince spoke about his upcoming album, ‘20Ten’. The legendary musician revealed why he has decided to release the record in partnership with the publication and not via the Internet like other artists. In fact, Prince emphsasised that his detest for the web and compared it to the now “outdated” MTV. Peep an excerpt from the interview below:

He explains that he decided the album will be released in CD format only in the Mirror. There’ll be no downloads anywhere in the world because of his ongoing battles against internet abuses.

Unlike most other rock stars, he has banned YouTube and iTunes from using any of his music and has even closed down his own official website.

He says: “The internet’s completely over. I don’t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won’t pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can’t get it.

“The internet’s like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good.

“They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.”
The internet's not over. Prince's popularity on the internet, however, is over.

yeah you're right about the internet is not over, in a way youtube is like the new MTv since they the music channel don't play muisc videos like they use to people especially the young generation turn to the internet to check out their favorite artists or dicovered different artists, i understand princle with the whole internet abuse issue, but all it takes for one person to get a copy of his new album an leak it to limewire since some are desperate for free music ( LIKE classmates who download free and bootleg all the time)
^^yeah his statement about the internet was weird.."The internet’s completely over" oh please, on the contrary..your loss Prince if you still don't understand that. too bad because he makes good music but he still stuck in the 90's, 80's it seems.
Fans in the UK and Ireland, don't forget to pick up your copy of the Daily Mirror tomorrow for "Prince's best record since Sign "☮" the Times 23 years ago"! I'll be picking the newspaper up myself early tomorrow morning so I'll post my thoughts for you all here :)
I'm not a Prince fan but might as well pick it up as its cheap so might as well. His view on the internet confuses me though still, I think its a control issue as to why he hates it so much. Friends of mine have been to concerts of his and they are strict with everything, including what pictures you take.
^^yeah his statement about the internet was weird.."The internet’s completely over" oh please, on the contrary..your loss Prince if you still don't understand that. too bad because he makes good music but he still stuck in the 90's, 80's it seems.

Yes sadly.... he doesnt have to be internet savy as far as doing everything musically over the internet but I dont see the reason to shut down HIS website for HIS fans and shun HIS music away from youtube, its really hurting his fanbase and possible future fans.
LOL Internet's just started if you ask me. Prince needs to get over himself.
So who has their new Prince CD?! :)

Just bought mine about an hour and a half ago and've listened to it all the way through. Obviously it's difficult to make a definite judgement on the first listen (usually songs grow on me), but I like what I'm hearing so far :) At the moment my favourite track is "Beginning Endlessly". What are your thoughts? :)
Well I respect his view on the internet.There is a lot of garbage out there and people thinking it's cool just because they see it online.
I think a lot of people are to caught up in there digital gadgets nowadays to enjoy the simple things out there and instead call those things boring now.

I don't however agree with him closing down his fansites and taking his music from youtube and things like that. I don't see anthing wrong with his fans enjoying him and his music so I don't really understand the point in him taking those things away.

But regardless of any of that he still makes good music so he should release it anyway he wants to. More power to him for that.
Warning to those who are uploading this onto their iTunes or Media Player the track names will not appear so you will have to type it in. I'll post my thoughts on it later, listening to it now.
I love Prince!!!
I wish the US could've gotten a deal like the UK.
Can't wait to hear it :)
I don't really like the album, yet I appreciate Compassion and Everybody Loves Me.
The new CD IS SICK!!!!! Ow my God, didn't expect this!! The sound.. THIS IS THE PRINCE I WANTED TO HEAR FOR YEARS!!!!! The music is sooooooooooooooooooooooo funky..
I think 20Ten is a bit of a hit and miss affair. Future Soul Song is a real standout, such a beautiful melody and stunning guitar work. This should be played at every future Prince concert because it's just begging to be heard live.

Compassion is a great, rousing opener and reminds me a lot of Can't Stop This Feeling I Got.

The album is not without it's problems though... Laydown, Sticky Like Glue and Everybody Loves Me (wtf is this?) scream "filler" to me.

Overall, it's a decent album, but in terms of albums that come free with British tabloids, I preferred Planet Earth.

And for the record, MPLSound was better.
So what does everyone think of the new album?

I think it's a hit and miss affair. Future Soul Song is a real standout, such a beautiful melody and stunning guitar work. This should be played at every future Prince concert because it's just begging to be heard live.

Compassion is a great, rousing opener and reminds me a lot of Can't Stop This Feeling I Got.

Laydown, Sticky Like Glue and Everybody Loves Me (wtf is this?) are a bit lame though.

Overall, it's a decent album, but in terms of albums that come free with British tabloids, I preferred Planet Earth.

Yeah it really is a hit and miss album.

I really like Beginning Endlessly, it's really the only song that I can listen to over and over. The Synths and the instrumentals are great..

Some of the songs have that 80's retro feel to it, which I think is pretty cool.

Yeah and Everybody Loves Me and Laydown are just embarrassing to listen to :lol:

I'll give it a 6 out of 10.
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Heres my review:

1. Compassion
Brilliant, rousing opener. It reminds me a lot of Can't Stop This Feeling I Got. It just gets catchier with every listen. 9/10

2. Beginning Endlessly
Catchy synth-hook led pop track with some Controversy-esque rhythm guitar work in the last half. The first three tracks on this album are very strong. 8/10

3. Future Soul Song
Beautiful, elegant soul song - Prince's best ballad in years. I love how he sings the verses in his lower register and the guitar work is a nice, unexpected surprise. Probably the highlight of the album for me. 10/10

4. Sticky Like Glue
The first of a handful of filler tracks. The funky rhythm guitar is cool, but there's no discernable hook to speak of and Prince's most cringeful rap in years. Fairly unremarkable. 4/10

5. Lavaux
Probably the most convincing "retro" sounding Prince song in years - this actually sounds like it could've been written in 1984 (maybe it was?). Fun and catchy. 7/10

6. Act Of God
I've noticed some fans criticising this for being too preachey, but I love the topical lyrics and you have to admire any song which namechecks Saddam Hussein. I really dig this one. 8/10

7. Walk In Sand
This reminds me of his version of La La La Means I Love You. It's a fairly average, ploddy ballad. Nothing special. 4/10

8. Sea Of Everything
This is like a mix of Somewhere Here On Earth and Insatiable. It has a sweet melody, but again, nothing special. 5/10

9. Everybody Loves Me
You're either gonna love or hate this one. I hate it. From the title I was hoping it was going to be fun and goofy like No More Candy 4 U. Turns out it's just lame. 2/10

10. Laydown
Fairly generic up-tempo electro Hip-Hop number (like something the Black Eyed Peas would do) which again, contains Prince rapping and a protegee singing. Bleh. 4/10

It starts out promising. The first three tracks are all brilliant and then it starts to go downhill. It's a fun album which covers a wide variety of his styles so I'm sure most fans will at least be satisfied with a handful of tracks.

It's not worthy of the newspaper hype (all the talk of it being his best album in 23 years etc was blatantly just propaganda to shift more copies). It's no way near the standard of Emancipation, The Gold Experience or even Rave. It's better than Musicology and 3121, but not as good as Planet Earth or MPLSound.

I'll give it a generous 6/10.
@MattyJam, you really think ''Planet Earth'' was better than 3121? *cues ''Satisfied'', then the title track, goes on to ''The Dance'', then ''Get on the Boat*