New Pics Of MJ In Vegas - Update Old Pics Recycled by TMZ

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Ya'll need to calm down. The pictures are old, everything points to them being so and Michael isn't dense.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

I don't think Micheal is that stupid to do somethin like that (well shoot I KNOW he isn't lol).

I'd say send an email to them but... they're pretty shady so I don't trust em enough to get their confirmation...

Edit: They're old. Nevermind me.
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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Awwww I got my heart rate elevated for nothing??
Aw well he still looks awesome anyway.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Maybe Dieter Wisener sent the pics to TMZ trying to worm his way back in nothing like knowing the media is desperate to report anything MJ wise especially NEGATIVE.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Those are old


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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

nevermind :fear:
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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Someone wrote in the comments "How much did you pay for those stone old pictures of MJ?"

Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Which one is Dieter Weisner? I've never seen him before.

The guy in the shirt with the black collar is DW/ First we had old MJ articles being posted as new articles/ now we have old MJ pictures being posted as new pictures / what's up with the press????


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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

The guy in the shirt with the black collar is DW/ First we had old MJ articles being posted as new articles/ now we have old MJ pictures being posted as new pictures / what's up with the press????


What's up with the press? Michael is hiding too well for them.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

I do think he was in Monaco for the World Music Awards....I think this is shows how tmz gets their stories..they don't research at all......they look really stupid....I knew right away when I saw the pics...I saw these pics like 2 months ago at abaca......they just take anything to make headlines with Mike's name
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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

"Was it France...or Monte Carlo...World Music Awards...around the Millenium???"

No...It was in May 05-11-2000. Michael was shopping in Monaco. And now MJ seems more lean!!

These aren't new pics of Michael!
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Recycling pics from 8 years ago? They are so desperate for a story on him. Btw TMZ are still scumbags.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Recycling pics from 8 years ago? They are so desperate for a story on him. Btw TMZ are still scumbags.

That's the important thing to remember TMZ are vile trash morons led by that ugly disgusting queen witch Harvey Levin.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

I bet TMZ paid $1,000 to some random Joe who claimed they were new :lol: :no:.
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

I bet TMZ paid $1,000 to some random Joe who claimed they were new :lol: :no:.

I hope somebody really made a couple bucks off their sorry ass :punk::punk::punk::punk:
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Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

put the mask on it was for drama.

I didn't know that he wears mask for that reason. hehehe.. i thought there's something on his face that he doesn't want to show. That's what i thought.LOL
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

I hope somebody really made a couple bucks of their sorry ass :punk::punk::punk::punk:
i agree! Those pictures are not new. The source just wanted to get more attention using old photos of Michael Jackson and make story behind it. Funny!
Re: New Pics Of MJ In Vegas

Damn! for a minute there before opening the thread by blood pressure felt elevated somewhat......only to be deflated when I realized these are old pics. Glad the mask seems to be retired though.

Why would TMZ put these as new when they so easily should've known they are old shots?
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^^aaw, you shouldn't, it's not your fault, it's TMZ's for posting it as new.

soso def said:
well at least the article wasn't that bad...or the blurb..since it was too short to be an article.
yeah, true. it's better than what I've come to expect from TMZ, which is pretty much less than the lowest of the low.
^^ Aww thanx for that. Im surprised TMZ still have this as their No 1 story.
Fortunately, from readin the comments there, some are realizing just how low TMZ really is.

"Thought you guys were a reliable source" :rollin: