New Official Posters

I miss Him :(
I just totally L..V.E. those. :heart: :wub: I already have like 8 MJ posters on my bedroom walls and doors. And to me that is not enough those posters would be perfect for my Michael Jackson shrine bedroom. I just wish the one didn't have the date on it. I don't know why these poster makers can't put either 1958-Forever or 1958-Eternity on it. I have 2 MJ t-shirts that are like that. And I really don't like wearing them because of that.

I agree..seeing those dates is difficult enough..they should put until Forever. ...This is killing me..:boohoo:
I don't collect posters, but I am not blind to their beuty. This one is awesome!!!

I wonder if they'll be selling the posters in stores like HMV?
I don't get why they put dates on them either :/ like the official calender's too, they have a little note about June 25th ¬_¬.
I hate seeing those dates. even though the posters are beautiful....why shouldn't they be..its Michael Jackson...:blush:

I know I'm with you. But at least the other two don't have the dates so I'll buy the other two w/o the dates. I love the last one!!

Maybe we can send some feedback to the estate to not put those dates- who knows they might just listen to us.

They are really amazing!
I love all of them (even though one has those dreaded dates!!ugh!) but they are still great. Michael looked soooo good with those fedora hats. Have you noticed how fedoras are in style lately? I wonder if Michael might have inspired that trend. Well, at least I would like to think so.
Wow I'm speechless, those are beautiful :wub:
I want them all!!! Although I wish they'd stop putting those dates up:(
They need to stop reminding us with dates.

Do they think we don't know or something?
I like the 2nd and 3rd most. I didn't even notice the dates until you guys mentioned it. It doesn't bother me though.
1st and 3rd for sure. As awesome as the 2nd is, I'm starting to get bored of the same Billie Jean pose over and over.
I agree it's still hard to cope with the dates.

The SC graphic is superb :)
yes the door poster is just a variation of the smooth criminal.

just 3 new designs for the moment ;)