New OFFICIAL MJ single - Hold My Hand (update pg.1)

FFfffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu!!! I requested HMH on a request show and they PLAYED it, first song of the show! But guess who forgot to listen to the show..
Ok I just listened it from the net.. the hosts were a bit sarcastic about Akon being on it (and the song being cheesy) but what angers me the most (thanks to BN...) is that they questioned if it's really Michael singing there!! Because of Breaking News, now the general public thinks that the WHOLE album is questionable which it is not!

I will be sending them some e-mail though and clear up some things about this :)

good and atleast they played it :)
48 is really bad for here, i still haven't heard it on the radio and i listened to 2fm for 3 hrs today. Nobody even knows it is released.

hey maybe we can help the sng get radio airplay in Ireland you can pm me the Ireland radio stations and i can tell my friends on faebook and youube to request it