New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. at OTW store- [HQ pics on post #87]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We sure are gettin spoiled with all these pics and sightings. LOL



"It was another strange public outing for Michael Jackson today.
After spending nearly an hour inside, the gloveless Gloved One got all shy as he left the Off the Wall antique store on L.A.’s Melrose Avenue with his son Prince Michael."
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Re: New MJ Pic, Nov. 3d.

:) Make my week
Re: New MJ Pic, Nov. 3d.

WOOOOOO! Another one! This is really getting hard to believe!

And he went back to Off the Wall. Hmmm, guess he wanted to show Prince some things.

But, as much as I love all these new pictures, I wish he could be left alone while doing things like shopping.......and trips to fried food restaurants.... that Prince, or Blanket? The shortness tells me it's blanket, but I don't know. Either way, both of 'em are lookin SHARP!!
Re: New MJ Pic, Nov. 3d.

YAY...some more pictures!!:woohoo:

Ivory..its Blanket. :)
Re: New MJ Pic, Nov. 3d.

Daaaaaaaang, lol. Okay, seriously, we haven't seen Michael in public this much since, I don't know when. He really must be getting ready to do something. Nice shirt too Mike, lol.
Re: New MJ Pic, Nov. 3d.

Thanks for posting! :D

I love red on him! :wub:

*wonders how we got so many pics* o_o
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

This is awesome! I can't remember the last time I saw so many appearances out and about in 2 weeks! He looks great,confident, happy, relaxed and content. Love you Michael!

ps- and good on you for not whoring your children in to the media like some celebs around town. (cough poor little Suri, cough)
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

all I can do Is 'smile' God Bless Michael...
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

dammmmmmn he loves that store, and yeah nice shirt, and he is sooooo defo getting ready for something
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

Wow. The red shirt is back! :eek: We haven't seen that since London 2005, right? And those glasses in his hand....soooo close, yet soooo far. :boohoo:Torture!!! Utter torture!!! :boohoo: But he looks so great....and content.

Kryptonite Mike is on the loose. Gotta love it! :D

And awwwww lookie Blankie in his little dinner jacket. :give_heart: I'm sure he can breathe under that scarf. It looks fairly thin to me. :yes:

Thanks for posting. We are definitely getting spoiled but we better enjoy it while we can. He could vanish for months again and then folks will be crying "I miss Michaellllllll!....Michael where are youuuuu!" :weeping:

The main thing is he seems to be aware that he's being hounded and doesn't seem stressed about it so it might be safe for us to enjoy these without guilt.
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

This is great, we really are getting spoiled!

The media seem to be on the ball for just about every movement Michael makes.

Looking great as always! :D
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

lol the umbrealla..gotta love the umbrealla! :toofunny:
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

I meant umbrella ( isnt that how u spell it?)
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

In reflection, Im wondering if the influx of these public sightings have any purpose behind them other than purely coincidental. Do you think this might be a way of bringing Michael gently back into the spot-light before there's any annoucements of forthcoming projects.

It seems aparent that Michael has a new publicist acting on behalf of him so a new PR team could also be the ones insitigating some of these outings. The fact that the previous sightings have obvious fans in the background w/memorabilia seems to indicate that this just chance. Whether or not these fans are privy to the whereabouts of Michael on a regular basis remains unknown. Regardless of whether it's plain and simple coincidence or slighly deliberate, it's definately generating more interest in Michael again in a positive way
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

thinks the paps are just up his butt more than ever

paps = bp
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

OMG!!!!!!!!!:wild: :wild:

My love is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Handsomeeeeeee!!!I'm so HAPPY!!!!

Blanket was there!!!!!!:wild:


GO,SHOPPING,MICHAEL!!!GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!:dancin: :dancin: :dancin:

Thank you for the pics!!!!:flowers:
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

ok...first of all..i always wanted to know what it means to 'paint that shirt red'. second of all...has anyone ever known any media to consider an outing by a celebrity to be 'strange'..EVERY TIME he or she goes out?? glad to see him so much this week. it's thereputic for me.:clapping:
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

"it's thereputic for me."

Yesssssssss!!!!Me too!

I love you said that!!!:clapping:
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

lol OMG loving the red shirt - damn he's sexy :yes:
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

Well...Like Rihanna says...

Michael..."u can stand under my umbrella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Love these pics,the red shirt,the smile....everything!!!!!!!!!:D
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

That's what I was thinking, ABM!!!!

I'm glad he's gettin out and havin some fun!!!!
"Life aint so bad at aaaaaallllllll- if you live it off the waaaaalll"
ok- bad joke!

But thanks Daph!
And something HAS to be going on!!!! *thinks of the possibilities*
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

WOW, i logged on and said to myself lets see if Michael was out again today and I am really suprized he was. LOL He really rocks the red too. LOVE YOU MIKE!
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

That's what I was thinking, ABM!!!!

I'm glad he's gettin out and havin some fun!!!!
"Life aint so bad at aaaaaallllllll- if you live it off the waaaaalll"
ok- bad joke!

But thanks Daph!
And something HAS to be going on!!!! *thinks of the possibilities*

Not a bad joke at all. That's one of my theme songs! :p
Re: New MJ Pic, -Nov. 3d. Shopping again at Off The Wall store-

Thanks for posting the pics