New Michael Pictures!!!

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lol everyones excited because we can see his eyes :rofl:
i still dont understand why he always wears sunglasses. i hope he will be seen more often without any
i hear it's a uv ray thing. actually, doctors recommend that everybody do it, now and then.
Love to see his new pics and thanks for post them ..:D
Yay! I'm so happy Michael decided to not wear sunglasses! I miss those sweet eyes... The eyes you could just starein to and never get bored.

Hope he's alright and he's only at the doc's office for another checkup!
How can anyone see his eyes? And those pants - I am loving those pants. It's almost like he just got up and said "Uh Oh...gotta see the doc again" and just pulled on his boots...
i hear it's a uv ray thing. actually, doctors recommend that everybody do it, now and then.

That is what I have always thought. I have a special lens to protect my eyes from UV. It protects against vision loss but I forget the term. Anyway, I imagine all of the flash cameras going off are not good for Michaels eyes. He has to be very careful of when he exposes them since we know as soon as he does kazillion flash bulbs go off.
:boohoo: youtube is blocked here in my school, does anybody has pics of his eyes??????? I've missed them.

Thank you for sharing these pics I :wub: his pants :dribble:
Agree with the sunglasses/photo flashes. If it's not the sun, then it's the barrage of flashes from the paps. Even at the O2 press meeting, how could he have even seen the teleprompter through all the constant picture taking.

Does look like some nice new eyeliner going on, doesn't it. (hope that's not taken as being too personal)
Who's that woman who's holding Michael's hand???? I mean, does she work for Michael? A normal woman can't hold his hands like that
Who's that woman who's holding Michael's hand???? I mean, does she work for Michael? A normal woman can't hold his hands like that

Considering she's holding his and he's not remotely returning the gesture I would say it was someone who just wanted to touch him :doh:
does anyone else find this the least bit intrusive? we're always complaining that he can't go and be normal etc...yet when pics like this come out, all we do is oogle at it and analyze it. a bit much don't ya think?
Ok, some of those pics look as if the pictures takers were actually INSIDE the doctor's office snapping Michael. How could that be? Why would they be allowed to enter the facility to take pics of a patient? I just don't get it.

Michael's privacy is violated way too much.
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