NEW Michael Jackson Wax work at Madamme Tussauds

here's a preview

Wooo thanks for letting us know!!

i regret so much not going to Madame Toussaud's when i went to London in 2001, cant miss it now!
hope this one turns out better than the others i've seen which didnt impress me much...
The new figure recreates the classic Jackson pose of the new tour poster – arms outstretched, pelvis thrusting and tip toed with his trade-mark trilby angled forward

I must admit I stopped at "pelvis" and drifted away for a second :lol:

here's a preview


cute and all but...he doesnt look like that on the TII poster :mello:
Ew, just now i've seen them all! they all look like women...some are terrible! :eek:

I remember when they made wax statues of the Spice Girls and they were sooo realistic! Some of the other statues too are really impressive! Cant believe they did MJ 10 times and still didnt get there! :lol:
Hope this new Michael will look very like the TII poster.
Part of the reason the MJ statues are so bad is because the sculptures don't get to spend much time (if any) with Mike. They have to work from photographs, which is not ideal.
Even the new one is being made from 15 year old photos, so I don't expect it to be that great.
Part of the reason the MJ statues are so bad is because the sculptures don't get to spend much time (if any) with Mike. They have to work from photographs, which is not ideal.

Well, that's a pitty, because MJ deserves a really good statue! Their "gesswork" sucked big time so far! :scratch:
I hope it will be in Madam Tussaud when the concerts starts, because I saw that other in the 90's in Madam Tussaud (or Rock Circus)