NEW Michael Jackson Wax work at Madamme Tussauds

The best is the Hong Kong one, followed by Germany's i think (even though I swear it reminds me a little of Prince, lol). All the other are... umm... horrible! lol
I'm quite liking it so far...I hope they don't mess it up like the previous ones. Some are just...:scratch::bugeyed...:lol:

I hope it's done by the time I'm in London :D. I wanna see it if it turns out great.
nice... thanks for posting this... loving it! love when established institutions praise him while the idiots try to spin the web trying to cloud his shining star...

you can't dull a true diamond, will always dazzle!


Good one Arxter...that's exactly what it looks like...

Man, am I glad to hear yet another achievment for teh King of Pop. I really can't wait for it to be revealed...woohoo go Michael...
I had to laugh at those! :lol: hopefully they do a better job this time!
it's nice the whole world's Madamme Tusssaud's making the wax replicas of MJ tho...i think that's a record. good tribute.
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The best one is the BAD tour Mike from Hong Kong and the second best is the Jam Mike from Germany.
i hope this new statue gets more like him :lol:
Hope it gets ready before the concerts start.

I am going to Madamme Tussauds before the show. Maybe July the 9th or 10th I will go.
Oh dear how awful do some of them look....I say Germany comes the closest... this is good news but have you all seen the prices of the tickets to enter Madame Tussauds? It's DAY LIGHT ROBBERY....I live in London and I say go spend your money somewhere else ...but then again...its michael THIS IS IT etc etc so I can see how exciting it could be.
:cheers:OMG !!! I can't wait to see it!:clapping::clapping::clapping:I hope it will look better than the other one!:angel::angel:
They seem to always miss the mark.
Maybe I shouldnt expect them to look exactly like Michael. :scratch:
They got the hair all wrong on the "BAD" MJ but at least his outfits
are more accurate.

Ten times featured. Wooo! Only 2nd to the Queen!:clapping:
Hope they'll do it now with more research. I don't wanna ever see a figure like the old one which has nothing to do with the man MJ
I just waiting to see the statue ... will be the first MJ wax statue that I see in my life :)
The Hong Kong one looks kinda ok. All the others Are just terrible.

Here's me at London's Madame Tussauds on 2007:

:bugeyed That one from London looks more like Rosie Odonnell than Michael to me. That one with the atrocious hair! :puke:
