New Jackson songs on hard drives are missing

damn all these numbered posts that i have to keep scrolling up to re-reference.

sorry but no one in that damn estate board needs to have that stuff. it's for hi skids to decide what's to happen to it.

i know he's got unreleased songs he did while making every album. he records 100 songs per album and whittles it down. so sony can exploit that shit. leave this alone

like i said, what disk? and then find the 'disk' when blanket is 18. like 'oh snap u mean this one? my bad?'

Well I guess that sounds sweet, romantic or something but if I was one of the kids and after 11 years LaToya popped up and said, "oh snap u mean this one? my bad?" I'd want to snap her neck!

And what makes people think the kids wouldn't want his music released in a timely controlled fashion?

Anyway, romance and sweetness aside it would be one of the worst business decisions ever.
Well I guess that sounds sweet, romantic or something but if I was one of the kids and after 11 years LaToya popped up and said, "oh snap u mean this one? my bad?" I'd want to snap her neck!

And what makes people think the kids wouldn't want his music released in a timely controlled fashion?

Anyway, romance and sweetness aside it would be one of the worst business decisions ever.
um....i hope i didn't make it seem that the kids wouldn't know about this.

of course they would know. they'd have it. it'd be in a safe somewheres or something. it makese sense for THEM to decide what they want out there and what they want kept for themselves. not branca and mcclain and least of all dileo.
um....i hope i didn't make it seem that the kids wouldn't know about this.

of course they would know. they'd have it. it'd be in a safe somewheres or something. it makese sense for THEM to decide what they want out there and what they want kept for themselves. not branca and mcclain and least of all dileo.

Well I'm not sure about MJ's kids but you have to admit expecting 3 young kids to keep such a secret for 10+ years, and not tell their even their "BFF" is somewhat far fetched...

To me what makes sense is that if MJ REALLY wanted his kids to make decisions about his music AND wait until they are all 18 he would have put that in his will and/or trust.

That is not what he did and speculating what he might have REALLY wanted is just that, pure speculation and such speculation would only make sense to me had he died without a will. We have his written wishes and I think they should be followed.

In my mind, MJ, being a businessman knew the value of his work and entrusted it to those he named in his will/trust. I can't believe he would have wanted to wait 10+ years to let his kids make decisions and not put it in writing and I'm not going to second guess him now.
well if he put it in there, it would've been logged w/ the estate and 'leaked'

they can say allthey want that there's secret music. lol so long as they don't touch it or let peoplelisten to it.

it's not up to frank or both john's b and c to say what's to happen to mj's stuff at the home
well if he put it in there, it would've been logged w/ the estate and 'leaked'

they can say allthey want that there's secret music. lol so long as they don't touch it or let peoplelisten to it.

it's not up to frank or both john's b and c to say what's to happen to mj's stuff at the home

I’m not sure what you might possibly mean by, “well if he put it in there, it would've been logged w/ the estate and 'leaked'” but if you are referring to his unpublished music and his trust, he most certainly did put it in his trust. In his will MJ put ALL of his assets in the Jackson Family Trust.

And as “both john's b and c” are named as successor Co-Trustees it is definitely up to them as to what happens “to mj's stuff at the home”. They can take the families wishes into consideration but in the end Michael gave them the authority to do with his assets/property as they see fit and I suspect they will act as fiscally responsible trustees.

Of course you could argue that there is some massive conspiracy or plot but unless or until that is actually proven or at least some hard evidence, it has no bearing on this discussion in my opinion.

Further I suspect that even the family would not want to wait 10+ years to release any of his new material - have you heard otherwise? Is someone in the family really advocating that the music be put in a vault until Blanket is 18?
haha no massive conspiracy plot. just a fan wondering y someone kept a will for their ex employer of 7 yrsin their safe like it was nothing.

just very odd that this man was said to have made a new will during teh trial and had always made a will every 5 yrs or when he had acquired new assets.

just odd
well if he put it in there, it would've been logged w/ the estate and 'leaked'
Not if it's in the trust. The contents of the trust don't have to be disclosed. The beneficiaries have to be declared, but that's about it.

It's possible - and I would think probable - that MJ did have directions about what to do with unreleased music in his trust. It's hard to imagine him not leaving instructions about that really, isn't it?
well not if he made 100 songs for each album. wouldn't they be property of sony? now what he did w/ these songs, while he was NOT on a label, would be his own property, correct?

i dunno much aboutmusic laws
haha no massive conspiracy plot. just a fan wondering y someone kept a will for their ex employer of 7 yrsin their safe like it was nothing.

just very odd that this man was said to have made a new will during teh trial and had always made a will every 5 yrs or when he had acquired new assets.

just odd

Isn't he an executor of the will? If so I don't see it as odd that he had a copy of the will in fact my guess would be that it is standard practice.

I'm not sure about him making a will every 5 years or during the trial - why would it be necessary? Apparently even his mother, who was supposedly the closest to him, didn't even think he had a will.

In any event all the will did was appoint executors and direct them to put his assets in the trust - why would he have changed that?

As for new assets again why would that necessitate him changing his will since all his assets would go to the trust. As far as I can tell there would be no reason to update the will. Do you have some reason in mind?

I'm still interested in why you think the children, or anyone in the Jackson family would want to delay the release of any new material for 10+ years.
he was executor when he worked for mj. he was then let go. so how wouldhe know if mj had another will or not? he wasn't working for him anymore. then how convenient, came back shortly before mj died

it all seems to work out, doesn't it?
I dont understand how they are missing if some people have them?!
Those songs need to be in the proper hands so they can be officially released to earn the estate money. Having some of the most in-demand music in the world leaked for free would really, really suck for his estate.
Well all I got to say is that if Latoya or anyone in the Jackson family took harddrives containing Michael unreleased work... they BETTER return it to the administrators of his Will. Branca and McClain are better business reps to handle this music and getting their best releases contract wise. Besides I hate for the siblings to start medling in Michael's work and adding their voices to the products as The Jacksons or The long awaited J5 reunion. Plus they might start disecting what they want us to hear and as far as I am concerned if Michael made it, it was HIS intention to share a peice of himself with us in each of these recordings. Do I make sense? I am rambling, but I believe I make sense. LOL.
oh they missing from the money grubbers. the family has 'them'

Yeah but the family has NO RIGHTS to disseminating his music. These recordings need to be in the proper hands in accordance with Michael's will. The Jacksons aren't always right, even Michael seemed to believe in that. Now give the masters back and untampered with!!!
Whats up with Frank and this 'WE' stuff.....I've been noticing the usage of that particular word very often in the past two weeks or so....seems someone has jumped ship or was playing hypocrit all this time.

And how the heck can something be missing when the article is also stating who has it? dumb...
he was executor when he worked for mj. he was then let go. so how wouldhe know if mj had another will or not? he wasn't working for him anymore. then how convenient, came back shortly before mj died

it all seems to work out, doesn't it?

No he was executor until Michael replaced him via a new will which, as far as we know at them moment, never happened. It really doesn't matter if he knew MJ had another will, he presented the one he had to the court, as he should have, and if anyone had a more current version, then they would present that one and his would be invalid.

Still interested in why you want to wait 10+ years for any new music to be released???