New Jackson songs on hard drives are missing

I'm still confused by the Sony issue is Michael still with sony or not? I thought he left them and was free agent so to speak.
Im supriesed no one gets it
The music has to be logged into Michaels estate
in order for his children to get anything from it
There is an estate set up for Michael _ No one
can release his music or release it for money
except HIS estate.. his estate provided for
Katherine and the children

no one can release this material
not janet latoya katherine etc etc

they dont mange his music or estate
they get paid from his estate ..according to
Michael wishes -

it doent go to AEG or SONY of Frank
It belongs in MICHAELS Estate ..

Please understand how an estate works
To do otherwise is going against Michaels wishes

The children get paid from any deals amd release
of music from the estate .. Michael still ownes it
through his estate - and no one is allowed to take
possesion - for there own gain - the estate pays them
40% Katherine 40% children 20& charity ..

if someone else releases the music
it will not be paid out according to
MJs wishes .. It has to be LEGAL

Michael was very wise in how he set this up.
it is for the protection of his estate and the
protection of his Mother and children that
they will be well provided for _THROUGH HIS ESTATE.
Im supriesed no one gets it
The music has to be logged into Michaels estate
in order for his children to get anything from it
There is an estate set up for Michael _ No one
can release his music or release it for money
except HIS estate.. his estate provided for
Katherine and the children

no one can release this material
not janet latoya katherine etc etc

they dont mange his music or estate
they get paid from his estate ..according to
Michael wishes -

it doent go to AEG or SONY of Frank
It belongs in MICHAELS Estate ..

Please understand how an estate works
To do otherwise is going against Michaels wishes

The children get paid from any deals amd release
of music from the estate .. Michael still ownes it
through his estate - and no one is allowed to take
possesion - for there own gain - the estate pays them
40% Katherine 40% children 20& charity ..

if someone else releases the music
it will not be paid out according to
MJs wishes .. It has to be LEGAL

Michael was very wise in how he set this up.
it is for the protection of his estate and the
protection of his Mother and children that
they will be well provided for _THROUGH HIS ESTATE.

yes most definitely :D
Well this might cause a lot of delay and more bad news for people waiting and anticipating the new album and new songs from Michael. It was my concern from the beginning and his kids are too young to handle this so someone should be trusted. Michael’s old albums are current the best selling all over the world and when there is a new album waiting to become a big hit many people will want to cash in.
let them log the items then take them back, why should the family not have them?

The family do not own the items legally they are the estates and possibly also sony. There was an article a while back that said that they might have to go to court to decide if Sony owns any part of the music.
if latoya took them it was probably to stop them getting into the wrong hands.
if i was in the family i would have taken the items as well. i mean its the natural thing i think. would you want to leave personal items just laying around for anybody to potentially take. its not like it was a secure crime scene. likely dozens of people were walking through - most of them people michael didnt know. i feel it was done more to protect his personal things which is completely understandable. if theres rented items or items that didnt belong to michael that were taken they can be returned naturally.
So what?
Copy the content and format them 5x.
they can have their hard drives back.
if i was in the family i would have taken the items as well. i mean its the natural thing i think. would you want to leave personal items just laying around for anybody to potentially take. its not like it was a secure crime scene. likely dozens of people were walking through - most of them people michael didnt know. i feel it was done more to protect his personal things which is completely understandable. if theres rented items or items that didnt belong to michael that were taken they can be returned naturally.
Exactly. It was a rented house, not Jackson property, so it seemed natural enough for the family to secure the items. I don't see the problem with the estate later cataloging the stuff. What standing does Frank Dileo even have in the matter to be running his mouth about it?
Well for me it's not about who owned the house, it was about illegal leakage of any of Michael's new work. They were just securing everything that might be leaked out in the public.
And so what?

Leave it for Branca and the rest of em to get it...

I'm HAPPY the family has it...if this report is true.
Dileo is now slime?

In my opinion, yes, he IS "slime." Always has been. And now he's inserting himself where he does not belong. He was an "employee," as Michael's manager. Nothing more. Except. . he has now said he's "on the Board of Sony/ATV," AND he is employed by AEG. Think about what a clear conflict-of-interest that is?

As Soso said, he was Michael's manager. Michael is gone. Dileo should have no more to say, about any of it. But yet he prattles on, and on. . . . as if he's owed a piece of the estate. He is NOT.

If the family took hard-drives and anything else, GOOD for them! And no, decisions made by the executors do NOT have to be approved by the family as things stand now. They are out of the loop. I hope those hard drives are "lost" and reappear magically on Prince's 18th birthday.

Personally, I believe that Michael had a more recent will and it got "lost." Or shredded. Branca was long-fired. Michael had children, and I'm pretty sure he would have kept his will updated. Good parents DO that, and by all accounts he was a great parent.

I trust nothing and no one at this point. If Janet, or LaToya, or any family member took the hard-drives, GOOD FOR THEM! I hope they stay "lost" for a good, long time.
I understand the logistics and legalalties of logging in everything for Michael's estate but the way Frank said this is sort of rude.
The family had to go in and secure Michael's things and they proabaly didn't know what was his or not but in that moment with so many people/police etc in the house, they needed to get Michael's things put away for safe keeping before somebody started stealing and/or photographing his belongings.
That is completely understandable.
He didn't even need to say this publicly. Just go the family and sort it out.
In my opinion, yes, he IS "slime." Always has been. And now he's inserting himself where he does not belong. He was an "employee," as Michael's manager. Nothing more. Except. . he has now said he's "on the Board of Sony/ATV," AND he is employed by AEG. Think about what a clear conflict-of-interest that is?

As Soso said, he was Michael's manager. Michael is gone. Dileo should have no more to say, about any of it. But yet he prattles on, and on. . . . as if he's owed a piece of the estate. He is NOT.

If the family took hard-drives and anything else, GOOD for them! And no, decisions made by the executors do NOT have to be approved by the family as things stand now. They are out of the loop. I hope those hard drives are "lost" and reappear magically on Prince's 18th birthday.

Personally, I believe that Michael had a more recent will and it got "lost." Or shredded. Branca was long-fired. Michael had children, and I'm pretty sure he would have kept his will updated. Good parents DO that, and by all accounts he was a great parent.

I trust nothing and no one at this point. If Janet, or LaToya, or any family member took the hard-drives, GOOD FOR THEM! I hope they stay "lost" for a good, long time.

Exactly. It was a rented house, not Jackson property, so it seemed natural enough for the family to secure the items. I don't see the problem with the estate later cataloging the stuff. What standing does Frank Dileo even have in the matter to be running his mouth about it?

And THAT is exactly the question that people should be asking here.

God know what kind of deals he already had in mind for them songs... can't you guys see that the only reason he would stick around is cuz he's got something to gain? he should be completely out of the picture by now...
And THAT is exactly the question that people should be asking here.

God know what kind of deals he already had in mind for them songs... can't you guys see that the only reason he would stick around is cuz he's got something to gain? he should be completely out of the picture by now...


Frank is a good-for nothing money grubber.

The Jackson family if they have it, should LOCK THOSE SONGS AWAY TIGHT till Prince and Paris and em come of age.
why would frank talk? because the man has an ego the size of mount everest and it gets his name in the paper

Frank is a good-for nothing money grubber.

The Jackson family if they have it, should LOCK THOSE SONGS AWAY TIGHT till Prince and Paris and em come of age.

Oh, yeah. And for those fans who don't want to "investigate" or who want to believe the best about those "close to" Michael. . . that's fine, and understandable. For some of us, though, the healing process, if even possible . . . . now extends to Michael's children and the desire for justice.

There is so MUCH that is not right here, in everything from who really employed Murray and Frank, to why the will was so OLD, to whether or not Michael really did pass a physical (or was it taken by an "impersonator?" No way to know, now), and was he or was he not well enough to do fifty concerts? If he was not, then why do the AEG folks, and Frank, keep saying he was in the best of health? WHY did AEG, allegedly, employ someone just to FEED Michael? Why does the insurance policy (if it does. . and I think so) specify a larger payout for "death-by-drug-overdose?" Which then . . . probably . . . . happened.

WHY has there been no autopsy report? Where ARE the medical records from the physical? WHY did someone Michael fired years ago (Branca) turn up with a will giving HIM executor capacity to manage the estate? The money he will earn from this is a percentage of the value of the estate, and will be a phenomenal amount!

Why does Frank even THINK that he will gain money for himself from Michael's estate? He was a "manager." He is a "manager" no longer.

WHY did the LAPD not secure the house as a potential crime-scene? Any "evidence" from the house is now tainted and would not hold up in court. WHY did police wait so long to raid Murray's home and office? "Evidence" would be long-gone. WHY did Murray send employees in the morning to take items from his storage unit. Does anyone really believe that employee who said she "only took a CHAIR?" Oh, please. . . . .

WHY was a cardiologist not familiar with the most basic methods of CPR? Why wait so long to call 911, if not be be SURE Michael was gone? Why was he so ineffective? WHY did he say that no phones were present or working, when clearly they were? Honestly, WHY say he didn't know the (insert expletive) address of the house where he was employed? Is he a moron, or was he scared witless over the finality of what he had done? And on, and on. . . . . .

And if they did, WHY would family have taken hard-drives from the house? Because that is what they knew Michael would have WANTED them to do! That music was for his children. . . . .

WHY? Why? Why?

Carry on,

And if they did, WHY would family have taken hard-drives from the house? Because that is what they knew Michael would have WANTED them to do! That music was for his children. . . . .


Good point there. They know Michael's music meant more to him than just selling it. Kenny Ortega even said recently that during the preparation for This Is It, Michael never spoke once about selling records. And those executors, that's probably the first thing they'd think about.
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Who was the third executor and y did he/she back out?
Oh, yeah. And for those fans who don't want to "investigate" or who want to believe the best about those "close to" Michael. . . that's fine, and understandable. For some of us, though, the healing process, if even possible . . . . now extends to Michael's children and the desire for justice.

For me it's not about believing the best about anyone, just finding out the truth. And that truth, to me, also including questions about his family - who also, at times, have seemed to be cashing in already and in worse ways than selling merch.

There is so MUCH that is not right here, in everything from who really employed Murray and Frank, to why the will was so OLD, to whether or not Michael really did pass a physical (or was it taken by an "impersonator?" No way to know, now), and was he or was he not well enough to do fifty concerts? If he was not, then why do the AEG folks, and Frank, keep saying he was in the best of health? WHY did AEG, allegedly, employ someone just to FEED Michael? Why does the insurance policy (if it does. . and I think so) specify a larger payout for "death-by-drug-overdose?" Which then . . . probably . . . . happened.

To me the will doesn't seem old at all - 7 years isn't old, especially if he didn't want to make any changes. I have children and it's been waaay longer than that for me because there isn't anything I feel the need to change. The only indication that I've ever heard about Michael changing his will every 5 years was from LaToya, and I most certainly don't consider her a trustworthy source.

When it comes to Michael's health and all, well that long interview that was here in the forum contained a lot of interesting info. According to that, when Michael rehearsed/prepared for touring he always had trouble sleeping and didn't want to eat. According to that, in rehearsals for a previous tour, Michael told them he had IV for nutrition during some of the rehearsal. He said he didn't do it on purpose, it was just how he was and that's why he didn't want to tour. So, if all that is true, and it does ring true, it's understandable that someone would be employed to make sure Michael ate. That's also how he could pass a physical and then close to tour time be losing weight and not sleeping.

The latest news about the insurance policy is that specifies NO payment for illegal or illicit drug use, and it's looking like it won't pay off - of course, that's TMZ which is always questionable, but it does make sense from the insurance company's point of view because of the typical drug scene with musicians/bands, etc. Not saying that is Mike, just saying that many bands do use drugs and why would any insurance company not take that into consideration when issuing a policy. Insurance companies want to make money, not pay it out.

WHY has there been no autopsy report? Where ARE the medical records from the physical? WHY did someone Michael fired years ago (Branca) turn up with a will giving HIM executor capacity to manage the estate? The money he will earn from this is a percentage of the value of the estate, and will be a phenomenal amount!

Why does Frank even THINK that he will gain money for himself from Michael's estate? He was a "manager." He is a "manager" no longer.

I truly believe that the autopsy report is being held back because of investigative issues. If it were not so, then I would think the Jackson's would have made theirs public. The only reason that makes sense for them not to is not to compromise the investigation.

Actually, I would find interesting the circumstances under which Branca was fired. He said he quit, but I wouldn't take his word without corroboration. But as to why he turned up with a will - well, because he had a copy. According to Katherine, there was NO will at all, which makes me wonder why LaToya would say Michael changed wills every 5 years and his mother didn't think he had any at all - and his mother is the one supposed to be so tuned in to all his business. In any case, imagine the total mess if there was no will at all and no provision for his children. I do think that if there was a later will, that whoever drafted it and the witnesses to it would have spoken up. As for Frank, didn't listen to the interview, so I didn't hear him say he was expecting money from the estate.

WHY did the LAPD not secure the house as a potential crime-scene? Any "evidence" from the house is now tainted and would not hold up in court. WHY did police wait so long to raid Murray's home and office? "Evidence" would be long-gone. WHY did Murray send employees in the morning to take items from his storage unit. Does anyone really believe that employee who said she "only took a CHAIR?" Oh, please. . . . .

Because there was no initial reason to suspect it was a crime scene. Michael could have had a heart attack or a stroke. Police don't secure houses as crime scenes whenever anyone calls 911 to report someone not breathing. Also, they could not raid Murray without probable cause with a warrant - for which the preliminary autopsy reports were needed.

WHY was a cardiologist not familiar with the most basic methods of CPR? Why wait so long to call 911, if not be be SURE Michael was gone? Why was he so ineffective? WHY did he say that no phones were present or working, when clearly they were? Honestly, WHY say he didn't know the (insert expletive) address of the house where he was employed? Is he a moron, or was he scared witless over the finality of what he had done? And on, and on. . . . . .

IMO he was incompetent to a criminal degree to start with, and with everything else pointing to cover up I think he should be charged with murder, not manslaughter, but no matter what, he should be convicted.

And if they did, WHY would family have taken hard-drives from the house? Because that is what they knew Michael would have WANTED them to do! That music was for his children. . . . .

WHY? Why? Why?

Carry on,


I would prefer to think that the hard drives were removed to prevent theft. True that Michael would want that music for his children - which is why it should be turned over to the estate so that it can be catalogued and legally given to his children.

I question the motives of everyone doing business with Michael and I'm looking for answers. But I also question the motives of some family members. Whoever in the family has them could easily offer to leak music and try to make a deal on their own to cash in. Not like family members already haven't cashed in from tabloids. For those who say, why shouldn't the family profit from his music - well, the ONLY family Michael wanted to profit was his children and his mother.

I have plenty of whys - and not a lot of answers. But I'm keeping all my options open and not excluding ANYONE.
I hope the house wasn't unattended for too long. I am very glad that his family went in and secured things. When did they go to the house?
Many people seem to want to wait until Prince is 18 or 21 or whatever age the trust says they gain control. Why not wait until Blanket is of age? And is waiting to dispose of the music in the kids best interest? Will there be the same interest in MJ's music in 10 years?

And has it really been made public that the children gain control of the trust when they reach a certain age - or do they just have a life interest and when they finally pass away does the remainder stay in the trust to benefit the charities?

Same question about his mother - does she really "own" 40% of the estate or does she just share in the income and when she dies, her 40% reverts back to MJ's kids?

Anyone know for certain? Trusts usually are made public are they?
I know it's a very sad, confusing time for MJ fans. BUT I do not think it's fair to go around casting aspersions on people like Frank Dileo.

Of course he's no longer MJ's manager, but he was for many, MANY years. He has a right to speak on these issues regardless.

The most important part of it all is that I've only ever seen Dileo show Mike respect and support throughout his career. He sometimes speaks bluntly, but that's just Frank. That's how he talks.

I just think we should all be more careful with this blame-game stuff. I see so much of this around the internet fan boards right now.

And to stay on topic, yes...good for Latoya and family for going in there and grabbing the stuff. Hope they keep it safe. And I sure hope there are more than 100 songs in "the vault" (if it exists).
I reserve judgement on Frank, we have to respect that Michael brought him back, he obviously liked and respected him as a manager.

The house should have been secured because it was Michael Jackson, there was bound to be expensive items and people likely to snoop around, also the cause of death was not known.

If Murrey had not insisted on the paramedics doing CPR, even when he was, to them, clearly deseased (they confirmed his pupils were fixed and dialated - that I believe is brain death) he would have been left in situ until CSI had been in, very convenient for Murrey that the house was left unsecured and the staff told to leave.
ok my understanding of the " unrealeased " situation

off the wall = a few home demos and un used tracks
thriller = the freddie mercury sessions and un used material
bad = the session with prince and run dmc and the un used tracks
dangerous = hundreds of recorded demos
history = the beatles recordings
invincible = over 300 un used songs

there is a crap load of un realised songs it is said around 200 belong to the children to realise if they want / need money

mj didnt have a label when he passed ( un less there was a deal that wasnt made public )

this means the jackson will have to sell rights for it to be realised