New Interview With RedOne


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Producer RedOne talks to a Swedish newspaper about recording with Michael Jackson. Kindly translated by kenjansson from another MJ forum:

"Michael is such a perfectionist in everything he does, every detail is perfect. It's all ear candy. Me and Akon were watching him work in the studio, laughing like little children."


"He is a super nice and polite guy. I was shocked when I had dinner with him, he is so knowledgable about so many things, a real business man, and very intelligent."


About the new material:

"It's very melodic. Very pop. I have no idea when his album will be out. He works with a line of different producers."

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Awesome. Thanks for posting. If people would pay attention to Michael they would know how intelligent and perceptive and well read he is. But that's always the problem, people don't pay attention to him, they pay attention to what other people say about him.
True that Nicole, its always hearsay when it comes to my boy. I'd be giggling like a little bitch too if I was watching the man at work. Even that Access Hollywood footage of him and gets me excited. Its good to know people that aren't even hardcore fans like us expereince the same thing when watching the man, the myth,the legend do his thing.
Wonderful to hear! Thank you. Makes me smile.

The rest of that interview by the way (if my very poor grasp of Swedish got it right) is this:

Q.There have been pictures circulated of him in a wheel chair. Is he okay?

A. It is not at all as we read, and Michael does not care what they write. If he was as dumb as is said he would not own half of the Sony and Beatle's catalogs.
A. It is not at all as we read, and Michael does not care what they write. If he was as dumb as is said he would not own half of the Sony and Beatle's catalogs

Exactly. I think there are a lot of people that know that MJ is very smart and for people to continue to remind people time and time again that MJ is very smart when there are plenty of articles that state that he is very smart are letting the media get to them. There is no way MJ can still be in the music business without thinking out of the box, not being knowledgable and not paying attention to certain key things. I think people have listened to him and some decided to ignore him and focus on people that do not know him and that is their problem. Not really anyone else's. So, I do not think it is needed to remind people how smart he is. We all know that he is very smart. He can't stay in this music business if he was not smart.
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nice words from Redone, good to hear that the new material is melodical, thanks for the news;)
Producer RedOne talks to a Swedish newspaper about recording with Michael Jackson. Kindly translated by kenjansson from another MJ forum:

"Michael is such a perfectionist in everything he does, every detail is perfect. It's all ear candy. Me and Akon were watching him work in the studio, laughing like little children."


"He is a super nice and polite guy. I was shocked when I had dinner with him, he is so knowledgable about so many things, a real business man, and very intelligent."


About the new material:

"It's very melodic. Very pop. I have no idea when his album will be out. He works with a line of different producers."


Oh, thanks for the news, Anthony! :D Nice words from RedOne and i can't wait for the new album.
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we all meet lots of smart people every day, but when you meet someone who is really brilliant, you can't help but comment on it. they are probably floored by some of the conversations they had. when someone has a unique perspective, and gets you to think about every day things, in ways that you never have before, it makes your mind expand. you can't help but notice it and comment on it. you're blown away. my guess is since the people who meet him, remembers will i am saying he is the smartest man he ever met, can't help themselves to comment on it, its something special to them, and something they won't ever forget.
"He is a super nice and polite guy. I was shocked when I had dinner with him, he is so knowledgable about so many things, a real business man, and very intelligent."


Seems like all of those trips to Barnes & Noble have paid off. LOL! Mike could "probably" be a professor of literature, with all of the reading he does.

It also appears that Mike has been doing a bit of hanging out with these fellows and not just in the studio. RedOne is talking about dinner with Mike, last week Akon was talking about going to the movies with Mike. And lately we have been hearing about Mike's THREE visits to the 40/40 Club. LOL!
Im happy to hear its full of melody because thats what he does best :) Cant wait for this album!
It also appears that Mike has been doing a bit of hanging out with these fellows and not just in the studio. RedOne is talking about dinner with Mike, last week Akon was talking about going to the movies with Mike. And lately we have been hearing about Mike's THREE visits to the 40/40 Club. LOL!

I have noticed that as well. It is good to see Michael taking these guys out and getting to know them. It is all good.

but when you meet someone who is really brilliant, you can't help but comment on it. they are probably floored by some of the conversations they had

That is very true but I was not focusing on what RedOne is stating at all. I really loved what he stated because he was blown away with what he saw in Michael.
I Like :yes:

YAY! melodic?!!! whoo hoo!

And duh, we all know how smart mj is!!lol
I really would like to know all the producers he's working with.. We hear about Akon, Red One, neyo, and because they are famous outside of the producing genre.. Producers in general don't usually talk much about there projects prior to it's release.. They stay in the backgrownd.. Where as they have been all over talking about it..

I think we'll be suprized on how little Akon, Red One, Neyo, and will.i.ams stuff actually makes the album.. lol!! Just because and Mike for instance did 4 or more tracks, it does not mean all or any will make the album.. We'll see.
Who on Earth is RedOne?


Check his MySpace page:

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Nothing new, I mean we all know these things about Michael. I think the world will finally get to see who the real MJ is. Until now, the rumours were all everyone had heard. But know, people- music industry people, are talking only good stuff about him, so the good rumour should reach everyone in time. Hopefully, he'll get the respect he deserves.
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He also worked on songs with Akon like "Just Dance" with Lady Gaga, & "Frozen" by Tami Chynn. (you may heard of them yet though :lol:, they are kinna new) lol I like those songs. :D

wow he's still without a label according to his myspace?
wow he's still without a label according to his myspace?
Well on Wiki (I know thats not a good source :bugeyed) says his label is RedOne Productions, LLC. LLC meaning "a flexible form of business enterprise that blends elements of partnership and corporate structures." So IDK.. :lol: I guess his partnership with Akon recently.. maybe can produce under his label kinna thing? lol Idunno, I'm always confused with labels, distributer, record company talk.. :bugeyed:mello:
we all meet lots of smart people every day, but when you meet someone who is really brilliant, you can't help but comment on it. they are probably floored by some of the conversations they had. when someone has a unique perspective, and gets you to think about every day things, in ways that you never have before, it makes your mind expand. you can't help but notice it and comment on it. you're blown away. my guess is since the people who meet him, remembers will i am saying he is the smartest man he ever met, can't help themselves to comment on it, its something special to them, and something they won't ever forget.

Totally true. Michael's just about the smartest person I've ever seen. I've said that since day one, when I first saw him in an interview. He's scary smart. People don't realize it or get that because he's so nice. People equate nicness with stupidity, for some reason. But Michael is extraordinaraly intelligent.
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Well, this ruined my day (me is the most objective fan of all, in case if you forgot or did not know).

We all know that "in his all life Michael read only one book". That is what respectable biographers and culturologists say, and we, objective fans, believe them absolutely, no matter what.

According to objective fans' firm knowledge Michael also does not know music notation symbols, notes, figures, or letters. Do not ask me how could he read with that even the only book I mentioned before. No matter what, objective fans have to tell the truth.

Do not ask me how could he write parties for the grand symphonic orchestra (without any co-producers), either.

Objective fans just know.

Whoever dares to suggest that MJ knows a lot is just blinded fanatic and delusional. MJ is not God, no one is perfect, hence lets perfectly derive from this that Michael knows/is able to do nothing.

And the best of him was OTW and Thriller.

Did I say that MJ is also guilty himself for everything he went through?

MJ is also has to do everything for the fans, he owes everything to everybody. We should also blame him that we are his fans and that he does not deliver random "original" garbage-albums every couple of years.

Did I forget anything that should be on my objectivity agenda?
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