New Album Sales - Where Does MJ Fit In? (2008 Examples)

I think he can sell 6 or 7 million max. People saying Michael can sell 15 or 20 million are simply not being realistic. The days of artists selling like that are over thanks to the internet and illegal downloading. I believe Michael's next album will sell at least 3 million and that would be good actually considering today's market. No one is really selling in the double digits anymore. What Michael has going for him is his iconic status and great catalogue. He has a sizeable fanbase and people who are still interested in hearing new music from him as well. I think he can still sell well, just not 10,15 or 20 million. I'm not expecting him to sell that much nor am I expecting any other artist to sell that much so it's actually not fair to expect Michael to sell that much given the current environment in the music industry. If he sold at least 3 or 4 million+ though that would be very good considering how the music biz is today.

You mean ColdPlay,Taylor Swift are better than MJ???You've got to be kidding me.I would like to laugh but I won't:cheeky:.No matter how music industry is but its still Michael Jackson and it's not just ant other new kid in the school.If ACDC could sell 3-4 million then multiply Mike's sales 4 times by it.Thats how it was and thts how its gonna be:smilerolleyes:.
I know there's all this internet downloading etc, but I don't think it will have as big an effect as some people are making out on a Michael Jackson album. People will buy Michael's music of all ages, a lot of people collect Michael's stuff so will buy the album. Older generations will buy the album, all the fans will. That's if the album is just a CD in a CD case. It'll be something special I think, which will make it worth buying. I don't have a clue what, but Michael loves to surprise. I'm convinced he will sell bucketloads, with the right promotion. :yes:
i dont have time, but trust me, mike could easily pass 10million.

we as fans feel personaly involved, think back to before you were a proper fan, the name was just legend, there was a mystery surrounding him and he still has that, he will sell like hell, im telling you. If you think mike cant make a better album than coldplay or madonna, then youll be in for a shock

Yes, when I was younger the man was just legend and there was mystery surroundiing. These 2 things are still true, but it's not the 1980s any more and music doesn't sell in those numbers today, no matter how big you are. Trusting you is not going to make it any more likely that he will sell 10million copies.
Plus, a better album is subjective. Just because we may think it's 'better' doesn't mean it will sell more. There are plenty of 'bad' albums that have sold very well indeed. Sales numbers are not a measure of album quality.

Not really, Invincible sold 10 million..

Yes, but that was in 2001. We're in 2009 now and albums just aren't reaching 2001 figures, and that's the point. That is why I'm saying his new album has no chance of shifting 10million+ copies!!

The tops would be 10 million. And thats pushing it VERY far. A more realistic number would be 6-7 million.

Yes, very far.

I think he can sell 6 or 7 million max. People saying Michael can sell 15 or 20 million are simply not being realistic. The days of artists selling like that are over thanks to the internet and illegal downloading. I believe Michael's next album will sell at least 3 million and that would be good actually considering today's market. No one is really selling in the double digits anymore. What Michael has going for him is his iconic status and great catalogue. He has a sizeable fanbase and people who are still interested in hearing new music from him as well. I think he can still sell well, just not 10,15 or 20 million. I'm not expecting him to sell that much nor am I expecting any other artist to sell that much so it's actually not fair to expect Michael to sell that much given the current environment in the music industry. If he sold at least 3 or 4 million+ though that would be very good considering how the music biz is today.

100% agreed. It's good for someone else who knows what they're talking about to share their opinion. 10million+ is just not achievable for Mike. It would take a real phenomenon for anybody to reach anywhere near that level of sales in this day and age. Mike's new album just won't get that far. As you said, 2 or 4million would be hailed as a successful album for any artist these days and so let's hope for that much, not more.

You mean ColdPlay,Taylor Swift are better than MJ???You've got to be kidding me.I would like to laugh but I won't:cheeky:.No matter how music industry is but its still Michael Jackson and it's not just ant other new kid in the school.If ACDC could sell 3-4 million then multiply Mike's sales 4 times by it.Thats how it was and thts how its gonna be:smilerolleyes:.

Nobody is saying anybody is better than. All that;s being said is that Mike is not going to more than double their album sales. It's just not going to happen. Coldplay's album has been a HUGE success and it's shifted 6 million copies. They're a hugely popular, what makes you think Michael Jackson's will (according to some people's predictions) double their sales?? Justifying the prediction by simply saying "he's Michael Jackson" is not going to make your prediction any more true.

I admit, the success of ACDC did shock me a bit, but they're not selling 10million+ either.
[/quote]Nobody is saying anybody is better than. All that;s being said is that Mike is not going to more than double their album sales. It's just not going to happen. Coldplay's album has been a HUGE success and it's shifted 6 million copies. They're a hugely popular, what makes you think Michael Jackson's will (according to some people's predictions) double their sales?? Justifying the prediction by simply saying "he's Michael Jackson" is not going to make your prediction any more true.

I admit, the success of ACDC did shock me a bit, but they're not selling 10million+ either.[/quote]

Well..nobody get more better promotion than Michael Jackson and Coldplay are like little kids in front of Michael Jackson,so if they sell 6 million then Michael's sales will be far better than them and ofcourse every record company understands how it is with Michael Jackson,it takes time but when results comes in,he suprasses everyone with big difference.And if you know when MJ is going to release any album then it will be like historic moment and everybody wants to be part of history.There are none in this music industry who can do that so just comparing few kids like madonna/prince/coldplay or others with Michael Jackson is a big joke,these people release album like every yr. and mostly public listen to their songs today and forget about them tomorrow so we download them,listen those songs and many times just delete it.But when Michael Jackson releases something then we want to hear it all the times so we dont mind spending few bucks on his CD.You can say he wont sell more than 5 million but Sony knows 5 million is nothing for Michael Jackson and they will keep on pushing and pushing to boost sales of his album.Why do you think why everybody wants Michael Jackson,cuz if you have MJ with you then money will flow like water in sea:D..So be patient dont jump to any conclusion before anything,many ppl didnt believe in O2 concerts but see what Michael has just done:cheeky:

:wild:1 million tickets just in one city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What will happen if he does a World Tour with 5 shows in every city:punk:

:angel:10 million attendance atleast with more than Billion $$$ profits just for Mike..

:timer:..hehe well tht wont happen i know but just imagine if Michael wants it,he can get it:cheeky:
6 million max, but more likely 3 - 4 million, which puts it in line with Hard Candy. Let's not forget Mike is in the same category as Madonna, Prince, George Michael etc. It's unrealistic to expect his album to compete with the biggest selling contempory albums IMO.
For example, Coldplay's album was massive worldwide and I don't see Mike's new album beating them. NOBODY is going to sell anywhere near 15 million of any album, so that's totally unrealistic.

10-15 million, yes that is not realistic (IMO), but internationally Michael is bigger than Coldplay. He can push six million (even in the music industry as it is...which is dead), but he has to have the promo behind him and support from what ever label he distributes under.
Rahul, I'm going to leave this now. You don't agree with me and I don't agree with you. We're coming from different places so I think it's better we just move on.

That Other Fan:
Sure Mike's status as a legend is bigger than Coldplay's status in the music field, but in terms of todays music-buying market, I don't think anyone should say that Mike is bigger than Coldplay worldwide. He hasn't released an album of new material in nearly 8 years, so how can we compare them? It certainly seems to me that Coldplay - one of the biggest acts in the world, with the biggest selling album last year - is bigger then Michael Jackson who's last album wasn't even the biggest seller of 2001. It's been (almost) 8 long years full of severely career and image damaging actions and accusations, so I would suspect that it could be difficult for him.

But you're right, for the new album to perform its best, whatever that means in terms of copies sold, Mike will have to have great promotion behind him. He will have to work at it himself by doing interviews, music videos, appearances etc. Most importantly though, the music must be right. It must be radio friendly, contempory, and last but not least, they have to be great catchy tunes. If people don't hear the songs (because radio won't play them), if they don't like them, or if the songs are 'forgettable' then no matter how much money is thrown at promotion, the album won't take off. Although HIStory wasn't Mike's most popular album and it's not represented as being among his best work by the media or public it actually generated some of Mike's most successful singles internationally. Just look at what Scream and YANA achieved. Not to mention the sales performance of Earth Song - Mikes most successful single in the UK with 6 or 7 weeks at No.1! If the singles are right, it's possible Mike can replicate some of that success in the future.
I don't know much about the music industry but what bobmoo has been trying to say here sounds more realistic to me than 10 million+ sales. So I agree with that.
There's nothing wrong being optimistic and always can hope but we have to be also prepared that the coming album won't sell that much and imo we should just be happy that there even is a coming album.
I am so astounded by those comments that Michael can sell 3 million/6 million max.
The drop in sales have been greatly exaggerated. As previously mentioned, Amy Winehouse for example has sold 11 million of 'back to black' sinced released in 2006. Other artists such as Justin Timberlake, Usher etc, have all average about 6 million with their recent albums.

Maddona isnt relevant anymore, she is not current. Michael on the other hand continues to be admired by millions of young and old and is still relevant. Michaels 'thriller 25' last year, sold more than Chris Brown's and Neyo's latest albums and they are the 'current' artists!!!

He may have last released new material 8 years ago, but since then he has hardly been off the news. Media still follows his every move cause there is still DEMAND for him.
And do remember that he has sold something like 50 million albums (of his old albums) since 2000. That is like a current artists entire career sales.

I have faith that if promo is right, music is right and sales format is right (and innovative), he I believe can still pull off at minimum 15 million worldwide.
Yes, when I was younger the man was just legend and there was mystery surroundiing. These 2 things are still true, but it's not the 1980s any more and music doesn't sell in those numbers today, no matter how big you are. Trusting you is not going to make it any more likely that he will sell 10million copies.
Plus, a better album is subjective. Just because we may think it's 'better' doesn't mean it will sell more. There are plenty of 'bad' albums that have sold very well indeed. Sales numbers are not a measure of album quality.

Yes, but that was in 2001. We're in 2009 now and albums just aren't reaching 2001 figures, and that's the point. That is why I'm saying his new album has no chance of shifting 10million+ copies!!

Yes, very far.

100% agreed. It's good for someone else who knows what they're talking about to share their opinion. 10million+ is just not achievable for Mike. It would take a real phenomenon for anybody to reach anywhere near that level of sales in this day and age. Mike's new album just won't get that far. As you said, 2 or 4million would be hailed as a successful album for any artist these days and so let's hope for that much, not more.

Nobody is saying anybody is better than. All that;s being said is that Mike is not going to more than double their album sales. It's just not going to happen. Coldplay's album has been a HUGE success and it's shifted 6 million copies. They're a hugely popular, what makes you think Michael Jackson's will (according to some people's predictions) double their sales?? Justifying the prediction by simply saying "he's Michael Jackson" is not going to make your prediction any more true.

I admit, the success of ACDC did shock me a bit, but they're not selling 10million+ either.

This is all very well, but look at the this is it residency, i know albums and tours are different things. but look how much it was ahead of any other live acts at the time. the publicity for this thing will be insane. sometimes its about more than just facts and figures. there are 6 BILLION people in the world. 3 million or whatever is a pathetic amount, everyone, everyone, everone here in the uk talks about michael jackson, unless you were a fan, could you really be bothered to go out and buy a coldplay cd or whatever, no. youd just download it, mostly illegally. with a new michael jackson album, it will have a historic feel about it, nearly all those thriller people who bought it are still alive, i know most wont buy it anymore, but you know. 10 million might seem a hell of a lot. and if you compare with other artists it is. but you CAN'T compare, because this thing could just spiral into insane figures. say he goes on oprah, and she has 200,000,000 viewers world wide, and she recomends the album, and both say to buy it in the shop, straight away that will shift like 5 to 10 million copys. then he goes and promotes it, in countrys where he could sell 10 million in a week like china for example, these are just little examples, if the materials there and MJ gives it his all, it will sell like hell, 80s market or not
just to clear it up, im not saying it will sell 10million+ im just saying it could happen, and that you cant be sure, cause nobody really knows. He needs to sell 10 million plus really though, or the media will label it as a faliure, so he will do everything to make it do so.
let's not forget the fact that, if he were to release an album, it could very well be the last work done by Michael Jackson, even if it isn't the very thought that The King's retirement from performing may equate to a retirement from music period would boost sale potential. Buy the possibly last album done by a living legend and greatest musical mind of our generation, or illegally download it? That's gunna have some positive effect on people's decision making.

Just a thought :)
Yes, when I was younger the man was just legend and there was mystery surroundiing. These 2 things are still true, but it's not the 1980s any more and music doesn't sell in those numbers today, no matter how big you are. Trusting you is not going to make it any more likely that he will sell 10million copies.
Plus, a better album is subjective. Just because we may think it's 'better' doesn't mean it will sell more. There are plenty of 'bad' albums that have sold very well indeed. Sales numbers are not a measure of album quality.

This is all very well, but look at the this is it residency, i know albums and tours are different things. but look how much it was ahead of any other live acts at the time. the publicity for this thing will be insane. sometimes its about more than just facts and figures. there are 6 BILLION people in the world. 3 million or whatever is a pathetic amount, everyone, everyone, everone here in the uk talks about michael jackson, unless you were a fan, could you really be bothered to go out and buy a coldplay cd or whatever, no. youd just download it, mostly illegally. with a new michael jackson album, it will have a historic feel about it, nearly all those thriller people who bought it are still alive, i know most wont buy it anymore, but you know. 10 million might seem a hell of a lot. and if you compare with other artists it is. but you CAN'T compare, because this thing could just spiral into insane figures. say he goes on oprah, and she has 200,000,000 viewers world wide, and she recomends the album, and both say to buy it in the shop, straight away that will shift like 5 to 10 million copys. then he goes and promotes it, in countrys where he could sell 10 million in a week like china for example, these are just little examples, if the materials there and MJ gives it his all, it will sell like hell, 80s market or not

Totally disagree. 3 million is certainly not pathetic given today's environment. Also for a man that is 50 yrs old and has been in the business for as long as he is and to have had as many controversies as he has, for him to still even be able to go multi-platinum is incredible. How many people in his age group or older sell in the millions these days? None I can think of besides Madonna. It's good to be positive, but I really think some of you are expecting too much. When the album comes out (if there is indeed a new album) and doesn't sell 10 or 15 million or whatever it is, you all will be dissapointed. I would be thrilled if it sold so well, but I know better than to think it will happen. I just don't think some of you are being realistic. A lot of you will be let down when the new album comes out and sells a lot less than you were expecting. You can still be positive but think it's important to be realistic too. As long as the album is good that's all that matters. If it sells well, that will just be a bonus but i'm just looking forward to new material from MJ. That's what I care more about that album sales. Mike has nothing left to prove anyway. He has the biggest selling album of all time. There's nothing left to prove. He doesn't even have to sell another record for as long as he lives.
Mike can sell 10-15 Million world-wide, if it's promoted perfectly and the songs are AMAZINGLY GOOD.
Artists of today dont sell out 50 concerts to over a million people in less
than 5 hrs either _ So Im postitive MJ could also top and break their records
fpr album sales today. Especially once the concerts begin and all the hype and
Michael mania is pushed to the limit _ I think 10 million is very reasonable
for an Icon of Michaels stature in the musical industry _ Michael music appeals
to all ages and is known in every country _ Cold plays music doesnt have that
same appeal - Michaels music is universal :) I have faith he will break records
again with his album sales _That is if he is releasing one _ Im sure after he sees
how his singles SOAR and break all records that he will :)
Im still amazed how ppl can even doubt it,every record company knows about business more than us and if they are still buying into MJ then there's a reason for it.For record companies profits matters not any particular artist.And they knows to make MJ album is very expensive but at the same time they know that risk is worth taking cuz his sales are much above than anyone else.Why would they spend money on MJ if they can get same profits from any cheap artist:unsure:,record company knows sales of MJ albums are usually 3 times better than these normal artists selling 3-4 million copies.So ppl saying he can sell 4-6 million copies max is just a laughable thing.GNR's Chinese Democracy sold near 3 million copies without any video,single or any kind of promotion,and if you think selling 3 million albums is good thing then Im sorry Chinese Democracy is widely regarded as FLOP,though its really better than CRAP of Madonna/Prince/Coldplay or anything else since Contraband in 2004:).
This board has a reputation on other boards for its members having their heads in the clouds and with this topic that's really becoming obvious, except for precious few who remain realistic. I still visit here often because it happens to be one of the most active boards on the net (that I can find anyway), and believe it or not I do like the people here, but sometimes I just can't agree with you.

Look at todays sales numbers. Look at Michael Jackson as a successful, but fallible music artist. To people outside the MJ community, he's not this superhuman celebrity being who will conquer the world with his next album. Only a small proportion of people are waiting eagerly for a new Michael Jackson album, and the same is true of the people attending the shows in London. People are very interested in seing such a legend perform, but that won't necessarily equate to sales. In all reality, why should we expect him to sell twice as many copies as one of the worlds biggest selling albums from last year? There are other music legends still releasing records who we don't expect to sell such high numbers, so why should Mike be different? No, "because it's Michael Jackson!!" is not a good answer. Amy Winehouse's album was a phenominal seller, but it's not typical these days. If the top 10 best sellers of the year were all selling 10million+ copies each then I'd agree it's feasible for Mike to do the same, but they're not.

I'm sure this topic (or a similar one) will be revisited when/if a new album is released, and I guarantee you people who seriously think it will sell upwards of 10 million copies when all market indications are that it won't happen will be very disappointed. I just hope you don't all start harassing the record company execs, blaming them for the album not living up to your unrealistic expectations.

Rahul, hardly anybody outside the GNR fan community expected the album to sell much more than it has, and you'll find many people on chart analysis boards saying it's actually successful considering the little promotion that they put into it's release.
Yeah thats right if GNR can sell 3 million copies without any promotion then Mike can sell 10+ million with great promotion.Thats how it works:cheeky:,especially when we all knew that it's not original GNR but it still sold 3 million copies.Just imagine what would have happen if it was original GNR,it wud have sold more than that.And MJ's budget of making a album is huge and Sony would want bigger and bigger piece of pie out of it and this time they will do anything to promote it in such a huge way but it will depend on MJ if he is still with Sony.Im pushing on this cuz I know only MJ can do it,he doesnt release album every yr. but others they do.So anticipation will be very high,even if its not good enough still it will top the charts.Though I don't think Mike will give so many interviews to promote his new album,it will be upto his record label and management team to find out right way of promotion cuz one thing I have learned about MJ,he don't go out everywhere that easily especially when it comes to Interviews (same like Axl Rose,little reclused
Eminem is going to release his 6th studio album this spring. Its called 'Relapse'.

Does anyone think that might hurt MJ's chances at having the best selling album of the year?
Michael's STILL the biggest superstar in the whole world! No matter what said or done against him! Many others artists love him,copying his style of singing,dancing & even clothes! This SH*TS madonna/prince are much more below MICHAEL!!!!!!! No one & never will be near MJ,even if Michael will just sleeping in bed! He's the one & only! KING OF MUSIC & GOD OF DANCE! All want to be like him,to achieve what he achieved,but NOBODY will! Only Mike can do the magic in music,he can show once again that he's still the KING! & STOP just talking about the past,now it's not 1980s,90s,2008,it's 2009!!!!! It's Mike's year!!!! So just stop all negativity,just F***ing sit & wait!!!!!!

Shame on you all that just at 1minute have doubt in their mind about MJJ!!!!!!
Shame on ya!!!!!!!!! Then it YOU will be dissapointed cause Michael will sell more than anyone in this business a**holes!!!!!!!
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Im still amazed how ppl can even doubt it,every record company knows about business more than us and if they are still buying into MJ then there's a reason for it.For record companies profits matters not any particular artist.And they knows to make MJ album is very expensive but at the same time they know that risk is worth taking cuz his sales are much above than anyone else.Why would they spend money on MJ if they can get same profits from any cheap artist:unsure:,record company knows sales of MJ albums are usually 3 times better than these normal artists selling 3-4 million copies.So ppl saying he can sell 4-6 million copies max is just a laughable thing.GNR's Chinese Democracy sold near 3 million copies without any video,single or any kind of promotion,and if you think selling 3 million albums is good thing then Im sorry Chinese Democracy is widely regarded as FLOP,though its really better than CRAP of Madonna/Prince/Coldplay or anything else since Contraband in 2004:).

EXACTLY!!!!!!! Agreed 1000000000%

MADonna/prince SUCKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Michael can top Thriller if:

- he releases a killer album that is musically as good as Thriller, if not better
- he has the right promotion including single releases and music videos
- the album is released for free

The last point is the most important. Michael can make a tonne of money from the concerts, DVDs of the concerts and other things. A free album with the right hype and promotion could get tens if not hundreds of millions of downloads. Think about it...
:doh:Shame on those ppl who compared Michael to Madonna/Prince.Coldplay's new album was good and it deserved to have good sales figures but there is one thing that we often forget,we are talking about MICHAEL JACKSON and he has always done things which people thought could never be done:cheeky:.If Michael wants it he can achieve it,now I am not saying that if he want he can surprass Thriller cuz that will be totally unrealistic thing to do.When it comes to MJ the promotion is so big,even if people dont like his music they will buy his record plus his presence makes everything magical.Nobody is magical and yeah Madonna/Prince shud be releasing all the stuff they got before MJ comes out with album..haha cuz after that they might not even get 1 person in their concerts:cheeky:.

If Mike releases any new album he would make some record again,we all know history repeats itself.If T25 can sell like 3 million then new album will sell 5 times better cuz promotion will be bigger with so much anticipation in music industry and in this whole wide world for Michael's new record.It will be much more than a hot chocolate:cheeky:.

AGREED with u on that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My thought is if the promotion is huge and everything is done right with a world tour to spark interests then it will easily surpass 10million. Image, music and tour, if these can be done perfectly then he will be back on top!

Question should be, will there be a new album?

bobmoo79, I know where you are coming from. The general public actually are not that interested in Michael Jackson which is why I think he should do everything right to spark interest in him. And, MJ has many ex fans. I haven't come across anyone who was not a fan at some point in their life. If he could regain these fans with his new music, then I'm sure 10million is achievable.
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This board has a reputation on other boards for its members having their heads in the clouds and with this topic that's really becoming obvious, except for precious few who remain realistic. I still visit here often because it happens to be one of the most active boards on the net (that I can find anyway), and believe it or not I do like the people here, but sometimes I just can't agree with you.

Look at todays sales numbers. Look at Michael Jackson as a successful, but fallible music artist. To people outside the MJ community, he's not this superhuman celebrity being who will conquer the world with his next album. Only a small proportion of people are waiting eagerly for a new Michael Jackson album, and the same is true of the people attending the shows in London. People are very interested in seing such a legend perform, but that won't necessarily equate to sales. In all reality, why should we expect him to sell twice as many copies as one of the worlds biggest selling albums from last year? There are other music legends still releasing records who we don't expect to sell such high numbers, so why should Mike be different? No, "because it's Michael Jackson!!" is not a good answer. Amy Winehouse's album was a phenominal seller, but it's not typical these days. If the top 10 best sellers of the year were all selling 10million+ copies each then I'd agree it's feasible for Mike to do the same, but they're not.

I'm sure this topic (or a similar one) will be revisited when/if a new album is released, and I guarantee you people who seriously think it will sell upwards of 10 million copies when all market indications are that it won't happen will be very disappointed. I just hope you don't all start harassing the record company execs, blaming them for the album not living up to your unrealistic expectations.

Rahul, hardly anybody outside the GNR fan community expected the album to sell much more than it has, and you'll find many people on chart analysis boards saying it's actually successful considering the little promotion that they put into it's release.

Actually, I disagree.

You could have said the exact same thing about Invincible and look at the numbers it did. Look at the numbers Number Ones did, for crying out loud. 10 million is actually low end for Michael Jackson, so anyone predicting that number I think is actually being very reasonable.

Really, "because he's Michael Jackson" is actually a good argument, lol. It's just how it is, he transcends everything, he's a walking contradiction. I mean, I'm a huge Stevie Wonder fan, Stevie has a worldly presence, fans all over the globe, very surreal and sublime atmospheres during his concerts... yet A Time To Love only sold about a half-million copies. So to try to put Michael Jackson in the same category with pretty much any other artist, even HUGE ones, simply cannot be done because he operates on an entirely different spectrum. To some he's a joke (sad as it is), to others he's the supreme artist, to many he's just a cool celeb/musician who they'll buy a ticket to see, yet everyone knows who he is and has their opinion, and he will push millions of albums regardless of what he does merely because of who he is, and if he has correct promotion and solid music on the disc, he will do huge numbers.

I wish I could find a perfectly clear way of explaining it, but history speaks for itself: everything he does sells and sells well.
This board has a reputation on other boards for its members having their heads in the clouds and with this topic that's really becoming obvious, except for precious few who remain realistic.

Wow, I didn't know that! :lol:
I don't agree with you guys! There were no real HIT albums in the last year. 2008 just lacks any hit albums! Coldplays Viva La Vida was a good album, but commercialy it's def not what Justins FutureSex/LoveSounds was. And it's not even close to Ushers Confessions which sold 20 mlilion just 4 years ago! I mean these albums were real bangers! Justin was everywhere. And Usher was the true king of 2004 and 2005. Take this into consideration.

Personally I think it's more than likely MJs new album will sell 10 milion... And if Michael has sth up his sleeve and tries hard enough I believe he can do more.