Need Your Help! Fake Idiot Playing with the Emotions of MJ Fans...

Christ. You have got to be kidding me... Wow... I totally missed this post.
This is really twisted. I have to agree with D.Electric's sentiments. I felt that same feeling a while back. It wasn't so much this forum, but everything else out there on the web.
There are some pretty twisted folks out there doing some very very scary things in regards to Michael.
This is so sad. And just wrong on so many levels.

But honestly, to point out a factor in regards to some hardcore fans out there (of any artist, not just Michael), is that there are many that should actually be kept under close surveillance by a legal guardian or a doctor.

I know the world is pretty nutty and I blame no one for going crazy after a while of living in it, but its stuff like this that just forces me to wonder...why?
And of course, time and time again... that song pops up. Human nature.

Such a sweet song about something highly unstable.

Man, whoever that person is with the YT page should grow some sense, or a heart. I'm leaning towards it being a troll having a field day messing with people who are in heavy denial.

I would love to believe MJ is still alive out there... but non of this would make any sense if he was. So much has happened and is still happening for his passing to be be further questioned. It'd be very elaborate and painstaking for the king of pop to fake his own passing.
Ugh.. i dont even want to continue with this subject. Yuck.


:unsure: I just tried to comment but of course they approve 'it's' comments..
Sad Sad.. :no:

I agree with you Nar...
But honestly, to point out a factor in regards to some hardcore fans out there (of any artist, not just Michael), is that there are many that should actually be kept under close surveillance by a legal guardian or a doctor.
I doubt these people are, in fact, fans. They might call themselves that, but to me a true fan is someone who wants to support their idol. Not fake him and scare the shit out of his fans after he dies.
If michael is alive, I would NEVER forgive him... he knows that, and would never have done it.
Michael would have never ever done something like that. He would never hurt us (his fans) that much & he would never ever hurt his kids that much. Just remember Paris... and the tone in her voice when she spoke about Michael...

I also tried to comment on the youtube channel...but that person -of course- wouldn't let me...
What alarms me is that some folk are leaving comments saying 'good morning micheal'.

I just think whoever doing this is sick or someone who hasn't let go with MJ's passing.
Its quite sad when people do this and throw tuff online playing with folks minds.
Hang on, surely its illegal to 'impersonate' someone who is no longer with us, in any capacity?
These people are so sick.I had contact with person like that after Michael's passing...
A woman/man wrote to me in YouTube telling me how she/he likes my videos and it was very strange because at the end of the messages it wrote M.Jackson every time...
I asked her/him what the hell is that and why he/she writes Michael 's name at the end.
The answer was... come here - "skype account name" and you will know for sure.
I was shocked but I really wanted to know what is this and I phoned this person...
He/she answered and there was a silence at the beggining and could hear breathing...
I said : Hello and after couple of seconds i got an answer - HI...
I WAS absolutely scared because the voice was the same as Michael's voice...
I yelled at the microphone - Who is this?
And he/she answerer - "Can't you guess?It's Michael Jackson... I'm not dead... i'm here and I want to talk to you..."
I felt sick and I stopped the conversation immediately...
I was shocked of the similarities of the voice (it was the same voice...even the way of speeking was like Michael's). I blocked that person's skype... because I remembered that i once read about a woman who thinks she is Michael and there were problems with some of you in MJJCommunity and the person was banned I think... I wanted to believe that this is Michael... but it wasn't... it was a person who had really deep personality problems... These people need help... It's dangerous for all the people who fell in their trap of lies...

sorry I was laughing too.
But seriusly, this is really sick :no:
Btw, isn't there a program that fakes MJ's voice?
I just saw your responses... yes it was terrable experience.. When all this happened I was very sad because of Michael's passing and this camed too much in that moment...
The voice was identical... even the accent that the creep putted on was sooo Michaelish... was strange and shocking!Guys I'm totally upset by the fact these people are on the internet like observers of the inoccent and sad fans... The thing is that some people will believe and this can be dangerous for them.A person who studies someone's voice so much you can expect everything... ЕVERYTHING 0_0!
I was there a way to report that person's profile? If we all report it surely they should remove the profile. x seems not to be that easy to report a profile on youtube...because you usually report the videos. The fact that there are none on the site/channel of that person make it rather difficult to report that profile.
I doubt these people are, in fact, fans. They might call themselves that, but to me a true fan is someone who wants to support their idol. Not fake him and scare the shit out of his fans after he dies.

Oh I wasn't talking about the person who made that profile, hun.
I was talking about those who are replying to it like he is real. Surely, the person who made that profile (God knows how old that person is) is sick for doing it and not a fan.
One thing for sure, in every fan base, you have your set of people who are just plain obsessed. It doesn't matter who it is they're obsessing over. I've had some obsessed fanatics on my doorstep and I haven't done all that much in my field. It's pretty creepy because the things they choose to do to "honor" you is pretty far out of reality sometimes.:doh:

More than anything, many seem deprived and should be kept under surveillance/care/loved by a legal guardian or etc.

I'm not saying they're bad humans, but they need care. :(
And while I've seen some who really don't want to believe Michael is gone purely for the sake of genuinely yearning to keep him alive, there are your bunch who have absolutely no common sense in all regards. Whether in the fan base or their personal lives.

It's hard to point out from a distance. But when you got people who think they're talking to the real Michael on a friggin public YouTube.... Come on.:no:

Yes, I believe in magical energy. I believe Michael is in a better place. Who knows for sure what he is doing right this minute. I mean really.
Whatever it is, we will all eventually find out what happens after you die.

But this youtube thing is just way off, at least in my opinion. :doh:
OMG I am devastated by what I've just read..Am I in a position to help? Hardly...I am easily falling apart as we speak...who could be doing that to us?
I was there a way to report that person's profile? If we all report it surely they should remove the profile. x

Just contract the people who own youtube just click on the buttom of the page and click on contract
I've given up on trying to help my friends. It's not helping any way.
I tried to follow the Youtube account and the new comments, but it's too crazy for words. Over 600 MJ fans who truly believe that Michael is still alive... :bugeyed

If they don't want to believe me, then I guess there is nothing I can do... At least I tried the best I could, I can't blame myself if anything goes wrong (but I'll do it anyway if anything happens to one of my friends because of this scammer). Sooner or later they will have to open their eyes and they will see reality.

What scares me, is the fact that some fans are already leaving very depressing comments because "Michael isn't replying to them on Youtube anymore".
Sadly this is what Michael tried to warn us about, he told us that he would never be cruel to his kids or his fans because he was never known to be cruel to anyone in his life time here on earth. I have a feeling the next time he'll be more concerned about this issue, when he contacts Bonnie again. :(
I've given up on trying to help my friends. It's not helping any way.
I tried to follow the Youtube account and the new comments, but it's too crazy for words. Over 600 MJ fans who truly believe that Michael is still alive... :bugeyed

If they don't want to believe me, then I guess there is nothing I can do... At least I tried the best I could, I can't blame myself if anything goes wrong (but I'll do it anyway if anything happens to one of my friends because of this scammer). Sooner or later they will have to open their eyes and they will see reality.

What scares me, is the fact that some fans are already leaving very depressing comments because "Michael isn't replying to them on Youtube anymore".

All you can do is stay far from it, I guess.