Need Your Help! Fake Idiot Playing with the Emotions of MJ Fans...

The people who believe this is just as retarded as the person creating the account.
Wasn't there an MJ fan before Michael's passing who acted as if he/she was MJ? Didn't he/she wrote exactly the same way as this YT account now? Can this be the same person?

This crossed my mind immediately as well, surely that "person" would not try it again? For some reason I seem to recall that she/he/they had been reported to the appropriate people and some sort of action was to be enacted.
You need to ask your friends if they really believe Michael to be the kind of person who would fool the whole world into thinking he's dead, if he was in fact alive? Would he do that, knowing how deeply hurt his fans and family and everyone is right now? Would he do that, knowing some fans have commited suicides because they couldn't handle the pain? If your friends really think about those questions, maybe they'll come to their senses.

It's so so sad how there are such sick people in this world that want to hurt others by stupid s*it like this. And even more sad that some people are in so much denial that they'd fall for it.. :( I feel really bad for them.

Totally agree with you! I can see how people want to believe it and when he first passed away i didnt want to believe it myself. But you know hes not the type of man who would do it and hurt so many people!

This person is so cruel to do this. Surely they can see the effect loosing him has had on people and like you said killed some people. Why would anyone do anything like this, its just prolonging pain! :cry:
While the internet is great, let's not forget that it's also a very easy way to do practically anything. And with anything...i really mean anything you can think of.
Can I just say, letting myself the thought of Michael being alive and well somewhere makes me feel a feeling I actually don't understand. It's not happy. It's not sad. It's no even upsetting. It's really unsettling and scary....

P.S. LOL at the spelling joke!
This is very very sad...people who do things like this like to see innocent people who are already suffering...suffer some more....It sounds to me like a childish thing to do that leads me to believe that it is probably a teenager or someone young.......they have no conscience....when their brains get a little bigger they will understand what they are doing to will take for them to lose someone close to THEM someone they loved and cared about ...then they will see what they have done is wrong.
A message received from a MJ death hoax fan

you are still mourning while we play his game
"Let the games begin BeLIEve" :bugeyed :doh:

I cant take it any more .. this is really getting to me ..
I would much rather deal with haters then the Death Hoax fans
they are breaking my heart .. They think this is a game at Michael
and his fans expense - I dont get it _ and if you watch the vids they
make to prove this hoax _ they are ridiculas and make no sense -

T hey have Michael thier fake Michael doing there bidding like a puppet (cry)
and fans are folloing them by the hundreds _ I hope this dies down soon ..
Its NOT good _ to much division in the fan base

it isn't the mj fans that have gone off the deep end..

there are people all over the world who find straight up, somewhere in the middle..and twisted ways of admitting they pay more attention to Michael, than any other public figure.
for when and if "He" accepts my friend request.

Do you think that you are honestly fooling any of his real fans? If you are there is a padded cell waiting for you at your local nut house.

How could you do this to his fans? Are you so dull? Is your life so full of time that this is the only way you can fill the gaps?

Michael is never coming back and you need to stop taking advantage of his fans. They are truly hurting and this isn't making them feel any better. The ones who believe you are simply in denial and you are doing nothing to help them. if this is how you spend your time id hate to see you at a real job. You are pointless and you act simply for selfish reasons. You think its funny to give Michael's REAL fans more heartache. My suggestion to you is to get a life and stop trying to live Michael's there is no way in hell you will ever amount to anything Michael was or ever will be.

Your actions are unforgivable. You are no more a person of feeling then a slug is after hes been doused in salt. You have less brains then said slug on your best day. And this little action is proof of it.

Delete this account if you want to stop the mail.

I dont sit idly by and take shit i shovel it as well as anyone. He will hear what i have to say. Idk if he/she/whatever blocks me this is not acceptable.
A message received from a MJ death hoax fan

you are still mourning while we play his game
"Let the games begin BeLIEve" :bugeyed :doh:

I cant take it any more .. this is really getting to me ..
I would much rather deal with haters then the Death Hoax fans
they are breaking my heart .. They think this is a game at Michael
and his fans expense - I dont get it _ and if you watch the vids they
make to prove this hoax _ they are ridiculas and make no sense -

T hey have Michael thier fake Michael doing there bidding like a puppet (cry)
and fans are folloing them by the hundreds _ I hope this dies down soon ..
Its NOT good _ to much division in the fan base

I know what you mean. This is far worse than haters. Don't let these morons get to you. They believe anything they are told. Some even believe Michael is alive and is using DaveDave's identity and looks now (WTF? That man (sad as it is) doesn't have hands. Last time I checked Michael had hands?! BIG ONES?! :doh:).

They are ignorant, foolish and surely sick in the head to believe Michael would 'play' such a 'game'. Fans have killed themselves when Michael Jackson died. That's not a game, to me.:smilerolleyes:

Edit: Ah, I see this person has decided to first 'approve' comments before they appear on the page. I just wrote a niiiice long one schooling them on Michael's persona, intentions and connection with the fans, and I am pretty sure it will not show up on the page. Wonder why?
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Those are exactly my thoughts...
And this is what I found so strange about this whole thing:
Someone who is not a fan, or someone who is not active in the MJ fanworld, wouldn't know how to write like Michael, would they?
Wasn't there an MJ fan before Michael's passing who acted as if he/she was MJ? Didn't he/she wrote exactly the same way as this YT account now? Can this be the same person?

I know! I tough the same .... just wow... :mello:

How can anyone think this is Michael... the spelling is too good! :fear:

:hysterical: That is a very good point!!! :lol:

Well even if we think we cant do anything we can! What I always do is just writte my opinion there, even if you bealive is not much if we are lots it will make a difference and even if we just convince 1 or 2 ppl that is a diference!
Is not fair what this person is doing! :(

Maybe I will include de spelling thing in my coment :D
Wow, 526 subscribers...? :blink:

SO MANY gullible "fans"...
How can anyone think this is Michael... the spelling is too good! :fear:

:rofl: Yeah, but otherwise this is sad. :( I can't believe people fall for this! And the really scary thing is if s/he is really a pedo! :puke: But even if they are just someone with too much time on their hands, it's still unacceptable. :no:
I don't think Michael is here any more.. :(

Why is this person being silly? :(
wow. and I thought I'd seen it all up until this point. *shakes head* What a cruel cruel game to play on mourning people! :(
this is why I cant come on here or any other michael related site anymore. this kind of thing is just too much to take.
These people are so sick.I had contact with person like that after Michael's passing...
A woman/man wrote to me in YouTube telling me how she/he likes my videos and it was very strange because at the end of the messages it wrote M.Jackson every time...
I asked her/him what the hell is that and why he/she writes Michael 's name at the end.
The answer was... come here - "skype account name" and you will know for sure.
I was shocked but I really wanted to know what is this and I phoned this person...
He/she answered and there was a silence at the beggining and could hear breathing...
I said : Hello and after couple of seconds i got an answer - HI...
I WAS absolutely scared because the voice was the same as Michael's voice...
I yelled at the microphone - Who is this?
And he/she answerer - "Can't you guess?It's Michael Jackson... I'm not dead... i'm here and I want to talk to you..."
I felt sick and I stopped the conversation immediately...
I was shocked of the similarities of the voice (it was the same voice...even the way of speeking was like Michael's). I blocked that person's skype... because I remembered that i once read about a woman who thinks she is Michael and there were problems with some of you in MJJCommunity and the person was banned I think... I wanted to believe that this is Michael... but it wasn't... it was a person who had really deep personality problems... These people need help... It's dangerous for all the people who fell in their trap of lies...
These people are so sick.I had contact with person like that after Michael's passing...
A woman/man wrote to me in YouTube telling me how she/he likes my videos and it was very strange because at the end of the messages it wrote M.Jackson every time...
I asked her/him what the hell is that and why he/she writes Michael 's name at the end.
The answer was... come here - "skype account name" and you will know for sure.
I was shocked but I really wanted to know what is this and I phoned this person...
He/she answered and there was a silence at the beggining and could hear breathing...
I said : Hello and after couple of seconds i got an answer - HI...
I WAS absolutely scared because the voice was the same as Michael's voice...
I yelled at the microphone - Who is this?
And he/she answerer - "Can't you guess?It's Michael Jackson... I'm not dead... i'm here and I want to talk to you..."
I felt sick and I stopped the conversation immediately...
I was shocked of the similarities of the voice (it was the same voice...even the way of speeking was like Michael's). I blocked that person's skype... because I remembered that i once read about a woman who thinks she is Michael and there were problems with some of you in MJJCommunity and the person was banned I think... I wanted to believe that this is Michael... but it wasn't... it was a person who had really deep personality problems... These people need help... It's dangerous for all the people who fell in their trap of lies...
Please don't ever fall for it. There's some 'fans' out there who (UNFORTUNATELY) are able to impersonate Michael's voice and try to scare the bejeezus out of other fans. Just try to think rationally. If Michael was alive, he would not go and contact random fans (no offense meant to you or anyone) to announce that he's not dead. It doesn't make sense, and it's sick that some people would act out such a thing.

Big hug to you. :better:
MarialovesMj of course we do post critsism on that account
but our comments are deleted and the faker blocks us :smilerolleyes:

I meant they don't accept comments from people who oppose the fake. Should I flag that person profile?

Sorry, My English is a little off sometimes even though It's my native language.:(
Fans who believe this should know better.
And when they don,t?
It,s sad they never knew who the real michael was.
Cause the real michael would never hurt us like this, never....

Yes... knowing MJ is enough to know the truth. No point in hurting ourselves following these lies :(
These people are so sick.I had contact with person like that after Michael's passing...
A woman/man wrote to me in YouTube telling me how she/he likes my videos and it was very strange because at the end of the messages it wrote M.Jackson every time...
I asked her/him what the hell is that and why he/she writes Michael 's name at the end.
The answer was... come here - "skype account name" and you will know for sure.
I was shocked but I really wanted to know what is this and I phoned this person...
He/she answered and there was a silence at the beggining and could hear breathing...
I said : Hello and after couple of seconds i got an answer - HI... :lmao: :lmao:
I WAS absolutely scared because the voice was the same as Michael's voice...
I yelled at the microphone - Who is this?
And he/she answerer - "Can't you guess?It's Michael Jackson... I'm not dead... i'm here and I want to talk to you..."
I felt sick and I stopped the conversation immediately... :lmao: :lmao:
I was shocked of the similarities of the voice (it was the same voice...even the way of speeking was like Michael's). I blocked that person's skype... because I remembered that i once read about a woman who thinks she is Michael and there were problems with some of you in MJJCommunity and the person was banned I think... I wanted to believe that this is Michael... but it wasn't... it was a person who had really deep personality problems... These people need help... It's dangerous for all the people who fell in their trap of lies...

sorry for laughing but that person needs to be gunned down immediately sorry to say this i thought the Michael Jackson hoax site was bad a fake has a youtube account too? people with they mental theories about him being alive. I'm glad you put your emotions for Michael aside and hang up your phone that is really sad people playing games like this. At first i thought off the wall as well until I spoke to my Advisor and yes he indeed is gone because i never brokedown as bad for any body in my life time who passed the way i brokedown for Michael. That person needs help and a lot of love I am floored at all the fans who are leaving that fake comments omg
Christ. You have got to be kidding me... Wow... I totally missed this post.
This is really twisted. I have to agree with D.Electric's sentiments. I felt that same feeling a while back. It wasn't so much this forum, but everything else out there on the web.
There are some pretty twisted folks out there doing some very very scary things in regards to Michael.
This is so sad. And just wrong on so many levels.

But honestly, to point out a factor in regards to some hardcore fans out there (of any artist, not just Michael), is that there are many that should actually be kept under close surveillance by a legal guardian or a doctor.

I know the world is pretty nutty and I blame no one for going crazy after a while of living in it, but its stuff like this that just forces me to wonder...why?
And of course, time and time again... that song pops up. Human nature.

Such a sweet song about something highly unstable.

Man, whoever that person is with the YT page should grow some sense, or a heart. I'm leaning towards it being a troll having a field day messing with people who are in heavy denial.

I would love to believe MJ is still alive out there... but non of this would make any sense if he was. So much has happened and is still happening for his passing to be be further questioned. It'd be very elaborate and painstaking for the king of pop to fake his own passing.
Ugh.. i dont even want to continue with this subject. Yuck.
