My MJ story

MJ able to change Sara's spirit. that says everything about MJ. no evil in him. beautiful story. touching..and sad (June 26 part)

and why would that hospital send her back to her stepfather? couldn't they have connections to send her to a shelter, at least? it just seems like the place is contradicting itself, in that sense. but i'm glad it brought MJ in to visit..

thanks for sharing the beautiful story

edit: omg..i didn't read the part where Sara died. i'm so sorry.....
Very touching :cry: thank you for sharing your story with us.
Sara was murdered by her step father March 28th 1999 . So they are together :)

Sara's sister & I are very close. She was a child of 12 & only 1 sibling is left. Very sad.

I am so sorry - that's heart breaking Chrissy :-(
MJ able to change Sara's spirit. that says everything about MJ. no evil in him. beautiful story. touching..and sad (June 26 part)

and why would that hospital send her back to her stepfather? couldn't they have connections to send her to a shelter, at least? it just seems like the place is contradicting itself, in that sense. but i'm glad it brought MJ in to visit..

thanks for sharing the beautiful story

edit: omg..i didn't read the part where Sara died. i'm so sorry.....

I have no idea why they kept sending her home even the police turned their backs on us.
The step father (Urich) used to lie saying Sara & her sisters injured themselves-falling down stairs or out of trees, getting into fights although Sara was covered in bruises & burns.
He would roll up a newspaper & set the end on fire then wave it in front of them to make them do what he wanted if they disobeyed they got burnt.

I miss Sara everyday & thankful I still have her sister
Thank you everyone for your kind words. It's so nice to jump on the net come to this site & find kind words towards you xx
I have no idea why they kept sending her home even the police turned their backs on us.
The step father (Urich) used to lie saying Sara & her sisters injured themselves-falling down stairs or out of trees, getting into fights although Sara was covered in bruises & burns.
He would roll up a newspaper & set the end on fire then wave it in front of them to make them do what he wanted if they disobeyed they got burnt.

I miss Sara everyday & thankful I still have her sister

i don't know if i missed it or not, reading this thread...has the stepfather been arrested or anything of the kind?
thank you so much chrissy for sharing with us this so touching story :sad:
Michael was a gift from god :sad:
Urich was finally arrested in 2006 (I think can't remember the year) here in Australia. He was sent back to Russia & apprently hung himself in his cell.

At least Felicity & her beautiful 5 cousins are safe :)
Thank you Chrissy for sharing your story....
now i'm thinking about how many chindrens are in the same condition.. about theyr's a terrible injustice..... I hope there will be more people like Michael....
Thankyou so much for sharing this story. Michael helped me at around that age too. I have been wrapped up in trying to get over my grief that I almost forgot these moments. He helped so many of us.
There are so many children in the same situation as Sara & her siblings were in.
Their oldest cousins Anya & Bek. Anya is now deceased. Were badly abused by their step-father. Their mother never said anything because she was to afraid which is pretty much the story of all abusive families.

Anya died of cancer almost a year ago & Bek is currently in hospital undergoing chemo,radition for leukemia at The Royal Children's Hospital where I met Michael. She thinks it's so cool. Their younger brothers & sister are great.
Their story is extraordinary to.

Felicity just flew back to Chicago about 3 weeks ago with her bf for her ballet after spending sometime here in Aus. That girl is incredible. She just keeps going
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Dear Chrissi... I thank you very, very much for sharing this precious story with us. For special reasons, it really means a lot to me. In times like these, when the world is so crazy and mean, I can't but be grateful to know Michael could touch lives and he DID took the time to do so.

The whole story is really touching and sad. However, I can see there is also hope, lots of hope in this. Even out of the most terrible situations a little love can make a difference. It is true for both Michael and YOU.

Only 5 minutes of your time to make such a big difference. Five minutes Michael was willing to take to bring a bit of happiness to so many people. Michael is one of a kind.

Big hugs, friend.
Thank you!

It's true. Just to say hi to someone on the street or give a smile makes someone's day a whole lot brighter. Everyone is in a hurry if in a car or on the footpath. No one slows down for anyone it's rather sad.
People have lost respect for others, children are no longer children but mini models.
It's a terrible world.
Crime is on the rise why cause of movies,tv shows & video games.

One morning while staying a friends house with my bf at the time. They wanted to watch Saw. Ok 9am for a horror movie not quite what I wanted & I don't like horror/scary things anyways. My friend & spent the whole movie covering our eyes while the boys were like "wow thats cool". I don't know how a movie like that can be cool. I have seen terrible things & this movie just brought everything back. I don't how people can watch this movie saying cool or laughing because what's in horror movies is happening on the streets.
I loved Moonwalker but the end I was actually surprised at. I thought wow this isn't the type of movie Michael would make. I couldn't watch it for a a while until this year.

In most movies good conquers evil but in reality evil can conquer the good.
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