My MJ story

Thank you so much Chrissy for sharing this beautiful and heartbreaking story. It made me cry. I´m so sorry about Sara. But I´m sure that she is in a better place with Michael now. I´m glad that stories like this comes out to show the world what a beautiful and caring person Michael was and how he affected others lives. Hugs to you!
Thank you so much Chrissy for sharing this beautiful and heartbreaking story. It made me cry. I´m so sorry about Sara. But I´m sure that she is in a better place with Michael now. I´m glad that stories like this comes out to show the world what a beautiful and caring person Michael was and how he affected others lives. Hugs to you!

Thanks hun. Yes she is in a fair better place
Hugs back
Thank u so much for sharing this wonderful story..................stay strong dear.........we need to stay strong & together in this hard time..............hugs to u dear.
wow, this brings tears to my eyes..
He was such a great man, I'm glad Sara got this experience from Michael!
wow, this brings tears to my eyes..
He was such a great man, I'm glad Sara got this experience from Michael!

Thankyou so much for posting all this, ive been in floods of tears reading this!
Bless you all x

thank you so much for sharing this story!!!

Thank u so much for sharing this wonderful story..................stay strong dear.........we need to stay strong & together in this hard time..............hugs to u dear.

Thanks everyone xx
I'm trying to shorten this story & see if it can be contributed to the opus. I'm hopeless at shortening things whether it be in writing or speaking
MY shortened version:


My 1st memory singing "Heal The World" in Primary School. Every time I felt sad or things got bad I think of this song.

25th Nov 1996:

While visiting a friend Emilie (not her real name for privacy reasons) at The Royal Children's Hospital we had a special visitor, Mr Michael Jackson himself. He came into the room like a fresh breeze. He gave me a smile & sat down on Emilie's bed. He was doing a tour of the hospital signing autographs & giving out presents. Michael asked Emilie what she was in for. I told him she had been beaten by her step father. He shed a single tear & put his arms around us. Emilie pushed him away she had a fear of men & no males ever entered her room not even male doctors. Michael whispered something to her & she smiled for the 1st time in over 2yrs. He told us not to worry & everything will be ok. For 5 minutes he was like a father to us. As he left he gave Emilie a present & I a hug. He said to me " Keep up the good work" I knew he meant looking after Emilie.

Emilie died in 1999 & we never forgot that day because of the happiness it gave us.

Hope your resting in peace MJ. You are missed everyday by family,friends & fans

Had to cut a lot out but oh well
oh that is a great idea! :)

Im going to ask Bela if he wants to contribute anything too.
Im not sure how he feels about it but Ill ask next time I talk to him
What a sad story. I'm sure Michael could relate to the abuse. Your friend and Michael are both asleep in death, waiting for the resurrection to eternal life on earth. If Michael remained a Jehovah's Witness in his heart, this was his belief, which is based on scripture. It's his mother's belief as well. All those who are dead await the resurrection to life on earth, as promised in the Bible. The next time a Jehovah's Witness comes knocking at your door, take time to listen, accept the literature and look up the cited scriptures. You'll be amazed at what you learn. I firmly believe that Michael tried his best to live by those values and principles, and from reading what all of you on this forum write about him, it's those values and principles that you most admire.
What a sad story. I'm sure Michael could relate to the abuse. Your friend and Michael are both asleep in death, waiting for the resurrection to eternal life on earth. If Michael remained a Jehovah's Witness in his heart, this was his belief, which is based on scripture. It's his mother's belief as well. All those who are dead await the resurrection to life on earth, as promised in the Bible. The next time a Jehovah's Witness comes knocking at your door, take time to listen, accept the literature and look up the cited scriptures. You'll be amazed at what you learn. I firmly believe that Michael tried his best to live by those values and principles, and from reading what all of you on this forum write about him, it's those values and principles that you most admire.

Thank you for your words. I'm a follower of Jesus & opened my door to a JW. We catch up every now & then. I only read the KJV because it is the only accurate bible & it's the only bible used by Faith of God bible school.

I attend an Assemblies of God church & enjoy it.

Sara & her immediate family were/are Russian Orthodox.
Hello Chrissy...thank you for sharing your story....I am sorry about your loss of Sara...poor girl went through more than she needed to.....but God has away of getting us out of harms way...unfortunately she was murdered..:(.....but she no longer has to be hurt by that monster.....I read that you went to a counseling session???.....I am happy for helps to speak to someone if you cannot cope by yourself....although I must say you already sounds like a very strong and brave woman already...I will keep you in my prayers..:)
Oh....thanks for your story Chrissy
it brings tears to my eyes
i am so sorry for your loss of a friend.
God bless her. I am sure she's at a better place with Michael right now:)
**hugs to you**
I didn't recieve help with anything except teasing at school. Tried a counselor I think 3 or 4yrs ago lasted a day. I was with a organisation called Mission Australia for 2yrs problem was had about 4 people to get help from in my 1st year was crazy then 2nd year had a man but couldn't really open up with him.

My church had a conference in April of this year & it changed everything. We went to different rooms to listen to different people speak & one women spoke about her heart ache of being abused by her father & brother causing her to loose respect in herself so she slept around looking for love. That changed me cause I could relate. This woman has given herself to Christ & is such a amazing person.

The woman I said isn't exactly a counsellor she is job access employee so there to help me get a job & sort myself. I felt comfortable with her although she is not a counselor or psychologist so opened up.

I find it easy talking over the net no idea why & I have spoken at a school some of the children I look after go to. That was amazing spoke about teasing & being respectful to fellow classmates.

I used to hate my life & even overdosed end of 2006. The amount of pills I took I should have been dead & couldn't understand why I wasn't until last year when I started back at church last year which turned my life around. I'm away from that church now & attend another but still stay in contact.

I'm always sponsoring a child or organisations & going broke cause of it lol. People always yell at me cause I put others first before myself but its the way I'am. I don't knock any religion or race because Jesus,Michael & Sara didn't.

My bf adopted 5 children (complicated story) Sara's cousins last month. Some of the children I nanny have lost parents to Aids/HIV & other things. So been wanting to Aid work for 4yrs now.

When Michael died I didnt sleep & recurring dreams about the day we met, the day I hadnt really though about since Sara died. I had forgotten that he told me "Keep up the good work" & when I thought about he didnt just mean Sara. He meant the world :)
That was an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it with us. I'm incredibly sorry about your friend. I'm so glad Michael was able to bring some joy into her life :yes:
Michael- God, what an amazing man. I'm glad he knew that we would always be behind him.
I remember that story. Michael didn't give up on them cause he didn't want them to die.

Her step father/uncle complicated story was into drugs & alcohol. Sometimes he was actually nice. Taking us down the street for icecream. I was 7 & 1/2 when I met Sara & her sisters. I didnt understand a lot. Visited there home a few times there was smashed glass everywhere & syringes. Whenever I was home from school I would take Sara for a walk because of age I didnt have money so would steal from mum's purse so I could buy Sara & her sisters food or books since they didnt go to school. Mum never noticed & I only told her about a month ago. It was a hard situation at a young age but I couldn't just not do anything.

Thank you for sharing your story! And I must tell you that you are one who inspires good in peoples heart.
Michael would have been proud of you! Thank you!
Oh, that was sad but so beautiful. The memory must be so precious! I wish I had gotten to meet Michael... I honestly, truly believe he was more than just a regular human. The effect he had on everyone who met him is just next to none!
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Thank you for sharing your story, Chrissy. You're a very special

person, and Sara was lucky to have met you.

' Keep up the good work'

Wow Chrissy.
Just wow.
That post you just wrote pushed a heap of emotions on me from shock to sadness to laughter to sadness again. Wow. Thank you for sharing that with us! I can't believe you met Michael Jackson! I can't believe you were in the same room, that he hugged you :wub: What a beautiful beautiful moment. It just shows how compassionate and beautiful Michael is/was/forever will be.

Lots of love to you. I hope your friend is doing better now. And if you ever need me don't hesitate to PM me! Few people can say they had such an experience with Michael so it may be hitting you harder than some of us here :huggy:

xxx thank you