My dad is in the hospital again, last night he had surgery.

How is your dad doing now? Hopefully a little bit better?
Are they still keeping him asleep?
It must be so frustrating that there's nothing that you can do right now... :better:
I'll keep praying for you and your dad! :pray:
Thanks alot people for the concern, means alot to me. I'm so happy that i can bring much better news.

Yesterday we heard that they found the right meds to treat against the pneumonia, but today was the best news so far. His wife went to visit him today and as soon as she entered the room he looked up, into her eyes, his blood pressure went up (no doubt because of all the emotions) but soon went down again. He squeezed in her hands several times, tried to talk but this didn't go well yet because of some sort of slime in his mouth.

When she left, he waved at her, so yeah...this is awesome news. This means he recognized her and that in terms of seems very well. Of course when he's fully recovered some other things might appear that have been damaged, but it's at least not this. He might have troubles speaking, things like that are would be horrible but hell...the good man lives, he recognizes his loved ones!!! I really have the feeling that some true miracles happened....he survived a blood pressure of 300+, he survived a very risky surgery and it looks like so far that mentally it's well too.
wow..this truly is a miracle...I will continue to pray for you and your family..he is over coming alot right now. Please remain strong..and please keep the faith..:hug:
Thanks alot people for the concern, means alot to me. I'm so happy that i can bring much better news.

Yesterday we heard that they found the right meds to treat against the pneumonia, but today was the best news so far. His wife went to visit him today and as soon as she entered the room he looked up, into her eyes, his blood pressure went up (no doubt because of all the emotions) but soon went down again. He squeezed in her hands several times, tried to talk but this didn't go well yet because of some sort of slime in his mouth.

When she left, he waved at her, so yeah...this is awesome news. This means he recognized her and that in terms of seems very well. Of course when he's fully recovered some other things might appear that have been damaged, but it's at least not this. He might have troubles speaking, things like that are would be horrible but hell...the good man lives, he recognizes his loved ones!!! I really have the feeling that some true miracles happened....he survived a blood pressure of 300+, he survived a very risky surgery and it looks like so far that mentally it's well too.

Praise the Lord... See, miracles do exist. ..I've known survivors of brain infarct, and though some do have more difficulty in speaking, it is a natural consequence at best, because they could've died.

Happy for you, hoping for more such good news, or, at least, for no bad ones. ..
I visited him today with my brother and my stepmother. As soon as we entered the room he waved at us, i gave him a huge and told him 'I told you we were gonna see you again' . He then said 'Yeah...i survived it... ' in a very calm but also surprised way. As if he hadn't expected to survive it.

I always find it very hard what to say in situations like these, but i explained to him that i am taking care of their dog for the time being. And then he said something that didn't make much sense to me at first. It turned out to be something from the past...and maybe he dreamt about that and tried to explain it.

His wife visited him after us again..and she said he wanted to kiss her all the time, and was very talkative. Really really cool to hear that, he obviously missed her alot, it was just a week..but damn..what a dramatic and horrible week for all of us. To get such good news is crazy good. Let's just hope no more obstacles on his way to recovery.
I'm so sorry that this is happening to your dad.

I'm glad he seems to have improved a lot. That's great.

Keeping him in my thoughts & prayers :angel:I really hope he continues to recover, and that the pneumonia isn't very detrimental to him.

I always find it very hard what to say in situations like these

Don't worry about that, as long as he knows you're there with him he'll be happy. Just hold his hand & tell him you love him, like you will have been doing. Sometimes some people who are seriously ill can get very affectionate like you describe him, because they are scared & they really really want and need to be comforted with love & physical contact. My Grandad used to stroke our faces/want us to stroke his face & want to kiss us/want us to kiss him, & always continuously hold our hands, to keep connected. And yes, like you said, say 'see you tomorrow' always, I really think it keeps people going sometimes to think of the future and getting to the next day.
I am so happy that you have good news on your dad..I have been paying for him..I will continue. Bless you and your family.
It's going downhill again....and this time it's much more serious too.

As i said before, the surgery went very well, even though he suffered a small brain infarction during it, he didn't show any damage when he finally woke up. He really was recovering and remembering everything. However, he had been feeling extremely down...depressed the last few days. Everything was negative for him...not much of a will to fight, it was real bad. But apparently the anti-depressants he always got for awhile now, the doctors had lowered the dosage, and i blame his depressed feelings on that...i'm almost sure that must be the reason.

My dad suffered from another brain infarction this morning, which makes it a total of 3 basically. (first at home before the surgery, during the surgery and now this one, just....crazy...) right now..he speaks very unclear, you can understand a few words, but when he makes lines/sentences, you just don't really understand it. His mouth looks weird when he talks...he doesn't seem to feel one of his legs and arms, his heart rate is rushing like crazy, and his blood pressure is too low. The whole situation is very serious...the coming 42 hours are very important. During that time, some kind of recovery should start to show's all very unclear now.

I know you shold always keep the faith and hope for the best...but it's just so hard to do that right now. I saw him and it's looking really bad.
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:( OMG, I'm so sorry to hear... I'm hoping with all my heart that your dad will get better!
Sending you lots of love and strength! :huggy: :heart:
It's going downhill again....and this time it's much more serious too.

As i said before, the surgery went very well, even though he suffered a small brain infarction during it, he didn't show any damage when he finally woke up. He really was recovering and remembering everything. However, he had been feeling extremely down...depressed the last few days. Everything was negative for him...not much of a will to fight, it was real bad. But apparently the anti-depressants he always got for awhile now, the doctors had lowered the dosage, and i blame his depressed feelings on that...i'm almost sure that must be the reason.

My dad suffered from another brain infarction this morning, which makes it a total of 3 basically. (first at home before the surgery, during the surgery and now this one, just....crazy...) right now..he speaks very unclear, you can understand a few words, but when he makes lines/sentences, you just don't really understand it. His mouth looks weird when he talks...he doesn't seem to feel one of his legs and arms, his heart rate is rushing like crazy, and his blood pressure is too low. The whole situation is very serious...the coming 42 hours are very important. During that time, some kind of recovery should start to show's all very unclear now.

I know you shold always keep the faith and hope for the best...but it's just so hard to do that right now. I saw him and it's looking really bad.

Very sad to read this... Will pray for your dad and all of you to keep strong..indeed, instances like that are playing with people's patience and state of mind, fear taking over. .. Hopes for the better, don't know what else to say. *hugs*
Thanks people. I just watched movies all's 3: 30 am almost here i should get some sleep. Watching movies is the best thing to do IMO to kill time...i have just no idea what to expect tomorrow. I'm actually afraid for tomorrow...i have really lost most of my faith for now...i guess i have to pray for a miracle once again, he survived alot lately, lots of big and serious things, but this is looking bad. I highly doubt he will start to feel his arm and leg again...and the same can be said about him talking clearly and being able to conversate with you. I so do not wish this on him, damn saddening to see him going through this.
He survived the night, the heart rate went steady again, so that was a huge relief. They moved him over to another hospital where they have more knowledge about neurology and everything about the human brain, plus it's the hospital he always prefered so i guess thats one less worry for him.

The doctors have said they can't really say much yet and that's its all a matter of time, it can take days, weeks..hell...even years apparently. They did say they found the whole situation worrysome and explained to us that its very possible that he'll be paralyzed from his left side. So his left arm and leg not functioning and who knows..maybe even his left eye not properly functioning, i seriously don't know anymore what the **** is happening here. From what seemed to be went downhill in just a few days...and even if he DOES recover from this (whether he'll be wheelchair bound or be able to walk himself) i wonder how he will live his life. Will it be in fear 24/7 , fear that another stroke might occur?(which is very possible..sadly..)my dad is a thinking person, he always thinks about other peopls troubles, the news, he thinks too much, too serious...that's never good for his blood pressure and his brains, but its who he is. This stroke is yet another serious blow to his head...and basically in just a few weeks he's suffered from 2 or probably even 3, if you count a tia as a stroke, how much more can his brain take?

We just gotta pray for a miracle, that he will start to feel his arm and leg again, cause if he's gonna be wheelchair bound and not able to use one arm...jesus. I just hope life will still be worth it for him...but i don't know man. Today when we visited him twice, he hadn't opened his eyes yet, he's aware of our presence, seems to recognize us as well. When he's hard to understand, so let's just hope his speaking ability will at least recover. All we can do is wait and have faith...nothing else. It's just fucking ridiculous what can happen in just two weeks...from bad to good, and then to awful.
Sorry to heard this.

My prayers are with your father, hope he goes well.

I hope he is able to make it through and emerge from this unfortunate situation stronger than ever. My prayers are with you and your family
I'm really not expecting any good news anymore man, i really for now have lost faith in it all. It all seemed to go so well, but of all went too well, should've known that, sigh. Good news can be anything now, it's just so bad now that every little bit of good news is great but i really ain't expecting a miracle that makes him start to feel his leg and arm again, i just don't...i pray he does but how much miracles can you get you know?

I just always make sure before i go into the room he's in, i look confident and strong, so he doesn't notice my fear and sadness too much. Cause i'm sure he'll start to worry about that too, and we can't have that.
Feeling your fears and pain... Praying for your father and all of you now. Keep the faith, you, guys, seem to be tested a lot. .. Wishing you the best.
I'm so sorry to hear... Really bad news... :( I will pray for your dad for a miracle! :pray: I know it's hard, but try to keep the faith! :huggy:

I just always make sure before i go into the room he's in, i look confident and strong, so he doesn't notice my fear and sadness too much. Cause i'm sure he'll start to worry about that too, and we can't have that.
I can understand that, but don't forget to tell him how much you love him... :heart: Just let your heart speak...
Today was probably the worst...we went to the hospital and he had a fever, a bad one. And such things never help of course. The nurse also said his situation was worse than yesterday and basically that he was fighting death. We were told a specialist for neurologics(sp?) wanted to talk with us later in the afternoon, explain us a few things.

He told us that his condition was indeed worse than yesterday but this is normal in a situation like this, when such a stroke happens its normal that it will first go 'downhill' and eventually will start to go better again. But he wanted to do a scan of his head, simply to see if another bleeding had occured or if the brain was swollen.(sp?) He told us that if its a bleeding, it can only go downhill more and more eventually leading to death, if it was swollen, that would be better news. So this was a real life and death situation. Glad as hell when they came back from the scan and told us that it wasn't a bleeding that had occurred.

However...if he recovers from all this, his life will change drastically. Now that they have done this scan, they got a good look at his brain and the damage done. It's practically 100% certain that he'll never be able to use his left arm anymore, and the same goes for his left leg. It's uncertain how his speaking ability is gonna be...but he'll be wheelchair bound and we might need to start with getting used to that idea...but how will my father take it? He's fighting though, and thats a good thing.
you and your family have been through so are doing the right thing remaining brave while infront of your father.I know it is not an easy thing to do...I will continue to pray for you and your family...:hug:....please..keep the faith.
So sorry to read all that, Staffordshire. Your father is very strong, though, look how much he's been through directly and he is still alive. What matters most is his survival right now, and the other things will be mulled over and discussed and dealt with later. There are quite a few of those people having suffered brain or heart infarcts that are unfortunately left confined in a wheelchair, but many of whom have discovered other blessings along their tried ways somehow, they did... Right now, though, the focus should remain on his survival. It must be excruciatingly hard, but try to hope for the best...
How is your dad doing now? Hopefully a little bit better?
Still praying for you and your dad... :pray: Hoping for a miracle... :heart:
Take care! :group:
*prays*... Having a bad feeling about this....

If you can let us know you are okay, at least. .. *hugs*
He's up there with Michael now, probably either having a nice talk with him or maybe even watching a performance.......

My great beloved father....passed away yesterday morning. Last saturday he suffered from another brain infarct, all this while he was already recovering slowly, he had woken up, talked to us and it looked good...but the infarct saturday proved to be too much, he never woken up from his sleep and yesterday morning his breathing was incredibly heavy and slow. It reminded me of how my pet rats used to look like when they were passing away...i knew right then and there, it would be over, which we basically already were aware of since the hospital had called us very early in the morning, telling us to come over right away. Together with his wife i sat next to him when he took his last breaths...i can't describe the feeling really....just horrible.

The day before it i already had pretty much lost most faith that he was gonna make it through, the fact that he hadn't woken up for three days, plus we had no idea how he would be if i he had woken up, i mean...yet another infarct? Damn!!!!! So i guess i kinda prepared for the worst, but when it eventually really happens....sigh. On one hand i am relieved and happy for him that he has his well deserved rest, no more pain,no more uncertainty, no more risks. Cause he would have had a life full of risks, if he had survived it. Wheelchair bound, and who knows what else after that last infarct...thats something i dont wish for him. On the other hand...i am so fucking mad,sad about it all. Mad because this is so incredibly unfair, the sweet man went through so much shit, endured so much sadness,sacrificed incredibly much for me and my brother. Finally found happyness with a new wife for 6 years...but in january,right in the new had to go this way for him, sigh.

My friends say that eventually i;ll become stronger after this, in due time i will accept it and only remember the great memories. And honestly....i don't have one single bad memory about him. Friday is the funeral...and i'm gonna be talking to/about him and i'll have Gone too soon played for him, cause that's one thing thats for sure.

Rest in peace my dear friend and father.