My dad is in the hospital again, last night he had surgery.

Jan 17, 2004
The nightmare (i wish it was) started on january and i wrote about it here. The crack on aorta was healing and all seemed to be going very well. Even though lately he complained about getting tired very quickly...but all the time he thought that was perfectly normal.

Yesterday evening i was gaming, i received a call from my dad, i thought it was dad but it was simply his wife calling me, and it was monday morning all over again. She asked me i could come over right away cause she believed my father just had a heart attack or tia, because for a few seconds his mouth had looked very weird, and couldn't properly speak..i think kinda like when people have a stroke. He had alot of pain near the area of the aorta.

So i went there, ambulance already there. We all went to hospital. They did a CT scan, doctor comes in and says 'Well mister, it doesn't look too good, i'm afraid' . He then explained that the crack/rip in the aorta had gone upwards, towards the heart. (previously it ripped downwards..still very serious but less life threatening) something that really doesn't happen often to patients that have a damaged aorta like this. So even though it doesn't happen DID happen with my dad, seriously...**** this world sometimes!!! Someone who SO DOES NOT deserve all this gets this.

The doc explained that a surgery was nessecary, highly nessecary, also a high risk surgery, a very critical condition. That same night he underwent surgery, after having no and my stepmother went to the hospital in the morning and after awhile one of the surgeons explained the situation to us. They spent 9 hours on the surgery, he also explained that there wasn't enough blood flowing through one of his arms and legs, and if this wasn't gonna be fixed or fixing itself, the arm/leg might die. But this seems better now, he's in the intensive care now and unconcious, because of the drugs/meds they used while performing surgery. They are gonna let him sleep for as long as nessecary, and have him wake up when the time is right.

I am happy as hell that he survived the surgery, cause the docs kept saying it was high risk, but i have no idea what to expect when he wakes up. Cause one of the arteries that connects or is related to the aorta...connects to his head, so like the docs say, we can't say what he will be like when he wakes up.
I'm so sorry to read this, I hope you're coping, the bad stuff always happens to the good people :( my thoughts and prayers are with you and your father :angel:
If you believe in prayers then pray. Like someone once told me: to pray it's not the last thing we can do, it really helps a lot. I hope your father gets better soon.
Thanks people, no i don't really pray and right now i'm just so mad. It always happens to the good people. And right now i cna't really believe there's a god....cause if there is..why is he letting this happen to him? Something that doesn't happen often and he gets it...i've no words for it.

I'm so happy that the surgery went well and he's alive, but at the same time so worried how he will be when he wakes up.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your father and the rest of your family :angel:
OMG... I'm so sorry to hear this... :(
Sending you lots of love and strength. :give_heart:
Don't really know how to pray but I will for your dad... :pray: I hope he will be ok...
Keep the faith! :hug:
My prayers are with you...I am glad that they got to it in time...THAT there is the blessing in all this. I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this..I will continue to pray for you . Please stay strong and keep us updated..:hug:
Thanks people.

The thing is...i am SO glad he survived the surgery, just like he survived a 300+ blood pressure in january when it first happened, that IS a miracle, its simple as that. As long as things don't go wrong, no bleedings and such (but they can happen, and if that happens, he'll be undergoing surgery....again, right away) and he wakes up tomorrow or someitme this week and he's ok. Oh my...that would be such a big relief.
Prayers to your father and for your strength... Well, a miracle happened, as you said, continue to believe, miracles are the work of God, and He is precisely trying the good ones.. His ways are mysterious...

Sincerely hope that your father will wake up feeling better and revived...
I went to see him for a few minutes, he's still in the IC, still asleep. But he has woken up early in the morning, when we weren't there. The doctors have said that they can feel the pulse again on his arms and legs, which is really good news cause right before the surgery they couldn't feel one on one of his legs and arms.

They also checked his pupils and they reacted to the bright light which is really good news, cause this is a indication that his brain functions and all kinds of importants things in his head function well. After the surgery the only dangers were bleedings that could occur and that would have meant going straight back into the surgery room, but that never happened. I'm so relieved...but also completely broken...emotionally i think. Once again so close to losing my father..but i'm only gonna concentrate on the good things and think positive, i'm having good faith he will overcome this all. He is one strong person!!!!
I went to see him for a few minutes, he's still in the IC, still asleep. But he has woken up early in the morning, when we weren't there. The doctors have said that they can feel the pulse again on his arms and legs, which is really good news cause right before the surgery they couldn't feel one on one of his legs and arms.

They also checked his pupils and they reacted to the bright light which is really good news, cause this is a indication that his brain functions and all kinds of importants things in his head function well. After the surgery the only dangers were bleedings that could occur and that would have meant going straight back into the surgery room, but that never happened. I'm so relieved...but also completely broken...emotionally i think. Once again so close to losing my father..but i'm only gonna concentrate on the good things and think positive, i'm having good faith he will overcome this all. He is one strong person!!!!

Do not worry... God is with him. :yes: :angel: More prayers for him. :pray:
They are still giving him artificial respiration because he can't breath all too well by himself yet, and he sleeps alot. I also checked some things on the internet, and what has happened is something that can take weeks before any real improvements start to show up. The docs have said they expect that he will be in the IC for 6 days in total. But it's all a matter of time, alot of time. All of that doesn't matter, as long as the good man recovers!!!

They replaced part of his aorta with stuff, certain kind of material, and apparently, there's a change it might cause other ilnesses later on, but there's nothing you can do about it, this surgery was 100% nessecary.
Yeah, but i must keep in mind to take it easy with saying it's going much better, i shouldn't get too happy too soon...

It's pretty clear that i probably got too excited/happy a bit too soon. Me and my stepmother just visited him, and it was truly a disaster to see that sweet man like that. We really didn't like what we saw, he was half-awake/asleep, and very restless, making very weird movements..almost...sigh...spastic movements actually. And it just hurts so much to see my dad like that. I don't get it why this is being done to him...they probably weren't spastic movements cause every month i go with my stepfather to a place for children with a handicap, his son is there. And i see spastic children, and that's very different.

We finally had a good conversation with a few of the doctors that performed the surgery on him. They told us that the weird movements are normal and happens with lots of patients there. I hadn't noticed this at all so i asked why i didn't see it from other patients, but those other patients don't have the same thing as my dad has. One thing is for sure..this situation is 100x worse than in januari, so much uncertainty, i'd like to fast forward this or just sleep until my dad truly starts to recover, signs of things getting better.

But i don't wish this on anyone, not even my worst enemy really. It's possible that there's improvement tomorrow, or the day after..or more days after it. Just one big fucking mess of uncertainty. And all we can do is wait, kill time...and write this stuff away, which always helps.
All you can do is take things one day at a time. As long as you can see improvements, no matter how small, that is good. I understand some of what you are going through and how rough it has been and will be. It's one damn scary time. It's not easy to see your parent so helpless.. But you are not alone and that is good. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too!
Sending Prayers and positive vibes to your father and you.
My stepmother called me with a small update. They have a hard time getting him to wake up, but when he does he's restless as hell, and soon they have to give him morphine again to calm him down. They are also gonna be putting him under a scan today, this time his head. They seem to be worried that there might be something wrong with his head..maybe his brain. Oh jeez...i thought things were gonna improve slightly each day, but this has me scared like hell.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear... :( I'll keep praying for you and your dad! :pray:
Sending you lots of love & strength! :give_heart: :heart: Keep your head up... :huggy:
Diana xx
Well today we spoke to the doctor and he explained the results from the brain-scan and they also did a scan of his bowels and such. There was nothing wrong with bowels, which is very good news cause there was a chance it was damaged and all of that would bring more diseases with it.

However, his brains are slightly damaged, his brain suffered a very slight infarct, which could mean that when he recovers he'll have trouble moving his arm(s) and/or leg(s). There's also a chance that it can have problems for him mentally. It's even possible that he won't have any problems....but i don't really believe in those kind of miracles.

There's unfortunetely also pneumonia developing, and the doctors are giving him meds to cure it, but its not working yet. It might not be life threatening but someone who's already quite sick doesn't benefit from this. They are still keeping him asleep most of the time with the usage of meds, cause its better for him. When they have him waking up, he's simply too restless and it really ain't good for the blood pressure. So until he wakes again and they keep him awake, we can then know for sure what kind of damages the brain-infarct has caused. So we haven't spoken at all with him yet...which really really sucks, but there's nothing we can do. Just alot of uncertainty and we'll just gonna have to wait.

I also asked the doctor what they as doctors thought of the situation. And they said they have faith in it, and are satisfied so far with how everything is going.
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the waiting is the hardest part my friend...but I will continue to pray for you and your family. Hopefully he will start responding to the antibiotics usually takes about 48 -72 hours for that to happen. Please try and remain positive.